Odescalchi Castle & city museum (Ilok)
The Odescalchi castle is situated in the medieval city core, which faithfully defended the city during the Turkish invasion...
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U srednjovjekovnoj jezgri grada, koja je za vrijeme Turaka vjerno branila svoj grad, nalazi se dvorac Odescalchi. Dvorac...
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About Ilok
Situated at the slopes of Fruška gora by the Danube river, surrounded by beautiful vineyards, is this picturesque little town with a tumultuous history.
First written accounts of growing grapevine in the area go back to the Illyrian age, before the Roman conquests. Today the vineyards cover a surface of approximately 1700 hectare.
Excellent vines from Ilok are exported to the rest of Croatia, Europe, and the world.
Most famous owner of Ilok
Nikola Iločki (Nikola of Ilok, 1410–1477) was a powerful Croatian-Hungarian noble, a pretender to the throne of Croatia, a ban of Croatia, Slavonia, and Mačva, a due of Transylvania, and the king of Bosnia.
Ilok - city of tumultuous history
Take a walk through history in the core of the town which dates back to the Middle Ages. Today it still contains a fortress, a church and a monastery, a palace-museum, a garden, and Turkish monuments from the time of Suleiman the Magnificent.
The old royal town away - welcome!!
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City walls (Ilok)
The city of Ilok kept its appearance thanks to the city walls which were built by King Nikola Ilok. He decided to enclose...
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Znamenitost kojoj je grad zahvalan jer je zahvaljujući upravo njoj sačuvao svoj izgled i opstao su Iločke zidine. Sagradio...
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Medieval town of Erdut (Erdut)
Erdut is known for its medieval fortress, whose ruins rise on the hill above the Danube. What is left of the fortress is the...
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Erdut je poznat i po srednjovjekovnoj utvrdi, čiji se ostatci izdižu na uzvišenju iznad Dunava. Od cijelog...
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passau ;OLD ROMAN city on ilz ,danube and inn,3 river conflience
Unutrašnjost dvorca Janković
dvorac, daruvar, janković,
Town of Samobor (Grad Samobor)
Only 20 km from Croatian capital and International airport Zagreb lies the medieval town of Samobor, a charming little town that captures ones imagination.
Becoming a very popular tourist destination, Samobor is a must-see place that really should be on your travel to-do list. Today we are taking you through the streets of the town, searching for the hidden secrets and seeking refreshments in multitudes of cafes and pastry shops. In the local museum the museum curator guides us through the town’s most interesting stories and its rich history.
Samobor has a long tourism tradition and is a favorite destination of residents of Zagreb but also of visitors from all over Croatia as well as the ones from abroad. I am proud of the fact that the number of foreign visitors is constantly rising as they fall in love with the medieval and baroque beauty of Samobor. Samobor also has a long gastronomic tradition and one of many manifestations of which I might mention Samobor carnival, salamijada and miner's greblica ( fresh cheese filled pastry ). It's important to point out a long standing cultural tradition and an interesting history which can be best glimpsed by visiting Samobor museum.
Samobor museum holds various collections, geological collection which includes fossils and 200 million year old rocks and archaeological collection which is laid out in chronological order from the Stone Age through metal age and up to the Roman times. First storey houses a historical cultural collection which compromises of all the documents and items pertaining to cultural history of Samobor. We also house items from the old town of Samobor located on the hill Tepec, which was built between 1260 and 1270 and changed numerous owners throught the history and which is one of the bigger cities in northern Croatia layout wise.
The Samobor area is rich in natural resources such as water, forests, copper and iron ore which naturally led to development of crafts, manufactories and industry.
We also have a rich crafts and guild collection as well as a sport and mountain climbing collection. Samobor is a small town which was given its royal free trade grant by king Bela the fourth in year 1242. It meant a lot to the contemporary citizens as it gave them certain freedoms which other towns were lacking.
In 19th century the area was teeming with craftsman with up to 30 craftsmen who formed guilds for similar trades so we had leather crafting, kettle crafting, blacksmith, honey making, weaver guilds as well as various others.
And if you are in love with the nature and seeking a real adventure a visit to the peak Japetić might just be what you need. Mount climbing has a long tradition in this area.
Scenario: Igor Kolaric
Camera and editing: Slaven Petric
Narration and voiceover: Marija Capan Mare
Translation: Matija Cvetkovic
English lector: Kelly Poljicak
Special thanks: Zrinka Kušer archaeologist, Samobor museum curator & Unknown man on the Guitar
©Video Guide Croatia, 2015
Dvorac Prandau i Mailath Donji Miholjac
Projekt Bicikademija: Dvorac Prandau i Mailath Donji Miholjac
Dvorac Opeka
Smatra se kako je dvorac Opeka jedan od najvrijednih i najljepših dvoraca Hrvatske. Istovremeno, jedan je od najugroženijih.
Smješten u naselju Marčan u u općini Vinica, okružen je velikim i bogatim arboretumom. Danas je opasno nagrižen elementima. Unatoč brojnim najavama revitalizacije, urušava se i posjet nije siguran.
Split - Wine Tour Pelješac - Mali Ston Day Tour
Starting as a small wine-tasting cellar seldom visited by tourist, through presentation at domestic and foreign wine and tourist fairs, wine cellar MILOŠ developed into one of the most well known and largest Croatian wine-tasting destinations over the last couple of years. Visiting the Miloš wine cellar is everlasting memory that is repeated with every glass of Miloš wines... Visit with privatetourscroatia.org
Dvorac Opeka - obnova, rekonstrukcija i adaptacija
Ružica grad (Orahovica)
Ružica grad ili Velika utvrda Orahovica je najveći sačuvani utvrđeni grad u Slavoniji i jedan od najvećih u Hrvatskoj. Ruševine ove utvrde svjedoče o razvijenoj kulturi u regiji od srednjeg vijeka do početka 20. stoljeća.
Ružica grad je istodobno bio i utvrda, grad, dvorac i tvrđava. Stoljećima ju se je nadograđivalo. Nije čisto Grad, jer ne postoje cjelokupni sustavi koji bi ga činili gradom. Nije dvor zbog toga što je izrazito obrambene namjene. Imala je više tornjeva, kula i bastiona te obrambenu crkvu. Djelimice je oplemenjena umjetničkim elementima stare arhitekture.
Ružica grad se nalazi na sjeveroistočnom obronku Papuka (418 m) iznad sela Duzluka, nekoliko kilometara od grada Orahovice. Dvorac je bio strateški vrlo važan jer je imao veliki dio dravskog toka pod kontrolom. U neposrednoj blizini je cesta Kutjevo - Orahovica, koja povezuje dolinu Drave sa Požeškom kotlinom.
Ime Ružica grad nije u potpunosti istraženo. Neki povjesničari ga povezuju s imenom sela Duzluk (tur. duzem cvijeće, divlja ruža). Ruža je tada služila kao djevojački nakit. Drugi ga spajaju s mađarskim imenom srednjovjekovnog grada Orahovice ( Raholcza), u čijem je posjedu dvorac bio u srednjem vijeku.
Prvi pisani spomen Orahovice datira iz 1228. godine, a povijesni spomen samog dvorca datira iz 1357. godine (kao kraljevska imovina). Do 1543. Ružica grad je u rukama raznih velikaša, kao što su Nikola Kont Orahovički (vjerojatni naručitelj izgradnje) i Lovro Iločki iz velikaške obitelji Iločki, zatim Ladislav Više, braća Pomanicki i drugi. U vrijeme Lovre Iločkog je bila važnim vojno-političkim objektom, zajedno s trgovištem (oppidum).
Pod turskom vlašću (1543.-1687.) dvorac je bio sjedište turskih trupa. Početkom 18. stoljeća Ružica grad gubi na važnosti, kao većina srednjovjekovnih utvrđenja. Od 18. do 20. stoljeća često je mijenjao vlasnike (barun Cordua, barun Fleischmann, grofovi Pejačevići, Dimitrije Mihalović, barun Gutman i dr.) Postojalo je pogrješno vjerovanje da su joj vlasnici bili Horvati (litvanski) zbog sličnosti imena posjeda koje su isti bili dobili (Rohovcz, Orihovcz).
Arheološki nalazi s ove lokacije izloženi su u Gradskom muzeju u Orahovici.
Porto: Douro River cruise(1)
Porto is located on a gorge in the Duoro, and is only a few miles from the sea. The river is spanned by 5 bridges, the most central and recognisable of which is the 2-level Ponte Dom Luis I.
Фильм БАЛКАНЫ: Вино и сыр
Быстро-быстро по городам и весям Сербии, Хорватии и Черногории.
Путешествие началось в Белграде, столице Сербии. Именно в этот балканский город в начале июля предлагали самые дешевые авиабилеты.
В Белграде путешественники надолго не задержались. Посетили Белградскую крепость, побывали в старом районе Земун и отправились на вокзал, чтобы уехать на поезде в сторону хорватской границы.
В Сремски-Карловци местный житель пригласил в гости и завел долгие разговоры о политике. Конечно, не за чашкой чая.
Во втором по величине сербском городе Нови Сад самая интересная достопримечательность - Петроварадинская крепость.
Суботица — самый северный город Сербии — находится недалеко от венгерской границы.
Краткая остановка в Сомборе. Оттуда сразу на автобусе в городок Бачка-Паланка, который находится уже почти на хорватской границе.
В период Югославской войны Илок входил в состав самопровозглашенной Сербской Краины.
Всего в 30 километрах от Илока находится город Вуковар. Ему выпала незавидная честь стать хорватским Сталинградом.
Город Вара́ждин имеет длинную историю. Люди на его территории жили еще во времена Римской империи. Прекрасно сохранился замок Стари Град XIV века. Построенный в XIII веке в 40 километрах от Вараждина замок Тракошчан.
Село Кумровец на берегу реки Сутлы, по которой проходит граница Хорватии и Словении, превратили в этнографический музей.
Самобор известен своими кремшнитами - пирожными из пенного крема.
Следующая остановка — город Огулин на берегу глубокого каньона реки Добра.
Церковь Богоматери Трсатской - один из семи главных католических соборов Хорватии. Пригород Риеки — Опати́я, также изначально был известен как крупный религиозный центр.
Город Бузет стоит на том же месте, где когда-то было древнее римское поселение Пингентум. От римлян, конечно, ничего не сохранилось.
В соседнем городке Мотовун трюфели можно попробовать бесплатно.
Пазин — не самый крупный город Истрии, но стал его столицей.
В Средние века Крк был крупным христианским центром и одновременно мощной крепостью с военно-морской базой.
Над Шибеником нависает огромная крепость Святого Михаила, построенная в XV — XVII веках.
В 17 километрах от Шибеника на реке Крка стоит древний город Скрадин.
Сплит — самый крупный город и порт Адриатического побережья Хорватии.
Пляж Златни Рат считается самым лучшим хорватским пляжем. Его название означает «Золотой рог».
В Дубровнике завершается путешествие по Хорватии — впереди Черногория.
Херцег-Нови находится у входа в узкий и очень длинный Которский залив, который здесь называют Бока Которска.
В 1878 году Цетине стал столицей суверенной Черногории.
На вершине горы Ловчен похоронен Петр Петрович Негош.
Скадарское озеро — самое большое в Черногории.
Настраивайтесь на длительный просмотр и наслаждайтесь.
Вы также можете принять участие в новых походах Валерия Шанина
Srednjovjekovna Šarengradska utvrda Castellum Athya iz 15. stoljeća
Medieval castle Šarengrad 'Castellum Athya' 15th century
The Danube is a river in Central and Eastern Europe, the European Union's longest and the continent's second longest .
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Danube ( DAN-yoob), known by various names in other languages, is Europe's second longest river, after the Volga. It is located in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, and today flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world. Originating in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km (1,770 mi), passing through or touching the border of Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea. Its drainage basin extends into nine more countries. The Danube river basin is home to fish species such as pike, zander, huchen, wels catfish, burbot and tench. It is also home to a large diversity of carp and sturgeon, as well as salmon and trout. A few species of euryhaline fish, such as European seabass, mullet, and eel, inhabit the Danube delta and the lower portion of the river.
Danube | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:28 1 Names and etymology
00:04:50 2 Geography
00:06:06 2.1 Drainage basin
00:06:30 2.2 Tributaries
00:06:57 2.3 Cities and towns
00:11:23 2.4 Islands
00:12:24 2.5 Sectioning
00:13:22 3 Modern navigation
00:15:54 4 Piracy
00:16:44 5 Danube Delta
00:18:36 6 International cooperation
00:18:47 6.1 Ecology and environment
00:19:46 6.2 Navigation
00:20:44 7 Geology
00:23:15 8 History
00:25:12 8.1 Ancient cultural perspectives of the lower Danube
00:26:23 8.2 Ottoman–Hungarian and Ottoman–Habsburg rivalry along the Danube
00:27:42 9 Economics
00:27:51 9.1 Drinking water
00:28:47 9.2 Navigation and transport
00:31:07 9.3 Fishing
00:32:06 9.4 Tourism
00:33:39 9.4.1 Danube Bike Trail
00:34:30 9.4.2 Sultans Trail
00:35:03 9.4.3 Donausteig
00:35:36 9.4.4 The Route of Emperors and Kings
00:38:08 10 Important national parks
00:39:42 11 Cultural significance
00:43:51 12 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Danube ( DAN-yoob), known by various names in other languages (in German: Donau), is Europe's second longest river, after the Volga. It is located in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, and today flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world. Originating in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km (1,770 mi), passing through or bordering Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea. Its drainage basin extends into nine more countries.
The Danube river basin is home to fish species such as pike, zander, huchen, Wels catfish, burbot and tench. It is also home to a large diversity of carp and sturgeon, as well as salmon and trout. A few species of euryhaline fish, such as European seabass, mullet, and eel, inhabit the Danube Delta and the lower portion of the river.
Since ancient times, the Danube has become a traditional trade route in Europe, nowadays 2,415 km (1,501 mi) of its total length being navigable. The river is also an important source of energy and drinking water.