Malta's Massive Sinkhole in Qrendi/ il MAQLUBA
CHECKOUT MY NEW CHANNEL... Ii-Maqluba consists of a deep, large-scale inland collapsed solution structure. It is the best example within the Maltese Islands of a closed depression that is formed either by the solution of surface stones or by a collapse of underlying caves. This phenomenon makes it a unique area in the Maltese islands with a distinctive ecosystem.
il maqluba,Qrendi Malta
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Il-Maqluba Qrendi Malta
The most prominent Doline in Malta with a legend to go with it..
Into Maqluba
Thousands of years ago the roof collapsed on a massive cave close to what is now the village of Qrendi in Malta. It left a 'Solution Subsidence Structure' - a crater that is hundreds of feet across and between 40 and fifty metres deep.
Early on a Sunday morning in August 2007 we set out to explore the bottom of Il Maqluba. There wasn't much there apart from carob trees, bamboo thickets, and some old car tyres!
Maltese Archipelago - Malta - Qrendi - Il-Maqluba
Malta - Qrendi - Il-Maqluba
(Location:: 35° 49.873'N, 14° 27.402'E)
Walking around Qrendi, Malta
Starting near Qrendi Parish Church, we take a circular route proceeding first towards Cavalier Tower and the chapel dedicated to St. Catherine ('Tat-Torba'). We then detour east into the area where the abandoned village of Hal-Lew once stood. There we visit 'Tal-Hniena' Sanctuary and proceed onward to Wied Hoxt around the 'Maqluba' depression. We return to the main village square after a short detour to 'Tal-Grazzja' chapel and Guarena Palace.
~MALTA~ QRENDI Maqluba sinkhole nature
Il- Maqluba is a sinkhole in Qrendi in the south of the island .Years passed and the sinkhole turned into a nature reserve with large trees growing ,wild flowers and plants and also some small animals living in the caves .Il- Maqluba is a spetacular place to explore the amazing nature but ,be careful as going to the bottom may be dangerous .However the Maqluba isn't just a sinkhole ,but it has it's own legend .
Many years ago a village stood on the site of the sinkhole .The people of the village were very greedy with other villages .Then one day a woman from a close village told them that God spoke to her that if they will continue to be greedy ,God will punish them .However they didn't care and kept on going with their greedy life .Then one day a storm hit the area and ,the village collapsed and crumbled down to the sinkhole but the village chapel of St Matthew didn't collapse and it's still there today .The information of the legend from Qrendi Local Council .Enjoy :)
Malta u Lil Hinn Minnha - Il Maqluba, il Qrendi
Iż-żona tal-Maqluba, il-Qrendi, fil-programm Malta u Lil Hinn Minnha. Grazzi lil CVC għall-filmati u l-promozzjoni.
Maqluba Qrendi from Above.
AirHDVisionMalta April 2014.
Copyright airphotomalta
Mysterious sinkhole, Il Maqluba, MALTA
Thanks to ;
Jason Schembri drone shot
Emanuel Muscat Rainfall
Il-Maqluba (tal-Maqluba) located at Qrendi, Malta means upside down, the upturned, overturned and comes from the myths about the creation of tal-Maqluba (the Maqluba).
Is Il-Maqluba a doline (sinkhole) natural cave and collapsed excavated hole dug by the Phoenicians, a legendary crater formed by the wrath of God/Devil or an Electric Universe crater?
Qrendi Malta in 4k Drone footage
It was on the 23rd November 1343 that Malta was hit by a storm which raged for three continuous days flooding the whole of the landscape. It is thought that it was exactly as a consequence of this storm that one prominent land feature which has become synonymous with Qrendi, known to all as il-Maqluba, was formed.
This sinkhole or Doline is associated with a legend that has been recounted by numerous authors, some giving it a little more colour or differing in some minor detail. The legend itself has, however, withstood the test of time.
The Maqluba Legend as recounted narrates of a village that were not living according to the will of God. A devout woman used to warn them on the need to change their ways and revert to a righteous life, as otherwise Almighty God would punish them. With her warnings going unheeded, everything was destroyed as the village was swallowed by the land and all that remained was a large and deep hole in the ground, and where only the God-fearing woman remained. A variant of this legend speaks of a nun as saved while praying in the small San Mattew Crypt during the occurrence.
The Maqluba sinkhole or doline adjacent to the chapel of St Matthew is composed of blue clay and globigerina limestone that top the lower coralline limestone or żonqor. The area is a place of natural interest and beauty formed via the power of storm water runoff water which percolated through cracks and crevices. This gradual, yet constant, penetration created underground cavities and caves which became larger with the passing of time thus producing a hollow that was eventually unable to support the overlying top layer, which eventually collapsed and created the doline that can be seen today.
With an area of 420 square metres, and a perimeter measuring 260 metres, the Maqluba doline offers the visitor more of a spot of natural beauty and attributed legend. Dominant trees identified in this site include the laurel tree (siġra tar-rand) not too widely found in the Maltese islands; the fig tree (siġra tat-tin), the pomegranate tree (siġra tar-rummien) the carob tree (siġra tal-ħarrub), the hawthorn (siġra tal-anżalor) along with reeds (qasab) and the bramble (għollieq).
One particular species that merits special mention is the sandarac gum tree (siġra tal-għargħar) which naturally occurs in North Africa, Southern Spain, and in Malta growing only at Maqluba and Imġiebagħ and in the Mellieha area
Under these trees other plants thrive such as the large-leafed nettle (ħurrieq) and the cleavers (ħarxajja komuni). On the sides of the Maqluba many other flora species cling to the steep rocky flanks that enclose this depression. Thus one notices the Maltese salt tree (xebb), the ivy (liedna) and the caper (kappara), but also the prickly pear (bajtra tax-xewk) and the omnipresent Bermuda buttercup (ħaxixa Ingliża) along with many other plants.
The list of fauna identified in the Maqluba is also interesting especially as some of these creatures are endemic to Malta, including a number of species of beetle, slug, types of rare ants, a rare woodlouse including the grey long-eared bats and free-tailed bats, known to inhabit this zone.
Il-Maqluba is a Special Area of Conservation – Candidate Site of International Importance and designated as a Tree Protection Area, forming part of Natura 2000 sites, a network of nature protection areas within the European Union.
Quiet Culture - Maqluba, Qrendi
Roaming Around the quiet areas surrounding Maqluba, Qrendi. From the agricultural land to the sea .
Rainfall at il-Maqluba Qrendi 24.06.2016
Rainfall at il-Maqluba Qrendi 24.06.2016
Iż-żona tal-Maqluba fil-limiti tal-Qrendi ingħatat dehra ġdida.
Iż-żona tal-Maqluba fil-limiti tal-Qrendi ingħatat dehra ġdida.
Malta u Lil Hinn Minnha - Il-Kappella ta' San Mattew tal-Maqluba u l-Premju EDEN
Il-Kappella ta' San Mattew tal-Maqluba fil-programm 'Malta u Lil Hinn Minnha'. Permezz ta' din il-Kappella, ir-raħal tal-Qrendi rebaħ il-Premju EDEN, kif tistgħu tisimgħu u taraw f'dan il-feature li fih il-Kavallier Mario Coleiro jitkellem mas-Sindku David Schembri
San Mattew Church (tal-Maqluba), Malta.
Il-Maqluba (tal-Maqluba) located at Qrendi, Malta means upside down, the upturned, over turned and comes from the myths about the creation of tal-Maqluba (the Maqluba).
Is Il-Maqluba a doline (sinkhole) natural cave and collapsed excavated hole dug by the Phoenicians, a legendary crater formed by the wrath of God/Devil or an Electric Universe crater?
Il-Maqluba | legendary naturally depressed doline - angels dump
On the 23rd November 1343, Malta experienced one of its most severe winter storms ever, possibly accompanied by an earthquake. It was at this time that il-Maqluba was formed. This is a natural depression formed by the collapse of the underlying limestone strata, known as a doline in geological language. It is now a sinkhole, collecting rainwater from a three-mile radius and helping to maintain our underground water supplies.
Being the middle ages, this natural event was obviously turned into a legend. This legend tells us of a group of bad people living together in a hamlet. God warned the village, through a good woman living close by, against their bad ways. As the bad people did not heed these warnings, God decreed that the land swallow the hamlet, sparing none except the good woman. Angels were then dispatched to dispose of the hamlet by dumping it at sea. Legend thus tells of the formation of the island of Filfla, just off the southwest coast of Malta.
Mattew chapel, in tal-Maqluba, is actually two chapels. The older chapel, on the edge of the sinkhole, is one of the oldest in Malta and is believed to have been built in the fifteenth century. The first written mention of this crypt was by Inquisitor Dusina in the report of his pastoral visit to the Maltese Diocese between 1574 and 1575. The other chapel was built between 1674 and 1682.
Maqluba, Tal-Hniena and Wied Babu| ramblersmalta
il-Maqluba | Phoenicians tanks/wells, Tas-Sekonda and the tempest
According to some studies that were done it is said that the land in around is the shallowest part of the area that the ancient Phoenicians excavated many large wells in there . A fact of that, a half remained bell shaped well is still intact and can be seen easily covered with deffun but it happened that the type of limestone in this area where these wells were dug is called Tas-Sekonda which means a type of stone very soft and inferior to the limestone, which deteriorates very quickly. Years after years ....... the heavy waters that came in melted the stones where the wells were excavated and also in that part of the land it is said that there was a natural cave in the middle (some kind like ghar dalam) when the waters came in it melted the stone tas sekonda and was swallowed in and it formed this depressed land.
It is mentioned that it happened in the 13th century when a huge tempest hit the island according to historical and scientifically facts.
The road that leads to the Maqluba is named for this tempest.
il Maqluba ( FIRE UPDATE JUNE 2019 )
Il-Maqluba, limits of Qrendi is a deep, natural large-scale inland sinkhole. It has a unique ecosystem with its own unique microclimate which supports an important population of native tree communities, dominated by the bay laurel tree, which is locally rare, and including the national tree, the sandarac gum tree.
ONE.COM.MT - Lejlet Santa Marija, iż-żona ta’ protezzjoni għas-siġar tal-Maqluba tal-Qrendi, ġarrbet ħsarat kbar minħabba nirien fil-parti ċentrali taż-żona.
L-Uffiċjal fid-Direttorat għall-Konformità u l-Infurzar tal-Awtorità għall-Ambjent Stanley Gatt ikkonferma ma’ ONE NEWS li n-nar tkebbes b’konsegwenza tal-bniedem u mhux minn natura.
Another Rainfall at Il-Maqluba Qrendi December 1st,2018
Filmed by Emanuel Muscat
Dog Rescue Thumbelina / Qrendi / AAA Malta
This is Thumbelina's story...
A large crater 15 metres deep.... At the bottom of the large crater, and with no means of getting out, is a starving dog. The scene is at Il-Maqluba, Limits of Qrendi.
AAA received reports of a dog trapped within this large structure and went to investigate. Some cruel person had decided to get rid of their dog by abandoning her at the bottom of the crater, possibly throwing her over the edge. A slow painful death could easily have lain ahead.
AAA had no way of knowing how long the dog had been wandering down there but it was severely emaciated and its bones were all protruding. Without rescue, the dog could not have lasted much longer.
With the help of some ropes AAA volunteers descended into the crater and looked for the dog among the trees. She came to us, very happy to see us, and despite her hunger gladly did her best to make the rescue as smooth as possible. We named her Thumbelina.
Thumbelina was lucky to be rescued. Many other abandoned dogs are never reported, or by the time help arrives it is too late.
You can make a difference. Help AAA to continue rescuing these helpless animals.
5061 7350 €2.33 from mobile phone by sms
5061 8060 €4.66 from mobile phone by sms
5061 8910 €6.99 from mobile phone by sms
5061 9200 €11.65 from mobile phone by sms
Special thanks goes to AAA Volunteers
Costillitas Infante Gonzalez
Marine Martinou Combadieres
Rosalind Agius
Pierre Galea
And the two young men who helped out.