Per Larsen, Instructor in the Maritime Department at Maersk Training in Svendborg, Denmark.
Check out this interview with our instructor in the Maritime Department in Svendborg, Per Larsen.
Maritimt Center: Æbleræs 2
Suppen dag 2018
Denne video handler om Suppen dag i Maritimt Center i Svendborg, 24. februar 2018
Maritimt Center: Æbleræs 3
Maritimt Center: Liv og musik i pakhuset. Svendborg.
Maersk Training in Svendborg, Denmark
It's been well documented in the press and in magazines, but now you can get the full flavour of what it is really like to be in the centre of the world's most advanced offshore training facility through this new video from our centre in Svendborg.
In just a little over three minutes you get a guided tour of the Maersk Offshore Simulation and Innovation Centre (MOSAIC), a tour which goes behind the doors to reveal not just what is done but how it is done.
Whilst a mosaic is a collection of contrasting shapes and colours which when combined makes a picture, this MOSAIC is a collection of skills and training scenarios which come together to create a better learning experience.
Study in Denmark: Student Visa of Denmark for Pakistani and Indian Students
Denmark is one of the best stduy abroad destination. The quality education helps you to make your career successful. Whether you are interested in a research-oriented programme or an applied programme you will have plenty of options in Denmark. You can choose between several programmes taught entirely in English.
Non-Danish citizens who do not have a Danish entrance examination are eligible for admission if they have qualifications recognised as being comparable to Danish entrance qualifications.
For an official assessment of your qualifications visit The assessment briefly states what your qualifications correspond to in Denmark and will improve your application. The assessment serves only as a guideline since the individual institution in Denmark is responsible for its own admissions.
The institution in Denmark will require certified copies of your educational qualifications. That is, you must provide copies with original stamps and signatures, or have two people who are not related to you sign the back of the copy with their name, address and birth date. Some institutions require that they receive the documents directly from the issuing institution. This can often take several months, so be sure to arrange in time.
Danish Embassy in Pakistan:
Danish Embassy in India:
New to Denmark Information Portal:
Universities in Denmark:
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
IT University of Copenhagen (ITU)
Aarhus University (AU)
Aalborg University (AAU)
Roskilde University (RUC)
University of Copenhagen (KU)
Artistic Higher Education Institutions
Danish National Academy of Music
Design School Kolding
Aarhus School of Architecture
Rhytmic Music Conservatory
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Art
The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts - Southern Denmark
The Royal Danish Academy of Music
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation
Funen Art Academy
The Royal Opera Academy
The Royal Academy of Music - Aarhus/Aalborg
The Danish National School of Performing Arts
University Colleges
University College UCC
University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
Metropolitan University College (MUC)
University College Lillebaelt (UCL)
Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX)
University College Absalon
University College South Denmark
VIA University College
Schools of Maritime Education & Training
Aarhus school of Maritime and Technical Engineering
Copenhagen School of Maritime Education and Training
Svendborg International Maritime Academy (SIMAC)
Maritime Training and Education Centre (MARTEC)
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Danish Maritime Fair 2014
For the first time ever, Denmark is hosting a large-scale maritime fair, when Bella Center in Copenhagen opens its doors to Danish Maritime Fair the 7 -- 10 October 2014. At the fair, exhibitors from all lines of the maritime sector will present their advanced products, knowledge, and competencies. At the same time, it will be possible to attend a number of seminars and speeches regarding positions of strength in shipping, innovation, and the green shipping trade.Danish Maritime Days will be held 6 -- 10 October 2014. It is a collective name for a number of events with the same goal: to put Denmark on the maritime world map.From 7 -- 10 October 2014, in connection with Danish Maritime Days in Bella Center, the media group Maritime Denmark arranges an international maritime fair on Danish ground for the first time.
The Maersk Group in Denmark - Maersk Training
Read more about the Maersk Group in Denmark:
Every year 2,000 Danes gain qualifications from Maersk Training to ensure they can perform to the highest standards in the offshore sector. (Video in Danish)
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Presentation - Training Ship DANMARK
Learn about the education program for ordinary seaman on board the danish training ship DANMARK. Please visit for more info.
Maersk Training in Newcastle, United Kingdom
Maersk Training in Newcastle is located in brand new facilities in North Shields, offering a complete solution for wind training, onshore and offshore, along with maritime training.
Folk går forskelligt i forskellige byer og lande.
I forhold til erhverv, psykisk tilstand m.v.
The real Danish ferry-tale: Ellen on 100% battery power (VR)
A tour on the worlds most powerfull electric ferry Ellen.
Kulinarisk Sydfyn 29. og 30. juni 2013
Kulinarisk Sydfyn i hele Svendborg 29 og 30. juni 2013
Danmarks bedste fødevaremarked
Læs mere på
Presentation of the Danish Innovation Centres
Præsentation af de danske innovationscentre.
Kronprins Frederik fortalte om sine børns særlige skoledag
Omkring 1300 elever fra 50 københavnske 6. og 7. klasser sørgede sammen med kronprins Frederik for en fantastisk stemning på Østerbro Stadion, da årets Skole-OL fandt sted.
Følg BILLED-BLADET på YouTube:
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Faktaboks om kronprins Frederik
Kronprins Frederik er født den 26. maj 1968 og er greve af Monpezat og Danmarks næste regent. Kronprinsen er ældste søn af Dronning Margrethe II og Prins Henrik af Danmark, og derved er han regent, når Dronningen er ude af landet.
Da Frederik blev født på Rigshospitalet i København, var Margrethe stadig prinsesse og hans morfar, Frederik 9. stadig konge af Danmark, mens hans oldefar var konge af Sverige. I og med at Frederik er oldebarn af Margareta af Connaught, er han nummer 322 i den britiske tronfølge.
Frederiks fødsel var ganske kompliceret, og han kom til verden iført sejrsskjorte, den populære betegnelse for fosterhinde, hvilket ifølge gammel overtro betyder lykke og usårlighed.
Kronprins Frederik blev døbt den 24. juni 1968 i Holmens Kirke i København, hvor han fik det fulde navn Frederik André Henrik Christian. Han blev opkaldt efter sin morfar, kong Frederik 9. og fortsatte dermed den danske tradition for, at tronarvingen bliver navngivet enten Frederik eller Christian. De øvrige navne fik han efter sin farfar, André de Laborde de Monpezat, hans far, Prins Henrik og hans oldefar, Kong Christian 10.
Kronprins Frederiks studier og karriere – Fra akademiker til frømand
Kronprinsen gik på Krebs’ Skole i perioden 1974-1981. Her studerede han som privatist på Amalienborg i perioden 1974-1976 og fra 3. klasse på Krebs’ Skole. I 1982-1983 var Kronprinsen kostskoleelev på École des Roches, Normandiet i Frankrig og blev student fra Øregaard Gymnasium i 1986.
Frederik blev i 1995 Cand. Scient. Pol. fra Aarhus Universitet og læste undervejs statskundskab ved Harvard University, i USA i 1992-93. Da han afsluttede studiet i statskundskab, var hans resultat over gennemsnittet. Hans afsluttende opgave var en analyse af de baltiske staters udenrigspolitik, lande som han har besøgt flere gange gennem sine studier.
Fra 1998 til 1999 var kronprinsen udstationeret som 1. ambassadesekretær ved den danske ambassade i Paris.
Kronprinsen har altid været en aktiv mand som satte sportsgrene og en aktiv hverdag i højsædet. Dermed ytrede han i starten af 2007 et ønske om at blive medlem af Den internationale Olympiske Komité. Det medførte stor debat, om det er muligt for kronprinsen at fungere i en politisk komité. Kronprinsen var så stærkt besluttet på dette, at han i 2009 modtog undervisning i formidling for at øge sine chancer. I oktober 2009 blev han valgt som medlem af Komitéen for en periode på 8 år, med 77 stemmer for og 7 imod.
Militær karriere
Trods den høje akademiske uddannelse, er kronprinsen dog primært uddannet indenfor forsvaret, hvor han har fuldført flere grundlæggende og aktive uddannelser.
Kronprinsen har deltaget i den hårde træning i forsvaret, som siden er blevet vedligeholdt ved aktiv deltagelse i diverse hårde sportsdiscipliner som maraton og kapsejlads.
Kronprinsens lange tjeneste i både Hæren, Flyvevåbnet og Søværnet gør, at han er minimum officer af alle værn, men det er tilsyneladende Søværnet der, som hans morfar Kong Frederik 9., har den største stjerne hos Frederik og ved officielle lejligheder optræder kronprinsen derved ofte i Søværnets officeruniform.
Det er en bemærkelsesværdig sag, at kronprinsen som den første royale har gjort tjeneste ved den maritime eliteenhed Frømandskorpset. Her fik han sit kælenavn Pingo, angiveligt fordi der gik hul på hans frømandsdragt, og den blev fyldt med vand, så han lignede en pingvin, da han gik på kajen.
Kronprinsens egen familie
Den 16. september 2000 mødte Frederik den australske Mary Donaldsen helt tilfældigt på baren ”Slipp Inn” i Sydney. I bogen ’Frederik – Kronprins af Danmark”, beskriver han sine inderste følelser i forbindelse med kærlighedsmødet, som om det var kærlighed ved første øjekast.
Den 14. maj 2004 giftede kronprinsen sig med sin Mary i Københavns Domkirke, som var udsmykket med roser, nelliker, pæoner, fladbælger, skotske klokkeblomster og tasmansk eukalyptus. Vielsen var smuk ligeså vel som Mary, og Kronprinsen rørt til tårer.
• Prins Christian Valdemar Henri John, født den 15. oktober 2005
• Prinsesse Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe, født den 21. april 2007
• Prins Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander, født den 8. januar 2011
• Prinsesse Josephine Sophia Ivalo Mathilda, født den 8. januar 2011
Cadet to Master to training instructor - Captain Leo Liwag, FMFI Maritime T
Captain Liwag describes how family needs prompted him to give up seafaring and how he secured a position ashore as a faculty member in a training center. He initially secured a scholarship at the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) and boarded as a deck cadet returning to PMMA to complete his education. He remarks that during his time at sea he observed shortcomings in officers joining vessels under his command.
His past experience encouraged Leo to look for a position whereby he could help to address the shortcomings and a bit to his own surprise, he discovered that there were some things he himself had forgotten. He is therefore replenishing his forgotten knowledge from books.
While it is still early days as an instructor for Leo, for the future he may consider returning to sea seagoing life, possibly combined with some time teaching ashore.
FMFI shall:
1. Develop and empower our Training Specialists to continually improve their effectiveness as instructors;
2. Acquire the services of qualified Assessors thereby ensuring proper assessment and certification of course participants performance;
3. Develop and improve our training facilities and Trainors ensuring the quality of training and instruction;
4. Continually evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our personnel, services and operation to satisfy customer requirements, and;
5. Assess, evaluate and update our course programs to keep abreast of new technology and latest trends in the maritime industry.
Initially, the Foundation was named the Filipino Association of Mariners Employment (FAME) - Capt. I. P. Estaniel Foundation, Inc., established to upgrade Filipino Officers. Named jointly FAME with the late Capt. Inocencio P. Estaniel who believed in the upgrading of Filipino seaman since when trained can be equal of any nationality. The funding for the Foundation was a joint undertaking by FAME and ESSO Tankers International (ETI) where the latter matched the contribution made by FAME. ETI then was the exclusive principal of the late Capt. Estaniel. The Foundation officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 27, 1980. This initiative enabled the first Radar Simulator in the country at that time. This was housed at Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) at Fort Bonifacio, Makati City. Later it became known as the FAME Maritime Foundation, Inc (FMFI). Then today as FMFI Maritime Foundation Inc.
FMFI, which is duly accredited by the Maritime Training Council (MTC), is a non-stock, non-profit organization.
The organization was officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission with the objective of providing and pioneering Radar Simulator training for deck officers which at that time was not available through any other venue.
In later years, as many other training centers emerged offering Radar Simulator courses, further courses were developed as specific training needs of Filipino seafarers were identified, leading to the number of courses offered today.
FMFI is quality assured to the ISO 9001:2000 standard and certified by TUV. It exists to give shipowners what they want. Today the training being undertaken has considerably expanded though still spawned by the same noble ideals that created FMFI.
In furtherance of its objectives, many FMFI training specialists have recent seagoing experience and combine seafaring with teaching. All have undergone the mandated requirements of the Maritime Training Council (MTC).
FMFI is run by a Board of Trustees elected by the membership which comprises of senior management of reputable manning agents.
40th Anniversary - Maersk Training
Maersk Training started off in a rented classroom in a technical college with one driller giving courses, to become a global player in the worlds of maritime and wind energy as well as drilling. It developed a new strain of training which today goes beyond technical skills to include the human aspects of carrying out operations successfully and safely. With full ten centres around the world and numerous satellite facilities, Maersk Training, according to CEO Johan Uggla, must look to the next forty years and not stop in pushing itself to find, and surpass, new limits in performance and safety thorough delivering a better learning experience.
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