El Increíble Mercado de Tarabuco | Bolivia | Episodio #80
En la actualidad el mercado de Tarabuco es uno de los más auténticos de Bolivia.
En el mercado indígena de Tarabuco se destaca el colorido de las vestimentas de los pobladores Yampara.
Además, recibimos una increíble clase de historia al descubrir el monumento del victorioso indígena que les da la bienvenida a los visitantes
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Bolivia - Tarabuco Sunday Market
The Sunday market in Tarabuco, about 60 km from Sucre is one of the largest in the area. Although it is attractive for tourists is still is mainly a local affair with lots of people in traditional costume. A culinary festival that takes place makes it even more interesting.
Enjoy more markets by playing the clips in this playlist:
We visited Bolivia on our overland trip from the Netherlands to South Africa and South America; see our channel for hundreds of clips.
Tarabuco Market Bolivia
Tarabuco is a Bolivian town in the department of Chuquisaca, capital of the Yamparáez Province and its first section, Tarabuco Municipality. It is best known as the home of the Yampara culture. Its people host the Pujllay festival in March each year. Members of the local indigenous community gather for Mass, parade in their colorful traditional costumes, drink plenty of chicha, and celebrate.
Fresh products at the market in Tarabuco
Each Sunday, a colorful and vibrant open-air market attracts locals and tourists alike. Many people wear traditional Yampara costumes, which not only preserve their identity but also advertise their location of origin within the area to others within the Tarabuco area.
Mercado de Tarabuco
Shots from the indigenous market of Tarabuco, Bolivia
Mercado textil indÃgena de Tarabuco, Sucre, BOLIVIA
4W 11 es un Paseo fotográfico en Bolivia de 4 dÃas/3 noches en 4x4: ida desde Samaipata a Sucre, Ruta antigua de mercaderes por Ruta del Ché y Tarabuco. Comienza por los escenarios de la Guerrilla del Che: Vallegrande, Pucará y La Higuera. Antiguos Molinos de Piedra, Pinturas Rupestres, Desiertos de cactus, cerros panorámicos. O viceversa. Sus vacaciones en Bolivia. Contáctenos a info@discoveringbolivia.com
Tarabuco Sunday Market in Bolivia
Want to see what the Tarabuco Sunday market is all about? Check out this great vid of the town and the merchants plying their trade (trades?) to the steady stream of tourists from Sucre and around.
More information:
Bolivia - Tarabuco (Sucre area) - Sunday market 1 - GoPro Video
2007 Bolivia, Tarabuco, Mercado, Marché, Les Tissus Colorés, Près de Sucre, Yampara
Tarabuco :
Mercado de Tarabuco
Un mercado genuino campesino, donde puedes ver como la gente indigena se desenvuelve .
Bolivia: Tarabuco
Tarabuco es una localidad ubicada a 64 kilómetros de Sucre centro de la cultura Yampara. Las familias Yampara llegan cada domingo desde sus comunidades rurales a la plaza de Tarabuco para llevar sus productos al mercado donde realizan intercambio de alimentos, productos agrícolas, vestimenta, animales, etc.
Fotografías: © Luz D. Montero Espuela
Música: Luzmila Carpio
un marché pas comme les autres ambiance couleurs altitude 3850 mètres
Cultura Yampara en Chuquisaca - Bolivia. ANDANDO POR TARABUCO
Tradiciones de esta cultura sigue en vigencia hasta hoy en dia
Pujllay de Tarabuco 2019
Chaque 3ème dimanche de mars, à Tarabuco, à lieu la fête du pujllay, fête commémorative d'une bataille gagnée contre les espagnols en 1816.
Mercado de Tarabuco
Video realizado por Beatriz Morice, Tarabuco, noviembre del 2010
Icla un lugar por descubrir en Bolivia!!
La localidad de Icla está a una distancia de 105 km. de la ciudad de Sucre. La vía de acceso al Municipio es permanente, a través de una carretera con deficiencias en su mantenimiento, lela está próxima a los mercados de Tarabuco, Zudañez y Sucre.
Icla un lugar mágico por descubrir.
Tarabuco near Sucre, Market, Bolivia
Tarabuco is a Bolivian town in the department of Chuquisaca, capital of the Yamparáez Province and its first section, Tarabuco Municipality. It is best known as the home of the Yampara culture. Its people host the Pujllay festival in March each year. Members of the local indigenous community gather for Mass, parade in their colorful traditional costumes, drink plenty of chicha, and celebrate.
Each Sunday, a colorful and vibrant open-air market attracts locals and tourists alike. Many people wear traditional Yampara costumes, which not only preserve their identity but also advertise their location of origin within the area to others within the Tarabuco area. Very characteristic are the 'morriones', the hats like helmets from the men. The market starts very early and ends halfway in the afternoon.
There is a terrifying statute in the square in Tarabuco. An indigenous warrior is standing over a fallen Spanish soldier. He has a sharp horn in one hand and a bloody heart in the other. He has just dug out the heart of the unfortunate spaniard and is about to eat it. It represents the battle that freed the idigenous people after hundreds of years of Spanish domination.
You see it all in this presentation.
Second version with changing from some photo's.
At the first version there were 8 viewers en 1 reaction from Mircea Costiniuc: Very nice and interesting video
Tarabuco, Bolivia Market
Tarabuco, Bolivia Market
Twingo Sudaca - Tarabuco, Bolivia
Mira el video de nuestra visita al mercado de Tarabuco, cerca a Sucre (Bolivia), un día lleno de colores, tejidos, artesanias y muchos productos ene este pequeño pueblo andino.
#TwingoSudaca #Video #YouTube #Tarabuco #Sucre #Bolivia #Suramerica #Latinoamerica #TwingoViajero
Bolivia Tarabuco Sunday Market. Ennio 2010
Foto e clips del mercao domenicale di Tarabuco in agosto 2010