Margarita Island, Venezuela
WLT is working with Project Partner Provita to protect an area located in the dry forests on the western portion of Margarita Island, known as the Macanao Peninsula. The aim of the project is to safeguard the island's threatened dry forests, which are vital roosting sites for the vulnerable Yellow-Shouldered Parrot.
Music: Running Waters Full Band by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Isla Margarita - Venezuela. Hello Everyone!
One of the best and most touristic places in Venezuela is Margarita Island. This was the second time we traveled there for diving and everytime I do it I like it more than the previous one.
If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask.
Margarita Island,Venezuela
***L'isola piu' bella del Mondo***
Playa Caribe isla de Margarita island, Venezuela
Parque El Água em Isla Margarita na Venezuela
ASSISTAM..... Um pouquinho do Parque el Agua, em Isla Margarita maravilhosooooo. Sigam no insta @blogabatendoperna e @manucunhareal
Diving Los Frailes Isla Margarita Venezuela 2013
Diving Los Frailes Isla Margarita Venezuela. Video from 6 dives. Feb.2013 :)
Potapanie na ostrove Isla Margarita. Video z 6 ponorov. Februar 2013 :)
Acoso Escolar: Caso Irina Goschenko, playa El Yaque
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Suscríbete: Nuestra compañera Elianta Quintero nos trae en su sección Acoso Escolar, el caso de Irina Goschenko desde playa El Yaque, quien decidió contar su experiencia con el bullying por voluntad propia.
Blanquilla - My Favorite Island
Go with me, over and under water, to My Favorite Island, Isla Blanquilla, Caribbean, Venezuela.
Buceo en Cubagua,, Isla de Margarita
Local surfer's island margarita 2014.
snorkeling at Los Frailes, Isla Margarita, Venezuela
Snorkeling is the practice of swimming on or through a body of water while equipped with a diving mask, a shaped tube called a snorkel, and usually swimfins. In cooler waters, a wetsuit may also be worn. Use of this equipment allows the snorkeler to observe underwater attractions for extended periods of time with relatively little effort. Snorkeling is a popular recreational activity, particularly at tropical resort and scuba diving locations. The primary appeal is the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving and it appeals to all ages because of how little effort there is, and without the exhaled bubbles of scuba-diving equipment. (Wikipedia)
Venezuela II Los Roques and Tortuga.wmv
Los Roques and Tortuga the famous Pirate Island.
Los Roques Archipelago National Park was created in 1972 to protect a marine ecosystem of exceptional beauty and ecological value dominated by coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds.
The Island of Tortuga, which in fact is one big Island and 3 smaller ones, is located some 50 miles west of Isla Margarita.
Venezuela - Margarita Island (Gopro Hero 3 Black Edition)
Isla Margarita/los frailes
Diving isla margarita, los frailes with Juan Alonzo.......
Diving in Los Frailes, Venezuela 2/3
Diving in Los Frailes (next to Isla de Margarita), Venezuela. Second dive after lunch.
Underwater Nueva Cadiz Cubagua 6
Nueva Cadiz 6 bajo el agua
Dolphin Swim, Isla Margarita
This video is a collection of photos from our swimming with dolphins on the Island of Margarita. It tries to capture the suttleness, emotion and impact that these graceful creatures have on humans.
The facilities were not the best that I have seen but it was incredible to see how these fine animals gave their all and interacted so peacefully with the spectators.
Isla La Blanquilla -Venezuela | Blanquilla Island, Caribbean Sea | Ilha La Blanquilla
Es: La Blanquilla es una isla perteneciente a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, administrada como una de las Dependencias Federales Venezolanas (64º 35´ y 11º 50´N) de aproximadamente 64,53 km² (6.453 hectáreas) de extensión.
En: Blanquilla is an island, one of the federal dependencies of Venezuela, located in the southeastern Caribbean Sea about 182 miles northeast of Caracas. It is a popular location for divers and the white sand beaches, for which it is named. The island's wildlife include local cacti and iguanas, as well as wild donkeys and goats. Its reefs are notable for their black coral, which is used for jewelry and other crafts. The island is formed by the Aves Ridge, a seafloor feature which protrudes above water to the north, forming several other islands.
fr: L'Île de La Blanquilla (en espagnol : Isla La Blanquilla) est une île inhabitée faisant partie des dépendances fédérales du Venezuela.L'île n'est pas habitée de façon permanente.
pt: Blanquilla é uma ilha pertencente à República Bolivariana da Venezuela, administrado como um dos venezuelanas Dependências Federais (64º 35 'e 11º 50'N) de cerca de 64,53 quilômetros quadrados (6,453 hectares) de extensão.É uma ilha no mar das caraíbas oriental na latitude 11º51 'de latitude norte e longitude 64º36' oeste, oeste do pequeno país de Granada, a 138,9 km ao norte da Ilha de Margarita e 170 km a noroeste da costa de Puerto La Cruz, no Estado de Anzoategui.
de: La Blanquilla (span. Isla La Blanquilla) ist eine venezolanische Insel im Karibischen Meer, etwa 300 km nordöstlich von Caracas, der Hauptstadt Venezuelas, und rund 90 km nördlich der Isla Margarita gelegen. Geographisch gehört die Insel zu den Inseln unter dem Winde, administrativ zu den venezolanischen Dependencias Federales (Bundesterritorien).
it: La Blanquilla è un'isola del Venezuela, parte delle Dipendenze Federali, posta ad ovest di Grenada, 139 km a nord dell'isola di Margarita.Deve il suo nome alle spiagge di sabbia bianchissima (arena blanca), con coste che si estendono per 25 km e un'elevazione massima di 30 m s.l.m. L'isola è disabitata ma ospita una stazione di guardiacosta.
zh: 布兰基亚岛(西班牙语:Isla La Blanquilla)一译拉布兰基亚岛,是加勒比海南部背风安的列斯群岛中的一座岛屿,行政上属于委内瑞拉联邦属地管辖。面积64.35平方公里。外型類似貝殼,該島是著名的旅游胜地。岛上有小型飞机场,乘船也可以到达,有时一些加勒比游轮项目会在布兰基亚岛停靠。除了渔船、海防队和偶尔出现的旅游者,几乎没人会在岛上逗留。
hi: Blanquilla एक द्वीप विस्तार के लगभग 64.53 वर्ग किलोमीटर (6453 हेक्टेयर) की वेनेजुएला के Bolivarian गणराज्य, वेनेजुएला के संघीय निर्भरता में से एक (64º 35 'और 11º 50'N) के रूप में प्रशासित करने के लिए संबंधित है। यह पर्टो ला के तट के पश्चिम में '64º36 उत्तर और देशांतर' अक्षांश 11º51 पर पूर्वी कैरेबियन सागर में एक द्वीप है, ग्रेनेडा के छोटे से देश के पश्चिम में, मार्गरीटा द्वीप के उत्तर में 138.9 किलोमीटर और 170 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर उत्तर पश्चिम में है Cruz, Anzoategui राज्य में।
ru: La Бланкия является островом, одним из федеральных зависимостей Венесуэлы, расположенный в юго-восточной части Карибского моря примерно в 182 милях к северо-востоку от Каракаса. Это популярное место для дайверов и пляжи с белым песком, для которого он назван
id: La Blanquilla adalah sebuah pulau, salah satu dari dependensi federal Venezuela, yang terletak di Laut Karibia bagian tenggara sekitar 182 mil timur laut dari Caracas. Ini adalah lokasi yang populer untuk penyelam dan pantai pasir putih, untuk yang bernama
ar: لا Blanquilla هي جزيرة، واحدة من التبعيات الاتحادية من فنزويلا، وتقع في البحر الكاريبي جنوب شرق حوالي 182 ميلا الى الشمال الشرقي من كراكاس. وهو موقع شعبي للغواصين والشواطئ الرملية البيضاء، التي يدعى أنها
YouTopolino.National Park! the lagoon Restinga.Island Margaret Venezuela.avi
YouTopolino. Venezuela Isla Margarita Parco Nazionale Laguna la Restinga
Una delle attrazioni più popolari sull'Isola di Margarita. Il Parco Nazionale laguna la Restinga è Situato appena prima del ponte che va alla penisola di Macanao, questa è una grande laguna piena di mangrovie, ostriche, cavallucci marini, pesci e molti uccelli.
Isla Margarita/los frailes
Irgendwo in Margarita...