The Mausoleum of Imam Al-Bukhari | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
One of the highlights of our trip to Uzbekistan was to visit the grave of Imam al-Bukhari, the single greatest scholar of Hadith who ever lived.
Alhamdullilah I was honored to be granted access to the actual grave by the Mufti of Samarqand.
After making Du’a for Imam al-Bukhari, a lecture was delivered regarding his legacy. May Allah allow us to benefit from his legacy and may the ranks of this great Imam be raised even more for his service to the Sunnah.
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Malik Riaz Donates Rs. 1 million for Imam Al-Bukhari International Research Center in Uzbekistan
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This is my journey visiting Imam Al-Bukhari Mausoleum Complex in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Hope you enjoy the video.
Old City, Mosques and Earthquake Memorial in Tashkent - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
Before visiting the Hazrati Imam Mosque we want to take a look around the old town of Tashkent. Only some of the historical structure which so clearly represents the Orient remained after the earthquake of 1966. We enter the neighborhood via Tarix Street, which is traversed by a small canal. High clay walls form narrow street canyons in the side lanes and prevent a view into the courtyards.
Thanks to our guide Nargiz, we have the opportunity to take a look at some inner courtyards. They have a different designs but give insight into the individual needs of the residents.
In the first courtyard, we meet a lady who proves a happy hand with her plants. But the animals also seem to be close to her heart. Besides to a dog and chickens, we can even discover a goat in a shed. In the next courtyard is a bed, where they can sleep in the open air during the warm season.
Here turtles enrich life. Also in the next courtyard, we see a bed and a fruit-tree provides shade. Everyone creates himself a little paradise.
We continue our walk to the mausoleum, built by the 926 AD deceased Imam Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi. It was erected in 1542 AD for him and some of his disciples. Believing Muslims still come here today to ask for help in emergencies.
Now we arrive at the Muslim center of Central Asia, the Khazrati Imam complex. On the one hand, it consists of the Barak-khan Madrasa, which was originally built as a mausoleum. Barak-khan (Nauruz-Akhmed), a great-grandson of Ulugh Beg, the Timurid prince of Sarmakand, who has made his name as an astronomer, converted the building into a madrasa. In the Soviet era, all the madrasas were closed. Today, only ten state madrasas are allowed again.
The Imam Al Bukhari Islamic institutes set up next-door is a kind of university for Islamic sciences. It should be noted that the radical Islam is heavily combated in Uzbekistan. The country pursues a secularized line. Due to the Soviet history, there are many residents without religion. The Barak-khan Madrasa is now a retail space for local craftsmen.
In the middle of the complex is the library building of the Muyi Muborak Madrasah. It contains the most valuable part of the complex, the oldest Koran, dating from the 7th century.
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Vor dem Besuch der Hazrati Imam Moschee wollen wir uns noch ein wenig in der Altstadt von Taschkent umsehen. Nur wenig ist von der historischen Bausubstanz die den Orient so anschaulich wiedergibt nach dem Erdbeben von 1966 übrig geblieben.
Wir betreten das Viertel über die Tarix Straße, die von einem kleinen Kanal durchzogen wird. Hohe Lehmwände bilden schmale Häuserschluchten in den Nebengassen und verhindern einen Blick in die Innenhöfe.
Dank unserer Fremdenführerin Nargiz haben wir die Gelegenheit einen Blick in manche Innenhöfe zu werfen, die sehr unterschiedlich gestaltet sind, aber gut über die individuellen Bedürfnisse der Bewohner Auskunft geben.
Im Ersten treffen wir auf eine Dame, die eine glücklichen Hand bei ihren Pflanzen beweist. Doch auch die Tiere scheinen ihr am Herzen zu liegen. Neben einem Hund und Hühnern können wir in einem Verschlag sogar eine Ziege entdecken. Im nächsten Innenhof steht ein Bett, so dass man während der warmen Jahreszeit im Freien schlafen kann.
Hier bereichern Schildkröten das Leben. Auch im nächsten Innenhof steht ein Bett im Innenhof, dazu sorgt ein Obstbaum für Schatten. Jeder schafft sich hier ein kleines eigenes Paradies.
Bald erreichen wir das Mausoleum, dass vom 926 n. Chr. verstorbenen Imam Abu Bakr Kaffal Schaschi gebaut wurde. Es wurde 1542 n. Chr. für ihn und einige seiner Schüler errichtet. Gläubige Moslems kommen noch heute hierher um in Notsituationen Hilfe zu erbitten.
Nun kommen wir zum moslemischen Zentrum Zentralasiens, dem Khazrati Imam Komplex. Der besteht zum einen aus der Barak-khan Medrese , die ursprünglich auch als Mausoleum erbaut wurde. Barak-khan (Nauruz-Akhmed), ein Urenkel von Ulugh Beg, dem Timuriden Fürst aus Sarmakand, der sich als Astronom einen Namen gemacht hat, baute das Gebäude in eine Medrese um. In der Sowjet Zeit wurden sämtliche Medressen (Koranschulen) geschlossen. Heute sind nur zehn staatliche wieder erlaubt.
Das nebenan errichtete Imam Al Bukhari Islamic Institute ist eine Art Hochschule für Islamische Wissenschaften. Dazu ist zu bemerken, dass der radikale Islam in Usbekistan schwer bekämpft wird. Das Land verfolgt eine säkularisierte Linie. Aufgrund der sowjetischen Geschichte sind viele Bewohner ohne Religion. Die Barak-khan Medresse wurde als Verkaufsfläche für heimische Handwerker umgestaltet.
In der Mitte des Komplexes befindet sich das Bibliotheksgebäude der Muyi Muborak Medresse. In ihr befindet sich das wertvollste Stück der Anlage, die älteste Niederschrift des Korans aus dem 7. Jahrhundert.
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Imam Bukhari Mazar, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Memorial complex, near Samarkand in Uzbekistan houses the grave of Imam Bukhari, most well known for authoring the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) collection named Sahih Bukhari.
Uzbekistan Bukhara (Bakhautdin Naqshband Mausoleum) Part 12
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Northeast of Bukhara in the village of Kasri Orifon is one of Sufism's more important shrines (working hours 8am-7pm), the birthplace and the tomb of Khazreti Mohammed Bakhauddin (Baha-al-din, Uzbek: Bahovuddin) Nakhshbandi (1318-1389), the founder of the most influential of many ancient Sufi orders in Central Asia, and Bukhara's unofficial 'patron saint'.
Bakhauddin (The Decoration of Religion) was born a few kilometres from the present complex in the town of Kasri Orifon into a family of metalworkers, from where he took the name Nakhshbandi (Engraver of Metals). He came under the early influence of Abdul Khaliq Gijduvani and as a married man spent 12 years in the employ of Tamerlane's nephew Khalil Sultan after which, according to the Encyclopedia of Islam, he devoted himself to the care of animals for seven years and road-mending for another seven. This last vocation is not quite as bizarre as it may sound, for Nakhshbandi espoused a life of hard work, self-reliance and modesty, encouraging all his pupils to learn a trade as he himself had done. His 11 principles of conduct were based on a retreat from authority, spiritual purity and a rejection of ostentation or ceremony, principles that were stretched to their limit by the Nakhshbandi brotherhood's early rejection of communism in the 1920s and subsequent tacit support for the basmachi revolt.
Entering the complex through the main, east entrance, you'll walk towards a 16th century khanaka covered by a huge dome, now a Juma (Friday) mosque. In front of it is a precariously leaning minaret. Two more mosques surround Bakhautdin's tomb in the courtyard to the left. The lovingly restored aivan here is one of the country's most beautiful.
Bahauddin Naqshband Bokhari Memorial Complex - Uzbekistan 4K Travel Channel
The next morning, we leave Bukhara in a northeasterly direction. We pass the airport and shortly thereafter we are surrounded by cotton fields. But also new housing developments can be found here. About 10 km from the city center, we arrive at a national monument of Uzbekistan. The tomb of Bahauddin Naqshbandi was extended to a mausoleum and is an important place of pilgrimage place today.
Bahauddin Naqshband is the namesake of the Naqshbandi Order, one of the largest and most influential Muslim order of Sufism.
Baha-un-Din Naqshband was born in 1318 AD near Bukhara. Already three days after his birth, he was adopted by Baba Muhammad Sammasi, the Murshid (one who wants to follow the path of knowledge under the guidance of a sheikh) of his grandfather Hamadanis, as spiritual progeny. Sammasi engaged his student Amir Kulal to do the instruction in the teaching and practice of the Sufis.
Later he joined Khali Ata for 12 years, who is considered as Chagatai-Khan, the second son of Genghis Khan. After his fall, Bahu-un-Din returned to his birthplace Kasr-i Hinduwan and began teaching his own disciples.
He left the region three more times. Twice for a Hajj and once he went to the ruler Mo'ezz-al-Dīn Ḥosayn in Herat, whom he explained the principles of his mystical practice. He died in 1389 in his birthplace, that is called Bogoudin today.
We enter the site through the main gate and quickly find our way to the courtyard with the tomb of Bahauddin Naqshbandi. A banner on a tall pole indicates that a spiritual leader rests here. The courtyard is surrounded by a beautiful portico, with carved wooden pillars carrying the roof. A water pool and a widely protruding tree provide a pleasant climate.
The entire complex includes a Sufi study center, a cemetery with the tombs of many Sufis, and a mosque that women are not allowed to enter. A young woman proudly presents us her two children.
Bukhara has very much benefited from Baha-ud Din. It owes its status as a center of Islamic scholarship and religiousness to him.
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Am Morgen des nächsten Tages fahren wir in nordöstliche Richtung aus Buchara hinaus. Wir passieren den Flughafen und schon kurz danach sind wir von Baumwollfeldern umgeben. Doch auch Neubaugebiete sind hier zu finden.
Ungefähr 10 km vom Stadtzentrum entfernt, treffen wir auf ein Nationaldenkmal Usbekistans. Das Grab von Bahauddin Naqschband wurde zum Mausoleum ausgebaut und ist heute eine wichtige Pilgerstätte.
Bahaoddin Naqschband ist der Namensgeber des Naqschbandi-Ordens, eines der größten und einflussreichsten muslimischen Sufiorden.
Baha-un-Din wurde 1318 n Chr. in der Nähe von Buchara geboren. Bereits drei Tage nach seiner Geburt wurde er von Baba Mohammad Sammasi, dem Murschid (einer, der den Pfad der Erkenntnis unter Anleitung eines Scheichs beschreiten will) seines Großvaters Hamadanis, als spiritueller Nachfolger adoptiert. Sammasi beauftragte seinen Schüler Amir Kulal mit der Unterweisung in die Lehre und Praxis der Sufis.
Später schloss er sich 12 Jahre Khalil Ata an, der als identisch mit Tschagatai-Khan, dem zweiten Sohn von Dschingis Khan, gilt. Nach dessen Sturz kehrte Bahu-un-Din in seinen Geburtsort Kasr-i Hinduwan zurück und begann eigene Schüler zu unterweisen.
Er verließ er die Region noch dreimal. Zweimal für eine Hadsch und einmal nach Herat zum Herrscher Moʿezz-al-Dīn Ḥosayn, dem er die Prinzipien seiner mystischen Praxis erläuterte. Er starb 1389 in seinem Geburtsort, der heute Bogoudin genannt wird.
Wir betreten das Gelände durch das Haupttor und finden rasch den Weg zum Innenhof, wo sich das Grabmal Bahaoddin Naqshbands befindet. An einem Banner an einer hohen Stange ist rasch erkennbar, dass hier ein spiritueller Führer ruht. Der Innenhof ist mit einem schönen Kolonnadengang umgeben, dessen Dach, mit Schnitzerei verzierte Holzsäulen, tragen. Ein Wasserbassin und ein breit ausladender Baum sorgen für angenehmes Klima.
Zu der gesamten Anlage gehören ein sufisches Studienzentrum, ein Friedhof mit den Gräbern vieler Sufis und eine Moschee, die von Frauen nicht betreten werden darf. Eine junge Frau zeigt uns dafür voller Stolz ihre beiden Kinder.
Buchara hat von Baha-ud-Din viel profitiert. Ihm verdankt sie ihren Status als Zentrum islamischer Gelehrsamkeit und Religiosität.
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FOUNDER OF NAQSHBANDI SUFI ORDER: Hazrat Syed Bahauddin Naqshband Bukhari | Bukhara, Uzbekistan
#Naqshbandi #Mujaddadi #Bukhara
Hace Şah-ı Nakşibend Muhammed Buhari evliyalari Özbekistan
Khwaja Baha uddin Naqshband
(SPEECHER : Allama Sayyed Muhammed Mukhtar Shah Naeemi Ashrafi USA).
Baha-ud-din Naqshband Bokhari Memorial Complex, Uzbekistan
39°48'08.0N 64°32'15.8E
ARABIC: سید بهاءالدین محمد نقشبند بخاری.
KNOWN FOR: The founder of what would become one of the largest Sufi Muslim orders, the Naqshbandi.
RESTING PLACE : Mausoleum of Bahauddin Naqshband in Bukhara.
INFLUENCED BY : Hazrat Shaikh Sayyed Amir Kulal Hussaini Kazmi Rehmatullah alaih.
SUCCESSOR: Shaikh Muhammad Alauddin Attar Khwarazmi Bukhari and Shaikh Muhammad Hafizi Rehmatullah alaih.
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Uzbekistan Tourism: 5 About Samarkand City
SAMARKAND City Travel Guide, Top 5 Samarkand Tourist Attractions in must visit. The destination is Samarkand Uzbekistan, this is info about Samarkand tourist attractions, a tourist destination in Samarkand with Samarkand tourism and best places to visit in Samarkand. In this video, there is a Samarkand travel and absolutely Samarkand travel guide. You must visit Antalya, because of Samarkand best places and awesome. Things to do in Samarkand and What to do in Samarkand.
5. Gur Emir Mouseoleum
Gur Emir Mausoleum is the Tomb complex Timurid family, built between 1403 – 1404. The architecture of the Tomb consists of a cylinder, cone or dome, and geometric art that consists of pure. In June 1941, Samarkand was part of the Soviet Union, and Soviet scientists came to the tomb and open sarcophagus to learn the corpse of Temur and found the inscription: anyone who opens kuburku will release the invader more terrible than I . A few hours later, Hitler invaded Russia. Five weeks after the Supreme Emir was buried back in 1942, Germany surrendered at Stalingrad.
4. Ulughbek Observatory
Ulughbek Observatory is located in the center of Samarkand. This fantastic monument built to survive for six hundred years. Ulughbek is a grandson of Timur, a moderate man of letters who ruled for forty years (1409-1449). Ulughbek also has a message that to this day still remember, religion spread
3. Registan Square
Registan is a large square surrounded by three sides of a religious complex consisting of a mosque, madrasah, and clan. Registan, in the local language, means ' sandy place '. The madrasa is a large square building is limited by the student room with rows of arches which open onto a central courtyard. Built at different times by members of the Timurid Dynasty between 1370 and 1500, these beautiful buildings ' lifting the sky ', with large portals, the twin towers, thousands of blue tiles, and carved marble.
2. Bibi Khanum Mosque
The construction of the mosque Bibi Khanum begins May 11, 1399, and it took five years to complete. The building was built by two hundred architects, artists, scholars, craftsmen, and Masons gathered from all over the Empire, Timurid, aided by five hundred workers. This huge building was the largest building ever built out of mud bricks that are not restored.
1. Imam al-Bukhari Mausoleum
The mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari in Samarkand is a very impressive view. This is the work of the modern Uzbek architecture that is based on the traditional oriental style. Inside the mausoleum of Imam al-Bukhari, there is a marble Tomb, the burial site but Imam al-Bukhari which is actually located beneath the Tomb. There is also a small shop selling some souvenirs and local handicrafts.
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Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Hazrat Imam complex (video in English)
Hello everybody! My name is Sardor Rasulov (Sam) and this is my first video in English. Actually, all my videos in Russian. Do you want to know why this one in English? The fact is that, not too many people (basicly from Europe and other western countries) know about this beautiful country like Uzbekistan. And for long time had been thinking of it (to make video in English) and finaly this day has come.
Today me with my mom visited one of the most ancient places of Tashkent which is called Hazrat Imam Complex . I think, i won't tell everything in detail better if you watch it with your own eyes.
If you did not get something in the video please, leave a comment i will try to explain to you. Of course dont forget to subscribe to my chanel and press like. Thank You!!!
Hazrat Imam Complex is popularly known as Hast-Imam located in an old residential district of Tashkent, Sibzar. According to scientists, it was the center of the city called Shash in the middle ages. The complex of historical and architectural monuments formed around Mazar Kaffallya ash-Shashi - the first Imam and preacher of Islam in Tashkent, also he was the famous theologian and linguist, after whom the complex was named Hazrat Imam (The Holy Imam).
Kaffal ash-Shashi made pilgrims to Mekka several times; he visited Damascus, Baghdad, and Hejaz. He learned the science of theologian and linguist in madrasahs of Bukhara, Samarkand and Termez. The Great theologian was revered by people, so he earned the title the Great Imam in the Arab world. Hazrat Imam Complex consists of architectural monuments: the Islamic Institute of al-Bukhari, Kaffalyaash-Shashi mausoleum, the building of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Uzbekistan, Jami Mosque and the area of Hazrat Imam.
The library of spiritual control is stored more than thirty thousand books; there are two thousand rarities among them. The Holy book – Koran is the special value for believers. Friday Mosque Jami is a master link of the vast area Hazrat Imam. The mosque was built in the tradidions of Central Asia architecture. Two colossal minarets with the height of 56 metre are adorned the entrance of the mosque.
Architectural ensemble Hazrat Imam has already been the main attraction of Uzbekistan for thousand years.
#tashkent #uzbekistan #centralasia #hazratimam #ancientplaces #mosque #Tashkent #world #samarkand #Ташкент #Узбекистан #ЦентральнаяАзия #азия #Азия #asia
IG: sardor1992 Imam Al Bukhari complex
The Muslims equate a visit to the Memorial Complex of Imam Al-Bukhari with a small Hajj. Uzbekistan : Samarkand. See on map .
Ziarat e Dargah Hazrat Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi(R.A.), Bukhara, Uzbekistan
118 Ziarat e Dargah Hazrat Khwaja Sayyid Bahauddin Naqshbandi(R.A.), Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Tomb of Imam Bukhari Uzbekistan by Hayat Rizvi Emaratkaar
Tomb of Imam Bukhari Uzbekistan by Hayat Rizvi Emaratkaar
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Bahauddin Naqshbandi Bukhari Memorial Complex | Mufti Tariq MAsood
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Bukhara- Bahauddin Naqshband Shrine (Pt-1) 2007
Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshbandi Bukhari (1318-1389 AD) was the founder of one of the four great orders of Sufism in Islam, i.e. Naqshbandiah. He has millions of followers in India, Pakistan, Central Asia, Iran and Turkey. His grand shrine is in Bukhara, about 10-12 km away from the city in Bagh-e-Aarfan.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996