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Maquine cave

Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
Maquine cave
(31) 3715-1078

Via Alberto Ramos, Rodovia MG-231, km 7, Cordisburgo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Gruta de Maquiné , also Lapa Nova de Maquiné, is the oldest and one of the most commercially visited caves in Brazil. It is located about 5 km from Cordisburgo and 143 km northwest of Belo Horizonte, in the State of Minas Gerais. The cave has seven huge chambers explored, amounting to 650 m and unevenness of the ground of only 18 m . Safety measures like lighting, walkways and handrails allow a multitude of visitors to enjoy safely the wonders of the grotto where the whole journey is accompanied by an experienced local guide.
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