Migrants rescued off Libya arrive in Trapani
Trapani, Italy - 24 January 2016
1. Pull out of Norwegian ship Siem Pilot in port, Carabinieri (Italian police military corp) standing nearby
2. Frontex (European Union border agency) officials waiting for migrants and refugees to arrive
3. Italian Red Cross workers carrying bags containing clothes and blankets
4. Italian Red Cross worker pushing migrant in wheelchair
5. Various of Italian Red Cross workers and medical staff in protective clothing assisting migrants and refugees as they disembark from ship
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Lise Dunham, Captain of Siem Pilot:
We didn't have any problems this time. We had 723 migrants and one dead person. No problems when we had the transfers.
7. Workers carrying body on stretcher off ship, hearse waiting
9. Various of hearse leaving port
10. Various of migrants and refugees at port
The Norwegian ship Siem Pilot arrived in Siciliy's port of Trapani on Sunday after rescuing 723 migrants and refugees from the sea off the coast of Libya.
The ship also recovered a body found inside one of the dinghies transporting migrants from Libya to Italy.
The cause of death is under investigation.
Italian Coast Guard ship Dattilo and Siem Pilot were involved in the operations to rescue the migrants.
Most of those rescued, from Sub-Saharan Africa, received health checks in Trapani and will be moved to reception centres following identification.
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Excursion to Segesta, Erice and Trapani
Choose New Travel Services: discover this excursion to Segesta temple, Erice and the salt road of Trapani.
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A cable car (funivia) journey up into the clouds of Erice, a small town 750 metres above Trapani in Sicily.
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Includes a still picture from ciccioetneo's flikr account - thanks!
Following in the footsteps of Bălcescu in Palermo
To visit the former Hotel Alla Trinacria where Nicolae Bălcescu died, and Piazza Garibaldi from Piazza Marina, in the short time before leaving from Palermo to Catania, we used transport by moto ape (lapinu in sicilian). In Palermo is taking a fight to the tourist to do sit on the seat : Bee taxi cab drivers against drivers, drivers of cars against taxi drivers, taxi drivers Bee against coachmen of carriages. Ape (Italian bee, also known as Vespacar) is a pickup truck and a dreirädiges the Italian manufacturer Piaggio scooter mobile. The Ape has been made since 1947 in Italy and since the introduction of the limited edition of 2007 in India.
So, we went from Piazza Pretoria on Via Maqueda passing through: Piazza Bellini, Via Roma and finally on Corso Vittorio Emanuele almost to the end, where we entered the Piazza Santo Spirito and Foro Italico Umberto I. On this avenue we entered via Butera and so we came to the house no. 24 where was the Hotel Alla Trinacria and where Bălcescu arrived on October 17 1852 at 9 pm. after a journey of almost three days by boat Ercolano, coming from Naples. Bălcescu was housed at room no. 26 but his health deteriorated rapidly and in the evening of November 27 1852 he died. Two marble plaques on the facade, confirms the passage of Bălcescu and Garibaldi there.
We continued on via Butera, Corso Vittorio Emanuele up to Piazza Marina and Villa Garibaldi. Piazza Marina was designed by architect Giovan Battista Filippo Basile between 1861 and 1864. Piazza Marina, had been used for Aragonese weddings, victory celebrations, and, unfortunately, public executions. In the villa there are busts that of Giuseppe Garibaldi, Rosolino Pilo, Giovanni Corrao, Raffaele De Benedetto, Louis Tukory. A bust of Nicholas Bălcescu was installed in 1961 in Piazza Marina (Giardino Garibaldi) of Palermo. The shock front is the inscription Nicola Balcescu grande storico e patriota romeno, morto of Palermo, April 29. 1819-28 nov. 1852, and on the left reads: Busto offerto dall'Accademia Popolare della Republica Romena in Occasione dello Principati Romen's Anniversario dell'Unità dei delle celebrazioni dell'Unità d'Italia - anno 1961 .
Migranti, strage continua. Le Ong si difendono: siamo trasparenti
Roma, (askanews) - Mentre continuano le polemiche intorno al ruolo delle Ong nei soccorsi in mare ai migranti, che secondo alcuni potrebbero essere finanziate dai trafficanti, continua la strage nel Mediterraneo. Una nave di Medici Senza Frontiere ha riportato in porto, a Catania, altre sei salme, le ultime di una lunga serie.
Le Ong, da parte loro, difendono il loro lavoro in mare nell'opera di soccorso. Michele Trainiti di Medici Senza Frontiere: Noi non possiamo parlare del lavoro di altre organizzazioni, quello che possiamo dire è che li vediamo con noi tutti i giorni a salvare vite al largo delle coste libiche, oggi purtroppo qui a Catania stiamo sbarcando sei salme, tutte persone che sono morte nel tentativo di cercare una vita migliore e lasciate morire dalla mancanza di una risposta europea a queste necessità. Sia Frontex ha detto che non ci sono prove che ci avvicinano ai trafficanti, sia EuNavforMed e il procuratore di Siracusa, quindi non capiamo perché ogni giorno si inventino una cosa nuova.
E Trainiti precisa: Noi siamo degli umanitari e non potremmo mai accettare di avere forze di polizia a bordo perché andrebbe a snaturare la nostra attività, poi se è una decisione del governo noi ci rimettiamo, ma sospenderemo la nostra attività.
Anche Mathilde Auvillain, portavoce di SOS Méditerranée non riesce a capire la polemica: Siamo trasparenti, faremo vedere i rapporti su tutte le operazioni di salvataggio di quest'anno in mare e speriamo che questo sforzo serva a porre fine a tutte queste polemiche che di fatto - dice - distolgono l'attenzione dalla tragedia umanitaria che continua nel Mediterraneo. Sono già centinaia i morti dall'inizio dell'anno e la situazione andrà peggiorando in estate.
Eurocargo Genova verso Trapani
Nave costruita da Ricc99
Tratta: Genova-Trapani
navi3d.net - Bader Rostom (c)
la nave Iuventa: il video che la accusa.
La Procura di Trapani sequestra la nave Iuventa di una Ong tedesca accusata di traffico di esseri umani.
Saline di Trapani
La riserva naturale orientata delle Saline di Trapani e Paceco è una riserva naturale regionale della Sicilia istituita nel 1995, che si estende per quasi 1000 ettari nel territorio dei comuni di Trapani e Paceco.[1] La riserva, all'interno della quale si esercita l'antica attività di estrazione del sale, è una importante zona umida che offre riparo a numerose specie di uccelli migratori. È gestita dal WWF Italia.
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Mediterranean Sea: Italian Coast Guard picks up 4,400 refugees and migrants
Around 4,400 refugees and migrants were picked up by the Italian Coast Guard in Mediterranean waters, Saturday. The refugees and migrants were travelling aboard rafts and boats that were found in distress off the coast of Libya. A total of 22 operations were carried out to transfer the migrants aboard Coast Guard vessels for onward transportation to ports in Italy.
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Preview to pontiff's visit to Sicilian island where he's to pray with new migrants
1. Wide of port of Lampedusa
2. Wide of boat 'cemetery' with rotting hulls of abandoned immigrant boats
3. Pull back from Vatican flag on an abandoned immigrant boat
4. Arabic script on side abandoned boat
5. Mid of abandoned boats
6. Wide of the area where Pope will be holding Mass
7. Volunteers setting up chairs
8. Close of volunteers preparing chairs
9. Mid workers preparing small wooden boat on altar
10. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Vox Pop, Michele Barletta, Sicilican who has come from the mainland to see the Pope:
In my opinion by coming here, the Pope is going to draw the attention of the powers of the world to the situation here.
11. Workers setting up for mass
12. Close of immigrant's hand holding onto metal fence
13. Migrants playing football as policeman talks on mobile phone
14. Wide of Eritrean migrants behind fence
15. Migrants chatting through fence
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) name not given, Eritrean migrant:
I am from Eritrea and getting to Italy was not easy for me. It was a long, long road, full of dangers. I passed through many countries - Sudan, through the Egyptian desert until I got to Libya. It was not good, the situation in Libya was very difficult. We wore ourselves out trying to get here to Lampedusa.
17. Wide of migrants playing football
18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic with Italian translation) No name given, Eritrean migrant: ++PIXELATED++
We were at sea for 36 hours, our motor broke down, there was no way to communicate with the rest of the world. Then the Italian Coast Guard came. They saved us.
19. Italian soldiers watching migrants through gate as they play football
20. Migrant from Eritrea sitting on wall
21 Wide of entrance to holding centre for Migrants
22. Soldier closing gate to holding centre
The small Italian island of Lampedusa was in a state of agitation on Sunday as the local population geared up for Monday's visit by Pope Francis.
The local priest frantically worked to prepare a wooden boat as an altar, volunteers set up chairs for the outdoor mass, and journalists flooded an improvised media centre.
Lampedusa is a treeless, strip of an island, nine kilometres (four miles) long in the middle of the Mediterranean, closer to the African mainland than to Italy.
Every year thousands of migrants attempt the 138 kilometre (220 mile) crossing in rickety wooden boats and leaky rubber dinghies. They pay exorbitant fees to human traffickers to make their way towards what they all hope will be a better future in Europe.
In the past thousands of these migrants have died at sea.
According to Fortress Europe, an observatory on migrations and refugees, there have been 13,869 victims counted in the Mediterranean Sea between 1988 and November 2012.
Of those, 6,649 died in what is known as the Sicilian Canal between 1991 and 2012.
According to the Italian government 6,970 migrants landed on Italian shores between 1 January and 19 June this year - 3,500 of them on Lampedusa.
The island, with a local population of roughly 5,000 people, has struggled desperately to keep up with the pressure. There is a holding centre on the island which has room for nearly 400 migrants but it is often packed with hundreds more waiting for a flight to transfer them to the Italian mainland.
Often it is the fisherman from Lampedusa who find the migrant boats when they are out fishing.
The Italian Coast Guard constantly monitors the waters both on the sea and from the air and rescues all the boats they find, taking the migrants on board or if their boat is still seaworthy, escorting it into the port. But the Italian Coast Guard does not always make it on time.
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Hundreds of migrants rescued in mediterranean
A number of rescues were performed earlier in the day by the charity ship Aquarius, which is operated by Berlin-based NGO SOS Mediterranee and Doctors Without Borders, as well as Libyan coastguard vessels, rescuing hundreds at sea…
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Safari Sicilia
Se non vi piace andare in barca, il mare è mosso...
Se siete stanchi di andare in discoteca...
Se siete stufi dei rumori e dello stress della città ...
E se il prezzo basso e il risparmio è quello che cercate, Segesta Quad è quello che fa per voi, immersi in mezzo la natura tra paesaggi mozza fiato organizziamo escursioni in Quad in tutta la Sicilia occidentale.
Per vivere il brivido di un'esperienza unica su una moto a 4 ruote.
Organizzando escursioni simili a veri e propri safari attraverso boschi, vigneti, oliveti vivremo la flora e la fauna dei i più esclusivi luoghi della Sicilia con molte possibilità di vedere molteplici animali tipici della zona come: falchi poiane aquile.
Segesta Quad offre vari tipi di itinerari:
Come il monte Pispisa una delle mete più belle e suggestionanti della Sicilia da dove si potranno ammirare vari paesaggi come:
la campagna Segestana , il famoso tempio di Segesta,il golfo di Castellammare , le isole Egadi (Favignana Levanzo Marettimo), le saline,la collina pianto romano (famoso per la battaglia di Garibaldi ,Montagna Grande e il Monte Inici !
Nel attraversare le campagne Segestane si avvertiranno i profumi inebrianti della natura provenienti dai campi da dove si potranno assaggiare direttamente dal produttore al consumatore della frutta di stagione come: Fichi d'india , cocomero , uva , angurie , gelsi , fichi , pere , frutti di bosco , ecc..
Ma questa è solo una delle tante escursioni consigliate da SegestaQuad offriamo in oltre altri tipi di itinerari.
Ma anche escursioni più particolari strutturate in orari del giorno più suggestivi come l'escursione al tramonto o come l'escursione al chiar di luna per rendere l'escursione ancora più magica.
In alcune escursioni saranno inoltre previste delle pause in agriturismo per mangiare,degustare prodotti tipici locali (caponata, cannoli,vini,antipasti,pasta con le sarde, panelle, pane consatù con oli pomodoro e sarde ,ecc) pasteggiando inoltre vini locali bianchi e rossi.
Durante alcune escursioni saranno pure previste delle soste per rifocillarsi in piscina o in fonti termali.
Se disponete di auto o mezzi di trasporto,potete venirci a trovare (contattandoci prima) in uno dei nostri punti di partenza:
1)Il parcheggio del Parco Archeologico di Segesta
2) Agriturismo Baglio Pocoroba
3) Bar - Ristorante - Pizzeria Mediterraneo Segesta (stazione Segesta)
Segesta Quad può inoltre può organizzare il transfer dalla vostra locazione (appartamento, casa, hotel, bed and breakfast,campeggi,case vacanse, ecc) fino a uno dei punti di ritrovo prestabiliti.
Principalmente operiamo in una vastissima zona della Sicilia:
San Vito lo Capo(famoso per il cous cous fest che si ripete ogni settembre), Alcamo, Salemim , Gibellina, Castellammare del Golfo(da dove ammirare dal bel vedere il porto turistico da dove partono molte escursioni in barca) , Scopello , Faraglioni (dove fino a pochi anni fa si faceva la pesca del tonno) , Riserva dello Zingaro, Balestrate , Palermo, Terrasini , Calatafimi ,Erice ,Segesta.
Una bellissima idea di come passare le vacanze , divertimento assicurato con...
Segesta Quad
Le principali partenze SegestaQuad distano:
Dall'aeroporto di Palermo Falcone Borsellino (Punta Rais) circa 30 minuti.
Dall'aeroporto di Trapani Birgi circa 35 minuti.
Per informazioni e/o prenotazioni contattaci
A uno dei seguenti numeri telefonici
Giuseppe 335.261726
Giorgio 366.7193340
Fulvio 366.7193341
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Sicily uncovered
An historical tour of Sicily
Madeinmedi - Mediterranean fashion week 7-13 September 2009
A week of art, creativity, fashion training and professionalism: madeinmedi is an occasion for the reconnaissance of cultural systems and activities in the Mediterranean.
Its fundamental to grant a direct relationship between young creative people, fashion firms and experts.
A fashion week specially focused on the young. Fashion professionals and managers, will be addressed, carefully selected on the base of their competence, professionalism and capability to transfer the basilar knowledge of all disciplines to the students. Madeinmedi is an important answer to the more and more specialized necessities of training for the creativity system.
Italy's coastguard rescues 3,000 migrants in the Mediterranean
Italy's coastguard on Saturday successfully coordinated the rescue of around 3,000 migrants in the Mediterranean Sea. This is after receiving distress calls from more than 20 overcrowded vessels, drifting in waters off Libya. It's perhaps the biggest rescue mission that has been conducted, since the migrant crisis began
binetto3 15/09/2013 Quasi collisione... :S
Sicily with Sarah Murdoch | Rick Steves Travel Talks
In this travel talk, Rick Steves' Europe co-author and tour guide Sarah Murdoch describes Sicily's top stops — from Palermo to Catania, from Trapani to Taormina, and from sandy beaches to the steamy summit of Mount Etna — and explains practical travel skills, including how to dive into Sicily's unique cuisine and fine wines. Sarah also offers tips on Sicily's top ancient sights, its easygoing hill towns, its dynamic street markets, and surviving its sometimes-intense cities.
Planning a trip to Sicily? You’ll find lots of free travel information at
Recorded on March 3, 2018 • Rick Steves' Europe Travel Center
Written and Presented by Sarah Murdoch
Produced by Cameron Hewitt
Filmed and Edited by Zen Wolfang
Photography by Sarah Murdoch, Cameron Hewitt, Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli, and others
Graphics by Heather Locke and Rhonda Pelikan
© 2018 Rick Steves' Europe, Inc.
Riserva delle saline di Trapani e Paceco. Gerardo Cortellaro. 9.11.2011
Immagini di Filippo Salerno. Abbiamo fatto oggi un'intervista a Gerardo Cortellaro, biologo dipendente del WWF, ente che gestisce la riserva delle saline. Nelle immagini si vedono i bellissimi fenicotteri e le spatole. Gerardo ci informa che sono circa 230 specie di uccelli che sono stati visti qui nella riserva. Buona visione.