Pilica market square, Poland
The main market square in Pilica is typical of a fourteenth century town based on Magdeburg law with streets running of from the corners and with a church located i one of them. Recent archaeological work has rediscovered the remains of the medieval town hall which was burnt in the nineteenth century.
Rynek w Pilicy jest typowy dla XIV-wiecznych miast, lokowanych na prawie magdeburskim. Zachował się tu typowy układ zabudowy miasta średniowiecznego, z ulicami wychodzącymi z narożników i kościołem usytuowanym w jednym z nich. Niedawne wykopaliska archeologiczne pozwoliły na odkrycie fundamentów spalonego w XIX w. ratusza, co obecnie zostało zaznaczone pamiątkową płytą.
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced a number of films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects
There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focussing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Warka, Pilica
Poranek w Warce, nad Pilica.
Piliczanka Pilica Mariusz Mędera
Jako smiješan auto
Aerial Video Pilica Palace - Poland by AirQuad Team
AirQuad Team presents Aerial Video Palace in Pilica - Poland
Maciej Malina – ROZBE
Jerzy Musialik
Don't forget to share this video with your friends!
Located on the western edge of the town of the same name, Pilica Palace dates to 1610 and only 40 years later it was surrounded by fortifications including a moat. It didn’t stop the Swedes however, who duly burned it and moved on as the first tourists to hike the Eagles Nest Trail. Renovations were undertaken but by the end of the 18th century the property had been a source of debt for several owners and after changing hands again started slipping into squalor. In the mid-19th century new investment gave it the lovely neo-Renaissance appearance it has today, with the four palatial wings said to have over 40 chambers. Though in decent condition Pilice currently lies abandonned and is the subject of a legal battle over its ownership. Not much is known of the interiors, but the garden and surrounding property would be perfect for a tea party if maintained. While not currently open to the public, if you ask the guard very politely you might get to peek inside.
Coordinates: (51.615070°, 20.572533°)
AirQuad is one of a kind radio controlled unmanned aerial vehicle with sophisticated gimbal camera stabilization system.
HD Video - Marek & Ewa Wojciechowscy
Music - Łukasz Brzostek from the site:
Pilica rynek
Rynek w Pilicy
Trasa Olkusz - Pilica
Przejazd samochodem na trasie Olkusz - Pilica, Muzyka: Starosta - Beautiful Calm_Relaxing Trance Mix 3
Pilica - Kościół pw. św. Jana Chrzciciela
Wyczynianie na rynku w Pilicy
Wyczynianie na rynku w Pilicy. Zwróćcie uwagę w okolicy 1'00 na Pana w lewej części kadru. To o nim w Sylwestra wspominałem, że zaimprowizował pantomimiczne strzelanie z pancerfausta - czy z innej fuzji - w odpowiedzi na mój gest skręcania w lewo :-P. Btw serdeczne pozdrowienia dla Szanownego Pana! :-D
zalew Pilica
zalew Pilica
Spacer po Pilicy
Wycieczka użytkowników forum jurajskiego po mieście Pilica, która odbyła się 19 października 2008 roku
downhill Pilica
dh | gg: 3916605 |
Pierwszy film:
Pilica - Broń 0:3 kibice i piłkarze 2
Radość po zwycięstwie w Białobrzegach
DW 790: Podzamcze - Pilica
Na filmie droga wojewódzka nr 790 odcinek Podzamcze - Pilica. Film przyśpieszony (x1,25). Muzyka: Dreamweaver - Cyberlove. Utwór muzyczny pobrano ze strony jamendo.com/pl/
Eng: Secondary road no. 790 section Podzamcze - Pilica.