Kumquat Fruits & Vassilakis Company (Corfu, Greece)
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Th. Vassilakis and Sons SA engages in the production and sale of kumquat products and liquors in Greece. Its products include kumquat liquors, extracts, flavored colada, preserves and sweets, fruits, perfumes, and corfiot marmalade. The company also produces traditional liquors, wines, and spirits. It serves restaurants and hotels. The company distributes its products through its outlets and shops in Greece. Th. Vassilakis and Sons SA was founded in 1960 and is based in Corfu, Greece.
Visit them and try their liquors for free. They have years of experience and the friendly staff can take you through the origin and production of each of their products. Their distillery is located at Ag Ioannis about eight kilometres from Corfu Town.
About Kum Quat
Kumquats or cumquats are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, either forming the genus Fortunella, or placed within Citrus sensu lato. The edible fruit closely resembles that of the orange (Citrus sinensis), but it is much smaller and ovular, being approximately the size and shape of an olive.
They are slow-growing evergreen shrubs or short trees, from 2.5 to 4.5 metres (8 to 15 ft) tall, with dense branches, sometimes bearing small thorns. The leaves are dark glossy green, and the flowers white, similar to other citrus flowers, borne singly or clustered in the leaf-axils. Depending on size, the kumquat tree can produce hundreds or even thousands of fruits each year.
The kumquat originally comes from south Japan and China. The meaning of the word kumquat is Golden Fruit; it was brought in Corfu in 1860 by the English agronomist Merlyn. The kumquat plants grow mainly in the NW of part of the island and it is one of the main agricultural products of Corfu.
Kumquat is a source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin C helps in wound healing, the health of the connective tissue and absorption of free radicals. The high content of kumquat in fiber makes it beneficial for the control of appetite and constant saturation. Dietary fiber is known to reduce high cholesterol. Kumquat imparts beneficial properties to health due to the antioxidants.
Kumquat is a good source of Vitamin B, which acts as cofactor to metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Is a moderately source of metals such as calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, iron, selenium and zinc. Calcium is the most important element that is required for the formation of bones and teeth. Copper is required for the production of red blood cells. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells and to cell oxidation.
Koum Quat - destylarnia Mavromatis (Korfu) [2013]
Destylarnia Mavromatis została założona w 1965 roku. Jest to firma rodzinna, zajmująca się destylacją unikalnych pomarańczy kumquat w postaci dwóch specjalnych likierów i produkcją słodyczy z kandyzowanych owoców.
Paleokastritsa Monastery (Panagia - Virgin Mary - Theodokus Monastery), Corfu, Greece
The Monastery of Virgin Mary of Paleokastritsa is located in the Greek island of Corfu, 25 kilometers outside of the City of Corfu. On the rocky bluff above the beaches, the beautiful, whitewashed Paleokastritsa's Monastery (also known as the Panagia or Theotokos Monastery) is believed to have been established in the thirteenth century, though the current buildings date from the eighteenth. The small monastery church, set amidst an attractive complex of courtyards, archways, monks' cells, oil presses and storerooms, has a number of impressive icons, including depictions of St George and the dragon and an atmospheric Last Judgement, while the ceiling features a woodcarving of the Tree of Life.
There's also a museum, resplendent with further icons, most notably a beautiful Dormition of the Virgin Mary, jewel-encrusted silver-bound Bibles and other impedimenta of Greek Orthodox ritual, as well as a curious sea monster, with very large vertebrae and tusks, said to have been killed by fishermen in the last century. The real highlight, however, is the beautiful paved gardens, which afford spectacular views over the coastline.
Entrance is free of charge. The monastery consists of two levels. The lower part is a garden with stone arches, resembling a tunnel. There are a few benches and a shop for olive oil, olives and koum-quat liqueur produced by the monastery. In the shop you can see authentic olive press. Some stone stairs lead to the upper level and there you find a small yard with well, church and museum with icons and books.
Greek little churches have the gift of offering an unique sensation of happiness and serenity and Paleokastritsa monastery does just that. The location is superb, in the heart of the bay with pine trees and bouganville flowers, full of flower pots with aromatic herbs that fill the air with a lovely perfume, lazy cats dozing all over the place, the bouganville petals at one's feet, the Greek blue everywhere- the sea and clear sky and the sound of the particular insects one hears on Greek islands breaking the silence. Charming place.
Manastirea Sfintei Fecioare Maria (Panagia, in greaca) este situata in Paleokastritsa, probabil cea mai fermecatoare statiune a insulei Corfu. Manastirea a fost construita in secolul 13 (anul 1228) conform inscriptiei gravata pe poarta manastirii, pe locul unde a fost gasita o icoana a Fecioarei Maria, pe dealul Agios Spyridon (Sf. Spiridon) acoperit cu maslini si chiparosi si care vegheaza asupra fermecatoarelor golfuri care dau splendoare peisajului din jur.
Biserica actuala si chiliile calugarilor au fost construite in secolul 18. Biserica este o bazilica cu o singura nava, cu acoperis de lemn, cu clopotnita tipica bisericilor corfiote. In biserica si in muzeu se gasesc icoane rare din perioada bizantina si post-bizantina. Manastirea a avut o istorie zbuciumata, marturie fiind un tun cu stema Romanovilor (rusii au fost prezenti in Insula Corfu pentru un timp scurt in anul 1799). In timpul ocupatiei britanice, in secolul 19, manastirea a fost transformata in spital militar. In timpul celui de al Doilea Razboi Mondial, italienii au instalat aici un punct de control militar iar germanii au transformat chiliile in magazii. In manastire exista un muzeu care expune carti, modele de nave, icoane bizantine si post bizantine, vesminte monahale si bisericesti, o scoica uriasa si scheletul Monstrului marii.
Corfu, Koum Kouat tree at Paleokastritsa Monastery
Pomul cu fructe comestibile Koum Quat importat din China,creste in Europa numai in Corfu. Copacul este vesnic verde si produce fructe galben aurii mici, de forma rotunda
sau ovala. Fructele se pot manca, dar de obicei sunt folosite la fabricarea lichiorurilor, marmeladei sau gelurilor. In China simbolizeaza norocul si este oferit in dar de Anul Nou.
Visitors will see the monks in their black gowns going about their daily business.
Touring Corfu, Pt. 14 - Kerkyra
walking through Corfutown (Kerkyra), Corfu, Greece, towards St. Spyridon Church. That's the church tower at the beginning. At te end, it's all about the kumquat!
Our participation in the action TREES for EUROPE 2019
Kumquat distillery in Corfu
Recko s Janou: Korfu a severni hranice vnitrozemi 3.část
Lorrayne mavromatis stores 30/12/2019
Lorrayne mavromatis
Γιορτή συγκομιδής Κουμκουάτ 2018 by Lazaris
Το mykerkyra βρέθηκε στην υπέροχη εκδήλωση Γιορτή συγκομιδής Κουμκουάτ by Lazaris και για τη φετινή χρονιά . Πληροφορίες και φωτογραφικό υλικό θα βρείτε στο mykerkyra.com
Korfu - Korfu City - On my own - na własną rękę
Korfu wyspa pięknych zatok, doberego jedzenia, kumkwat - jedynego tropikalny owoc uprawiany na starym lądzie.
Corfu island has beautiful bays, good food, kumquat - the only tropical fruit cultivated on the old land.
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Δοκιμάζουμε Παραδοσιακά Κερκυραϊκά Προϊόντα ~Golden Sun~
Επιστρέψαμε μετά από τις πασχαλινές διακοπές με ακόμα ένα βίντεο γυρισμένο στην Κέρκυρα (είναι το τελευταίο αλήθεια.) Δοκιμάζουμε για πρώτη φορά και βαθμολογούμε παραδοσιακά προϊόντα, ελπίζουμε να σας αρέσει τον βίντεο!
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Musical.ly: @goldensun00
Castellino Lakones
Aerial videography
Zelos & Theocharis production
Koum Quat - Xrysopsaro
Koum Quat Live @ Quilombo
greek fest mavromatis
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Korfu - Królowa Wysp Jońskich [2013]
Korfu jest górzystą i jedną z najbardziej zielonych wysp greckich. Jest również stolicą prefektury Wysp Jońskich.
Korfiańska degustacja
Degustacja wybranych piw z browaru na Korfu
Υποψήφιο για βιβλίο της χρονιάς το ΚΟΥΜ-ΚΟΥΑΤ της Πηνελόπης Κούρτζη
Υποψήφιο για το βιβλίο της χρονιάς είναι το “Κουμ-κουάτ” της αρτινής συγγραφέας Πηνελόπης Κούρτζη. Στις σελίδες του βιβλίου ο αναγνώστης συναντά μνήμες και βιώματα που γεννούν συναισθήματα και ξεδιπλώνουν εικόνες από την Άρτα μιας άλλης εποχής.
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Κέρκυρα , κουμ κουατ ΜΑΥΡΟΜΑΤΗ προβολή βίντεο 23/07/2016