Mausoleo Germanico Quero Vas (paese del Vento).
Vi porto con me, seguendo sempre per quello che riguarda le opere della 1° guerra mondiale, in questo caso il sacrario del mio paese. Buona visione.
(Questo video non ha scopo propagandistico ma solo storico.)
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Compagna/o di escursioni : Saphira (pastore tedesco)
Allan (brother/fratello/hermano)
Attrezzatura foto/video : Videocamera : Gopro Hero 7
Smartphone : Samsung Galaxy S7
Gimbal : FeiyuTech Vimble 2
Trepiede bastone : BlitzWolf 3 in 1
EVENTI - Quero Vas (Bl): 16° Carnevalando
Servizio a cura di Luigi Mello.
Flying Quero Vas
Volo aereo su Quero Vas, tra le Prealpi Bellunesi. Drone di Cristian Icia Bagatella, montaggio di NT&T.
Qual Buon VENETO... [Segusino, Stramare e Quero]
Viaggeremo tra le cittadine di Treviso e Belluno, Segusino, Stramare e Quero alla scoperta di curiosità e tracce storiche poco conosciute.
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Riprese video effettuate con Panasonic© LUMIX GH4.
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Quero (BL), paese del vento
Quero sorge ai piedi del monte Cornella - una delle estremità orientali del massiccio del Grappa - su un altipiano a cuneo tra il torrente Tegorzo ed il fiume Piave.
E' il paese dove il vento soffia ogni giorno, dei lampadari e dell'occhialeria, delle arance a San Valentino, della Sagra dei s'ciòs (lumache), di una parte della mia famiglia.
Le foto del capoluogo sono state quasi tutte scattate da me durante le mie visite periodiche. Per le immagini dei dintorni e delle frazioni - Santa Maria, Carpen, Schievenin, Cilladon - ho spesso attinto in rete da click di appassionati.
Cito in ordine casuale sperando di non dimenticarne nessuno:
PaoloF, DPA48, AldoDeBastiani, PaoloCassol, SettimoRizzotto, Letreci, Alfredo-Avventurosamente, Pietros2007, Giovanni56, NoteUrbane, Altratecnica, MelloIvan, Magicoveneto, ArgoNordicWalkingTeam, Luciano54, LionelloCurto, NordicWalkingAltaMarca, IlTornado, Daniele Andrighetti e la sua trota e ProlocoQuero con i suoi scatti di festa.
La musica, dei Bededeum, è 'Pee-wee & the quaker'
VAS - La fusione dei comuni di Quero e Vas potrebbe essere in dirittura d'arrivo. L'indizione del referendum consultivo è la tappa finale di un percorso istituzionale che dura ormai da oltre un decennio. I due comuni del basso feltrino andranno al voto il prossimo 27 ottobre.
- Intervistati: ANDREA BIASIOTTO (Sindaco di Vas), DARIO BOND (Capogruppo regionale PdL), MARIA CRISTINA MAZZALOVO (Consigliere comunale Vas Lista civica) - Servizio di Tiziana Bolognani, riprese di Stefano Garavelli, montaggio di Stefano Garavelli
Sacrario Militare del Tonale - Vermiglio - Italia - 2016
Il sacrario militare del Tonale si trova sul passo del Tonale, tra la Valcamonica e la val Vermiglio. Il sacrario è situato in un valico prativo, entro le cime dei monti ove si combatté nella guerra 1915 1918. Il sacrario del Tonale è stato costruito dall' architetto Pietro Del Fabbro nel 1936.
Pinnacle Studio Pro
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Heartbreaking di Kevin MacLeod è un brano autorizzato da Creative Commons Attribution (
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Celebrazioni Grande Guerra Alano di Piave
Ad Alano di Piave (BL), il fine settimana è stato caratterizzato dalle celebrazioni della Prima Guerra Mondiale solo parzialmente ridimensionate a causa del maltempo di questi giorni.
Servizio a cura di:
Fulvio Mondin
Paola Mondin
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Rancio nelle trincee! (Monte Palon M.Grappa)
Escursione sul Monte Palon, che fa parte del massiccio del Grappa, linea aspramente difesa dai nostri alpini.
Nota importante : Erwin Rommel (meglio noto come la volpe del deserto nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale), era impegnato allora proprio in questo settore come tenente di un reparto della Wültenberg e tentò ripetutamente e inutilmente di prendere questa importante linea fortificata (come si può apprendere dalle dettagliate relazioni nei suoi diari corredati da schizzi della zona).Egli stesso citava il Monte
Palon come osso duro da espugnare conferendogli l’attributo di “spina dorsale” della linea di difesa italiana in quel tratto di fronte: infatti la posizione starategica del Monte Palon permetteva di tener sotto costante osservazione le posizioni nemiche integrando l’azione delle artiglierie di cima Grappa su zone, non viste e non battibili da questa, del tratto Tomba – Monfenera e dell’intera valle dell’Ornic, oltre che alla stretta del Piave.
Per questo motivo intere divisioni Austro-Tedesche nella Battaglia d’Arresto nel novembre-dicembre del 1917, seguendo varie direttrici, cercarono di prenderlo invano.
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Compagna/o di escursioni : Saphira (pastore tedesco)
Allan (brother/fratello/hermano)
Attrezzatura foto/video : Action Cam : Gopro Hero 7
Smartphone : Samsung Galaxy S7
Gimbal : FeiyuTech Vimble 2
édile o èdile? pudìco o pùdico? lecconìa o leccornià? utènsile o uténsile? Qual'è la giusta pronuncia? Scopriamolo insieme a Vera Gheno, sociolinguista.
L'ultimo saluto di Terence Hill all'amico di sempre Bud Spencer
(Agenzia VISTA) - Roma, 30 Giugno 2016 - Terence Hill ai funerali dell'amico e storico partner Bud Spencer, l'attore napoletano scomparso a 86 anni. Il feretro è stato accolto sulle note di Dune Buggy, la colonna sonora di Altrimenti ci arrabbiamo film girato insieme all'amico di sempre Terence Hill, presente anche lui ai funerali. Tanta la gente comune fuori dalla Chiesa.
The Chaos (English is tough stuff!) read aloud with IPA indications
How's your English pronunciation? I doubt you can read this poem without making mistakes! See me try...
(Make sure to stick around until the end for an encouraging message after the poem!)
More about the poem is described in detail here:
In this video I try to read a famous poem [Not actually originally called English is tough stuff, it's a slightly modified (updated) version of The Chaos written by Gerard Nolst Trenité in 1922], which demonstrates the weird spelling convention English has. To make it more fun though, I added in not only the original poem, but also the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) indications AND lots of fun images!
Note that I am IRISH, and as such what I say does not correspond perfectly with the AMERICAN IPA that I got from an online converter (and corrected for words it didn't know). So there are several words that I say different to the IPA. Most of the time this is my accent, but if I pronounce a word just wrong, let me know in the comments and I'll list it here to be sure people don't learn my bad pronunciation! I'm pretty sure I got the vast majority of it right!
Mistakes: * lichen should have been pronounced /laɪkɪn/
* Arkansas is usually pronounced with an aw ending, but I said r to make the poem rhyme.
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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
The third installment in the widely beloved Spielberg/Lucas Indiana Jones saga begins with an introduction to a younger Indy (played by the late River Phoenix), who, through a fast-paced prologue, gives the audience insight into the roots of his taste for adventure, fear of snakes, and dogged determination to take historical artifacts out of the hands of bad guys and into the museums in which they belong. A grown-up Indy (Harrison Ford) reveals himself shortly afterward in a familiar classroom scene, teaching archeology to a disproportionate number of starry-eyed female college students in 1938. Once again, however, Mr. Jones is drawn away from his day job after an art collector (Julian Glover) approaches him with a proposition to find the much sought after Holy Grail. Circumstances reveal that there was another avid archeologist in search of the famed cup — Indiana Jones' father, Dr. Henry Jones (Sean Connery) — who had recently disappeared during his efforts. The junior and senior members of the Jones family find themselves in a series of tough situations in locales ranging from Venice to the most treacherous spots in the Middle East. Complicating the situation further is the presence of Elsa (Alison Doody), a beautiful and intelligent woman with one fatal flaw: she's an undercover Nazi agent. The search for the grail is a dangerous quest, and its discovery may prove fatal to those who seek it for personal gain. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade earned a then record-breaking $50 million in its first week of release.
Livia y Augusto tuvieron un matrimonio lleno de amor, estuvieron casados 52 años. Livia fue la tercera esposa de Augusta pero la primera Emperatriz de Roma.
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On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Just as Agent 007 finally discovers true love, he is thrown into spectacular action and danger in this entertaining adventure that stars George Lazenby as the charismatic Bond.
Me, Myself & Irene
Meet Charlie Baileygates (Jim Carrey), a 17-year veteran of the Rhode Island police force. Charlie is mild-mannered, hard-working, always helpful, and a devoted and loving father to three sons. Unfortunately, Charlie has Split Personality Disorder, and when he runs out of his medication... Meet Hank Baileygates, Charlie's hyper-aggressive alter-ego. Hank's got a filthy mouth, drinks like a fish, and breaks skulls. Charlie and Hank have nothing in common...with the exception of Irene Waters (Renée Zellweger), a beautiful woman on the lam with whom they've both fallen in love. Now, Hank/Charlie must wage war - with himself - for the confused Irene's affections.
Words at War: Apartment in Athens / They Left the Back Door Open / Brave Men
Greece entered World War II on 28 October 1940, when the Italian army invaded from Albania, beginning the Greco-Italian War. The Greek army was able to stop the invasion and even push back the Italians into Albania, thereby winning one of the first victories for the Allies. The Greek successes and the inability of the Italians to reverse the situation forced Nazi Germany to intervene in order to protect her main Axis partner's prestige. The Germans invaded Greece and Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941, and overran both countries within a month, despite British aid to Greece in the form of an expeditionary corps. The conquest of Greece was completed in May with the capture of Crete from the air, although the Fallschirmjäger suffered such extensive casualties in this operation that the Germans abandoned large-scale airborne operations for the remainder of the war. The German diversion of resources in the Balkans is also considered by some historians to have delayed the launch of the invasion of the Soviet Union by a critical month, which proved disastrous when the German army failed to take Moscow.[citation needed]
Greece itself was occupied and divided between Germany, Italy and Bulgaria, while the King and the government fled into exile in Egypt. First attempts at armed resistance in summer 1941 were crushed by the Axis, but the Resistance movement began again in 1942 and grew enormously in 1943 and 1944, liberating large parts of the country's mountainous interior and tying down considerable Axis forces. However, political tensions between the Resistance groups resulted in the outbreak of a civil conflict among them in late 1943, which continued until the spring of 1944. The exiled Greek government also formed armed forces of its own, which served and fought alongside the British in the Middle East, North Africa and Italy. The contribution of the Greek war and the merchant navies in particular was of special importance to the Allied cause.
Mainland Greece was liberated in October 1944 with the German withdrawal in the face of the advancing Red Army, while German garrisons continued to hold out in the Aegean Islands until after the war's end. The country was devastated by war and occupation, and its economy and infrastructure lay in ruins. Greece suffered more than 400,000 casualties during the occupation, and the country's Jewish community was almost completely exterminated in the Holocaust. By 1946, however, a vicious civil war erupted between the British and American-sponsored conservative government and leftist guerrillas, which would last until 1949.
You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Door / People / Smile
Julius Henry Groucho Marx (October 2, 1890 -- August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star. He is known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the best comedians of the modern era. His rapid-fire, often impromptu delivery of innuendo-laden patter earned him many admirers and imitators. He made 13 feature films with his siblings the Marx Brothers, of whom he was the third-born. He also had a successful solo career, most notably as the host of the radio and television game show You Bet Your Life. His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, glasses, cigar, and a thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows. These exaggerated features resulted in the creation of one of the world's most ubiquitous and recognizable novelty disguises, known as Groucho glasses, a one-piece mask consisting of horn-rimmed glasses, large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache.
Groucho Marx was, and is, the most recognizable and well-known of the Marx Brothers. Groucho-like characters and references have appeared in popular culture both during and after his life, some aimed at audiences who may never have seen a Marx Brothers movie. Groucho's trademark eye glasses, nose, mustache, and cigar have become icons of comedy—glasses with fake noses and mustaches (referred to as Groucho glasses, nose-glasses, and other names) are sold by novelty and costume shops around the world.
Nat Perrin, close friend of Groucho Marx and writer of several Marx Brothers films, inspired John Astin's portrayal of Gomez Addams on the 1960s TV series The Addams Family with similarly thick mustache, eyebrows, sardonic remarks, backward logic, and ever-present cigar (pulled from his breast pocket already lit).
Alan Alda often vamped in the manner of Groucho on M*A*S*H. In one episode, Yankee Doodle Doctor, Hawkeye and Trapper put on a Marx Brothers act at the 4077, with Hawkeye playing Groucho and Trapper playing Harpo. In three other episodes, a character appeared who was named Captain Calvin Spalding (played by Loudon Wainwright III). Groucho's character in Animal Crackers was Captain Geoffrey T. Spaulding.
On many occasions, on the 1970s television sitcom All In The Family, Michael Stivic (Rob Reiner), would briefly imitate Groucho Marx and his mannerisms.
Two albums by British rock band Queen, A Night at the Opera (1975) and A Day at the Races (1976), are named after Marx Brothers films. In March 1977, Groucho invited Queen to visit him in his Los Angeles home; there they performed '39 a capella. A long-running ad campaign for Vlasic Pickles features an animated stork that imitates Groucho's mannerisms and voice. On the famous Hollywood Sign in California, one of the Os is dedicated to Groucho. Alice Cooper contributed over $27,000 to remodel the sign, in memory of his friend.
In 1982, Gabe Kaplan portrayed Marx in the film Groucho, in a one-man stage production. He also imitated Marx occasionally on his previous TV sitcom Welcome Back, Kotter.
Actor Frank Ferrante has performed as Groucho Marx on stage for more than two decades. He continues to tour under rights granted by the Marx family in a one-man show entitled An Evening With Groucho in theaters throughout the United States and Canada with piano accompanist Jim Furmston. In the late 1980s Ferrante starred as Groucho in the off-Broadway and London show Groucho: A Life in Revue penned by Groucho's son Arthur. Ferrante portrayed the comedian from age 15 to 85. The show was later filmed for PBS in 2001. Woody Allen's 1996 musical Everyone Says I Love You, in addition to being named for one of Groucho's signature songs, ends with a Groucho-themed New Year's Eve party in Paris, which some of the stars, including Allen and Goldie Hawn, attend in full Groucho costume. The highlight of the scene is an ensemble song-and-dance performance of Hooray for Captain Spaulding—done entirely in French.
In the last of the Tintin comics, Tintin and the Picaros, a balloon shaped like the face of Groucho could be seen in the Annual Carnival.
In the Italian horror comic Dylan Dog, the protagonist's sidekick is a Groucho impersonator whose character became his permanent personality.
The BBC remade the radio sitcom Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel, with contemporary actors playing the parts of the original cast. The series was repeated on digital radio station BBC7. Scottish playwright Louise Oliver wrote a play named Waiting For Groucho about Chico and Harpo waiting for Groucho to turn up for the filming of their last project together. This was performed by Glasgow theatre company Rhymes with Purple Productions at the Edinburgh Fringe and in Glasgow and Hamilton in 2007-08. Groucho was played by Scottish actor Frodo McDaniel.
Political Documentary Filmmaker in Cold War America: Emile de Antonio Interview
Emile Francisco de Antonio (May 14, 1919 -- December 16, 1989) was an American director and producer of documentary films, usually detailing political or social events circa 1960s--1980s. About his films:
He has been referred to by scholars and critics alike, and arguably remains, ...the most important political filmmaker in the United States during the Cold War.
de Antonio was born in 1919 in in the coal-mining town of Scranton, Pennsylvania. His father, Emilio de Antonio, an Italian immigrant, fostered the lifelong interests of Antonio by passing on his own love for philosophy, classical literature, history and the arts. Although his intelligence allowed him the privilege of attended Harvard University alongside future-president John F. Kennedy, he was also familiar with the working class experience, making his living at various points in his life as a peddler, a book editor, and the captain of a river barge (among other duties).
After serving in the military during World War II as a bomber pilot, de Antonio returned to the United States where he frequented the art crowd, often associating with such Pop artists as Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Andy Warhol, in whose film Drink de Antonio appears. Warhol was famously quoted praising de Antonio with the words, Everything I learned about painting, I learned from De.
The book Necessary Illusions (1989) by Noam Chomsky and the documentary Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992) by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick are dedicated to Emile de Antonio.
Point of Order (1964)
McCarthy: Death of a Witch Hunter (1964)
Rush to Judgment (1967)
America Is Hard to See (1968)
In the Year of the Pig (1968)
Charge and Countercharge (1969)
Millhouse: A White Comedy (1971)
Painters Painting (1972)
Underground (1976)
In The King of Prussia (1982)
Mr. Hoover and I (1989)
Kathleen Stockwell on Nicaragua and El Salvador
Nicaragua, officially the Republic of Nicaragua (Spanish: República de Nicaragua, is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. The country is situated between 11 and 14 degrees north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere, which places it entirely within the tropics. The Pacific Ocean lies to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. The country's physical geography divides it into three major zones: Pacific lowlands; wet, cooler central highlands; and the Caribbean lowlands. On the Pacific side of the country are the two largest fresh water lakes in Central America—Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Surrounding these lakes and extending to their northwest along the rift valley of the Gulf of Fonseca are fertile lowland plains, with soil highly enriched by ash from nearby volcanoes of the central highlands. Nicaragua's abundance of biologically significant and unique ecosystems contribute to Mesoamerica's designation as a biodiversity hotspot.
The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century. Nicaragua achieved its independence from Spain in 1821. Since its independence, Nicaragua has undergone periods of political unrest, dictatorship, and fiscal crisis—the most notable causes that led to the Nicaraguan Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to the revolution, Nicaragua was one of Central America's wealthiest and most developed countries. The revolutionary conflict, paired with a 1972 earthquake, reversed the country's prior economic standing. Nicaragua is a representative democratic republic, and has experienced economic growth and political stability in recent years. In 1990, Nicaragua elected Violeta Chamorro as its president, making it the first country in Central American history and the second in the Western Hemisphere to democratically elect a female head of state.
The population of Nicaragua, approximately 6 million, is multiethnic. Roughly a quarter of the population lives in the capital city, Managua; it is the second-largest city in Central America. Segments of the population include indigenous native tribes from the Mosquito Coast, Europeans, Africans, Asians, and people of Middle Eastern origin. The main language is Spanish, although native tribes on the eastern coast speak their native languages, such as Miskito, Sumo, and Rama, as well as English Creole. The mixture of cultural traditions has generated substantial diversity in art and literature, particularly the latter given the various literary contributions of Nicaraguan writers, including Rubén Darío, Ernesto Cardenal, and Gioconda Belli. The biological diversity, warm tropical climate, and active volcanoes make Nicaragua an increasingly popular tourist destination.
El Salvador (Spanish: República de El Salvador, literally 'Republic of The Savior') is the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. The country's capital city and largest city is San Salvador; Santa Ana and San Miguel are also important cultural and commercial centers in the country as well as Central America. El Salvador borders the Pacific Ocean on the west, and the countries of Guatemala to the north and Honduras to the east. Its easternmost region lies on the coast of the Gulf of Fonseca, opposite Nicaragua. As of 2009, El Salvador had a population of approximately 5,744,113 people, composed predominantly of Mestizos.
The colón was the official currency of El Salvador from 1892 to 2001, when it adopted the U.S. Dollar.
In 2010 El Salvador ranked in the top 10 among Latin American countries in terms of the Human Development Index and in the top 3 in Central America (behind Costa Rica and Panama), due in part to ongoing rapid industrialization. In addition, tropical forests and overall forest cover has expanded by nearly 20 percent from the year 1992 to 2010, making it one of the few countries experiencing reforestation.