Ethiopia //የምንይልክ ቤተ መንግስትን በወፍ በረርThe Menelik Palace in Addis Ababa
ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት ቻናላችንን ሰብስክራብ ያድርጉ፡፡ Subscribe our channal.#EBSTV #WorldWide #JTVEthiopia #LTVEthiopia #New Ethiopianmusic #NewEthiopian Movie #HopeMusicEthiopia | #GurshaTube #Entewawekalen Wey #ZemenDrama #Danadrama | #Welafen drama YesufApp #BetochComedy #MinewShewa Tube #Sodere
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#InEthiopia Dr.Abiy Ahmed Renewing The Great Palace Of Ethiopia
Ethiopia: በታሪካዊው ቤተ መንግሥት ግቢ ውስጥ ምን አለ? | Menelik Palace
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Emperor Menelik (Minilik) Entoto Palace Addis Ababa
This palace built by Emperor Menelik (Minilik) is owned by Ethiopian orthodox Tewahido (Tewahedo)St. Mary church (aka Entoto kidist Mariyam church). The background song is Orthodox Tewahedo mezmur (Amharic word for song). A brief description of Emperor Menelik from Wikipedia is given below.
Emperor Menelik II GCB, GCMG (Ge'ez: ዳግማዊ ምኒልክ, dagmäwi minilik [nb 1]), baptized as Sahle Maryam (17 August 1844 – 12 December 1913), was Negus[nb 2] of Shewa (1866–89), then Nəgusä Nägäst[nb 3] of Ethiopia from 1889 to his death. At the height of his internal power and external prestige, the process of territorial expansion and creation of the modern empire-state had been completed by 1898, thus restoring the ancient Ethiopian Kingdom to its glory of the Axumite Empire which was one of the four most powerful kingdoms of the ancient world.[1] Ethiopia was transformed under Nəgusä Nägäst Menelik: the major signposts of modernization were put in place.[2] Externally, his victory over the Italian invaders had earned him great fame: following Adwa, recognition of Ethiopia’s independence by external powers was expressed in terms of diplomatic representation at the court of Menelik and delineation of Ethiopia’s boundaries with the adjacent colonies.[1] Menelik expanded his kingdom to the south and east, expanding into Kaffa, Sidama, Wolayta and other kingdoms.[3][4] He is widely called Emiye[5] Menelik in Ethiopia for his forgiving nature and his selfless deeds to the poor.
A brief description about Entoto (the place/mountain) where the palace has been built from Wikipedia is given below.
Mount Entoto (Amharic: እንጦጦ?) is the highest peak overlooking the city of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, and has views of the city. It reaches 3,200 meters above sea level and is part of the Entoto mountain chain.
It is a historical place where Emperor Menelik II resided and built his palace, when he came from Ankober and founded Addis Ababa. It is considered a sacred mountain and has many monasteries. Mount Entoto is also the location of a number of celebrated churches, including Saint Raguel and Saint Mary.[1]
The mountain is densely covered by eucalyptus trees that were imported from Australia during the reign of Menelik II, and mostly planted during Emperor Haile Selassie's reign. Thus, it is sometimes referred to as the lung of Addis Ababa. The forest on the mountain is an important source of firewood for the city. It was also a source of building material in earlier times.
The Ethiopian Heritage Trust, a non-profit, non-governmental organization, is working actively to change part of the mountain to its old state, a natural park. Entoto Natural Park is the northeastern rim of Addis Abeba, on the southeastern slopes of Mt. Entoto, covering an area of 1,300 hectares. It is situated at an altitude of between 2,600 and 3,100 meters. Its annual average rainfall and temperature are 1200 mm and 14°C, respectively. The northern rim of the park serves as a watershed between the Abay (Blue Nile) and Awash rivers.
The Ethiopian Space Science Society has an observatory on the 3,200 m summit.[2]
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Menelik Mausoleum - Gibbi - Addis Ababa - Ethiopia - 17.06.2014
Aufgenommen am 17.06.2014 in Addis Ababa.
Das Mausoleum von Kaiser Menelik II befindet sich im Gibbi, auf einer Anhöhe von Addis Ababa, der Keimzelle der Stadtgründung mit mehreren kaiserlichen Palästen. Der überwiegende Teil des Gibbi ist leider für die Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich und wird argwöhnisch bewacht, da dort unter anderem der äthiopische Premierminister wohnt. Wer bei Film- oder Fotoaufnahmen erwischt wird, riskiert mindestens die Löschung des Kameraspeichers. Nur innerhalb des Mausoleums sind Aufnahmen erlaubt.
Das Bauwerk wurde unter Leitung des deutschen Baumeisters Carl Härtel von 1917 bis 1927 errichtet. In der Gruft unter dem Allerheiligsten (zentraler innerer Kubus) stehen die Sarkophage von Kaiser Menelik II, seiner Frau Taitu, seiner Tochter und Kaiserin Zewditu, der Tochter von Haile Selassie, Prinzessin Tsehai, sowie der des Erzbischofs Matewos von Addis Ababa. Erzbischof Matewos krönte Menelik einst zum Kaiser. Weiterhin befinden sich in der Gruft verschiedene kaiserliche Throne aus dem Palast sowie aus der Kirche, alte Schriften, Bilder, Kreuze, Prozessionsschirme und anderes. Im oberen Teil des Mausoleums, das heute auch als Kirche (Beata Maryam) genutzt wird, befinden sich im Kuppelbereich verschiedene Malereien des deutschen Künstlers Helmuth Eichroth. Im Einzelnen sind das die Krönung von Menelik II, die Schlacht von Adua (Sieg über die italienischen Invasoren), Besuch der Königin von Saba bei König Salomon, sowie die Schlüsselübergabe für Ras Makonnens Palast.
Mehr dazu demnächst in der Bildreportage Return To Addis bei
Ethiopia: ስለ ቤተ-መንግስት የአንድነት ፖርክ ያልተሰሙ አነጋጋሪና ሚስጥራዊ መረጃዎች! Unity Park | Abiy Ahmed | Menelik Palace
ተቀብረው የተገኙት ሬሳዎችና መኪናዎች... መታየት ያለበት!
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#Ethiopia #Ethiopianews #AbiyAhmed #ቤተ_መንግስት
Ethiopia: ስለ ቤተ-መንግስት የአንድነት ፖርክ ያልተሰሙ አነጋጋሪና ሚስጥራዊ መረጃዎች! Unity Park | Abiy Ahmed | Menelik Palace
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OMN: ቆይታ ከአርቲስት አጫሉ ሁንዴሳ ጋር (oct 10,2019)
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Abiy Ahmed crowned ethiopia with a Nobel prize for the first time in its history.
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ከጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ የኖቤል ሽልማት ጀርባ | Ethiopia
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የኢህአዴግ ውህደት እና የህወሓት አጥፍቶ መጥፋት !! | በስዩም ተሾመ | Ethiopia
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ሳናረጅ ያረጀን የሚያስመስሉን 10 የምግብ አይነቶች! | Feta Daily Health
ጠ/ሚ አብይ አህመድ በተባበሩት ኤምሬትስ ተከብሮ እንዲህ አስከበረን
ምግብ የማትበላው ሙሉወርቅ አምባው አነጋጋሪ ታሪክ Ethiopian Muluwork Ambaw hasn't eaten or drank for 13 years.
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Ethiopia: መረጃ - የሰንደቅ ዓላማ ውዝግብ | Flag of Ethiopia
Ethiopia: መረጃ - የነ አቶ ሺመልስ ሴራ ሲገለጥ ይህ ነው የዶ/ር አብይ ነገርስ
ጥቅምት ሁለት ሰልፍ የሚወጣው ህዝብ በዚህ ስርዓት ዕድሜ ላይ ይወስናል ጋዜጠኛ እስክንድር ነጋ | Ethiopia
Ethiopia: ኦዲፒ የሽመልስን “ነፍጠኛ” ማለት ተከትሎ ያልተጠበቀ መግለጫ አወጣ!
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የአስተሳሰብ ካንሰር ሀገራችንን በፅኑ አሟታል!! መምህር ዮናስ ዘውዴ | Ethiopia
Ethiopia: የኢትዮታይምስ የዕለቱ ዜና | EthioTimes Daily Ethiopian News | Takele Uma | Birtukan Mideksa
በቀን 3 ጊዜ የመብላት እና የማብላት ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ያለች ሀገር” መምህርት እፀገነት ከበደ | አስቂኝ ወግ | Ethiopia
የአልቃሽ እና የአስለቃሽ ታሪክን እንቀይር!! ዲ/ን ዳንኤል ክብረት | Deacon Daniel Kibret | Ethiopia
Ethiopia: በዶ/ር አብይ ላይ የተጀመረው የሴራ ዘመቻ ሲገለጥ! Abiy Ahmed | OLF | TPLF | አብን
Ethiopia: ሰበር መረጃ - ኢዜማ ቆረጠ | “የአዲስ አበባ ሕዝብ እየደረሰበት ያለውን..
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OMN: ቆይታ ከአርቲስት አጫሉ ሁንዴሳ ጋር (oct 10,2019)
አዴፓ ባጣብቂኝ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ | Ethiopia
Ethiopia: ዘ-ሐበሻ የዕለቱ ዜና | Zehabesha Daily News
Ethiopia: ሰበር መረጃ - በባህር ዳር የሆነው ምንድን ነው? | እንጀነራል ተፈራ ማሞ.... የአብን ፕሬዚዳንት ማስጠንቀቂያ
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa - Minilik Palace - Unity Park
የቤተመንግስት የአንድነት ፓርክ በመጭዎቹ ቀናት ለሐገር ቤትና ለውጭ ጎብኚዎች ክፍት ይደረጋል ተባለ
Kidist Maryam + Menelik Palace - Mount Entoto - Addis Ababa - Ethiopia - 18.06.2014
Aufgenommen am 18.06.2014.
Die Kirche St. Mary (Kidist Maryam) wurde kurz nach der Hochzeit von Menelik, König von Shewa (oder Shoa) und seiner Frau Taitu in den 1870er Jahren errichtet. Es wurde die Hauptkirche der damaligen Stadt auf dem Entoto, die gleichzeitig Hauptstadt des damaligen Äthiopiens war.1889 wurde Menelik und seine Frau an diesem Platz zum Kaiser und zur Kaiserin gekrönt. Später wurde die Hauptstadt auf Drängen von Taitu auf einen Hügel des Tales verlegt, dem heutigen Gibbi, was allgemein als Stadtgründung von Addis Ababa gilt. Kaiser Menelik II blieb aber diueser Kirche treu, besuchte sie regelmäßig und sorgte für dessen Instandhaltung. Nach Meneliks Tod kehrte Taitu auf den Mount Entoto zurück, um in der Nähe ihrer Kirche zu sein. Sie lebte im Palast neben der Kirche bis zu ihrem Tod. Die Kaiserin wurde dann in einem Mausoleum zwischen der Kirche und dem Palst bestattet. Erst später wurden ihre Überreste in das Ba-eta Le Mariam Kloster auf den Gibbi umgesetzt, um neben ihrem Mann Menelik II im Menelik Mausoleum, ihre letzte Ruhestätte zu finden.
Links vor der Kirche, neben dem Eingangstor zum Kirchengelände der Kidist Maryam, befindet sich in einem kirchenähnlichen Rundbau ein Museum. Kameras und andere Dinge müssen vor dem Eintritt in das Gebäude in ein Schließfach gelegt werden. Im Museum befinden sich zahlreiche Gebrauchsgegenstände aus der Kaiserzeit von Menelik II und Taitu, die zum Teil aus ihrem eigenen Haushalt stammen.
Mehr dazu demnächst in der Bildreportage Return To Addis bei
PM Abiy Ahmed opens up palace for public visits
Ethiopia's Prime minister Abiy Ahmed has opened his palace for public visits. The palace, previously shut off from the public for decades, boasts centuries of rich Ethiopian history. The palatial compound has been renovated to hold a museum and is expected to generate revenue for the country.
CGNT's Coletta Wanjohi takes us on a tour of Ethiopia's new tourist attraction.
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አስደናቂው የ አፄ ምኒልክ አዳራሽ Menelik palace renovated by Abiy Ahmed
እስካሁን ሰብስክራይብ ያላደረጋችሁ ይህንን በመጫን ሰብስክራይብ እንድታደርጉ እና ቪዲዮዎቹን በዋትስ አፕ እና በፌስቡክ ሼር እንድታደርጉልን በማክበር እንጠይቃለን:: ከልብ እናመሰግናለን! #AddisAbaba #Ethiopia #AbiyAhmed #AmharicDescription
Part of Menelik palace renovated by Dr. Abiy Ahmed is now open for the public to visit. Part of the palace to be visited is named Unity Park Addis Ababa
Haile Selassie Mengistu Hailemariam Meles Zenawi Hailemariam Dessalegn and currently Abiy Ahmed reside in the palace built by Emperor Menelik and Tayitu Taytu Bitul.
Discovery Ethiopia Coverage on Historical places at Ankober Wereda
Emperor Haile Selassie I (Tafari Makonnen) national palace Addis Ababa 2016
Ethiopian king Haile Selassie I previous bedroom, bathroom & loung (Palace) in Addis Ababa September 2016
የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪዎች በምኒልክ አደባባይ Menelik square Addis Ababa
ይህንን በመጫን ሰብስክራይብ እንድታደርጉ እና ይህንን ቪዲዮ በፌስቡካችሁ ሼር እንድታደርጉት በማክበር እንጠይቃለን::
Mount Entoto| Raguel church| Maryam church| Menelik Palace Addis Ethiopia Malayalam Vlog| Part 4
Raguel church
A very peaceful church located outside of Addis Ababa. It is a very calm and quiet place to walk around. For those who want to see typical Ethiopian Orthodox Christians painting art can visit this tourist location. There is also a small museum which displays old manuscripts, crosses and other church relics.
Entrance fee for foreign visitors: 100bir
Entoto Maryam church
It is of traditional circular design and at present the structure looks quite modern. Dedicated to Mary and her child which is particularly popular among Ethiopian women. It is attractive and is surrounded on a hilly ridge amidst green trees with a mind blowing view over Addis.
The church offers a small museum which is much interesting than the church.
Entrance fee:200 bir
Menelik palace is palatial compound in Addis Ababa. Location of the palace was strategically decided to enable the Emperor to watch any potential danger. It is best scene with a guide who explains the meaning of different sections. The palace now houses a museum.
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Allada by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Bumba Crossing by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Accralate - The Dark Contenent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (
Ethiopia: እህተ ማርያም የትግራይ ህዝብን አስጠነቀቀች ehite mariam on Tigray, Menelik Palace, Anwar Mosque
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Once Emperor Menelik II Palace's now Ethiopia Unity Park 2019 - አንድነት ፓርክ
For 130 years from Menelik II to Hailemariam Desalegn, five successive governments, two more emperors and a communist regime included would rule from the same palace, orchestrating much of this country’s tragic history from within its walls.
President Uhuru Kenyatta last evening said Ethiopia is a constant reminder of why Africans should preserve their culture and traditions, and guard the hard-earned sovereignty of African states.
He said Addis Ababa remains a historical icon and significant city on the African continent because of Ethiopia’s reputation as one of the countries that successfully resisted colonialism and the country's rich history.
The President spoke when he joined other regional Heads of State and Government at the inauguration of the Unity Park, a museum inside the Ethiopian National Palace that documents the country's journey through generations.
President Kenyatta said a country that does not know its history will not understand its present and will find it hard to navigate through today’s complex world.
“Ethiopia is endowed with a rich and colourful history that makes it unique on the African continent. As one of the few countries to resist and defeat efforts at colonialism, it serves as a constant reminder of the need to preserve our culture and sovereignty,” he said.
The Head of State said the preservation of African cultural heritage and historical assets will serve to restore the dignity, honour and wellbeing of the African people.
“Preserving and restoring African cultural heritage and the protection of our environment is a huge investment that we as leaders must continue to champion tirelessly,” President Kenyatta said.
He commended Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the political leadership of Ethiopia for efforts to entrench democracy and create unity in the country.
“I would like to commend you for the bold steps you have taken on political reform and gender inclusivity.
Opening the Palace is an indication of your efforts to entrench democracy,” President Kenyatta told PM Ahmed adding that Kenya and Ethiopia continue to enjoy cordial relations as the two neighboring countries mark 55 years since they established bilateral relations.
PM Ahmed said he will continue with his rallying call of ‘medemer” (synergy) to end ethnic compartmentalisation of the country and create a stable, united nation.
Other regional leaders who attended the inauguration ceremony included President Yoweri Museveni (Uganda), President Mohamed Abdullahi (Somalia), President Salva Kiir (South Sudan) and Sudan Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok.
Several other countries including Djibouti were represented by Cabinet Ministers or special envoys at the event that was also addressed by Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde.
The leaders praised Ethiopia for its economic transformation and for remaining a strong African nation.
The Unity Park which comprises the palaces of former rulers of the country among them Emperor Menelik II and Emperor Haile Selasie pays tribute to Ethiopia’s legacy as an unconquered country during the continent’s dark period of colonisation by European powers.
Sections of the palace were renovated at the cost of five billion Birr (Shs 17.5 billion) to develop display pavilions of cultural and historical assets of the country’s nine regional states to signify the reconciliation and unity efforts being championed by the Ethiopian government.
Ahead of the launch ceremony, regional leaders held talks with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed followed by a tour of the the vast Unity Park situated inside the Palace.
The Palace hosts the Prime Minister's office and is the official seat of power of the Ethiopian state.
As part of the elaborate celebrations to mark the opening of the facility, the visiting Heads of State and Governments as well as invited guests were treated to an array of traditional performances including dances from across the country of more than 110 million people.
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Ethiopia: The amazing Unity Park in the National Palace
The unity park which has been built in the national palace of Ethiopia has a very magnificent view, and holds invaluble historical and cultural treasures of the country
Ras Tafari Makonnen House / Honeymoon Palace - Harar - Ethiopia - 25.09.2015
Aufgenommen am 25.09.2015 in Harar. Haile Selassie verbrachte einen Großteil seiner Kindheit in diesem Gebäude seines Vaters Ras Makonnen.
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