Thracian Tomb Mezek Bulgaria / Thrakische Grab von Mezek Bulgarien
The Thracian tomb of Mezek is located in the southern part of Bulgaria near the town of Svilengrad.
It is a dome tomb, built of stone.
In the tomb there is a long corridor, two pendulums and a dome camera. It was built in the 5th century BC and is the family tomb of Thracian rulers.
During the excavations found a large number of gold and silver jewelry.
An interesting place deserves attention.
We organize individual excursions in Bulgaria and excursions to the Thracian tomb of Mezek.
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Das thrakische Grab von Mezek befindet sich im südlichen Teil von Bulgarien in der Nähe der Stadt Svilengrad.
Es ist ein Kuppelgrab, gebaut aus Stein.
Im Grab gibt es einen langen Korridor, zwei Pendel und eine Kuppelkamera. Es wurde im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Erbaut und ist das Familiengrab der thrakischen Herrscher.
Bei den Ausgrabungen fand sich eine große Anzahl von Gold- und Silberschmuck.
Ein interessanter Ort verdient Aufmerksamkeit.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge in Bulgarien und Exkursionen zum thrakischen Grab von Mezek.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Thracian Tomb near Mezek
It was build some 2400 years ago. The stones are believed to had been brought especially for the construction of the temple from some 200 km away. It is believed to had been used initially as a temple, because when the it was originally found in 1931 the pavement on the floor was already smoothened by people walking on it. There were no skeletons in the last chamber, only in the first two in front of it. The corridor itself is round 30 m long.
The ancient tomb in Mezek.mp4
The ancient tomb in Mezek
Mezek Fortress | Province of Haskovo, Bulgaria
After travelling in the Rhodopes Mountains, I decided to head to one of the best conserved medieval castles in Bulgaria, not far from the Greek border ...
The Mezek Fortress, 6.5 decares (6,500 square metres) in area, is claimed to be among the best preserved Bulgarian medieval castles. It dates to the 11th century. Along with the Thracian tombs, it was studied by a team under archaeologist Bogdan Filov in 1931–1932. The castle has nine towers, five of which lie at the vulnerable south wall. The Mezek Fortress was built out of stone, with two decorative lines of bricks on the outside. It suffered some destruction around 1900, when stones from the fortress were used for the construction of Ottoman barracks in Svilengrad
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak - UNESCO World Heritage Site
The Thracian Tomb of Kazalak is a fascinating and unusual UNESCO World Heritage site in Bulgaria. It's the tomb of a Thracian nobleman and his wife - possibly king and queen, but that's quite uncertain. It dates from the 3rd century BC, and is richly decorated. Unfortunately the original tomb is closed to visitors for conservation reasons, but thankfully for us there's a full-sized replica!
For more Bulgarian World Heritage sites:
For more tomb World Heritage sites:
Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari:
Etruscan Necropolises of Tarquinia:
Bru na Boinne:
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Music: - Happiness
Svestari Thracian tomb golden treasure , Trakiisko svetiliste v Svestari i zlatno sykroviste
More videos and pictures at:
Sveshtarska Tomb
Sveshtarska Tomb (09)
Thracian Tombs In Bulgaria
I do not claim ownership of the pictures and music in the video. I upload it only for educational purpose.
Thracian tombs and sanctuaries are representatives of monumental religious architecture of the ancient Thracians. In Bulgaria there are over 60,000 such tombs and only 100 of them are studied. The biggest concentration of such tombs is in Bulgaria, which indicating where was the center of the Thracian culture. A round tombs found in the territories of present-day Bulgaria, Northern Greece and European Turkey - territories of ancient Thrace. They appear from 5th century BC and are used until the end of antiquity – 4th century AD. They were built of stone blocks or bricks. Example of a round tombs are the tombs in Kazanlak, Mezek, Strelcha, Starossel, Alexandrovo and others. The main reason for their preservation to the present day is that almost all of them are buried in mounds. The tombs was a spiritual place of the buried in them. According to Archaeologist Prof. Georgi Kitov Thracian tombs represents a memorial to the funeral. This tradition comes from ancient times when died citizens were buried in common graves and the graves excavated earth which has accumulated a small mound on the top. Gradually to distinguish the graves of noble citizens and heroes and kings Thracians began to bulk larger mounds which appeared as bigger tombs-temples of the buried in them. Sometimes royal burials took place in the existing temples and then after the funeral the temples were covered with soil. Example of funeral like this is the royal funeral in the tomb of King Sitalk in the temple-tomb of Starosel.
Аcording to Herodotus “Wealthy citizens are buried in the following way. They show the dead one for three days after it had previously complained and sacrificed any animals they began to feast: then (they) burn it (the corpse) or bury it without burning it in earth mound embankments and govern competitions of any kind where the biggest prizes are awarded respectively for combat. This is how Thracians make their funerals…”
126a. ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙΑ - BULGARIA: Sofia, Boyana, Plovdiv, Thracian Tomb
Αρχαίο μέτρο vs Χριστιανική αποκάλυψη, Tο Μοναστήρι της Ρίλα (Μνημείο της ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ), Ο Καθεδρικός του Αλεξάνδρου Νιέφσκι (Σόφια), Η κρύπτη με τις αγιογραφίες, Free tour στην πόλη με Διαδήλωση, Ιστορικό & Λαογραφικό Μουσείο, Τα ξύλινα ποδήλατα (1951), Η Μεσαιωνική Εκκλησία Μπογιάνα (ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ), Φιλιππούπολη ΆΓΑΘΗΙ ΤΥΧΗΙ (Plovdiv), Ο Θρακικός Τύμβος του Καζανλάκ (ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ), Σημάδια του Σοβιέτ στο Gabrovo
Οκτώβριος 2014…
Bulgaria, Ostrusha Thracian tombs
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The tomb is part of a large royal Thracian necropolis in the Valley of the Thracian Rulers near their ancient capital of Seuthopolis in a region where more than a thousand tombs of kings and members of the Thracian aristocracy can be found.
Mezek Tomb bronze boar
Life size bronze boar from the Mezek tomb, in Istanbul Archaeology Museum. The snout has been ritually broken.
Крепост Мезек/Mezek Fortress
by: Крепост Мезек до Свиленград/Mezek fortress near town of Svilengrad
Южно от селото, върху един от първите ридове планината Гората (Източни Родопи), се намира една от най-добре запазените и големи български крепости. Крепостта е средновековна и има запазени кули и високи крепостни стени, ограждащи площ от 7 дка. До нея се стига по удобен път и по маркирана пешеходна и вело-пътека. В един от ъглите на крепостта е построен и прикрит бетонен военен бункер през 40-те год. на ХХ в.
The Mezek Fortress, 6.5 decares (6,500 m2) in area, is claimed to be among the best preserved Bulgarian medieval castles. It dates to the 11th century. Along with the Thracian tombs, it was studied by a team under archaeologist Bogdan Filov in 1931–1932. The castle has nine towers, five of which lie at the vulnerable south wall. The Mezek Fortress was built out of stone, with two decorative lines of bricks on the outside. It suffered some destruction around 1900, when stones from the fortress were used for the construction of Ottoman barracks in Svilengrad.
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Фракиская гробница Севт 3 - Большая Косматка Болгария / Thracian tomb Kosmatka Sevt 3
Фракийская гробница Большая Косматка является гробница фракийского царя Севта третего.
Она одна из самых больших на Болгканском полуострове.
Когда археологи нашли ее она была в очень хорошем состояний.
Царь был похоронен вместе со своим конем, своими доспехами и большое количество золото и драгоценности.
Гробница состоит из 3 помещении и длинный коридор.
Все камеры построены из гранитных блоков, а камера в который похоронен сам владетель сделана из огромного монолитного гранитного блока весом 60 тон.
Гробница представляет внушительное сооружение и памятник культуры. Заслуживает внимание.
Мы организовываем индивидуальные экскурсии в Болгарии и экскурсии в Фракийскую гробницу Севта третего.
Наши контакты:
Тел: +359898654320 - Viber / Whats App
скайп: constantius-vsp
Больше информации на нашем сайте
Thrakisches Hügelgrab, Тракийская Гробница.
Das Hügelgrab bei Pomorie bleibt bis heute noch ein Rätsel für die Historiker
Фракийская гробница. Болгария. Поморие.
Болгария. г.Поморие.
Меглена Първин за разкритите гробове
Тракийска гробница - с. Мезек
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak - Sights of Bulgaria
The Thracian tomb of Kazanlak is one of the main sights of Kazanlak.The tomb is small, but with beautiful interesting frescoes inside.
The tomb was built in the 5th century BC and a Thracian ruler was buried here.
Nearby are the Museum of Roses, the Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ, the peak of Shipka and several other interesting Thracian tombs like Helvetsia, Shushmanets, Griffons, Golyama Kosmatka and so on.
We organize individual excursions in Bulgaria and individual excursions in Kazanlak and Shipka.
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Das thrakische Grab von Kazanlak ist eine der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten von Kazanlak. Das Grab ist klein, aber mit schönen interessanten Fresken im Inneren.
Das Grabmal wurde im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Errichtet und hier wurde ein thrakischer Herrscher begraben.
In der Nähe befinden sich das Rosenmuseum, die orthodoxe Kirche der Geburt Christi, der Gipfel des Shipka und einige andere interessante thrakische Gräber wie Helvetsia, Shushmanets, Griffons, Golyama Kosmatka und so weiter.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge in Bulgarien und individuelle Ausflüge in Kazanlak und Shipka.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Тракийска гробница до с. Мезек, част 2