Парки Ростова-на-Дону (часть 2)
Покровский сквер расположен вдоль центральной улице города. На входе в сквер со стороны Кировского проспекта и Большой Садовой работает фонтан, недалеко от фонтана установлена бронзовая скульптура Первый водопровод. В сквере достаточно зелено и уютно. Кроме того в центре сквера расположен Старо-Покровский храм, возле которого установлен памятник императрице Елизавете Петровне. В годы советской власти она была закрыта, в 1930-х годах разрушена, и на её месте был установлен памятник С. М. Кирову.
В Покровском сквере установлен памятник первому водопроводу — бронзовая скульптура женщины в одежде XIX века набирает воду из колонки.
В 2009 году Покровский сквер был признан лучшим объектом озеленения Ростова-на-Дону,
Театральная площадь — центральная площадь Ростова-на-Дону, где проходят все главные массовые мероприятия. По разным оценкам, на ней раз может разместиться до 100 тысяч человек. На площади расположены две достопримечательности: театр имени Максима Горького (в народе называется трактор, потому что по форме его напоминает; макет театра хранится в Британском музее Лондона) и 70-метровая стела в честь Освободителей Ростова-на-Дону от фашистов. К Театральной площади примыкает парк Революции, в котором для гостей города работает третье по величине в России колесо обозрения. С высоты птичьего полета открывается шикарный вид на Ростов, реку Дон и новый стадион «Ростов-Арену».
Детский парк имени Вити Черевичкина — один из парков Ростова-на-Дону; единственный детский парк города.
Парк основан в 1880 году. Историческое его название — Александровский сад — было принято по решению нахичеванской городской Думы в честь «торжественного дня 25-летия славного царствования Его Императорского Величества Августейшего Монарха Императора Александра II». В 1894 году здесь была установлена Александровская колонна — 11-метровая копия Александрийского столпа.
С 1936 года парк назывался «Детский парк пионеров и школьников»] В нем были оборудованы канал с мостиками и большая сцена для представлений. С 1965 года парк носит имя Вити Черевичкина — ростовского подростка, убитого немецкими оккупантами.
Новобрачные города на счастье начали вешать замки на переходном мостике парка, благодаря чему у него появилось новое название — «Мостик любви и счастья».
Парк культуры и отдыха имени Николая Островского — самый большой парк культуры и отдыха в Ростове-на-Дону. Основан в 1894 году, территория — 63,1 га. Назван в честь известного писателя советской эпохи Н. А. Островского. В парке расположены такие культурные и развлекательные места как: плавательный бассейн, футбольные поля, клуб альпинистов и юных пожарных, залы штангистов, ручного мяча и борцов, теннисные корты, стадион Олимп-2, настоящая детская железная дорога.
Одной из интересных и увлекательных услуг являются аттракционы парка. В настоящее время в парке установлено более 40 аттракционов ,Любителей активного и незаурядного отдыха ждёт верёвочный парк «Джунгли» — это парк приключений, состоящий из 6 маршрутов различной степени сложности[
В сентябре 2016 года у входа в парк открылся памятник Связистам Дона
Soviet Army Fallen Fighters Liberation Towers and Cemeteries
Korean Central News Agency Copyright © 2000-2014 DPR of Korea
Staff members of the Russian embassy here laid a wreath before the Liberation Tower on Friday to mark the 69th anniversary of the victory in the great Patriotic War of Russia.
Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Alexandr Timonin, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, staff members of his embassy and diplomatic envoys and military attaches of foreign embassies here.
After a wreath in the name of the Russian embassy was laid, the participants paid a silent tribute to the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army.
They went round the Liberation Tower.
The staff members of the Russian embassy also laid wreaths and bouquets before the cemetery of the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army in Sadong District, Pyongyang.
Earlier, they laid bouquets before the liberation towers, statues, cemeteries and memorial towers of the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army in local areas.
Meanwhile, members of the Russian consulate general in Chongjin laid wreaths before the liberation tower and cemetery of the Soviet Army fallen fighters in Chongjin City.
Russia: Moscow's Orthodox bikers rev up support for church restoration
VideoID: 20140503-036
M/S Motorbikes
M/S Cars and motorbikes
W/S Cars and motorbikes
W/S Parked motorbikes
M/S Flag
M/S Biker's jacket
W/S Bikers carrying religious portrait
M/S Priests
C/U Priests
M/S Event participants
M/S Religious portrait
W/S Cross at Khodynskoye field
W/S Priests
Dozens of Orthodox Christians rode through Moscow on Saturday, rallying in support of the restoration of a church that honours St. Sergius of Radonezh at Khodynskoye Field.
Rally participants gathered soil from the ground from Trinity-Sergius Lavra to place at the foot of the church in Khodynskoye Field.
The event took place in commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonzeh.
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Orthodox Memorial Chanting
Orthodox Memorial Chanting
Four killed when Russian airliner crash lands
A Russian airliner flying without passengers broke into pieces after it slid off the runway and crashed onto a highway outside Moscow upon landing on Saturday, killing four of the eight crew on board. For more info log on to: youtube.com/abpnewsTV
Russia: 100 trucks bring humanitarian aid to Eastern Ukrainians
Video ID: 20141130-022
W/S Truck arriving
M/S People queuing
M/S Trucks arriving
C/U Trucks arriving
M/S Truck sign (in Russian) Humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation
W/S Workers opening back of truck
M/S Workers opening back of truck
M/S Worker closing truck door
W/S Truck convoy parking
Russia's eighth humanitarian convoy carrying aid for the residents of eastern Ukraine stopped off in Matveyev Kurgan in Russia's Rostov Region on Sunday, before crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border.
The convoy of 100 trucks was divided into two parts; 60 trucks stopped at Russia's Matveyev Kurgan checkpoint, to drop off aid to refugees, while 40 vehicles carried on to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine.
In total the trucks are carrying more than 1,200 tons of humanitarian aid. The cargo consists mainly of food and construction materials to repair damaged buildings.
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Беслан. Помни / Beslan. Remember (english & español subs)
Всем привет. Мы - в Северной Осетии, небольшой республике на самом юге России.
15 лет назад здесь случился самый страшный теракт в нашей истории. 1 сентября прямо во время праздничной линейки террористы захватили школу №1 города Беслан. В заложниках оказалось более 1000 человек, три дня их удерживали без еды и воды в душном, тесном и обвешанном взрывчаткой спортзале.
Когда случился штурм, большая часть заложников была освобождена, но 334 человека погибли, 186 из них - дети.
Про Беслан снято много видео, но это совсем не причина не вспоминать про эту трагедию вновь.
Когда изучаешь обстоятельства этого теракта, хочется кричать и плакать - от ужаса, злобы, сочувствия и боли. В этом выпуске мы покажем людей, которые продолжают жить нормальной жизнью, как бы сильно по ним этот теракт ни ударил. Мы покажем, что Беслан - это не только кошмар 2004 года, но и очень сильные люди, которые уже полтора десятилетия ведут героическую борьбу за свое здоровье и счастье.
Ну и вообще - чем чаще и громче напоминать про Беслан, тем лучше. Вот наша логика:
- когда-то государство допустило ошибки, которые привели к беде;
- теперь государство должно окружить максимальной заботой всех, кто пострадал.
И только через эту заботу оно может заслужить прощение, а после - и доверие людей.
Делает ли государство все, чтобы его простили?
Делает ли государство все, чтобы ему доверяли?
Или кто-то очень стесняется этой темы и делает все, чтобы никогда и никак ее не касаться?
Все это мы и хотели узнать. Все что узнали - рассказываем вам.
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Burial of Russian marine killed in Syria
Novocherkassk, Rostov region - 27 November 2015
1. Mid of coffin with body of marine killed in Syria, Alexander Pozynich, at farewell ceremony
2. Framed photo of Pozynich with black ribbon
3. Wide of people around coffin
4. Mid of relatives weeping
5. Wide of military personnel
6. Mid of man crossing himself and putting flowers beside the coffin
7. Close of flowers in coffin
8. Mid of woman and man laying flowers
9. Close of guard of honour officer
10. Mid of man laying flowers
11. Framed photo of Pozynich, guard of honour officers standing behind
12. Close of flowers and apple
13. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Major General Panyovchik:
By the Russian President's decree Seaman Pozynich Alexander Mikhailovich for courage, bravery and dedication showed during the fulfillment of military duty is awarded the Order of Courage posthumously.
14. Mid of military men giving award to relative of Pozynich
15. Mid of award
16. Mid of women weeping
17. Close of photo of Pozynich
18. Mid of wreaths in corridor
19. Mid of guard of honour carrying cross, photo of Pozynich and coffin
20. Close of guard of honour carrying coffin
21. Wide pan of people gathered on street
22. Close of guard of honour carrying coffin
A Russian marine killed by militants in Syria, Alexander Pozynich, was on Friday buried in his native town Novocherkassk in the south of the country after being posthumously honoured by the military at his funeral.
Pozynich, 29, was on board of one of two helicopters taking part in rescue operation to save pilots whose plane had been shot down by Turkey on Tuesday.
The helicopter was shot by Syrian militants and had to make an emergency landing. Pozynich died while other marines were injured in the incident.
Hundreds of people attended Pozynich's funeral.
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Russia: Italian antifa ska-punkers rock with Russian Communist Party
Video ID: 20140926-052
W/S Banda Bassotti playing
M/S Member of Banda Bassotti playing guitar
C/U Member of Banda Bassotti playing guitar
M/S Brass section of Banda Bassotti
W/S Crowd surrounding the band and clapping
M/S Members of Banda Bassotti singing
M/S Crowd singing along
M/S Bystanders clapping
W/S Banda Bassotti finish playing
M/S Members of Banda Bassotti receiving Tula gingerbread
M/S DPR flag
C/U Tula gingerbread
W/S Members of Banda Bassotti posing with Tula ginger bread
W/S Crowd clapping and chanting Novorossiya
C/U Banner
W/S Banda Bassotti tour buses
The Italian ska-punk group Banda Bassotti continued their way towards Novorossiya as part of their so-called Carovano Antifascista tour, Friday.
The anti-fascist band played several songs for a group of activists from the Russian Communist party’s local branch at a gas station in Tula region, where the convoy decided to make a short stop. The activists sang patriotic songs with the rockers and presented them a traditional Tula gingerbread.
Earlier Friday the caravan set off from Moscow in the direction of the Rostov region. The tour consists of three Kamaz lorries with humanitarian aid for Donbass, two small vans with Russian Communist activists and a bus with Banda Bassotti musicians and representatives of various socialist movements from Italy, Spain and Greece. On Saturday the gang will try to cross the border in order to play a concert in Novorossiya in support of local people who suffered from bombardments carried out by Kiev troops and the National Guard.
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Cemetery where former president is buried opens to public; mourners reax
1. Wide exterior Novodevichy monastery where former Russian president Boris Yeltsin is buried
2. Close-up of the gold domes of the monastery
3. Close-up of Yeltsin's grave with a wooden cross and a picture of the himself, covered with flowers
4. Various of Naina Yeltsin, wife or Boris Yeltsin and family walk into cemetery
5. Close up of the cross over Yeltsin's grave, where Yeltsin's name is written in Russian, as well as the dates of his birth and death (01.02.1931 - 23.04.2007)
6. Naina Yeltsin stands by her husband's grave
7. Close up Naina Yeltsin holds roses
8. Wide from behind Naina Yeltsin standing in front of the grave, among others
9. Wide of people standing around Yeltsin's grave
10. Naina Yeltsin and daughters crying
11. Wide of people walking into cemetery
12. SOUNDBITE (Russian): Lyudmilla Barsheva, Russian citizen:
We became free to say what we wanted, I don't know for now how long that will last but it seems that it will not last for long, and who knows when we'll get freedom again.
13. Wide of the grave surrounded by flowers
14. SOUNDBITE (English): Andrei - no surname given:
It will take some time for Russians to really understand what Yeltsin has done for Russia but what is beyond doubt is that the grief of people here at the cemetery is absolutely genuine.
15. Wide pan of the cemetery, towards Yeltsin's grave where a large number of people are surrounding it
16. Wide shot of people walking through the gates of the cemetery
Novodevichy cemetery, a leafy, tranquil expanse next to Moscow's most famous monastery, was open to the public on Thursday - the first time since the burial of former Russian president, Boris Yeltsin.
The cemetery is largely a burial site for dreamers and artists, rather than politicians. Writers Anton Chekhov and Mikhail Bulgakov and composer Sergei Prokofiev are interred there.
It is also the resting place of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Like Yeltsin, many saw Khrushchev as a maverick with simple tastes and coarse manners.
Yeltsin's widow Naina and his two daughters came to the cemetery early Thursday to lay flowers.
Russians stood around his grave and reflected on the legacy left by the country's first democratically-elected leader.
Lyudmilla Barsheva, a Russian citizen said: We became free to say what we wanted (while Yeltsin was president).
I don't know now for how long that will last but it seems that it will not last for long, and who knows when we'll get freedom again, she added.
Yeltsin, the first president of post-Soviet Russia, died of heart failure Monday at the age of 76.
He is widely remembered for his bold stand in 1990 against an attempted Communist coup and for launching Russia on the path to political pluralism.
But he disappointed Russians by failing to bring political, economic and social stability to the nation.
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Russia: Huge blaze rips through paint factory in Moscow
A huge fire tore through a paint factory in the Medvedkovo district, North-East Moscow, on Wednesday night.
Video ID: 20170817 004
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Russia: Mourners lay flowers at Alexander Column in memory of flight 7K9268 victims
Dozens of people gathered on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, Wednesday, to mourn the victims of the Sinai plane crash. Mourners contributed to the growing collection of flowers, toys, candles and pictures which have been placed at the bottom of Alexander Column – the square’s centre piece.
Video ID: 20151104-079
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Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Russia - Former President Boris Yeltsin Dies
(26 Apr 2007) 520312
AP/Russian Pool
Various, File
AP Television News
Moscow - 21 August 1991
1. Yeltsin waves Russian flag
AP Television News
Kremlin - October, 1995
2. Yeltsin pinches secretary in Kremlin
AP Television News
USA - October 1995
3. Yeltsin and Clinton share a joke
Russian Pool
Rostov - June 1996
4.Various shots of Yeltsin dancing to appreciative crowd during re-election campaign
AP Television
Moscow - 25 April 2007
5. Yeltsin's widow Naina leans into casket and strokes her husband's face
6. Low shot of portrait of Boris Yeltsin, with his widow crying in background
7. Mid shot of Naina standing by coffin and turning away
Moscow - 26 April 2007
8. Close-up of Yeltsin's grave with a wooden cross and a picture of the himself, covered with flowers
9. Naina Yeltsin, wife or Boris Yeltsin and family walk into cemetery
10. Naina Yeltsin stands by her husband's grave
Former President Boris Yeltsin, who was instrumental in the final collapse of the Soviet Union, pushed Russia toward pluralism and a market economy, and launched the first war in Chechnya, has died, a Kremlin official said Monday.
He was 76.
The Interfax news agency cited an unidentified medical source as saying he had died of heart failure in the Kremlin Clinic Hospital.
Although Yeltsin was initially admired abroad for his defiance of the Communist system, many Russians will remember him mostly for presiding over the steep decline of their nation.
It was a period where the oligarchs came to the fore - an elite rich made billions from the state's resources, as the huge majority remained poor.
Thousands of tearful mourners filed past the open coffin of former President Boris Yeltsin on Wednesday 25th April, lighting candles and crossing themselves to the sound of chanted Orthodox prayers as foreign dignitaries headed to Moscow to pay their last respects.
Yeltsin's widow, Naina, and his two daughters sat dressed in black alongside the casket, which was draped in the Russian tricolour in the centre of the cathedral's nave.
He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery
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Ukraine: Young and old rally for Putin and Russia in Sevastopol
Several thousand adults and children rallied on Sevastopol's central square on Saturday in support of President Vladimir Putin, and Crimean accession into the Russian Federation.
Demonstrators held a banner calling for Putin to be awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, and waved Russian flags while chanting Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia, Putin.
Crimea will vote in a referendum on March 16 to decide on whether to join the Russian Federation.
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Russia: Bizarre alien-like vehicle roams around Biysk
Russian engineer Igor Sukhorukov showed off his unusual customised cross-country vehicle in Biysk in the Altai region on Saturday. The vehicle is raised far above the traffic by its imposing wheels, has aerodynamic body and a protective cage around the car’s body.
SOT, Igor Sukhorukov, engineer (Russian): The idea came long ago, in my childhood days when I wanted to travel around to different places for fishing, hunting. And there was nothing appropriate to drive.
SOT, Igor Sukhorukov, engineer (Russian): The vehicle is registered, it is allowed to move along the streets, there are no problems, and we have all the documents for it. Working name for it is Nissan Maxima, short Maximka. It also has label, S and V, it can be deciphered differently, as freedom and will. But actually these are first letters of my name.
SOT, Igor Sukhorukov, engineer (Russian): Tourism is developing in Altai. There are beautiful places, where it would be great to take tourists. And also anyone can come and take a picture with the vehicle in the background. A lot of people want to do that.
Video ID: 20160312-035
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Staff members of the Russian Embassy on Soviet Cemeteries
Korean Central News Agency Copyright © 2000-2014 DPR of Korea
Staff members of the Russian embassy here laid a wreath before the Liberation Tower on Friday, the 69th anniversary of Korea's liberation.
Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Alexandr Timonin, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, staff members of his embassy and members of the Russia-cross Korean Peninsula car riding group headed by Kim Chil Song, first vice-chairman of the International United Confederation of Koreans who is chairman of the United Confederation of Koreans in Russia.
Wreaths were laid before the tower in the name of the Russian embassy and the group.
The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army before going round the tower.
Staff members of the Russian embassy also laid wreaths and bouquets before the cemetery of the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army in Sadong District, Pyongyang.
Prior to it, they laid bouquets before the liberation towers, statues of the Soviet Army and cemeteries of its martyrs and moments in local areas.
Meanwhile, the consul general and staff members of the Russian consulate general in Chongjin laid wreaths before the liberation tower and cemetery of the martyrs of the Soviet Union in Chongjin on the same day.
Bells of St.George Gozo
Bells of St.George Gozo. A set of five Italian bells (Baracozzi) which is one of the nice sets on the Island of Gozo. It was a pitty that there was only two bell ringers while takeing this vid. Like this set, one can find similar bells in Sannat Gozo, Mellieha Malta and Luqa Malta.
War in the East: The Surrender of Kiev
The Western Front was too slow and the German defences were too strong.... the last defenders of Kiev have fallen. How much further can the Red Army go?
Intro Music - Track composed by James Hannigan, Album by Frank Klepacki, James Hannigan & Timothy Michael Wyn - published by EA.
Soviet March and all associated copyright is owned by Electronic Arts.
[Updated] Ukraine crisis: Russian tanks enter Ukraine, fire missiles at border post
Updated Breaking News
Ukraine crisis: Russian tanks enter Ukraine, fire missiles at border post
20,000 Russian troops remain in Russia, near Ukraine border
The Associated Press Posted: Aug 28, 2014 5:31 AM ET Last Updated: Aug 28, 2014 1:14 PM ET
Two columns of tanks and military vehicles rolled into southeastern Ukraine from Russia on Thursday after Grad missiles were fired at a border post and Ukraine's overmatched border guards fled, a top Ukrainian official said.
Echoing the comments by Ukraine's Col. Andriy Lysenko, a top NATO official said at least 1,000 Russian troops have poured into Ukraine with sophisticated equipment, leaving no doubt that the Russian military had invaded southeastern Ukraine.
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The hand from behind is becoming more and more overt now, Brig.-Gen. Nico Tak said at NATO's military headquarters, adding that that Russia's ultimate aim was to stave off defeat for the separatists and turn eastern Ukraine into a frozen conflict that would destabilize the country indefinitely.
An invasion is an invasion is an invasion, tweeted the Lithuanian ambassador to the UN, Raimonda Murmokaite, who requested that the Security Council hold an emergency meeting on Ukraine on Thursday afternoon.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that if reports that fighting has spread southward are confirmed it would mark a dangerous escalation of the crisis, Reuters reported his spokesperson as saying on Thursday.
Ukrainian president warns against panic
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko cancelled a foreign trip and called an emergency meeting of his security council.
He urged his citizens to resist giving into panic.
Destabilization of the situation and panic, this is as much of a weapon of the enemy as tanks, Poroshenko told the security council.
Ukraine crisis
A Pro-Russian rebel walks in a passage at the local market damaged by shelling in the town of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, on Tuesday. (Mstislav Chernov/The Associated Press)
As Poroshenko spoke, the strategic southeastern town of Novoazovsk appeared firmly under the control of separatists and their Russian backers, a new, third front in the war in eastern Ukraine between the separatists and Poroshenko's government in Kyiv.
Lysenko said the missiles from Russia were fired at Ukrainian positions in the southeast about 11 a.m. local time and an hour and a half later, two columns, including tanks and other fighting vehicles, began an attack. They entered Ukraine from Veselo-Voznesenka and Maximovo in the Rostov region of Russia.
Also Thursday, 15 civilians were killed in shelling in Donetsk, reported Reuters, citing a statement by city administration on its website. The statement described the general situation there as very tense.
Russian stock markets dived as Switzerland joined the European Union in imposing restrictions on Russian state banks and fears grew that the U.S. and EU could impose further sanctions on Russian businesses and individuals in response to the military escalation. Russia's MICEX index dropped nearly two per cent on Thursday, and major Russian state banks VTB and Sberbank dropped more than four per cent.
20,000 Russian troops stationed near border
Over the past two weeks we have noted a significant escalation in both the level and sophistication of Russia's military interference in Ukraine, Tak said in Casteau, Belgium. Russia is reinforcing and resupplying separatist forces in a blatant attempt to change the momentum of the fighting, which is currently favouring the Ukrainian military.
He said the 1,000 Russian troops was a conservative estimate and said another 20,000 Russian troops were right over the Russian border.
'Russia is reinforcing and resupplying separatist forces in a blatant attempt to change the momentum of the fighting.'- Brig.-Gen. Nico Tak
NATO also produced satellite images to provide what it called additional evidence that Russian combat soldiers, equipped with sophisticated heavy weaponry, are operating inside Ukraine's sovereign territory.
Raw: Migrants Cross River Into Macedonia
Hundreds of refugees and migrants stranded in Greece are crossing into neighboring Macedonia, defying border closures by Balkan countries.
Several hundred people are making their way across the border after walking for hours in heavy rain and wading across a river - many holding children and their belongings over their heads.
The migrants then found a break in the border fence near the Greek village of Hamilo, and crossed into Macedonia.
In chaotic scenes, Greek and international volunteers helped the migrants across the river, using a rope to help them through the fast-flowing water.
Earlier in the day, Macedonian police found the bodies of three people thought to be migrants crossing a river in a nearby area.
Macedonia's border has been sealed for the past 10 days, following transit restrictions imposed by EU-member Austria.
The migrants walked out of the overcrowded camp of Idomeni on the Greek-Macedonian border Monday, travelling west on foot.
They repeatedly defied orders by the Greek police to turn back.
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