Corina Sirghi & Jean Americanu @ MESTESHUKAR butiq BUCHAREST
Performative event in Bucharest's best artisan shop - Meşteshukar Butiq. Corina Sîrghi and Jean Americanu playing tradional music from the flamboyant past of the local nightlife !
Bringing it back in style in the most amazing shop supporting the local economy by creating a network for traditional crafts
Mesteshukar ButiQ - Zoltan Bojody
Zoltan Bojody, mestesugar
Video by: Matei Plesa
Mesteshukar ButiQ - Lenuta Dumitru
Lenuta Dumitru, mestesugar Bucuresti
Video by: Matei Plesa
Mesteshukar ButiQ - Radu Ion
Radu Ion, mestesugar din Bucuresti.
Video by: Matei Plesa
Gala Aspen pentru Leadership 2015 - Aspen Social Action Prize 2015: Let's Do It, Romania!
The Aspen idea and community are built around a deep-rooted quest for the “Good society”. This commitment is expressed through the everyday efforts of its members and their determination in producing lasting social change. The span includes anything from new business to art projects. Many of the projects developed by representatives of the Aspen Romania community and in particular Aspen Fellows address the need for balancing disparities in vulnerable communities and in critical areas of social development. These are activities that address the needs of individuals and communities that have suffered, sometimes chronically, economic, social or health challenges. Through such initiatives of our wider Aspen Romania community, the life of people that are falling between the cracks is made more tolerable, less painful and sometimes turns significantly to the better.
In recognition of their venture and vision, the Aspen Institute Romania introduced in 2014 a small grant to be presented during our annual Gala.
The participating projects in 2015 are the following:
LeaderSHE: Young Women Leaders' Academy (Rep. of Moldova)
Endorsed by: Olga Melniciuc, Founder, LeaderSHE , Aspen Fellow 2011
Moldovan society (majority represented by women - 51.9%) lacks considerable women representation in political, business and civic areas. Though recently women became more active, society is still engulfed in clichés regarding women like “politics is not the place for women”, “women are unable to run businesses and families simultaneously”, “as a woman your main job is to be a good wife and mother”, etc. There are not enough role models to inspire young generation of women to grow and become leaders.
To support their energy and commitment, we need to develop in our girls more confidence, more leadership skills to be competitive on labor market, political and social life, both on local and international levels. Thus, the importance of our project lies in increasing the number of girls and their quality of thinking and behavior in civic, political, social and economic life.
The project started as a pilot initiative in 2011, as an outcome of the Aspen YLP.
Let’s Do It, Romania! (Romania)
Endorsed by: Ștefan Buciuc, President, Let’s Do It, Romania!, Aspen Fellow 2014
“Let’s Do It, Romania!” is a civic led mass movement which began in Romania as part of the Let’s Do It! World project. The grass-root initiative grew in a gradual manner and the aim to clean up the whole country from illegally dumped solid waste and to then keep it clean became a solid motivation. “Let’s Do It, Romania!” is still working with passion and perseverance in order to support the most intelligent and sustainable waste management principles so that we can ensure a future clean world. It serves as a prolific example which has motivated other countries as well. The international movement consists now of 112 countries working together, engaging over 13 million participants.
“Let’s Do It, Romania!” has had several notable accomplishments throughout the past six years of its existence. It managed to gather more than one million volunteers over the past years, of which 550000 were students. It organized 300000 volunteers for some of its actions and implemented transnational projects with numerous partners. Probably one of the most notable achievements was making the 28th of September the national day of cleaning, which was also made possible with the help of more than 50 public figures endorsing the movement.
Romano ButiQ: Mesteshukar ButiQ & Roma Culture Museum (Romania)
Endorsed by: Ciprian Necula, Co-founder, Romano ButiQ, Aspen Fellow 2008 and Oana Țoiu, Social Entrepreneur, Mesteshukar ButiQ, Aspen Fellow 2012
Romano ButiQ is an NGO that promotes the Roma culture in Romania and abroad, in order to fight discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion.
Mesteshukar ButiQ
Mesteshukar ButiQ is the umbrella brand of a network of social enterprises developed in rural or remote communities in Romania. Our workshops are led by handcraft men and women that, alongside international designer, give new life to their ancient crafts and traditions.
Together they develop collections of jewelry, clothing, home deco and accessories that reach urban modern customers through our concept store at Universitate, our online platform , pop-up stores in Cluj and Sibiu and a partner shop in Vienna.
Roma Culture Museum
The scope of the project is to understand the Roma culture in relation to other European ethnic groups, using research data and real life as informative support. The Roma Culture Museum is a necessity that goes beyond the visible “surface” of the Roma identities. The Museum intends to step beyond the Roma-ethnics and their culture`s invisible wall, surpassing a politically correct discourse and the racial stereotypes, while simultaneously focusing on the victimization or exceptionalism approaches.
Jean Americanu' face un doctorat în muzică lăutărească
Shaun Williams, bursier Fulbright al Indiana University, studiază la Clejani muzica lăutărească și manelele, în cadrul unei cercetări doctorale în etnomuzicologie.
Originally published at -
Fascinatia Mestesugului - documentare
Într-o casă simplă și tihnită, cu pridvor și flori, păstrată cu grijă ca de demult, trăiește atelierul lui Mark Tudose din Sighișoara. Încăperea modestă în care acesta își duce meșteșugul mai departe miroase a lemn cald și o dragoste sinceră pentru poveștile imprimate în sufletul și arhitectura obiectelor create de el: lingurile.
Mai multe detalii puteți găsi aici:
Documentar realizat de:
Edit: Matei Plesa
Text: Ioana Hurjui
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Bad Mashadi
fun at londophone with bad mashadi, cosmo and jean americanu
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30 ianuarie 2016
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