Synagogue in Medias, Transylvania
Date: October 21-November 3, 2019. Uploaded by Jim Gold.
Jim Gold Klezmer and Folk Dance Tour of Romania: October 21-November 3, 2019. Led by Jim Gold and Henry Sapoznik. Produced by Jim Gold International. Jim Gold is an America folk dance teacher, choreographer, and organizer of folk dance tours around the world. More information at
Alfa Omega TV - 25 Years of ministry in the Romanian mass-media
The Christian media work of Alfa Omega TV was established in 1994, and has a broad interdenominational openness. From the beginning, it has had a positive impact among believers due to the distribution of programs and media resources with a moral Christian content. Learn more:
Alfa Omega TV helps distributing the Word of God both in Romania and abroad. Through the last 25 years, the work has developed creating the need for adequate equipment, able people, as well as a building offering space necessary to run media activities.
“Throughout the years, we rented different spaces where, during that season, we reproduced cassettes and DVD's, and did editing. During 1999-2000, we began our own production doing interviews using the technology available at that time. We moved from place to place looking for simple accommodations that corresponded to our Christian media activities which we see flourishing right before our eyes with all the challenges that go along with the work”, said Tudor Petan, president of Alfa Omega TV.
Little by little, we've seen how the hand of God has intervened in raising up this building, because, after the phase of equipping the ground floor, another phase followed to furnish the second floor which was in 2011. Two brothers heard about our need and they were tradesmen, they worked in construction. We purchased materials, we also lent a hand, and they practically raised the first floor in the sense that they finished and compartmentalized it according to the blueprints. We had the rooms and offices for the second floor a year later. Basically, we had a small construction site in the Alfa Omega home the whole time until 2 years ago, when things stabilized”, added Mirela Petan.
With God's help, Alfa Omega is present in the lives of people through broadcasting news, films, documentaries, conferences, seminars, all provided as free resources.
“Alfa Omega is special because you have courage and you go where the Holy Spirit is manifesting. You have courage to go where the fire is intensified and then you have courage to broadcast it”, said Razvan Mihailescu, a pastor from Bucharest.
“I appreciate the accent that you put on presenting the Church in society, the openness of the Church to connect with and respond to the challenges of the world in which we live, bringing together people from different cities, faiths, and geographical areas”, said Adiel Bunescu, another pastor from Bucharest.
“Thank you for all that you do, for support, for the magazine and for all the free resources that we receive from you. It is extraordinary and I encourage people to get in touch with Alfa Omega for free resources from Joyce Meyer and others which are a great blessing for the days in which we live”, stated Paula Decean from Ocna Mures.
The distribution of programs to regional and local TV stations is one of our oldest projects which began in 1994, being initiated before our TV channel existed.
“The long-term collaboration between Muscel TV and Alfa Omega has offered me quality and diversity. Starting with the children's programs, to the musical programs, variety shows, documentaries, artistic films, talk shows produced in the studio, all of them have a common denominator: professionalism”, commented Adrian Popa, manager of MuscelTV regional network in Romania.
“We've collaborated for many years. For 14 years, with Banat TV based in Banat de Munte. But a part of your professionalism, through your seriousness and implication, has been passed on to us”, stated Cornelia Dunareanu, chief editor of BanatTV regional network in Romania.
“First of all, I want to thank you for the enduring collaboration, of nearly 25 years, in which our television station has broadcast programs, films, documentaries and cartoons watched by many of our viewers”, said Gabriela Badila, manager, NeptunTV network.
“Dear friends, 25 years means youth, strength, it means a small thing if you ask a young lady or young man on the street. But in mass media it means something enormous. It means wisdom, it means millions of satisfied viewers”, thinks Radu Moraru, president of Nasul TV network.
Alfa Omega is a mission through media that God uses for the edification of the Church and for spreading the Gospel in Romania, in Europe and in other areas of the world.
“Where a pastor cannot go, where a priest cannot enter, or where people are unable to go to church, or to a congregation, God sends His Word everywhere. I found it written in Scripture, in Psalm 107:19-20, when people cry out to the Lord, it is written that God in Heaven heard and sent His Word. He sends His Word. Alfa Omega TV is the place from where the Word of God is being sent”, said Ilie Popa, Romanian pastor
Alfa Omega TV is the work of God initiated through revelation, developed by faith and supported through prayer.
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Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreiești la Sinagoga Medias |
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreiești va fi sărbătorită în municipiul de pe Târnava Mare. Pentru al treilea an consecutiv, Sinagoga din Mediaș va găzdui o serie de evenimente în zilele de 2 și 3 septembrie. Este vorba de o expoziție surpriză, un concert și un atelier de imprimare foto.
Nature Boy ( Live - Synagogue Medias 2018 )
Curs de ebraica la Sinagoga Medias |
Medieşenii şi nu numai ei au şansa să participe la un curs de ebraică. Acesta va fi organizat de către Anda Reuben, coordonatorul proiectului de la Sinagoga Mediaş. Durata cursului este de două luni şi el va demara în data de 5 iulie. Colega noastră Ada Gheorghe a stat de vorbă cu Anda Reuben despre această iniţiativă.
Ziua culturii evreiesti la Sinagoga Medias |
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreiești a fost sărbătorită ieri în municipiul de pe Târnava Mare. Sinagoga din oraș a găzduit în premieră acest eveniment care se sărbătorește anual la nivel european. Cu acest prilej, medieșenii au fost invitați să descopere patrimoniul cultural și istoric evreiesc, în cadrul atelierelor organizate pe tot parcursul zilei. Totodată, a fost marcată şi aniversarea a 120 ani de la inaugurarea sinagogii din oraş în anul 1896. Colega noastră Ada Gheorghe a fost prezentă la Sinagoga din oraş şi a realizat un material.
The Top Ten Amazing Abandoned Synagogues
The Top Ten Amazing Abandoned Synagogues
10-Zaluzany Former Synagogue,Zaluzany,Czech Republic
09-Samokov Synagogue, Samokov,Bulgaria
08-Slonim Synagogue,Slonim,Belarus
07-Sopron Synagogue, Sopron, Hungary
06-Bolekhiv Synagogue,Bolekhiv,Ukraine
05-Ciepielów Synagogue, Ciepielów,Poland
04-Turda Synagogue,Turda, Romania
03-Blaine Shul/Mishkan Yisroel Synagogue,Detroit,United States
02-Vidin Synagogue,Vidin,Bulgaria
01-Greenbank Drive Synagogue,Liverpool,United Kingdom
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Epic Cİnematic Music / Mysterious City / Royalty Free
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Anul nou evreiesc sarbatorit la Sinagoga Medias -
Noul an evreiesc a fost sărbătorit marţi după-amiaza la Sinagoga din municipiul Mediaş. Participanţii au avut ocazia să afle mai multe despre tradiţia şi semnificaţia acestei sărbători în cadrul unui eveniment care nu a mai fost organizat de aproape patru decenii pe Târnava Mare. Colega noastră Ada Gheorghe a fost prezentă la Sinagoga Mediaş şi a realizat un material.
Jehovah's Witness Media Spokesman: we don't tell people to shun anybody!
Hi! I'm back. Back when I was invited by 4 #JehovahsWitness elders to a judicial committee meeting, I kinduv went into bulldog mode. (I've owned 2 English Bulldogs and basically I'm a bulldog too...tenacious, food motivated, and I love taking naps on the couch.) Perhaps after years of being bullied into unhealthy submission, I finally reached my pain threshold and I went into action. I called a couple local TV stations and the reporters graciously listened to my story. I explained to them that this is about #humanrights and I explained how this religion presents themselves to the public as the friendly Christians who knock on your door on Saturday mornings but behind the curtain lies the sad realities of #shunning, broken families, suicides, and HIGH CONTROL.
Basically I did the exact opposite of what a disciplined JW is supposed to do....crawl into a hole and beg for forgiveness for thinking critically and daring to ask logical questions, and attend months, if not years, of KH meetings so that the rebellious one can have the privilege of speaking with their friends and family. No!...I was not going to be dismissed without using my God given voice...MY WORDS of TRUTH.
So I also called the local newspaper. I was pleasantly surprised and honestly shocked that a local reporter was interested in my story...a story that so many of you who watch these videos can relate to. A story of fractured families, a story of shunning, and a story of exiting a CULT. The reporter interviewed me for a couple hours and did some additional interviews with other JW cult survivors. AND.....and the reporter called headquarters! Bethel! She spoke to Robert Hendriks spokesman for the United States Branch of Jehovah's Witnesses.
(see him speak here..... )
I did not rehearse my conversation with Mr Hendriks. I honestly didn't think he'd even speak with me. I remember thinking He has a pleasant I was listening to him...which is probably why he is a such a good media contact for the Org. But as you will hear...he is an excellent SPIN DOCTOR. He lies multiple times in this conversation.
Here's a quick preview
1:28 (me) What does the shunning policy of JWs mean?
1:42 (Mr Hendriks) Who are you by the way?
then I tell him who I am....I did not lie about being disassociated at my non-judicial judicial meeting.
3:28 (me) Why do people like me need to be shunned?
then he asked me about when I got baptized as a JW.....a bunch of confusing words were used to tell me that that God uses this organization and my baptism and dedication are connected to the organization but not TO the organization.
6:20 (Mr Hendriks) If you decide you don't want to be a Jehovah's Witness anymore, it's OK to not be a JW...that's OK.
6:32 (me) without being shunned is it OK? (to not be a JW)
6:36 (Mr Hendriks) but that's not fair. WHAT??????????????????? What does that even mean?
Did God even shun satan? Why would God's organization silence accusers of the org...wouldn't God allow time to pass and free will to reign?
8:28 (Mr Hendriks) What we want is for you to come back. (Hotel California?)
Then he talks about how being baptized again is like being married to two different men.
9:20 (Mr H) (re shunning) Thats part of the way THEY believe THEY need to treat you to get you to see the seriousness of the fact that you're not one of JW anymore. This speaks volumes...basically he wants to look good to the public....distancing himself from the rank n file who obediently shun...just like they threw the rank n file under the bus for believing in 1975.
Then things get really wonky...he doesn't even realize the baptism questions changed!!!
10:30 (me) Why are people in the public and the media told one thing (re shunning).....but the Bible book of Jude tells us to console those who have doubts.
12:12 (me) But is that my right when I'm shunned?
12:15 (Mr H) I don't understand what you're saying. (He's playing dumb at this point IMO)
Then I bring up the topic of free choice. There's a long pause.
14:17 (Mr H) You've renounced your FAITH in Jehovah's ORGANIZATION.
14:50 (Mr H) The way your family treats you...that's THEIR decision. LOL...WHAT?
Then I remind him of the 2016 videos that instruct JWs how to SHUN.
15:38 (Mr H) There's never been anything in print that tells JWs to not answer a text or a phone call..........we don't legislate that (shunning.)
Then I basically ask him if I can let my brother know that having communication with me is his personal choice.
He kept saying that shunning is a personal choice.
Then he talks about how I was wrong about the questions for baptism. Nope! I don't even understand how he isn't up on the new light.
Making of 'Media bridges for diversity and peace' Rishon LeZion, Israel 2016
Let's check how the Israelis and Germans were working together
The video was produced under the project 'Mediabridges for diversity and peace' supported by LWL and Stadt Münster
Diarna Re-Opens Tripoli's Dar Bishi Synagogue (with Narration)
Diarna has created an exclusive digital reconstruction of the Dar Bishi Synagogue in Tripoli, Libya. This video features a tour of the model intermixed with archival and contemporary photographs.
Media reports abound about the efforts of Dr. David Gerbi to restore the dilapidated Dar Bishi Synagogue, a former fixture of Tripoli's Hara Kebira (old Jewish Quarter). Gerbi, a Libyan Jew who has lived in exile since 1967, returned to his ancestral home this past spring as a volunteer in support of the anti-Gaddafi regime revolutionaries. Remaining after the fall of Col. Muammar Gaddafi, Gerbi single-handedly re-opened Dar Bishi for prayer — his own, as the last member of the disbanded indigenous Jewish community died in 2003 — and began restoring the synagogue by clearing decades of accumulated debris.
The work was abruptly put on indefinite hold on October 8th, Yom Kippur (the Jewish holiday of atonement), when hundreds of protesters gathered in Tripoli and Bengazi to assert There is no place for the Jews in Libya. Gerbi was prevailed upon to leave the country after protesters attempted to storm his hotel and disagreements arose with the provisional government about whether he had received the proper authorizations.
While there is no telling when he might be able to return or if the synagogue will ever be restored, Diarna has created an exclusive digital reconstruction of Dar Bishi. The video above features a tour of our 3-D model intermixed with archival and contemporary photographs.
This incident is a brusque reminder of the precariousness of physical preservation. Political and inter-religious strife too often render historic Jewish sites inaccessible to visit, no less preserve, in perpetuity. Diarna's digital preservation work may be the only way to ensure untrammeled virtual access to forgotten and endangered Middle Eastern Jewish sites (schools, cemeteries, synagogues, shrines).
For more information on Diarna and Dar Bishi:
“Putinization of Hungary” In Full Swing! Western Media Upset That Russia Supports Viktor Orban!
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The Hungarian foreign minister met Putin at the airfield in the rain and welcomed him in Russian. The Hungarian prime minister, wearing only a suit, also came out to the backyard of his residence and waited in the cold wind for the Russian leader to arrive.
If you take a closer look, you'll see many interesting details in the few moments following the beginning of the talks.
Templul Coral din Bucuresti a implinit 150 de ani de la construire
Timp de un secol si jumatate, in ciuda tuturor devastarilor prin care a trecut, a ramas o bijuterie arhitecturala. Templul Coral din Bucuresti a implinit 150 de ani de la construire, iar vineri, 22 mai 2015, a gazduit personalitati de seama din Romania. Ziua a avut o semnificatie dubla, celebrandu-se in acelasi timp si sarbatoarea SAVUOT, sau Festivalul Primelor Roade.
Chareidim protesting in Arad (Via Media Resource Group)
©2016 Yeshiva World News - All Rights Reserved
Israeli doctor arrested in Romania for human egg trafficking
Romanian authorities arrested on Friday the Israeli doctor Rafi Ron-El, under the suspicion of illegally trafficking human eggs and selling them to Israeli couples with fertility problems at very high prices. teleSUR
Anda Reuben - Proiect Sinagoga Medias 2014
Interviu cu Anda Reuben despre proiectul derulat la Sinagoga din Medias in anul 2014
Jerusalem synagogue attack: 4 Israelis killed, 4 injured
Two suspected Palestinian men armed with axes and knives killed four people and wounded four in a Jerusalem synagogue on Tuesday before they were shot dead by police, Israeli media said, the worst such attack in years.
A spokesman for Israel's ambulance service told Army Radio medics were treating nine people, five of them critically wounded. Israel's Zaka emergency response team said there were a number of fatalities at the scene.
Israeli media said four or five people had been killed.
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Szeged Tourism : Szeged Tourism: Synagogue Windows
The windows inside Szeged's new synagogue represent liturgical events and remembrance. Admire the new synagogue windows in Szeged, Hungary, representations of history and beauty, in this free video on tourist attractions.
Expert: Szeged
Bio: Szeged is the fourth largest city of Hungary, the regional center of South-Eastern Hungary and the capital of the county of Csongrád.
Filmmaker: Demand Media
Biserica din DENSUS Church (Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania)
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St. Nicholas Church in the village of Densus, located about 10 km from Hateg town, is one of the strangest Orthodox churches in Romania. It is built in a Romanesque style, but incorporates Dacian, Gothic and Orthodox elements . The origin and age of construction are very controversial topics. Among the hypotheses are: pagan temple predacic, Dacian Temple worshiped to the god Zamolxe, Roman temple dedicated to the god Mars, later Christianized (Paleo-Christian church, first from Dacia) or all of these in turn. The most circulated hypothesis assumes that the church had been built in the thirteenth century as the core having a Roman building, probably a monument erected in honor of General Longinus Maximus, governor of Roman Dacia. It is the only church in the village and compete for the title of oldest active church in Romania. The monument originally had a square shape, this being now the nave. It was added to the east (actually more to the south, certifying non-Christian origin) semicircular apse of the altar, complete with a diaconicon. Subsequently were added the southern gallery and the narthex to the west, both being now ruined and roofless. Inside the nave there are four pillars, each made up of two Roman altars stacked. Noteworthy the roof made entirely of stone slabs stacked and decorated with statues of two lions. For the construction of the church are used more constructive and decorative marble elements (columns, statues, capitals, tombstones, sewerage pipes) taken from the ruins of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the capital of Roman Dacia, located only 10 km. Interior painting dates from 1443 and is the work of a team led by Maestro Stephen, with obvious influences with contemporary paintings of Romanian Country. Between 1566-1720 it served as Reformed-Calvin church, Calvin and painting was covered with thick layers of lime. Afterwards it became Greek Catholic church, and in 1872 he returned (with short interruptions in the late nineteenth century) to Orthodox congregation. Wooden iconostasis was painted in the late eighteenth.
Biserica Sfântul Nicolae din satul Densuș, situat la circa 10 km de orașul Hațeg, este una dintre cele mai ciudate lăcașe de cult ortodoxe din România. Este construită într-un stil romanic, dar înglobează elemente dacice, gotice și ortodoxe. Originea și vechimea construcței sunt subiecte foarte controversate. Dintre ipoteze amintim: templu păgân predacic, templu dacic închinat zeului Zamolxe (blocurile mari de piatră fasonată de la temelie, tipice dacilor; fragment de ceramică dacică la fundație), templu roman închinat zeului Marte (zidurile sunt înălțate din piatră de râu), ulterior creștinizat (biserică paleocreștină, prima de pe teritoriul Daciei) sau toate acestea, pe rând. Varianta cea mai vehiculată presupune că biserica ar fi fost construită în secolul XIII având ca nucleu o construcție romană, probabil un monument ridicat în cinstea generalului Longinus Maximus, guvernator al Daciei romane. Este singura biserică din sat și concurează la titlul de cea mai veche biserică activă din România. Biserica figurează lista de propuneri pentru a intra în patrimoniul UNESCO. Monumentul inițial avea formă pătrată, acesta constituind acum naosul (6x6 m în interior). La el a fost adăugat spre est (de fapt mai mult spre sud, atestând originea necreștină) absida semicirculară a altarului, completată cu un diaconicon. Ulterior au fost adăgate galeria ”sudică” din lungul navei și pronaosul spre ”vest”, ambele fiind acum în ruină și fără acoperiș. În interiorul naosului sunt patru stâlpi, fiecare făcut din câte două altare romane suprapuse, formând un careu deasupra căruia se înalță un turn alcătuit din patru secțiuni distincte. De remarcat acoperișul făcut în întregime din lespezi de piatră suprapuse și ornat spre partea ”sud-estică” cu două statui reprezentând doi lei. La construcția bisericii sunt folosite multe elemente constructive și decorative din marmură (coloane, statui, capiteluri, pietre funerare, tuburi de canalizare) luate din ruinele Ulpiei Traiana Sarmizegetuza, capitală a Daciei romane, situată la numai 10 km spre sud. Pictura interioară datează din anul 1443, fiind lucrarea unei echipe conduse de maestrul Ștefan, cu vădite influențe cu picturile contemporane din Țara Românească. Turiștii remarcă faptul că portretele sfinților au ochii ”scoși”, după spusele soției preotului paroh situația fiind datorată vandalizării în timpul incursiunilor tătarilor și turcilor. În perioada 1566-1720 biserica a servit Cultului Reformat-Calvin, pictura fiind acoperită cu straturi groase de var. După aceea a devenit biserică greco-catolică, iar din 1872 a revenit (cu scurte întreruperi la sfârșitul secolului XIX) obștii ortodoxe. Iconostasul de lemn a fost pictat la sfârșitul secolului XVIII.
Largest Jewish Funeral in American History - Levaya of Skulener Rebbe | מסע הלוויה - האדמור מסקולען
The Brooklyn neighborhood of Boro Park is all but shutting down on Wednesday to mark the death of Rabbi Yisroel Avrohom Portugal, 95, the last Holocaust-era rebbe to lead a significant Hasidic sect.
Portugal, who served as the rebbe of the Skulen Hasidic group since his father’s death in 1982, was imprisoned in Romania in the late 1950s while aiding Holocaust orphans there. He died Monday at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center in Baltimore.
Some neighborhood yeshivas are closed to mark Portugal’s death, and police reported significant traffic and street closures in advance of the funeral. Social media posts show massive crowds filling the streets in Boro Park. After the funeral, Portugal will be buried at a synagogue in Monsey.
The crowds at the funerals are expected to be particularly large, in part because the need to transport Portugal’s body from Baltimore to Brooklyn meant that the funeral could not be held the same day as his death, which is often the practice in Hasidic communities.
The rebbe of a small Hasidic group, Portugal led no yeshiva, and controlled no large religious institutions. But he was a major figure in the Hasidic community; a lingering tie to pre-Holocaust Europe in an era when the leaders of the major Hasidic sects were born in the U.S. and Israel. Hasidic Jews who follow other rebbes often visited Portugal seeking his blessing.
Portugal was a strict opponent of Internet use, and was one of the organizers of the Orthodox anti-Internet rally at Citi Field in 2013. In the 1980s, Portugal would set fire to a television each year on the eve of Passover, along with the leftover bread that Jews dispose of before the holiday. Alexander Rapaport, executive director of the soup kitchen Masbia, whose grandparents lived across the street from Portugal, said that the rabbi would give blessings in return for promises to follow Jewish law and tradition, and that the televisions came from petitioners who had gotten rid of them at Portugal’s request.
“It always radiated warmth,” Rapaport said of Skulen, Portugal’s small community. “When people came to Boro Park and wanted to see something very Hasidic, they wanted to get a feel of a Hasidic rebbe, they always ended up at Skulen.”
According to most accounts, Portugal and his father left Sculeni, the community in Moldova from which their sect derives its name, before the outbreak of the Second World War. They spent the war in the Ukrainian city of Chernowitz, facing persecution there from both the Germans and the Soviets, who occupied the city at different times. After the war they traveled to Bucharest, Romania, where they sought and cared for Jewish war orphans, and aided the small remaining Jewish communities. Portugal’s father was arrested multiple times.
In April of 1959, Romanian authorities arrested both Portugal and his father for suspected treason. Jewish groups in the U.S. raised concerns about the arrest. According to a 1960 report from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, United Nations officials intervened to secure the release of the two rabbis, and the U.S. State Department offered them citizenship. They were released in September of 1959, and arrived in the U.S. in August of 1960.
Portugal was known for composing tunes to the Psalms; some of his compositions are sung throughout the Hasidic community. Though he had no yeshiva, he leads a school for children in need in Israel.
Portugal’s wife, Reizel Portugal, died in 2005. He had eight children. According to the Lakewood Scoop, his eldest son, Yeshaya Yaakov Portugal, who lives in Montreal, will succeed Yisroel Avrohom Portugal as rebbe of the Skulen Hasidic group. Other sons lead local Skulen communities.
#Skulen #SkulenerRebbe #RabbiFuneral #סקולען