The Slovenian City of Maribor | euromaxx
We profile this Slovenian city which is a European Capital of Culture for 2012. We visit the Carmina Slovenica Choir, the city's Art Gallery, and one of the world's oldest vineyards.
MARIBOR - Slovenia Travel Guide | Around The World
Maribor is the second-largest city in Slovenia with 94,876 inhabitants as of 1 January 2017. It is also the largest city of the traditional region of Lower Styria and the seat of the City Municipality of Maribor.
Many historical structures stand in Maribor. Of the remains of city walls surrounding the old downtown, the most prominent are the Judgement Tower, the Water Tower, and the Jewish Tower. Maribor Cathedral was built in the Gothic style in the 13th century. Maribor Synagogue was built in the 14th century, and is the second oldest synagogue of Europe. Today it serves as a centre for cultural activities. Other prominent Medieval buildings are Maribor Castle, Betnava Castle, and the ruins of Upper Maribor Castle on Pyramid Hill. Town Hall was constructed in the Renaissance style, and the Plague Column in the Baroque style.
At the start of the 21st century, plans were made for a new modern business, residential and entertainment district, called the Drava Gate (Dravska vrata) and nicknamed the Maribor Manhattan. The project includes many new exclusive residential apartments, offices and conference halls, a green and recreational space, and other structures. It also includes a 111 m (364 ft) tall skyscraper that would be the tallest building in Slovenia. Due to lack of finances, the project has been postponed.
In 2008, the Studenci Footbridge (Studenška brv) was renovated according to the design of the Ponting company. The design was awarded that year at the 3rd International Footbridge Conference in Porto.
In 2010, Maribor organised an international architectural competition ECC Maribor 2012 – Drava 2012 to gather proposals for the design and reconstruction of the Drava banks, the construction of a new art gallery, and for a new footbridge. Its jury received about 400 proposals for the three different projects. The footbridge and the river embankments will be built in the near future, but the art gallery was replaced with a cultural center MAKS, which is currently under construction.
The construction of a new modern Faculty of Medicine started in 2011 near the Drava River. It was designed by architect Boris Podrecca and was completed in 2013.
There are plans to renovate the Maribor Public Library and Town Hall Square (Rotovški trg). In addition, the renovation of Maribor Island (Mariborski otok) in the Drava River has been planned.
The city hosts the University of Maribor, established in 1975, and many other schools.
Every June, the two-week Lent Festival (named after the waterfront district called Lent) is held, with hundreds of musical, theatrical and other events. Every year the festival attracts theatre, opera, ballet performers, classical, modern, and jazz musicians and dancers from all over the world, and of course many visitors. There is also mime, magic shows are being held and acrobats perform during the festival.
Maribor is known for wine and culinary specialities of international and Slovene cuisine (mushroom soup with buckwheat mush, tripe, sour soup, sausages with Sauerkraut, cheese dumplings, apple strudel, special cheese cake called gibanica). There are also many popular restaurants with Serbian cuisine. The Vinag Wine Cellar (Vinagova vinska klet), with the area of 20.000 m2 (215.28 sq ft) and the length of 2 km (1 mi), keeps 5,5 millions litres of wine. The house of the oldest grapevine in the world (Hiša stare trte) at Lent grows the world's oldest grapevine, which was in 2004 recorded in Guinness World Records. The grapevine of Žametovka is about 440 years old.
The most listened radio stations transmitting from Maribor are the commercial radio stations Radio City and Radio Net FM. They are followed by the national non-commercial Radio Maribor.
The alternative scene of Maribor is situated in the Pekarna (Bakery; former squat) area next to Magdalena Park.
Maribor - Wandering around Slovenia
Maribor, Wandering around Slovenia.
Gallery Marko Jezernik presents Slovenian Cities in a serial of cityscapes videospots under title Wandering around Slovenia. Watercolors of Maribor cityscapes by Marko Jezernik, Music: CD Zaljubljena, Tatjana Dremelj, Saj veš da rada te imam, Tatjana Dremelj, Sašo Fajon, Janez Zmazek, Jezernik Fine Art, Piran, SAJ VEŠ DA RADA TE IMAM: Avtor glasbe: Sašo Fajon Tekst: Janez Zmazek Aranžma: Sašo Fajon
Gregor Pratneker Exhibition Light, wind and sky, KiBela gallery, Maribor, Slovenia
Glasba in zvoki / Music and sounds: and
Gian Luca Faccio: Photographs, Iraq 2003. Exhibition in Maribor (Slovenia, 2004)
Gian Luca Faccio: Photographs, Iraq 2003: Exhibition in Maribor (Slovenia, 2004).
A 8-minute documentary about the preparation and the opening-night of the exhibition Photographs, Iraq 2003 by italian photographer Gian Luca Faccio in Maribor (2004).
A video-documentary by Chris Haderer (Maribor/Vienna, 10/11-2004).
Maribor je mesto stolpov
Na Mestni občini Maribor so danes predstavili projekt revitalizacije Čeligijevega stolpa, kulturne dediščine Maribora, ki je še edini ohranjen stolp izmed šestih stolpov severnega mestnega obzidja. Od preostalih treh je v mestno dogajanje vpet le Židovski stolp, Sodni in Vodni pa zaživita samo v času Festivala Lent. Obnova Čeligijevega stolpa spada tudi v program Evropske prestolnice kulture.
Kot pravi Milica Simonič Steiner, direktorica Mestne uprave Mestne občine Maribor, želijo v mestu pod Pohorjem zasnovati nova kulturna dogajanja. V stolpu naj bi deloval dinamičen muzej starih pravnih listin, kjer bi predstavljali tudi vsebine, ki se vežejo na zgodovino stolpa, saj naj bi se v njem dogajali mučilni procesi, in ne v Sodnem, kot je mišljeno zmotno. Obnovo stolpa, ki naj bi se končala leta 2011, ocenjujejo na okoli dva in pol milijona evrov.
Čeligijev stolp, imenovan tudi Črni stolp, je bil zgrajen med leti 1460-65. Član projektne skupine Sašo Radovanovič pripoveduje, da je ime dobil po znamenitih mariborskih pivovarjih Tscheligijih, stavba pa od osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja sameva. Arhitekt Bogdan Reichenberg dodaja, da bo obnova stolpa pomenila tudi revitalizacijo mestne vedute, saj stavba stoji na območju, ki je eno zadnjih ohranjenih v Mariboru, kjer je možno videti utrdbeno strukturo in prazen prostor na severni strani stolpa, ki predstavlja zapolnjen mestni jarek. Maribor je tudi edino mesto v Sloveniji, ki ima največ ohranjenih stolpov.
Dr. Borut Holcman s Pravne fakultete v Mariboru, tudi član projektne skupine, pa pravi, da obnova stolpa ne bo ponudila le novih kulturnih vsebin, ampak bo muzejska zbirka, ki jo bodo pripravili tudi v sodelovanju s Pravno fakulteto, hkrati predstavljala razstavišče in učno zbirko, s tem pa se bo, glede na to, da je Maribor univerzitetno mesto, utrdilo sodelovanje mestne oblasti in Univerze.
Mestna občina Maribor v okviru projekta Evropska prestolnica mladih Maribor 2013 razvija mladinsko delovanje tudi s sosednjo državo Avstrijo, natančneje z mestom Leoben, s katerim smo v letu 2013 združili moči in se povezali na projektu Graffiti in the City.
Tridnevni dogodek se je odvijal v mestu Leoben, v bližini Gradca, in je mladim ponujal priložnost spoznavanja kulturne scene na področju grafitanja, glasbe, plesa in video produkcije. Cilj projekta je spodbujanje umetnosti in ustvarjalnosti mladih v obeh partnerskih regijah, medsebojno povezovanje, spoznavanje drugih kultur in povezovanje interesov mladih iz obeh regij.
Dogodek je spremljal pester izbor delavnic, na katerih so udeleženci dobili vpogled v svet grafitanja in »street art-a«. Mladi umetniki iz obeh regij so skupaj vodili delavnice in se imeli možnost predstaviti na zaključni prireditvi.
Dogodek je potekal od 24. 6. do 27. 6. 2013.
Sklopi delavnic so:
- video produkcija,
- grafiti,
- hiphop/ breakdance/ street dance,
- DJ-ing.
MARIBOR - WikiVidi Documentary
Maribor is the second-largest city in Slovenia with about 95,500 inhabitants in 2016. It is also the largest city of the traditional region of Lower Styria and the seat of the City Municipality of Maribor....
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:00:25: Name
00:01:14: Mediaeval and early modern history
00:02:05: Early 20th century
00:06:56: World War II and aftermath
00:09:20: Post-World War II period
00:10:59: Topography
00:11:39: City districts
00:12:06: Climate
00:13:01: Architecture
00:15:39: Parks and other green spaces
00:16:00: Catholic Church
00:16:31: Jewish community
00:17:53: Culture
00:19:27: Team sports
00:20:15: Winter sports
Copyright WikiVidi.
Licensed under Creative Commons.
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NY Countdown 2012 Maribor Slovenia
Apply now :
Where are you going to spend the longest night of the year?
Tired of the same city? Tired of the same people?
We have a solution for you!
People from all over Europe are coming to our beautiful city Maribor
(European capital of Culture 2012) to have an experience of their life!
The end of the world is approaching and this may be your last chance
to make all your wishes come true!
See new cities, experience new cultures, learn how to ski, try culinary goods from all over Europe! Learn some German words, get to know Italian charm and enjoy the Serbian beauty! Prove you can keep up with the best of the best and party the hardest you ever had!
- City tour of the European Capital of Culture 2012,
- A visit to Maribor Art Gallery,
- Winter Wonderland (winter sports and games on our beautiful mountain range Pohorje),
- Bowling with friends from all over Europe,
- Wellness relaxation in thermal waters of Fontana spa,
- Intercultural march with national pride and spirit,
- International dinner with cultural explosion of culinary delights,
- Most crazy parties you've ever been to, with funny games, UV colours, kissing lessons and much more,
- The best and unforgettable New Year's Eve with 4 countdowns!
150€ if applied before 5th December 2011
170€ if applied untill 20th December 2011
See you in Maribor!
Get additional info and submit applications at:
E-mail :
Telephone : +386 30 255 840
Web site:
Scorpion Tuning Show 2014 Porsche Maribor
Scorpion Tuning Show 2014 @ Porsche Maribor
Sponsored by
Extreme Design
Camera and edit:
Street Art Media
Music: Flux Pavilion - Daydreamer (Ft. Example)
Exploring Castle Ptuj - What To Do In Slovenia
My website, check it out to find out more about me - - making money online and travelling the globe
Guidetraining Maribor.mpg
Anne Frank-A History for Today. Students from Austria and Slovenia become exhibition guides in a peer education guidetraining workshop.
Azita Bijol Hedayati Galerija DLUM Maribor 2019
Razstava v galeriji DLUM Maribor Marec April 2019 Fine art exhibition March/April 2019 Gallery DLUM Maribor Slovenia
Metelkova Mesto - Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Centro Cultural Autónomo Metelkova Mesto (Liubliana, Slovenia). Primavera 2013.
Video realizado en el entorno cultural del Centro Social Autogestionado Metelkova Mesto (Ljubljana, Letonia), intentando reflejar el ambiente del lugar a través de sus actividades, instalaciones, visitantes y eventos, desde que amanece hasta que anochece.
Music: The journey ( Inner Terrestrials )
Art Gallery 5’14 at Art Expo Ljubljana 2019
Short report from the biggest art event of Slovenia
Abbildungen Variete - UGM Rare Promo (Slovenia Ritual/Industrial/Dark Ambient 1982-1983)
Amazing rare promo videos and pics, art, etc. from this inovative Multimedial experimental collective from Maribor (Slovenia), active from 1983 to 1984
Again , special thnx to UGM - Maribor Art Gallery
Abbildungen Varieté is the second most important name in Yugoslav/Slovenian oldschool industrial scene of the 80s, besides Laibach. They hailed from Slovenia's second largest city Maribor in the northeasternmost part of Slovenia, then one of the biggest Yugoslav heavy industry centres. Unfortunately, little is known about this project that existed in the short period between 1982-1983 - besides this eponymous cassette-release and the Novi Rock compilation contribution with the track Ishodisce subjekta. The cassete, which is a live-recording, came out in the edition of Ljubljana's ŠKUC label/organisation. What we know about Abbildungen Varieté is that it was close to the NSK [Neue Slowenische Kunst] movement and that Igor Zupe, nowadays a famous slovenian video-artist and a director, was a member. Due to the nature of music, it is highly unlikely that he was the only member and there are also some indications that Mario Ornik of Maribor's KIBLA art group was involved too.
When compared to the rest of industrial scene back then, Abbildungen Varieté was a rare bird and defining them is certainly not an easy task. They had a strong smack of ritual-music, which is also present with Laibach and Strukturne Ptice as an inkling and played a vital role in early Autopsia. So the only bands we can draw paralels to would be from that milleu: Last Few Days, Ain Soph, maybe even Het Zweet. Soundwise it's quite diverse: a bit of sinister tribal drumming with frantic clamor, a bit of solemn ceremonial chanting and a bit of ominous funeral dirges for the banishing of the Dead.
BTS (방탄소년단) - Bring The Soul Movie Premiere Performance Cineplexx Maribor, Slovenia - 2STEPS4WARD
#BTSBringTheSoul #2STEPS4WARD #Performance
[ BTS (방탄소년단) - Bring The Soul Movie Premiere Performance Cineplexx Maribor, Slovenia - 2STEPS4WARD Performance ]
Maky & Lucky K.
— Hello guys! Today, we performed as an opening act before the premiere of the BTS - Bring The Soul movie in Cineplexx Maribor, Slovenia! It was so much fun and we were honoured to perform as guests! Thank you so much Cineplexx Maribor and Cineplexx Slovenija for this wonderful opportunity. They made space for us to dance in and made sure we were comfortable! A big thank you and a shoutout goes to the crowd. You cheered us on like crazy and made us feel like real artists. We smiled the whole time! You have no idea how much that means to us! We love you so much! We apologize if there were some mistakes during the dance or lack of energy since we practiced a lot with not enough rest in between. Also, we are getting ready for another performance. We appreciate all the beautiful comments you gave us! Enjoy the performance and see you next time! 감사합니다! 사랑해! ❤
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Japanese Restaurant in Slovenia, in Maribor MIYABI
A short interview with Katarzyna Pagowska, an artist from Poland, during her influential artistic project - intervention on the facade Gallery K18 in Maribor, Slovenia, 19.11.2018. Other co-speakers: Simon Žlahtič, currator of the project and audience's response on the subject the intervention is directed to. // Intervju s Katarzyno Pagowsko, poljsko umetnico, tekom izvajanja njenega aktivističnega umetniškega projekta - intervencije na fasadi Galerije K18 v Mariboru, 19.11.2018. Drugi sogovorniki: Simon Žlahtič, kurator projekta in odzivi publike na temo, h kateri je usmerjen projekt.
Katarzyno Pagowsko zanimajo pozicija umetnosti, status umetnika in razmere dela v kulturi v Mariboru, njena raziskava pa sovpada z županskimi volitvami 2018. V svojem umetniškem delu se je oprla na Manifest - 26 točk Kolegija nevladnih organizacij in samostojnih ustvarjalcev v kulturi, ki so bile februarja 2018 nalepljene na vrata Urada za kulturo in mladino ter Mestne občine Maribor ter opozarjajo na že sprejete in pozabljene odločitve MOM s področja kulturnega razvoja mesta in kulturne politike, zapisane v Lokalnem programu za kulturo Mestne občine Maribor 2015-2020. Praksa politike namreč kaže, da se pred volitvami veliko obljublja, goreče zagovarja plemenite cilje in izpostavlja osebna poslanstva kandidatov, nato pa nastopita volilni in povolilni molk. Avtorica-umetnica raziskuje pomen svetlosti, ki lahko označuje svetlo obdobje ali pa bledenje spomina in obljub. Tako je v petek, 16.11.2018 (pred volilnim molkom) postavila točke na fasado in jo je z umetniško intervencijo v ponedeljek, 19.11.2018 (dan rezultatov volitev) otvorila z nanašanjem tankega sloja bele barve.
Pier Luigi Capucci, The Nature of Technologies. Technologies as Nature, Maribor, 23 11 2012
This is the lecture The Nature of Technologies. Technologies as Nature (Towards the Third Life), I had in Maribor (Slovenia) at Kibla, Association for Culture and Education, on November 23, 2012. The lecture takes place in the realm of the exhibition and the events related to the topic of Soft Control - Art, Science and the Technological Unconscious, curated by Dmitry Bulatov (director of the Museum of Kaliningrad), in occasion of Maribor European Cultural Capital 2012.
In the Stone Age from the first simple splitters to the fist-axes, which are more refined but not so different, there is a gap of one million years. Instead, between the discovery of fire and today's fire-based many different devices pass four hundred thousand years.
For thousands years, until the invention of the telegraph, the speed of people, animals, things and information had approximately the same order of magnitude. The remote communication in real-time was the dream of the governments, that funded even projects based on telepathy. In roughly one century and half -- a very small time if compared to the history of the human culture -- the information speed had an extraordinary boost to: in fact today the information can roughly reach the speed of light, that is being more than five hundred thousand time quicker than people, animals and things.
An acceleration took also place inside the media realm. In the USA the radio required 38 years to reach 50 million people, the television needed 13 years, the cable 8 and the Internet 5. And inside the Internet-based communications Facebook required less than 4 years to reach 50 million users, while Skype took roughly two years.
Sciences and technologies deeply influenced the human life. In ancient Greece the average life length was 30 years, in the Roman era it was about the same, while at the end of the XIX Century it reached 40 years. Today, in roughly one century, in the so called advanced world, the life length expectation has doubled.
Humans also developed a wide range of artifacts, machines, entities that are quickly becoming more powerful, complex, autonomous and that are becoming independent from the human control. They could be defined to a certain extent as living entities, expanding the idea of life and of life forms with organic, inorganic as well as intermingled life forms.
Why all this acceleration? How does it happen? Does it depend on a cultural or a biological issue, or both? What does it seem pushing forward the human limits, biological, cultural, technical?