People at the door of the Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi Beulah Library Roll M7
DV tape shot in Iasi, Romania in June 2002
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People on steps of the Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi 2002 Beulah Library Roll M7
DV tape shot in Iasi, Romania in June 2002
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Beggar outside the Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi Beulah Library Roll M7
DV tape shot in Iasi, Romania in June 2002
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Trader outside the Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi Beulah Library Roll M7
DV tape shot in Iasi, Romania in June 2002
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The Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of Timisoara, Romania
Romanian - Iasi - National Theater - Metropolitan Cathedral - 360° Camera - Video 4K
Romanian - Iasi - Vasile Alecsandri National Theater - Metropolitan Cathedral - 360° Camera - Video 4K
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Iasi, Romania
Iasi???? ????? Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Iasi???? ?????. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Iasi???? ????? for You. Discover Iasi???? ????? as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Iasi???? ?????.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Iasi???? ?????.
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List of Best Things to do in Iasi????, Romania
Church of the Three Hierarchs
Palace of Culture
Palas Iasi
Botanic Garden
Iasi Historical Town
Teatrul National Vasile Alecsandri
Palas Mall
Copou Parc
Metropolitan Cathedral
Cetatuia Monastery
Iași, Romania | Ιάσιο, Ρουμανία
Iași, City in Romania
Iași is a university city in eastern Romania, near the border with Moldova. In the center is the huge St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral, a 19th-century Orthodox church built in Italian Renaissance style. Nearby, the Three Hierarchs Monastery has an exterior decorated with delicate, Moorish-style stone carvings. Backed by Palas Park’s manicured gardens, the Palace of Culture is a vast neo-Gothic building.
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uip1280 (Hyperlapse Footage)
Mont Blanc Pictures (Palace of Culture Footage)
Palas Iasi
Beautiful City Iasi Romania 2019 (Palace of Culture)
Iași is a university city in eastern Romania, near the border with Moldova. In the center is the huge St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral, a 19th-century Orthodox church built in Italian Renaissance style. Nearby, the Three Hierarchs Monastery has an exterior decorated with delicate, Moorish-style stone carvings. Backed by Palas Park’s manicured gardens, the Palace of Culture is a vast neo-Gothic building.
Video:Canon 77d
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Come and discover the cultural heritage of Iasi
Come and discover the cultural heritage of Iasi
Let yourself be delighted by a glamorous region of Iasi, whose culture represents an endless cultural heritage of Europe.
☑️ The Vasile Alecsandri National Theater from Iasi takes your breath away through its amazing architecture, ranked by BBC in the top 7 theaters in the world. The curtain, itself spectacular in form, creation of the painter M. Lenz, rises to please the audience with the most diverse dramatic creations.
☑️ Ranked in the top 30 of the world's most magnificent libraries, The Gheorghe Asachi Technical Library from Iasi and The Old Auditorium - a true hidden treasure - are true architectural marvels with the enormous potential to fascinate any visitor.
☑️ Discover the wonder of a 7,000-year-old spirituality by exploring relics of the Cucuteni civilization at The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s Museum.
☑️ The underground museum of the Metropolitan Cathedral owns a treasure of Christian knowledge.
The largest religious pilgrimage in Romania, with more than 300,000 pilgrims, takes place each year at Saint Parascheva, whose sacred relics are at The Metropolitan Cathedral, considered to be The Jerusalem of Moldavia.
☑️ The only fully sculpted church in Romania, The Three Holy Hierarchs Monastery, has no equal in the collection of architectural jewelries of Iaşi. Here you can gaze at the white, stone-carved lace, wonderfully sculptured, which successfully combines Caucasian, Byzantine, Gothic and Baroque elements into a perfect composition.
☑️ A rewarded example with Casa Nostra prize for the restoration of a cultural heritage monument, The Golia Monastery constantly calls for introspection and peace.
☑️ The mysteries of the Palace of Culture are endless, many of which are gracefully brought to light in its museums, but most of them silently fascinate the visitor. The wealth and the cultural complexity of the city of Iaşi and of the entire region can be understood through the perspective of the largest Royal Palace in Romania, whose 268 chambers house the essence of Moldavian art, culture and civilization in a monumental edifice.
At nightfall, your heart fills with joy while looking at the Palace, which is the largest architectural lighting project in Eastern Europe.
☑️ The Iasi Synagogue is called Old Synagogue, not without reason. Dating back to 1672, this is the oldest synagogue in Romania.
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#Iasi #Romania #theculturalheritageofIasi #patrimoniulculturaliasi #PalatulCulturiiIasi #TeatrulVasileAlexandri #BibliotecaGheorgheAsachiIasi #AulaVeche #moldova #VisitIasi #thebestplacetosee
Orthodox Patriarch of Bucharest visits Iasi
His Holiness Orthodox Patriarch of Bucharest and all Romania Daniel was welcomed in Iasi's Cathedral.
[TRIPofJHL] Trip to Timișoara, România
Traveling Timișoara, România.
The city of parks and churches.
Timișoara is one of top cities in western Romania.
With plenty of spacious parks, this is the place to stop by and take a breath for travelers. Many of them just come from Serbia and leave this city quickly by the way.
During summer, it's easy to witness wedding in parks of Timișoara. Metropolitan Cathedral is the most remarkable place in the city and marrying couples are easily seen.
Victory Square is the most beloved area for the people. There are popular shops, cafes and restaurants.There's no loud performance like other touristic cities. People just sit around and relax.
The old neighborhood of Timișoara is in a wide area with significantly broad avenues and big squares. Ironically, there are quite few people hanging around and it makes streets looking dreary sometimes. Each street in the center has an interesting symbolic statue at the entrance.
As well as parks, there are frequently found churches with nice architectures in Timișoara.
Most areas of Timișoara are in a plain land and tramways are stretching from corner to corner.
Iulius Mall is the huge shopping mall north of the old neighborhood.
In the evening, more people come to spend their time at Victory Square.
Parcul Rozelor (Roses Park) | Parcul Botanic (Botanic Park) | Parcul Justiţiei (Justice Park) | Parcul Regina Maria (Regina Maria Park) |
Catedrala Mitropolitană Ortodoxă (Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral) | Fântâna cu Pești (Fountain with Fish) | Piaţa Victoriei (Victory Square) |
Piața Unirii (Union Square) | Piața Libertății (Liberty's Square) | Statuia Sfânta Treime (Holy Trinity Statue) |
Biserica romano-catolică Millenium (Millenium Cathedral) | Biserica Nașterea Maicii Domnului (Church of the Nativity of Our Lady) |
Punctele Cardinale (Cardinal Points) | Iulius Mall
Traveling Europe in August, 2016.
Find out more information at
[TRIPofJHL] 티미쇼아라 여행...
루마니아 티미쇼아라 시내여행.
공원과 교회의 도시.
루마니아 서부의 주요도시 티미쇼아라.
수많은 공원이 곳곳에 있는 이 곳은 장기여행에 지친 사람들이 들러서 쉬어가기 좋은 곳이다. 하지만, 세르비아에서 출발한 많은 여행객들이 다음 행선지를 위해 지체없이 통과하는 곳이기도 하다.
여름에는 공원 여기저기에서 웨딩촬영을 하는 것이 자주 눈에 띄며, 이 도시에서 가장 유명한 장소인 메트로폴리탄 성당은 결혼행렬을 쉽게 볼 수 있다.
승리의 광장은 시민들에게 가장 사랑받는 장소이다. 주위에는 인기 상점, 카페, 식당들이 많이 있는 반면, 다른 관광도시처럼 요란한 공연 같은 것은 없다. 사람들은 그저 앉아서 쉬기 위해 찾는다.
티미쇼아라의 구시가지는 넓은 부지에 두드러질 만큼 넓은 대로와 대광장들이 많다. 이와는 어울리지 않게 길가에 사람들은 드물어 때로는 황량하기까지 하다. 중심부의 거리는 각각 고유의 조각물이 입구에 설치되어 있다.
티미쇼아라에는 공원 뿐만 아니라 개성있는 건축의 교회들도 쉽게 볼 수 있다.
티미쇼아라의 대부분의 지역은 평지에 있어 트램이 구석구석을 통과한다.
이울리우스몰은 구시가지 북부에 있으며 상당한 규모의 백화점이다.
저녁에는 더욱더 많은 시민들이 승리의 광장에 모여들어 시간을 보낸다.
장미공원 | 식물공원 | 정의공원 | 레지나마리아공원 | 미트로폴리탄성당 | 물고기분수 | 승리광장 | 단결공원 | 자유광장 | 성삼위일체 교회 | 밀레니엄 성당 | 성모탄생교회 | 이울리우스몰
이 영상은 티미쇼아라 여행정보 가이드라기 보다는 도시의 분위기를 느낄 수 있는 여러 장소에 대한 짧은 소개를 제공한다.
2016년 8월 유럽 여행.
더 많은 정보는 여기에:
Męski Chór Metropolita Josif Naniescu Jassy Rumunia
Przesłuchania konkursowe dzień 3 w ramach XXXVI Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Hajnowskie Dni Muzyki Cerkiewnej 2017
Męski chór Metropolita Josif Naniescu katedry teologii prawosławnej Uniwersytetu w Jassach powstał w 2003 roku. W 2009 z błogosławieństwa Jego Eminencji Teofana, Metropolity Mołdawii i Bukowiny przyjął imię Metropolity Josifa Naniescu dla upamiętnienia postaci tego arcypasterza. Metropolita Josif był znanym wykonawcą muzyki cerkiewnej i jej kompozytorem. Wspierał on też rozwój tradycji chóralnego śpiewu wielogłosowego. Kiedy we współpracy z Gavriilem Musicescu, znanym rumuńskim kompozytorem, metropolita Josif prowadził katedralny chór w Jassach, zespół ten wspiął się na wyżyny sztuki chóralnej. Chór Metropolita Josif Naniescu prowadzi bogate życie koncertowe. Aktywnie bierze udział w życiu katedry teologii prawosławnej Uniwersytetu w Jassach i koncertuje przy wielu różnorodnych okazjach. Zespół był wielokrotnie nagradzany podczas festiwali chóralnych różnego szczebla w swojej ojczyźnie, może się również pochwalić trasa koncertową z repertuarem muzyki cerkiewnej i kolęd w Portugalii ( 2010 r.). Chórem dyryguje Ionut – Gabriel Nastasa
Te Deum Service Opens the Inaugural Conference in Iasi
Te Deum Service at Metropolitan Cathedral, Iasi, Romania. Inaugural Conference of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA), Iasi, Romania, 9 January 2019.
Stunning views from Iasi, Romania
Iași is a university city in eastern Romania, near the border with Moldova. In the center is the huge St. Paraschiva Metropolitan Cathedral, a 19th-century Orthodox church built in Italian Renaissance style. Nearby, the Three Hierarchs Monastery has an exterior decorated with delicate, Moorish-style stone carvings. Backed by Palas Park’s manicured gardens, the Palace of Culture is a vast neo-Gothic building.
Biserica Sf. Nicolae Domnesc - Istorie pe Scurt, Iasi, Romania
Biserica Sf Nicolae Domnesc - Istorie pe Scurt, Iasi, Romania
Biserica „Sfântul Nicolae Domnesc” din Iași este o biserică ortodoxă din municipiul Iași, construită de Ștefan cel Mare în perioada 1491-1492 și refăcută în anii 1884-1904 de arhitectul francez André Lecomte du Noüy, prin demolare și reconstruire pe aceeași fundație și aproximativ în forma sa inițială, înlăturându-se adaosurile ulterioare. Este situată în centrul orașului, pe Str. Anastasie Panu nr. 65, în preajma vechii Curți Domnești, între Palatul Culturii și Casa cu arcade (Casa Dosoftei).
Fiind situată în imediata vecinătate a vechii Curți domnești și pentru faptul ca aici au fost unși aproape toți domnii Moldovei, de la Despot Vodă până la Grigore Alexandru Ghica, bisericii i s-a spus „Sfântul Nicolae-Domnesc”, spre a o deosebi de alte construcții cu același hram.În a doua jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea, pentru o perioadă de câțiva ani (1677-1682), Biserica „Sf. Nicolae Domnesc” a îndeplinit rolul de catedrală mitropolitană.
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Luminile Crăciunului - IAȘI - Christmas Lights (Romania, December 2016)
Fun, joy, fairy lights, music and fragrances on the Stephen the Great Boulevard in Iasi (Moldova, Romania) in the Christmas 2016 time. Here is the heart of Iasi, with the City Hall, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Three Hierarchs Church and the County Council.
Distracție, lumini magice, muzică și arome pe Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare din Iași cu ocazia Crăciunului 2016. Aici este inima Iașului, cu Primăria orașului, Catedrala Mitropolitană, Biserica Trei Ierarhi și Consiliul Județean.
Iasi trams and a small boy at night Beulah Library Roll M3
DV tape shot in Iasi, Rumania in June 2002
Viewers are invited to e-mail details of location and/or people featured in this clip to
This footage may be purchased from BEULAH at
Pictura interioară i se datorează în cea mai mare parte lui Gheorghe Tattarescu (1820-1894). Chemat la Iași în aprilie 1885, maestrul Gheorghe Tattarescu a finalizat pictura catedralei și icoanele catapetesmei (peste 250 de figuri individuale și compoziții de ansamblu) în iulie 1886.
Catedrala ieșeană este o clădire monumentală, de plan dreptunghiular, marcată la colțuri de patru turle decroșate. Stilul arhitectonic este inspirat din forme târzii ale Renașterii italiene. Elementele decorative, atât în interior, cât și în exterior, sunt dominate de baroc.
Άξιον εστίν πλ. Α - Παναγιώτης Νεοχωρίτης και μαθητές (26.09.2018)
Άξιον εστίν πλ. Α
Παναγιώτης Νεοχωρίτης και μαθητές.
At the metropolitan cathedral in Iaşi, Moldavia, Romania