Germany: Lindau
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Lindau - Germany
21/07/2015 – Passeio pela cidade alemã de Lindau, junto ao lago Constance onde é possível observar: Lighthouse and Bavarian Lion Sculpture, Peterskirche, Diebsturm, Stephanskirche, Mangturm, Historic Town Hall, ...
Avaliação de Diebsturm no TripAdvisor (
Esta torre mesmo ao lado da Peterskirche, foi no passado uma prisão e torre de vigia. Está fechada ao público mas consegue-se algumas boas fotos, principalmente do telhado que é muito colorido.
Avaliação de Peterskirche no TripAdvisor (
Igreja antiga e pequena, o seu interior está praticamente vazio. É possível observar os frescos já um pouco esbatidos. Pode parecer fechada, apenas é necessário empurrar a porta.
Avaliação de Historic Town Hall no TripAdvisor (
Este prédio destaca-se pela sua bela decoração todo ele pintado com diversos elementos. Muito bonito e não deixe de ver as duas fachadas.
Avaliação de New Town Hall no TripAdvisor (
Este edifício perde um pouco de protagonismo ao estar mesmo encostado à antiga Rathaus que é muito bonito. Todo ele pintado a vermelho na sua fachada destaca-se um conjunto de sinos.
Avaliação de Lindavia-Brunnen no TripAdvisor (
Esta fonte ocupa lugar de destaque num pequeno jardim, estando decorada com várias estátuas, é um espaço refrescante em dia de calor.
Avaliação de Stephanskirche no TripAdvisor (
A torre desta igreja (em conjunto com a da sua vizinha catedral) marcam a paisagem de Lindau, visível a grande distância. O seu exterior é em pedra com formas interessantes mas o interior é simples onde predomina o branco. Ponto de passagem pelo que não custa fazer uma visita.
Avaliação de Lighthouse and Bavarian Lion Sculpture no TripAdvisor (
Imagem que identifica esta pequena cidade. O farol e o leão definem a entrada do porto. Para quem chega de barco ou passeia pela cidade não fica indeferente a estes dois magestosos monumento. Fotos obrigatórias!
Avaliação de Mangturm no TripAdvisor (
Outrora farol, um dos primeiros do lago Constança, data do século XII, é hoje um dos elementos mais bonitos do porto de Lindau. Ponto de paragem obrigatório para fotos.
Music Instrumental
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Lindau (German City),bodensee,Germany (Country),Bavaria (German State),Peterskirche,Diebsturm,Stephanskirche,Mangturm,Historic Town Hall,Bavarian Lion Sculpture,Lighthouse,New Town Hall,Lindavia-Brunnen,Munster Unserer Lieben Frau,Stadtmuseum Lindau,Alemanha,Deutschland,Alemania,Allemagne,Germania,Überlinger See,Konstanz,Lake,Constance,Lago de Constanza
The PRETTIEST German Island You've Never Heard Of! | Lindau Island
Lindau Island is nestled on Lake Constance (Bodensee in German) near the meeting point of the Austrian, German and Swiss borders. Lindau's medieval town center and picturesque location in Bavaria with lake and mountain views makes it the nearly perfect place for a holiday. I had never heard of Lindau before this trip so I suspect many other non-European folks also haven’t heard of it. As you'll see, conditions were NOT ideal, but I still fell in love with Lindau while I was there and think you should add it to your list of ideas for your next vacation.
If you do visit, make sure you see:
- the Lindau Lighthouse
- the 12th-century Mangturm, a former watchtower
- the Gothic Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) with its painted facade
- the Bavarian Lion statue in the harbor
WATCH NEXT: Neuschwanstein Castle - The Most Beautiful Castle In Germany!
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The spectacular island of Lindau, Germany
SUBSCRIBE: - Island, Germany. Vic Stefanu, Lindau is a town on Lake Constance (or Bodensee) in Bavaria, Germany, known for its old town on Lindau island. The harbor has a Bavarian Lion statue and a stone lighthouse with lake and mountain views. On the harborfront Seepromenade, the 12th-century Mangturm is a former watchtower with a pointed, tiled roof. Near restaurant-lined Maximilianstrasse, the Gothic Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) has a painted facade.
Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
Lindau a Bódeni tónál 2017 1
Lindau (alemmannul Linda) festői szépségű német város, mely a Boden-tó (Bodensee) partján, a német-osztrák-svájci hármashatárnál fekszik.
Svábföld egyező nevű kerületének közigazgatási központja.
A történelmi óváros egy 68 hektáros part menti szigeten fekszik, ami a Vatikán területének másfélszerese. A szigetet egy gát és egy híd köti össze a szárazfölddel. A lindaui fő pályaudvar is a szigeten található. A város és az Ausztria közötti határt a Leiblach folyó képezi. Mára Lindau jócskán túlnőtte az eredeti területéül szolgáló szigetet, és a szárazföldön több, mint 30 km²-es területet is magába foglal.
Lindau a Sváb-Bajor-medence és az Alpok vonulatai között fekszik. A hegyvidéki éghajlat közelsége magasabb csapadékot és alacsonyabb évi középhőmérsékletet okoz. Az évi átlagos csapadékmennyiség 1420 mm körüli. A legcsapadékosabb hónap a június, amikor több mint kétszer annyi eső hullik, mint a legszárazabb februárban.
A város jelképének számít, bejáratát egyik oldalról az 1856-ban épült világítótorony, a másik oldalról egy oroszlán szobra szegélyezi.
Már az első pályaudvar is a szigeten épült 1853-ban, mivel fontossá vált, hogy a kikötőbe érkező árukat közvetlenül lehessen vasúton tovább szállítani. A mai pályaudvar, Lindau Hauptbahnhof 1913 és 1920 között épül, és a Jugendstil, azaz a szecesszió jegyeit viseli magán.
A régi városháza (Altes Rathaus) 1422-ben épült gótikus stílusban, majd 1576-ban a reneszánsznak megfelelően átépítették, és egy lépcsőzetet is kapott. A hátsó falán a város történetét felelevenítő festmény található, amely a 19. században készült historizáló stílusban. A sétálóutca felőli oromzat alatt egy díszes külső lépcső is található. 1496 és 1497-ben a városháza gótikus tanácstermében tartották a birodalmi gyűlést (Reichstag).
A Mangturm (Mang-torony) régen világítótoronyként funkcionált és 1180-tól 1300-ig volt használatban. Húsz méteres magasságágával még néhány templomtornyot is leköröz. A kikötő mellett álló épület valamikor a városfal végét jelentette, és a 19. századig csupán egy vonathídon keresztül lehetett megközelíteni. A tornyot a tetejét díszítő színes cserepek teszik könnyen felismerhetővé. Nevét a közelben egykor működött posztócéhről kapta (Mang vö. mángorló).
A tolvajok tornya (Diebsturm) az óváros északi végében épült a városfal részeként 1380-ban. Sokáig börtönként szolgált, a neve is innen ered.
A sziget sétáló és főutcáját, a 16. és 17. században épült polgárházak szegélyezik. A házak tornácai, ablakai és oromzata gazdagon díszítettek, sok falat festmények borítanak.
Haus zum Cavazzen a festett homlokzatú ház 1728-1729 között épült barokk stílusban az apenzelli építész, Jakob Grubenmann tervei alapján. A híres művészettörténész, Georg Dehio „a Bodeni-tó legszebb házának” nevezte az épületet. 1928 óta itt kap helyet a városi múzeum.
Lindavia kutat II. Lajos bajor király trónra lépésének huszadik évfordulója alkalmából építették vörös márványból. A tetején a város védője, Lindavia látható egy hársfaággal. A többi figura a város gazdagságát: a kikötőt, a halászatot, a borászatot, és a földművelést jelképezi.
A várost egyedülálló fekvése, és történelmi óvárosa miatt rengeteg turista keresi fel. A nyári hónapokban ez jelenti a fő bevételi forrást. Az évente megrendezett események, mint a Nobel-díjasok Gyűlése és a Pszichoterápiás Hetek szintén sok látogatót vonzanak. A várost érintik a Németország alpesi területén futó kiránduló utak, valamint Lindau az egyik állomása a Boden-tó körüli kerékpár- és túraútvonalaknak.
A szigeten lévő éttermek célcsoportja elsősorban a várost egy napra meglátogató turisták, míg a szárazföldi városrészek éttermei a lindauiakat és a közeli osztrák városokból ide látogatókat szolgálják ki.
Itteni látogatásunk során készített fotóimból született meg ez a videóm, melyet szívesen ajánlok látogatóimnak megtekintésre.
The island of Lindau, Germany in 4K | DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
Spectacular aerial views of the island of Lindau, Germany in 4K UHD. Aerial drone footage on DJI Mavic 2 Zoom.
Lindau is a major town and island on the eastern side of Lake Constance in Bavaria, Germany. It is the capital of the county of Lindau, Bavaria and is near the borders of the Austrian state of and the Swiss cantons of St. Gallen and Thurgau. The historic town of Lindau is located on the 0.68-square-kilometre island of the same name which is connected with the mainland by a road bridge and a railway dam leading to Lindau station.
The Lindau lighthouse is the southernmost lighthouse in Germany, on Lake Constance. It is 33 metres (108 ft) tall and has a circumference of 24 metres (79 ft) at its base. Notably, it has a clock in its facade. The lighthouse was built from 1853 to 1856 at the western mole in the entrance to the harbour of Lindau and was first lit on 4 October 1856. It succeeded the light station in the Mangturm tower of 1230.
During the first years of operation the light was created by an open oil fire. At that time the keeper would have to keep the fire burning steadily in great pans and operate a bell and foghorn. The firing was later converted to kerosene and then gas.
Since 1936 the tower has been operated electrically and was automated in the early 1990s. The light is lit on demand by ships using radio signals. The light characteristic is one flash every three seconds, which is created by two rotating parabolic reflectors.
5 Minuten in Lindau
5 Minuten in Lindau, bayern, deuthland.
Bayerischer Löwe, Neuer Lindauer Leuchtturm, Lindau Hafen, Mangturm, Lindau Hbf, Bodensee
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Lindau Germany
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Lindau è una città sul lago di Costanza, noto anche come Bodensee, nella Baviera tedesca. È conosciuta per il centro storico, situato su un'isola. Nel porto si trovano la statua del Leone bavarese e il faro in pietra di Lindau, che offre una prospettiva sul lago e sulle montagne. Sulla Seepromenade, di fronte al porto, si erge la Mangturm, antica torre di osservazione del XII secolo, caratterizzata dall'acuminato tetto in tegole. Il Municipio gotico, vicino ai ristoranti della Maximilianstraße, ha una facciata affrescata.
Op het snijpunt van Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Zwitserland ligt het vakantie eiland Lindau. De ligging is uniek. Middenin een helder meer, een zachtgroene omgeving en met sneeuw bedekte bergen ligt het historische eiland van Lindau met zijn unieke charme. Het eiland is tegenwoordig door een dam en een brug met het vasteland verbonden. Op het eiland ligt de historische binnenstad van de gelijknamige stad Lindau. In dit schilderachtige middeleeuwse stadje lijkt de tijd te hebben stilgestaan. Er staan vele prachtige barokke kerken en historische gebouwen, die de moeite van het bekijken meer dan waard zijn. Met historische gebouwen, levendige pleinen en schilderachtige stegen straalt het oude centrum van Lindau op een 70 ha groot eiland een bijna mediterrane flair uit. Ook zijn er leuke terrasjes en een leuke boulevard. In het barokke Stadtmuseum kun je ontdekken hoe de burgerij vroeger woonde en leefde. Vanaf de voormalige vuurtoren (Mangturm) heb je een mooi uitzicht op de Oostenrijkse stad Bregenz. Een indrukwekkend Alpen- en Bodenseepanorama strekt zich achter de wijd en zijd bekende havenmond met Beierse leeuwen en een witte vuurtoren uit. In een van de talrijke cafés kan de maritieme drukte in de haven en op de oeverpromenade, die doorgaat voor een van de mooiste aan de Bodensee, op uitstekende wijze worden geobserveerd. Op de Marktplatz staat het Haus zum Cavazzen. Dit huis werd rond 1600 bewoond door de rijke Italiaanse koopmansfamilie Cavazzo. Opvallend is de royaal beschilderde brede gevel van dit huis. In het gebouw bevindt zich nu het kunstmuseum van de stad. Ontdek de oude stadskern van Lindau tijdens een rondleiding door de stad. De stadsgidsen van Lindau voeren u met gefundeerde kennis en mooie anekdotes op een tijdreis door de historie en traditie van de eiland- en tuinstad.
GoNoGuide SS1 EP66 - Lindau เที่ยวลินเดา เกาะกลางทะเลสาบ Constance ชายแดนเยอรมัน ออสเตรีย สวิส
Lindau เที่ยวลินเดา เกาะกลางทะเลสาบ Half-day trip in Lindau - old town on island : Germany Travel Vlog Ep66
ตอนที่แล้ว Traveling from munich to Lindau - Train, Bus, Train
ที่สนใจก็เพราะ มันเป็นเมืองบนเกาะ
และสามารถมองเห็นได้ 3 ประเทศเลยค่ะ คือ เยอรมนี สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ และออสเตรีย
Landmark ที่สำคัญ
- Lindau lighthouse เป็นประภาคาร ที่เราสามารถขึ้นไปดูวิว(สวยมากๆ)อย่างกับสวรรค์ชั้น7(มันมี7ชั้นนี่นา) ในราคา 2.1 ยูโร
- Bavarian lion เป็นรูปปั้นที่กลายเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของเมือง Lindau ไปซะแล้ว (อยู่ตรงข้ามกับประภาคาร)
- Mangturm เป็นประภาคารเก่าตั้งแต่ศตวรรษที่13 ไม่สูงมาก แต่ดูสะดุดตาค่ะ
- Old town hall, St. Stephan's church , Stadtmuseum
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Lindau am Bodensee
Lindau si trova in Germania sulle rive del lago di Costanza (Bodensee) ed è caratterizzata da un'isola alla quale si può accedere attraverso un ponte. Per visitarla si può lasciare l'auto in un parcheggio appena prima del ponte e proseguire a piedi. Sull'isola di Lindau si possono ammirare antichi ed eleganti edifici decorati con numerosi affreschi, tra cui spicca il vecchio municipio, costruito in epoca gotica.
Gli edifici religiosi più importanti sono la chiesa cattolica Unserer Lieben Frau e la chiesa protestante di Santo Stefano.
Proseguendo la visita si arriva al porto, da qui partono i traghetti che collegano le città più importanti affacciate sul Bodensee. L'ingresso del porto è caratterizzato da due costruzioni, il faro, risalente alla metà del 1800 ed il leone Bavarese che rivolge il suo sguardo verso il lago e simboleggia la potenza della Baviera.
Sul lungolago è possibile ammirare anche il vecchio faro, costituito da un'elegante torre detta Mangturm.
Riprese: Walter Paesano
Under the Mangturm of Lindau17-7-13
Top 10 Places To Visit in Germany | Visit Germany - 10 Places That Will SHOCK You About Germany
Top 10 Places To Visit in Germany | Visit Germany - 10 Places That Will SHOCK You About Germany
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1. Volkerschlachtdenkmal (Leipzig)
The Monument to the warfare of the international locations is a point of hobby in Leipzig, Germany, to the 1813 struggle of Leipzig, usually referred to as the war of the countries. Wikipedia
deal with: Str. des 18. Oktober 100, 04299 Leipzig, Germany
2. Aachen Cathedral
Aachen Cathedral, by and large alluded to in English as the Cathedral of Aix-los angeles-Chapelle, is a Roman Catholic church in Aachen,
western Germany. Wikipedia
address: Domhof 1, 52062 Aachen, Germany
3. Sylt
Sylt is a German island within the Frisian archipelago within the North Sea. it is recognized for its long beaches, inns and the Wadden Sea mudflats at the eastern side. The 1700s vintage Frisian house has a secured housetop and shows about pre-20th century island lifestyles.
4.Saxon Switzerland country wide Park
Saxon Switzerland country wide Park, is a countrywide Park within the German loose nation of Saxony near the capital metropolis of Dresden.It spreads regions of 93.five km² inside the heart of the German part of the Elbe ... Wikipedia
address: 01814 horrific Schandau, Germany
5. Schwerin castle
Schwerin Palace, or Schwerin citadel, is a palatial schloss organized within the metropolis of Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern country, Germany. it is prepared on an island inside the metropolis's critical lake, the Schweriner See. Wikipedia
6. Rugen Cliffs
Rügen is a German island in the Baltic Sea. it is regarded for its shores and white chalk feigns, like the King's Chair on the Jasmund projection. The King's Chair has an audit degree and visitors middle with suggests around Rügen nature. it is a chunk of Jasmund countrywide Park, recognised for its primitive beech woodlands and white-took after hawks. The close to to sea aspect resort Sassnitz has the submarine HMS Otus, now an real recognition.
address: Lennéstraße 1, 19053 Schwerin, Germany
7. Berchtesgaden
Berchtesgaden is a German metropolis inside the Bavarian Alps on the Austrian outer edge. South of town, Hitler's hen of prey's Nest pull lower back, the Kehlsteinhaus has a diner with lifted factors of view. The Dokumentation Obersalzberg actual attention accounts the Nazi time body. Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden illuminates the salt mine's 500-12 months history. Lifts incite to Obersalzberg and Rossfeld ski regions. across the south, trails pass Berchtesgaden countrywide Park.
8. Hohenzollern fortress
Hohenzollern citadel is the genealogical seat of the top notch house of Hohenzollern. The 0.33 of three royal residences at the website,
it's far organized on Berg Hohenzollern, a 234-meter fake rising above the cities ... Wikipedia
9. Zugspitze
The Zugspitze, at 2,962 m above sea stage, is the most giant zenith of the Wetterstein Mountains and the maximum surprising mountain in Germany. Wikipedia
10. Lindau
Lindau is a city on Lake Constance (additionally called Bodensee) in Bavaria, Germany, regarded for its antique metropolis, on an island. in the harbor are a Bavarian Lion statue and the stone Lindau Lighthouse, with lake and mountain sees. at the harborfront Seepromenade, twelfth century Mangturm is a past watchtower with a pointed, tiled housetop. close restaurant covered Maximilian avenue, the Gothic old metropolis hall has a painted end.
address: 72379 Burg Hohenzollern, Germany
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Germany Travel Guide - The Harbor in Lindau
Take a tour of Lindau Harbor in Lindau, Germany -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The historical portion of Lindau, Germany is located on a small island on Lake Constance.
A remarkable feature of this town is its quiet harbor, which provides views of a rolling mountain range as well as spectacular waters.
The fortified tower on the harbor was built in the 13th century and once served as a lighthouse.
Lindau's harbor is one of the city's more popular sites, especially during summer months.
The mouth of the harbor is guarded by a Bavarian lion sitting atop a 20 foot pedestal and the towns 108 foot town lighthouse.
At night, the port of Lindau lights up, transforming it into a sparkling scenic view.
Lindau Bodensee - Hafenpromenade bei Dunkelheit / Seehafen bei Nacht
Der Lindauer Hafen
Der Rundgang durch Lindau beginnt auf der Promenade vor der Lindauer Hafeneinfahrt. Hier trifft man zunächst auf den Alten Leuchtturm. Der auch Mangturm genannte Turm wurde im 13. Jh. erbaut und war ein markanter Punkt in der Stadtbefestigung Lindau´s. Von dieser Stelle aus haben Sie einen herrlichen Blick auf die am anderen Ufer liegende Landeshauptstadt von Vorarlberg (Bregenz), sowie auf die Berge des Bregenzerwaldes und des schweizerischen Rheintals. Die Hafeneinfahrt wird umrahmt von dem Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts errichteten Leuchtturm und dem zur gleichen Zeit entstandenem Bayerischen Löwen.
Season Change in Germany EP05 :: ตะลุยเยอรมันนี นั่งเรือต่อรถไฟไป ลินเดา
TaluiTamtawan The Passion of Life :
Season Change in Germany EP05 Let's go to Lindau
ตะลุยตามตะวัน ตะลุยเยอรมันนี ในฤดูที่แตกต่าง ตอนที่ 05 เดินทางไปเกาะ ลินเดา
Lindau is a town on Lake Constance (or Bodensee) in Bavaria, Germany, known for its old town on Lindau island. The harbor has a Bavarian Lion statue and a stone lighthouse with lake and mountain views. On the harborfront Seepromenade, the 12th-century Mangturm is a former watchtower with a pointed, tiled roof. Near restaurant-lined Maximilianstrasse, the Gothic Altes Rathaus (Old Town Hall) has a painted facade.
Lindau (officially in German: Lindau (Bodensee)) is a major town and an island on the eastern side of Lake Constance (Bodensee in German). It is the capital of the Landkreis or county Lindau, Bavaria, and located near the borders of Austria (Vorarlberg) and Switzerland (St. Gallen and Thurgau). The coat of arms of Lindau town is a linden tree, referring to the supposed origin of the town's name (Linde means linden tree in German). The historic town of Lindau is located on an 0.68-square-kilometre (0.26 sq mi) island, which is connected with the mainland by a road-traffic bridge and a railway dam leading to Lindau station.
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ตะลุยตามตะวัน ตะลุยเยอรมันนีในฤดูที่แตกต่าง ตอน ที่ 5 เจอหิมะตก วันแรกของทริป ติ่นเต้น สนุกมาก จากนั้นกินอาหารเช้า ที่ Hotel Sky Viva ซึ่ง ตะลุยตามตะวัน เลือกพักที่นี่ เนื่องจากใกล้ สถานีรถไฟ และ ท่าเรือ และ ฺBus Stop ค็อนชตันทซ์ ลากกระเป๋า สะพายเป้ ขึ้นเรือ Catamaran ข้ามทะเลสาบ Bodensee ไปยัง Friedrichshafen เพื่อต่อรถไป ถึง 3 ขบวน เพื่อไปยัง เกาะ ลินเดา Lindau Island สุดเขตแดนเยอรมันนี ติดกับ ออสเตรีย และ ฝั่งตรงข้าม ทะเลสาบ เป็น สวิสซ์
ตะลุยตามตะวัน ติดตามข่าวพระราชสำนักฯ สมเด็จพระเทพฯ ทรงเสด็จ ไปร่วมงานประชุม และ พิธีเปิด ผู้ได้รับรางวัลโนเบล จึง ตามรอยพระองค์ท่าน ครับ
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#iPhone #Filmmaker #Series #SeasonChangeInGermany
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EP 00 ::
EP 01 ::
EP 02 ::
EP 03 ::
EP 04 ::
EP 05 ::
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EP 10 ::
EP 11 ::
EP 12 ::
EP 13 ::
#iphoneFilmmaker :: Season Change in Germany ::
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Thanks : for watching & like & share
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เที่ยวสนุก กินอร่อย พักสบาย ตะลุยตามตะวัน ตือ เว็บท่องเที่ยว รีวิวที่เที่ยว ที่พัก รีสอร์ทและสปา อาหารการกิน ทั้งในและต่างประเทศ ตลอดจน การถ่ายภาพ ถ่ายวีดิทัศน์ และรีวิว แนะนำ อุปกรณ์ถ่ายภาพ ถ่ายวีดิทัศน์ และอุปกรณ์ที่จำเป็น สำหรับการเดินทางท่องโลก เพราะ ชีวิตคือการเดินทาง Life is Journey
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What is Talui Tamtawan 's show ?
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We are TaluiTamtawan, dream destination & journey around the world to take photos and videos. Including providing travel guide & review for you so that you can travel on your own.
Any restaurants, cafes, bakeries, hotels, resorts and spa, as well as tour packages are interested in having Talui Tamtawan Team record video review and/or introduce your business to media advocates, you' re welcomed to contact us.
Website :: TaluiTamtawan.Com
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Channel 1 :: The Passion of Life,
Channel 2 :: Gadgets Review,
Channel 3 :: Travel Guide & Review,
Channel 4 :: Food & Beverage Review,
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Tel :: 0898788118
Thanks for watching TaluiTamtawan, Since@2003
Good luck, ByeBye, Seeyou !
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Lindau Bodensee - Hafenpromenade bei Dunkelheit / Seehafen bei Nacht
Lindau (Bodensee)
Das Wahrzeichen der Stadt Lindau ist die berühmte Hafeneinfahrt mit dem Leuchtturm und dem Bayrischen Löwen. Der Leuchtturm kann bestiegen werden. Man hat von dort oben einen schönen Blick auf die Stadt, den See und die Berge. Vom Lindauer Hafen aus lässt sich der gesamte Bodensee aus erkunden. Viele Ausflugsschiffe laden zu Fahrten auf den Bodensee ein. So gibt es ständige Fährverbindungen zu den anderen Orten am Bodensee und auch diverse Rundfahrten auf dem See. Für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei. Eine sehr schön gestaltete Uferpromenade lädt zum Spazieren ein. So gibt es einen schönen Weg entlang des Sees vorbei am alten Pulverturm zurück in die Stadt.