Tumba-Mastaba de Mereruka (Saqqara, Egipto)
Mereruka (c. 2300 a.C.) fue unos de los chatys (canciller) del faraón de la sexta dinastía Teti y gobernador de Menfis. Según hizo escribir en su tumba, tenía 84 de títulos, entre ellos Ministro de Justicia, Chaty, Jefe de los sacerdotes lectores, Amigo único, Sacerdote de Anubis. Estaba casado con una de las hijas del rey, la princesa Sesseset II, con la que tuvo varios hijos. El mayor, Meriteti, llegó a ser también Inspector de los trabajos de la pirámide de Teti. Se hizo contruir en Saqqara una mastaba al norte de la pirámide de Teti, tumba que contiene relieves policromados considerados entre los más bonitos del Imperio Antiguo.
Era propietario de un gran mastaba familiar al noreste de la necrópolis de Saqqara, junto al complejo funerario del faraón; en ella fueron enterrados él, su esposa Uatet-Jet-hor, también llamada Sesseset, y su hijo Meriteti (hijo mayor, Inspector de los sacerdotes de la pirámide); también menciona a sus otros hijos: Pepianj, Memi, Jenti, Apref, Jenu y Nefer, así como a otra hija cuyo nombre no se conserva. Es uno de los mejores ejemplos de las lujosas tumbas de los cortesanos de finales del Imperio Antiguo.
La tumba fue descubierta y excavada por Jacques de Morgan en 1893. De 23 x 41 metros, está forrada de piedra caliza y en el exterior se detallan los títulos del chaty, y curiosamente está orientada al sur y no al norte como era lo habitual. Es la mastaba más grande de las descubiertas, con treinta y una cámaras en tres grupos: 21 de Mereruka (10 de ellas totalmente decoradas), 5 de Seshseshat y 5 de Meriteti, añadidas posteriormente al norte. Adicionalmente, existen 3 pozos que conducen a sus cámaras funerarias. Una serie de cámaras forman un corredor que conduce a una gran sala cuyo techo se apoya en seis pilares.
En la pared norte había un nicho con la estatua de Mereruka, que se conserva en el Museo de El Cairo. En ella, el chaty aparece de pie con la pierna izquierda avanzada, llevando en la mano un rollo. Porta peluca ceremonial, un pectoral y pulseras, y a sus pies hay una mesa de ofrendas de alabastro. El nicho está rodeado con las fórmulas que se habían de recitar en honor a los muertos y una descripción de todo lo que necesitaba en la otra vida.
La decoración de la sala representa escenas de la vida cotidiana: el cultivo de los campos, ganado, una fiesta con músicos y bailarines, escenas de caza y pesca y del trabajo de diferentes artesanos. Vigilando todo, aparecen Mereruka y Seshseshat. En la antecámara había una puerta falsa de granito rojo y un serdab que contuvo antes otra estatua de Mereruka.
Mereruka served during the sixth dynasty of Egypt as one of Egypt's most powerful officials at a time when the influence of local state noblemen was increasing in wealth and power. Mereruka held numerous titles along with that of Vizier which made him the most powerful person in Egypt after the king himself. Some of the other state titles which Mereruka held included 'Inspector of the priests attached to the pyramid of Teti', 'Governor of the palace', 'Chief lector-priest', 'Overseer of the royal record scribes' and 'Director of all the works of the king'.
The mastaba of Mereruka is the largest and most elaborate of all the non-royal tombs in Saqqara with 33 rooms or chambers in total. Mereruka was the vizier to king Teti, who was the first pharaoh of the 6th dynasty Old Kingdom period of Egypt. Mereruka was married to Teti's daughter, princess Seshseshet Waatetkhethor. He was, therefore, the king's son-in-law. Princess Seshseshet Waatetkhethor is buried in Mereruka's mastaba tomb along with their son, Meriteti. The paintings on the wall in the entrance of the tomb show Mereruka painting the seasons and playing a board game. The first three chambers are decorated with scenes of furniture making, hunting and goldsmith working. A lifelike statue of Mereruka was found intact within the principal chamber at the far end of his mastaba tomb. This chamber is approached through the mastaba tomb's false door. Mereruka's mastaba tomb boasts vibrant and well preserved tomb decorations and numerous relief scenes. His mastaba tomb remained hidden from view until it was discovered and excavated by Jacques de Morgan, of the Egyptian Antiquities Service in 1892. However, the first major publication on his tomb did not occur until over 40 years later in 1936 by Prentice Duell. Mereruka was also known by his 'beautiful' or chosen name of Meri.
Mastaba of Mereruka
Mastaba of Mereruka, Tomb of Mereruka, sixth dynasty, Mereruka the Vizier, Old kingdom
Our website is:
The audio file from:
Mastaba of Idut and Ihy
Mastaba of Kagemni
The Mummy of Tutankhamun
Exploring the Tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter 1922
Mastaba de Mereruka, Sakkara.
Vamos aprender com nosso Guia AMIR ALI sobre a Tumba de Mereruka, localizada na Necrópole de Sakkara?! 2340 A.C
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EGYPT 226 - MERERUKA'S Mastaba *SAQQARA XX* (by Egyptahotep)
MERERUKA'S Mastaba*SAQQARA XX* Notheastern Monuments:
The mastaba of Mereruka is located in the northeast area of the necropolis of Saqqara, at north of the pyramid of Teti (the first pharaoh of 6th Dynasty) and beside of Kagemni mastaba,. During this period power of the pharaohs was declining as can be seen in the comparatively small size and poor construction of their pyramids. However, increasing power attained by the large aristocratic families became apparent in the size and quality of the decoration of their mastabas. Two mastabas, located next to each other, are of special importance, that of the vizier Mereruka and that of Kagemni (his predecessor Watch my video Egypt 225). Mereruka's is by far the more complex and is located to the west of the other.The south west quarter was designed as being a separate set of chambers for his wife, Watetkhathor; The main structure was later extended at the north for his son, Meryteti. Both of these areas have their entrance from within the part of the complex devoted to Mereruka.This Mastaba Has Also Beautiful Reliefs of daily life,offerings, animals etc, even a scene with children playing.
in this video you can see several of them
【K】Egypt Travel-Cairo[이집트 여행-카이로]나일 강의 전통 배, 펠루카/Felucca/Nile River/Ship/Cruise/Sunset
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[한국어 정보]
이집트의 고대문명은 나일강의 산물이다. 해마다 반복되는 나일강의 범람으로 비옥한 옥토가 생겨났고 고대인들은 이 땅에서 농업혁명을 일으켰다. 지금도 나일강 삼각주는 이집트 농작물의 대부분을 생산하고 있다. 나일강의 명물인 펠루카는 우리의 황포돛대처럼 바람으로 움직이는 무동력선이다. “이 배는 변한 게 없어요. 옛 방식 그대로예요. 바람이 부는 방향대로 돛의 방향을 움직여야 배가 움직여요.“ 수천 년 전 피라미드의 석재를 싣고 나일강을 주름 잡았던 펠루카는 이제 유람선이 되었다. 이집트 문명을 탄생시킨 나일강 서편으로 해가 저문다.
[English: Google Translator]
The ancient civilizations of Egypt's Nile product. Each year got blossomed into fertile loam of the Nile floods have caused an agricultural revolution ancients be repeated in this land. Even now the Nile delta has produced most of the crops in Egypt. The Nile, is a non-powered line of specialty pelruka moving in the wind like our Huangpu mast. The ship I've changed. It's just the old way. As the wind is blowing direction to move the direction of the sail ship umjikyeoyo. Pelruka put a stone caught in the folds of the Nile thousands of years ago the pyramid is now a cruise ship. Jeomunda the west side of the Nile gave birth to the Egyptian civilization.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
الحضارات القديمة في المنتج النيل في مصر. حصلت ازدهرت في كل عام إلى الطميية الخصبة للفيضانات النيل قد تسبب القدماء الثورة الزراعية تتكرر في هذه الأرض. حتى الآن لم تنتج دلتا النيل معظم المحاصيل في مصر. النيل هو خط غير مدعوم من pelruka تخصص تتحرك في مهب الريح لدينا مثل الصاري هوانغبو. السفينة لقد تغيرت. انها مجرد وسيلة قديمة. وبما أن الرياح تهب باتجاه التحرك باتجاه umjikyeoyo المراكب الشراعية. وضعت Pelruka حجر وقعوا في ثنايا آلاف النيل سنوات مضت الهرم هو الآن سفينة سياحية. Jeomunda الجانب الغربي لنهر النيل أنجبت الحضارة المصرية.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트03-05 나일 강의 전통 배, 펠루카/Felucca/Nile River/Ship/Cruise/Sunset
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상윤 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 12월 December
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,현상윤,2011,12월 December,,,,
【K】Egypt Travel-Cairo[이집트 여행-카이로]피라미드와 메레루카 귀족무덤/Tomb of Mereruka/Pyramid/Stair/Djoser/Titi/King
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[한국어 정보]
42개의 기둥을 지나면 관광객들의 발길은 잡는 계단식 피라미드가 나온다. 이 피라미드는 초창기의 것으로 계단식 형태의 원조라 할 수 있다. 세월의 무게 탓에 허물어진 피라미드를 사람들이 보수중이었다. 그리고 사막 끝자락엔 아직도 발굴이 안 된 피라미드가 있었다. 계단식 피라미드에서 조금 떨어진 곳에 고대 이집트 왕국의 귀족 무덤이 있다. ‘메레르카’라는 귀족이다. 그 석상 주위로 당시 고대 이집트인들의 생활상이 그려져 있다. 무덤 바로 앞엔 티티왕 피라미드가 있다. 그 무덤 안. 사진으로만 봤던 고대 이집트인들의 상형문자 히에로 글리프가 살아 움직인다. 이 상형문자가 페르시아, 그리스 로마를 거치면서 오늘날의 문자가 되었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Over 42 pillars of tourists come to take away the terraced pyramid. This pyramid can help to shape the early days of La Cascade. Jean pyramid collapsed on the weight of years was because of the people are conservative. And the desert edge yen was still not excavated the pyramid. A little away from the terraced pyramid is the tomb of an ancient Egyptian nobleman Kingdom. The nobility of 'Tome allergic car. At the time of the ancient Egyptians it depicted the life around him gargoyle. There is a very grave apen King Titi pyramid. Not that grave. Only with pictures glyphs move seen alive in the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews. The hieroglyphs are Persians, while passing through the Greek and Roman became today's text.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
أكثر من 42 أركان السياح يأتون ليأخذ الهرم المدرجات. هذا الهرم يمكن أن تساعد على تشكيل الايام الاولى من لا تتالي. كان جان الهرم انهارت على وزن سنوات بسبب الناس هم من المحافظين. والين حافة الصحراء لا يزال غير حفرها الهرم. وبعيدا عن الهرم المدرجات قليلا هو قبر لالنبيل المصري القديم المملكة. نبل تومي سيارة الحساسية. في وقت المصريون القدماء أنه يصور حياة من حوله مرزاب. هناك خطير جدا ابنتنج الملك تيتي الهرم. لم يكن بهذه الخطورة. فقط مع الصور رموزا خطوة فسرت على قيد الحياة في اللغة الهيروغليفية المصرية القديمة من المصريين القدماء، العبرانيين. الكتابة الهيروغليفية هي الفرس، بينما يمر من خلال اليونانية والرومانية أصبح النص اليوم.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트01-04 조세르 왕 피라미드와 메레루카 귀족무덤/Tomb of Mereruka/Pyramid/Stair/Djoser/Titi/King
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김영묵 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 11월 November
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,김영묵,2007,11월 November,,,,
MEIDUM, esplorazione nella mastaba 17
Egitto 2009, un breve viaggio sotterraneo, all'esplorazione delle viscere di una antica mastaba, esistente nella zona di Meidum, Medio Egitto. Un'esperienza da non consigliare a chi è claustrofobico...
【K】Egypt Travel-Sinai[이집트 여행-시나이]시나이 산의 일출/Sunrise of Mount Sinai/Scenery/Summit/Top
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
새벽 한시 숙소를 출발, 시나이 산에 오르기로 했다. 일출을 보기 위해서다. 두 어 시간 오른 중간지점. 여기서 잠시 몸을 녹이고 다시 정상을 향해 출발한다. 걷기를 한 시간여... 정상이다. 한 겨울 날씨만큼 추위가 매섭다. 모세는 40일 동안 이 추위를 어떻게 견뎠을까. 아마 추위를 느끼지 못할 만큼 그 기도에 진력했을 것이다. 해가 뜬다. 그 햇살이 사람들의 마음을 붉게 물들이고 바위에 부딪히면서 천상의 세계를 연출한다. 하나님이 내려 올 것 같은 그 빛깔, 그 산세다. 산꼭대기에서 모세는 기도 한다. 나로 살지 않고 당신으로 살아 저 길을 가게 하소서.
[English: Google Translator]
Departure Time Offer accommodation dawn, decided to climb on Mount Sinai. Wihaeseoda see the sunrise. Two control midway point right time. Here we set off for the summit again dissolved the moment the body. It's time to walk over ... the top one. Winter weather is cold enough maeseopda. How did Moses gyeondyeot the cold during 40 days. Perhaps he would have made an effort to not feel the cold as much as prayer. The sun rises. As the sun budithimyeonseo dyed reddish rock the hearts of the people and directing the celestial world. God is the same color that will come down, and that pickling. In the top of the mountain, Moses prays. May I not live that way to me living with you.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
وقت المغادرة فجر الإقامة عرض، قرر أن يصعد على جبل سيناء. Wihaeseoda مشاهدة شروق الشمس. اثنين من نقطة مراقبة منتصف الطريق الوقت المناسب. نحن هنا انطلقت للقمة مرة أخرى حلت لحظة الجسم. حان الوقت للسير على ... رأس واحد. الطقس في فصل الشتاء هو maeseopda الباردة بما فيه الكفاية. كيف موسى gyeondyeot البرد خلال 40 يوما. ربما كان قد بذلت جهدا للا تشعر بالبرد بقدر الصلاة. تشرق الشمس. كما الشمس budithimyeonseo المحمر مصبوغ تهز قلوب الناس وتوجيه العالم السماوي. الله هو نفس اللون الذي سوف ينزل، وأن التخليل. في قمة الجبل، يصلي موسى. اسمحوا لي أن لا يعيش بهذه الطريقة لي العيش معك.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트01-13 시나이 산의 일출/Sunrise of Mount Sinai/Scenery/Summit/Top
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김영묵 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 11월 November
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,김영묵,2007,11월 November,,,,
Mereruka mastaba (Saqqara)
【K】Egypt Travel-Cairo[이집트 여행-카이로]혁명의 진원지, 타흐리르 광장/Tahrir Square/Revolution
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
제일 먼저 찾은 곳은 전 세계의 관심을 모으고 있는 타흐리르 광장. 광장 입구는 시민 자치대가 통제하고 있다. 2011년 1월 이집트 국민들은 무바라크의 30년 독재정권을 무너뜨렸다. 이집트 혁명의 진원지 타흐리르 광장엔 아직도 많은 시민들이 모여 뜨거운 논쟁을 계속하고 있다. 광장 한 편엔 사진전시대가 마련돼 혁명 당시의 뜨거웠던 순간들을 보여 준다. 사진 속 모습은 우리의 87년 6월 항쟁의 모습과 크게 다르지 않았다. 혁명의 와중에 2백여 명의 숭고한 생명이 희생되기도 했다. 군부의 실세를 풍자하는 노래가 광장을 축제의 분위기로 몰아간다. 무바라크를 몰아낸 이집트의 시민혁명이 자유롭고 정의로운 이집트로 변화시킬 수 있길 기대해 본다.
[English: Google Translator]
The first finds place in Tahrir Square attracted the attention of the world. The entrance plaza and civil government price controls. Egyptian citizens in January 2011 they knocked down a 30-year dictatorship of Mubarak. The epicenter of the Egyptian revolution, Tahrir Square yen is still a lot of people gather and keep the hot debate. Square side.I the exhibition period maryeondwae shows the Revolution of hot Dun moment. Picture was very different in appearance and look of our June 87 uprising. More than 200 people this noble sacrifice of life was also in the midst of a revolution. The song that satirizes the military goes silse cleared the square as the atmosphere of the festival. The civil revolution in Egypt that forced Mubarak to look forward with hope can change freely and justice in Egypt.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
جذبت المكان الاكتشافات الأولى في ميدان التحرير انتباه العالم. ساحة المدخل وضوابط الأسعار الحكومية المدنية. المواطن المصري في يناير 2011 خلعوا دكتاتورية 30 عاما من مبارك. بؤرة الثورة المصرية، ميدان التحرير الين لا يزال هناك الكثير من الناس يجتمعون والحفاظ على نقاش ساخن. side.I مربع يظهر maryeondwae فترة المعرض ثورة دان الساخنة لحظة. كانت الصورة مختلفة جدا في المظهر والشكل لدينا يونيو 87 انتفاضة. أكثر من 200 شخص وكانت هذه التضحية النبيلة الحياة أيضا في خضم ثورة. الأغنية التي يهجو الجيش يذهب silse مسح الميدان مع أجواء المهرجان. الثورة المدنية في مصر التي أجبرت مبارك لنتطلع بأمل يمكن تغيير بحرية والعدالة في مصر.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트03-01 혁명의 진원지, 타흐리르 광장/Tahrir Square/Revolution
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상윤 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 12월 December
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,현상윤,2011,12월 December,,,,
Mastaba of Kagemni
Inside the mastaba of kagemni, Mastaba of Kagemni, Tomb of Kagemni, Entire the mastaba of kagemni, Old Kingdom mastaba, Sixth dynasty mastaba
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Valuable papers:
Mastaba of Kagemni
Tomb of Mereruka
Old Kingdom
【K】Egypt Travel-Cairo[이집트 여행-카이로]조세르 왕의 피라미드/Pyramid of Djoser/Pharaoh/Hieroglyphics/Mastaba/Tomb
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[한국어 정보]
4600년 전에 처음으로 지어진 조세르 왕의 피라미드는 계단식 모양을 하고 있다. 6층으로 된 높이 60m의 피라미드는 허물어진 돌 더미를 복원하기 위한 공사가 진행 중이다. 그런데 왜 이집트 고대인들은 거대한 피라미드를 쌓은 것일까? “이집트 고대인들은 사람이 죽으면 육신은 사라지지만 영혼은 하늘로 가서 신을 만난다고 믿었어요. 피라미드는 파라오가 신을 만나러 갈 수 있도록 하늘을 향해 쌓은 거예요.“ 조세르 왕의 피라미드 주변에는 왕비와 왕족들의 피라미드도 상당수 남아있다. 마스타바라고 부르는 귀족들의 무덤군도 보이는데 비교적 잘 보존 돼있다. 사람이 사는 집처럼 꾸며진 무덤 내부로 들어서자 시신을 안치했던 방이 나온다. 방 한 편에 석관을 모시고 벽에는 상형문자로 고인의 생전 업적을 기록해 두었다. 벽화를 통해 4천여 년 전의 생활 모습이 생생하게 전해진다. 무덤 안에는 또 하나의 방이 있는데 고인을 추모하던 곳이다. 비록 바래긴 했지만 채색된 벽화 속 인물이 아직도 선명하게 남아 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Pyramid of King Djoser built the first 4600 years ago, it has a terraced shape. The 60m tall pyramid of a 6-storey construction is underway to restore the demolished Jean pile of stones. So why does Egypt have accumulated a huge ancient pyramid? Ancient Egyptian people are dead bodies disappear, but the souls go to heaven, I believed in God mannandago. It's stacked pyramid toward the heavens so that Pharaoh is going to see God. Around the pyramid of King Djoser remains of a pyramid queens and kings even many. Looks Islands tombs of the nobles are called masters hoping gotta relatively well preserved. From this emerges the room was enshrined as the body lift chairs decorated like a living tomb inside the house. Rooms invite the sarcophagus was placed on one side wall of the deceased during his lifetime achievement recorded by hieroglyphics. These lifestyle vivid reportedly more than 4,000 years ago with a mural. There is another room inside the tomb where the deceased was a memorial. Although hope remains long, but the figures are still clearly in colored murals.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
هرم الملك زوسر الذي بني منذ سنوات 4600 الأولى، ولها شكل المدرجات. هو 60M هرم شاهق البناء مكون من 6 طوابق جار لاستعادة جان كومة من الحجارة المهدمة. فلماذا تراكمت مصر الهرم القديم الضخم؟ الشعب المصري القديم والجثث تختفي، ولكن النفوس الذهاب الى الجنة، وأنا آمنت بالله mannandago. انها مكدسة والهرم نحو السماء بحيث فرعون هو الذهاب لرؤية الله. حول هرم الملك زوسر تبقى من الملكات الهرم و الملوك حتى الكثير. يبدو تسمى جزر مقابر النبلاء الماجستير تأمل فلدي الحفاظ عليها جيدا نسبيا. من هذا يتبين مكرس الغرفة كما الكراسي شد الجسم زينت مثل قبر يعيشون داخل المنزل. غرف يدعو تم وضع التابوت على واحدة الجدار الجانبي للمتوفى خلال تحقيق حياته التي سجلها الهيروغليفية. هذه الحياة حية يقال قبل أكثر من 4000 سنة مع لوحة جدارية. هناك غرفة أخرى داخل القبر حيث كان المتوفى نصب تذكاري. على الرغم من أن الأمل لا يزال طويلا، ولكن الأرقام لا تزال واضحة في الجداريات الملونة.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트03-03 사카라 지구, 조세르 왕의 피라미드/Pyramid of Djoser/Terraced/Pharaoh/Hieroglyphics/Pictograph/Mastaba/Saqqara/Sakkara/Tomb
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상윤 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 12월 December
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,현상윤,2011,12월 December,,,,
Mastaba of Princess Idut at Saqqara
30/9/2013 - We were the only tourists on the entire site at Saqqara.
【K】Egypt Travel-Luxor[이집트 여행-룩소르]덴데라 신전/Dendera Temple/Cleopatra/Sculpture/Hieroglyphics/Pictograph
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
덴데라 신전은 중앙에 있는 본 신전 외에도 곳곳의 부속신전들과 그 터로 볼 때 대단한 신전이었음을 한눈에 알 수 있었다. 클레오파트라가 여왕일 때 직접 지은 것이다. 로마 장군이자 그녀의 연인이었던 케이사르, 즉 시저의 도움이 컸다고 한다. “클레오파트라는 알렉산드리아에 있었기 때문에 룩소르 같은 이집트 남부지방에서는 인지도가 높지 않았습니다. 그래서 자신이 왕임을 확실히 과시할 필요가 있었던 거죠.” 가장 완전하게 남아있는 본 신전은 모든 벽면이 신화 속의 인물들과 상형문자, 그리고 조각품으로 채워져 있다. 고대 이집트 무덤 벽화들과 크게 다르지 않아 보인다. 여신들의 얼굴은 우상을 금하는 종교인들에 의해 의도적으로 훼손돼 있다. 그래도 당시의 위용을 느끼기엔 부족함이 없다. 신전 안으로 들어가 보았다. 내부는 채색부조로 채워져 있었다. 2,000년의 시간이 흘렸음에도 색이 살아있다. 덴데라 신전의 채색이 이집트의 모든 신전 중에서 가장 선명하게 남아 있단다. 천정의 채색은 더욱 화려하다. 이 그림 한 장마다 신화 속 긴 이야기가 깃들어 있을 것이다. 중앙부분엔 역시 태양이 있다. 클레오파트라는 다른 이집트 사람들처럼 태양을 숭배했다. 신전 안의 수많은 방에도 그림들로 가득하다. 안내인을 뒤따라갔다. 지하실은 미로처럼 좁고 길었다. 클레오파트라가 자신의 운명을 예견했던 것일까. 미로의 가장 끝에 뱀이 있었다. 당시 뱀은 신성한 동물로 여겼다. 물리면 고통 없이 죽어 불멸의 세계로 간다는 믿음이 있었다. 나는 급히 건물 뒤편으로 갔다. 클레오파트라와 그의 아들이 있다. 시저 사이에서 낳은 아들, 케사리온이다. 얼굴부분은 역시 많이 훼손돼 있다. 하지만 상형문자로 뚜렷이 이름이 새겨져있다. 나는 클레오파트라를 보면서 절세미인의 아름다움 보다는 멸망해가는 왕국의 운명 앞에서도 아들을 살리려 끝까지 몸부림쳤던 모정에 가슴이 저려왔다. 하지만 끝내 아들은 로마군에 잡혀 처형됐다. 열일곱 나이였다. 그녀도 자결했다. 서른아홉이었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Den-dera temple when the temple parts of the temple in addition to places and their teoro could see at a glance the central been a great temple. Cleopatra will be built directly when the queen. And her lover, the Roman general who was Kay Sar, that is, with the help of Caesar keotdago. Cleopatra is because in Alexandria in Egypt, such as Luxor in southern province has a high reputation. That's why they need to be clearly demonstrated that the king was the most complete temple is all that remains of this wall is the mythical figures and hieroglyphics, and is filled with sculptures. Ancient Egyptian tombs and murals looks not much different. Gotta face of the goddess is intentionally damaged by prohibiting religious idols. There is no shortage neukkigien at the time of grandeur, though. Temple looked into the net. Inside was filled with colored reliefs. This time of 2,000 years, even though the color has been spilled alive. The coloring of Den Dera Temple itdanda remains the most vivid of all the temples of Egypt. Painted ceiling is more colorful. This figure is a long story in one chapter each myth will be imbued. There is also a central part of the sun yen. Cleopatra was like other Egyptians worshiped the sun. Even a number of rooms in the temple is full of pictures. I went to catch up with the ushers. Basement is long and narrow like a maze. Does Cleopatra had foreseen his fate.
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트05-12 클레오파트라가 세운 덴데라 신전/Dendera Temple/Cleopatra/Sculpture/Hieroglyphics/Pictograph
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 서은섭 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 5월 May
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,서은섭,2013,5월 May,,,,
EGYPT 696 - NEFERMAAT & ITET Mastaba *MEIDUM IV*(by Egyptahotep)
NEFERMAAT & ITET (or Atet) mastaba:
Nefermaat's titulary was elaborate and impressive, including general titles such as member of the elite, priestly titles such as priest of Bastet and civil titles like royal seal bearer and vizier. A relief found in his tomb describes him as 'he is the one who made his gods in writing that cannot be erased', an indication that he was looking for ways to make reliefs more durable, Are known 5 Nefermaat's sons (but there are others): those 5 sons are Buneb, Shepsesneb, Ankhreshet, Nebkhenet and the most famous of them,Hemiunu, the architect who built the pyramid of Khufu Giza.
Nefermaat was buried in a mastaba at Meidum (num 16), near the pyramid built there by his father. As Snofru was finally buried in the so-called Red Pyramid at Dashur, some 40 kilometres to the North it is very likely that Nefermaat died when Meidum was still intended as the royal cemetery. As recent archaeological research has led to the assumption that Snofru abandonned Meidum between his 15th and 28th year, Nefermaat probably died before Snofru's 15th year. In any case, he died before his father did, since it was his younger half brother Kheops who became the next king.Nefermaat's wife was a woman named Itet, who bore the title 'known to the king'. This title is often taken to indicate a person that was part of the royal entourage, often a more distant relative. She may have gained her title through her marriage with the son of the king. The names of her parents are not known.
This tomb has become famous due a fragment of painted plaster, representing some geese, known as The Meidum Geese.
in this video you can see, views of their mastaba, and some of its paintings,including the famous geese.
【K】Egypt Travel-Cairo[이집트 여행-카이로]아기예수 피난교회/Church Abu Serga/Saints Serguis and Bacchus/Shrine/Cave
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
초기 기독교 역사를 느낄 수 있는 곳이다. 관광객과 순례객들이 가장 많이 찾는 곳. 아기예수 피난 교회다. 아기예수 가족들이 피신 온 동굴 위에 세워진 이 교회다. 4세기경 순교한 세르기우스의 이름을 따 아부 사르가 교회로 부르고 있다. 교회천장이 노아의 방주모양으로 만들어졌단다. 성스러운 가족의 토굴. 이곳에서 아기예수 가족들은 100여일 숨어 지냈다.
[English: Google Translator]
A place where you can feel the history of early Christianity. Where tourists and pilgrims are looking for the most. The baby Jesus fled the church. Baby Jesus Church, built on the family fled whole cave. Sergio fourth century martyr who follow the group Uz the name Abu Sar is called into the Church. Church ceiling danda were made to Noah's Ark shape. Crypt of the Holy Family. Baby Jesus family spent hiding here 100 days in the US
[Arabic: Google Translator]
مكان حيث يمكنك أن تشعر تاريخ المسيحية الاولى. حيث السياح والحجاج يبحثون عن أكثر من غيرها. هرب الطفل يسوع الكنيسة. هرب كنيسة الطفل يسوع، الذي بني على الأسرة كهف كله. ويسمى سيرجيو القرن الرابع الشهيد الذين يتبعون مجموعة عوص اسم أبو سار إلى الكنيسة. وقدمت الكنيسة سقف داندا لارك شكل نوح. سرداب العائلة المقدسة. عائلة الطفل يسوع الذي يقضيه يختبئون هنا 100 أيام في الولايات المتحدة
■클립명: 아프리카058-이집트01-06 기독교 성지, 아기예수 피난교회/Saints Serguis and Bacchus Church/Church of Abu Serga/Shrine/Cave/Christian
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김영묵 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 11월 November
,아프리카,Africa,,이집트,Egypt ,,,김영묵,2007,11월 November,,,,
Cairo Part 2: Sakkara Pyramids
Just outside of Cairo, not far up the Nile, are the less famous but just as fascinating pyramids of Sakkara. Well worth seeing for yourself!
EGYPT 225 - KAGEMNI'S Mastaba *SAQQARA XIX* (by Egyptahotep)
KAGEMNI'S Mastaba*SAQQARA XIX* Notheastern Monuments:
Kagemni was vizier at of Pharaoh Teti of the Sixth dynasty.The Wife of Kagemni (Nebtynubkhet Sesheshet) was a King's Daughter (Probably daughter of Teti).
Kagemni had a great number of titles. Kagemni had also religious Titles, including High Priest of Re and Min. As vizier, Kagemni also held the positions of overseer of the scribes of the king's documents, overseer of all the works of the king, and overseer of the six great courts.
Kagemni was buried in a mastaba in the Teti cemetery in Saqqara.His tomb is very beautiful.The mastaba was constructed of large blocks of limestone. Part of the mastaba consists of a chapel with six rooms, a pillared hall, five magazines, two chambers containing boats, a serdab and a staircase which gives access to the roof. The chapel walls are decorated and so are the walls of the burial chamber,
The tomb has a hall right after the entrance, followed by a pillared hall and then a suite of rooms to the north of the pillared hall. The entrance hall has beautiful scenes of daily life, even a fantastic scene with dancers. There are scenes of fishing and scenes of the wildlife with crocodiles, frogs etc.There are also scenes of cattle, including a man carrying a calf and a cow being milked.
in this video you can see several of these scenes.