Medical Museion in Copenhagen, DK
operating theater
Medical Museion / The Best in Heritage 2011
Bringing contemporary biomedicine into the museum, a presentation on the award winning museum by Bente Vinge Pedersen, senior curator of Medical Museion from Copenhagen. Filmed in Dubrovnik on 23rd September 2011.
Professor Thomas Söderqvist
Video invitation to a night of discussion on “What the hell is the point of museums?”
Museum director Ulla Tofte, Maritime Museum of Denmark and Museum Director Michael John Gorman, University of Munich (previously Science Gallery, Dublin) will set the stage for a lively discussion to honour professor Thomas Söderqvist as (founding) director of Medical Museion on the occasion of his retirement.
Ancient Pharmacy -- Medical Museum
Medicinsk Museion. Copenhagen, Denmark.
You can hear the glass windows rattling when a bus drives by.
Head of Medical Museion Thomas Söderqvist bids welcome to this year's EAMHMS conference in Copenhagen.
ØRSTEDSPARKEN - Copenhagen - Denmark
Fall 2011, Winter and Spring 2012 in a park in my neighborhood
Knoglepakker og kraniekasser
I forbindelse med vandskade på Medicinsk Museion i 2011 blev en del af knoglesamlingen fra Æbelholt Kloster udsat for vand. Knoglerne er blevet tørret og bliver nu ompakket inden de skal på magasin hos Antropologisk Laboratorium på Panum Instituttet. Samtidig med ompakningen fotodokumenteres og registreres alle fundene, således at de efterfølgende bliver lettere tilgængelige for f.eks. forskere.
Bike Experiment / Cykelforsøg
Experiment measuring the metabolic functions in rest and during excersise in normoxia and hypoxia. Conducted at the Copenhagen University Hospital's laboratory of the circulatory system.
Eksperiment til måling af stofskiftet i hvile og ved motionering i normoxia og hypoxia. Foretaet på Rigshospitalets kredsløbslaboratorium.
Cloudburst / Efter skybruddet
EN: Medical Museion was drenched to the bone after heavy rains poured down over Copenhagen last saturday.
DA: Museet blev gennemblødt helt ind til knoglerne, da voldsomme regnbyer lørdag aften skyllede ned over København.
Pill Dress in the making
Medical Museion has commissioned an original artwork from the UK group Pharmacopoeia. This video shows glimpses of the piece in the making. The dress of pills represent 10 years of treatment of an average of two female patients, one in Denmark, the other in the UK, with 'metabolic syndrome', the umbrella term for the combination of, among other things, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
The pill dress can be seen in the entrance hall of Medical Museion, Copenhagen, from Friday 11th October 2013.
A Reading -- Copenhagen, Denmark
Medicinsk Museion. Copenhagen, Denmark. Karina reads from the information/self tour guide.
Nicolai Howalt Interview: The Light Eyes Can't See
Experience an unusual take on the sun in this video where artist Nicolai Howalt talks about his “anarchistic investigation” of light and the sun. An intriguing project inspired by the Danish Nobel Prize-winning physician Niels Finsen’s work with light radiation.
It all started when Nicolai Howalt stumbled across the medical tools of Niels Finsen at the Medical Museion in Copenhagen. Finsen was acknowledged for his treatments of skin diseases like lupus vulgaris and created his own lenses that used wavelengths of light as a medical cure. Howalt felt an immediate connection with Niels Finsen and his work, because he as a photographer also works with light. Thus, Howalt began his own investigation of the light, which we as humans aren’t able to see with our own eyes, and in the process he found out that Finsen’s lenses worked excellently as camera lenses: “It has the advantage that it doesn’t block out ultraviolet rays.”
Howalt began to photograph the sun directly onto paper: “I couldn’t see the light I was photographing. So I just tried – almost like an alchemist – in blindness to figure out when I would get the best illumination on the paper itself of the area of light that wasn’t visible.” The outcome would differ each time but would always create beautiful, abstract images in different captivating colours. These almost hypnotic pictures became the project ‘Light Break’.
Nicolai Howalt (b. 1970) is a Danish photographer based in Copenhagen. His work has documentary references but is also conceptual and installation-based. Duality, connections and relationships are all themes that describe his work. His most noticeable solo-works are ‘Boxer’ from 2000-2003, ‘Slutninger – Endings’ from 2011 and ‘Light Break’ from 2015. For the project ‘How to Hunt’, which he made in collaboration with his wife and colleague, photographer Trine Søndergaard, he received the Special Jury Prize at Paris Photo 2006 and the Niels Wessel Bagge’s Foundation for the Arts Award in 2008.
Nicolai Howalt was interviewed by Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen at Statens Værksteder for Kunst in Copenhagen, Denmark in November 2015.
Camera: Simon Weyhe
Produced and edited by: Roxanne Bagheshirin Lærkesen
Copyright: Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2015
Supported by Nordea-fonden
Dorte Jelstrup talks about her favourite painting in The Hirschsprung Collection
Danish artist Dorte Jelstrup talks about her favourite painting in The Hirschsprung Collection, Copenhagen: Ludvig Find's Portrait of the Norwegian painter Thorvald Erichsen from 1897
NAO at Medical Museion Variation I
We have developed a new script for NAO and tested it at the Medical Museion 09022016. This is Variation I out of II.
Overvåget 1/5: De sorte kabinetter
Produceret for Post & Tele Museum af Copenhagen Film Company
(C) Post & Tele Museum 2009
One day trip to Copenhagen | International meeting |LT|EN
Kol buvau išvykus į Erasmus studijas Švedijoje sulaukiau keleto draugų iš Lietuvos. su visais kelionė prasidėjo Danijoje, tačiau tik vienas susitikimas nufilmuotas.
Dovilė po beveik bemiegės nakties atkrido pas mane (skrydis ankstyvas) ir sugebėjo prakeliauti visą dieną. Nuėjome tikrai daug kilometrų ir pamatėme tikrai nuostabių vietų. Tai yra antras mano ilgai montuotas video, šį kartą pridėjau ir titrus anglu kalba, nors šnekėjimo čia mažai :))
Ačiū Dovilei už kantrybę.
#kelionės #dienoraštis #Copenhagen #Erasmus
During Erasmus studies in Sweden my few friends visited me, but only with Dovile I made a video. We met at Copenhagen, because she flew from Lithuania and I came from Lund, Sweden. It's my second longer video. Still learning editing technique I hope so you like it. Also I understand that I really need a tripod or camera stand. :D
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Overgaden LECTURES // Thomas Söderqvist: Art-science Interaction From the Perspective...
From the conference Overgaden LECTURES: 'Art + Science – Towards a Third Culture?'
24-25 October 2014
Thomas Söderqvist: 'Art-science Interaction From the Perspective of the Sci-Tech-Med Museum'
The reflection on the booming interaction between artistic and scientific practices tends to focus on their mutual effects: How does artistic practices and thinking affect science? How does scientific practice and thinking affect art? In this presentation I will explore the interaction between art and science from the perspective of a third kind of cultural institution, viz., the museum and its curatorial practices, focusing on museums of science, technology and medicine. Whereas the immediate aim of such museums is to explore and present the historical development of science, technology and medicine in a cultural context, their ultimate aim is to engage the public in the workings and consequences of science and technology and thus contribute to a democratic discourse about the role and place of technoscience in contemporary culture and its implications for the future of the human civilization. Through the last decade, a growing number of science, technology and medicine museums have employed art, artists and art-works as an integrated part of their exhibition and event programs. Drawing on my experiences from the Medical Museion in Copenhagen and other European museums, I will discuss some examples of the collaboration with artists and the employment of artworks in the museum. My tentative conclusion is that the interaction between art and science looks somewhat differently from the perspective of the museum.
Thomas Söderqvist is Professor in History of Medicine at the University of Copenhagen and Founding Director of the Medical Museion, where he has curated and produced an array of exhibitions and art-science installations. He has a 30+ year research career in the history of 20th century biological sciences and the poetics of scientific biography, and his current research interests are in the politics and aesthetics of sci-tech-med museums and in the use of social media for the public engagement with science.
Kulturnatten 2013 - Kan vi genskabe betaceller hos diabetikere?
Foredrag ved professor Nils Billestrup, Biomedicinsk Institut, Københavns Universitet.
Hej Bakterier!
På Kulturnatten fik gæsterne lov at sætte deres fingeraftryk i en petriskål. De har nu fået lov at hygge i en uges tid og vi kan her præsentere resultatet.
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