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Music by Epidemic Sound (
ES_Gettin' Hot In Here 2 - Anders Bothйn
ES_Nuff Said 2 - Anders Bothйn
ES_Looking For A New Start - Loving Caliber
Firing gun at military museum - Yekaterinburg
Military museum in Yekaterinburg. Gun used by the Russian army during the Afghan war.
Russia: Snap drills not threatening our neighbours - Dep. Chief of Armed Forces General Staff
An emergency meeting saw the attendence of the whole foreign Russian military attache held by Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Alexander Kartapolov in Moscow, Tuesday.
Video ID: 20150526-091
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Russian military school for girls: fire guns and embroidery
--REFILE AFTER CORRECTED SCRIPT-- Shooting a Kalashnikov one day, and learning how to cook the next. Such is the timetable for the young recruits at Moscow Cadets' boarding school for girls, the only female military school in Russia. In a country where less than 10 percent of the military personnel are women, the idea is to train them for the army and for the house work. A voiced AFPTV report.
Uncut Film With English Subtitles
Жизнь и любовь русского офицера, прошедшего свой путь до конца. Он сражался за ту Россию, которую любил, и за ту женщину, в которую верил.
Адмирал. 2008
Режиссер: Андрей Кравчук
Сценарий: Зоя Кудря, Владимир Валуцкий
Композитор: Руслан Муратов, Глеб Матвейчук
В ролях: Константин Хабенский, Елизавета Боярская, Егор Бероев, Сергей Безруков
Biological Chemical Nuclear Army Exercise
Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition
Competitors enter a Chemical Biological Radioactive Nuclear chamber.
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10 Key Events That Defined the Cold War
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Text version:
Coming up:
10. The Berlin Airlift
9. Hungarian Uprising
8. U-2 Incident
7. The Bay Of Pigs
6. Cuban Missile Crisis
5. Sputnik 1
4. Chilean Coup d’état
3. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
2. Olympic Boycotts
1. Fall of the Berlin Wall
Source/Further reading:
Russia - Prisoners Surrender
A hostage drama in which 17 visitors at a detention centre in
central Russia were seized by four armed prisoners ended
peacefully on Wednesday (8/6) when the last two prisoners
surrendered. Itar-Tass news agency said the last two of four
prisoners who took hostages at the centre in the Urals city of
Ekaterinburg gave themselves up to police.
exterior of prison
long shot of gate
soldiers by trees
soldier aiming gun at gate
photos of rebel prisoners
man with plastic bag walking up to gate, carrying vodka and food
cu soldier aiming rifle at gate
man with plastic bags standing by gate
soldiers ready for action
man coming back from gate with no bags
soldiers by gate
1.20 ends
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''The War On Putin'' Documentary [full]
Ever wondered why the Western media and its allies constantly demonize Russia and Vladimir Putin? This documentary may answer some of those questions.
This documentary takes a look into the Russian prospective of the events which have occurred between NATO and Russia over recent years, and the impending danger of global conflict which has been brewing as a result of U.S. hegemony and its aggression towards sovereign states.
The Zionist-controlled United States continues to poke the Russian bear as Russia is refusing to give up its sovereignty and capitulate to the desires of the international banking elites whom have now gained full control of both the EU and NATO-membered countries. As a result, using their media, money, power, influence and paid-off governments; the world is now on the brink of a thermonuclear conflict with Russia and the BRICS nations.
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Алексей Иванов - о сытой Москве и небесном Челябинске (Eng subs)
Аудиокниги для каждого:
Писатель Алексей Иванов – автор «Географ глобус пропил», «Общага-на-крови», «Сердце Пармы», «Тобол» и много чего еще
Бомбер как на Дуде -
Дело Декабристов. 2 Серия. ПРЕМЬЕРА 2017! Историческая Реконструкция. StarMedia
Лучшие русские и зарубежные фильмы, сериалы всех жанров.
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Дело Декабристов. 2 Серия. ПРЕМЬЕРА 2017! Историческая Реконструкция. StarMedia
Утром 14 декабря 1825 года представители лучших дворянских родов, гвардейские офицеры, - опора престола! – вывели на Сенатскую площадь войска и начали бунт против императора. К вечеру, после безуспешных переговоров и нескольких артиллерийских залпов, все было кончено. Организаторы восстания были осуждены по обвинению в государственной измене. Пятеро повешены, остальные отправлены на каторгу. Своей прямой цели восстание не достигло. Но оно определило направление общественно-политической жизни как минимум на полвека вперед.
История декабристов полна противоречий и до сегодняшнего дня не разгадана до конца. Среди заговорщиков были профессиональные военные, опытные боевые офицеры, но организация восстания практически отсутствует, все происходит стихийно и нелогично. Вместо того, чтобы, как запланировано, убить Николая I, бунтовщики почему-то убивают героя 1812 года, генерала Милорадовича. И это лишь малая часть тех «но» и «однако», которые возникают в этой запутанной и почти детективной истории.
Дело Декабристов - это новый двухсерийный документально-игровой фильм от создателей цикла Романовы. Авторы проекта и историки пошагово восстановили все события 14 декабря 1825 года. Зрители получат возможность полностью проследить ход восстания, понаблюдать за его главными организаторами и участниками. Хронологически выстроенная цепочка исторических событий позволит зрителю провести собственное расследование и разобраться, что в действительности произошло в ту роковую ночь на Сенатской площади почти два века назад.
Формат: историческая реконструкция
Год производства: 2016
Количество серий: 2
Режиссер: Максим Беспалый
Сценарий: Ольга Елисеева
Художник-постановщик: Михаил Гаврилов
Оператор-постановщик: Иван Бархварт
Композитор: Максим Войтов
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин
В ролях: Артем Ефремов, Антон Багмет, Петр Лойко, Владимир Кузнецов, Федор Смольянинов, Владислав Демьяненко, Алексей Янко,Олег Кравченко, Андрей Благославенский, Мария Олейникова, Степан Пивкин,Юрий Коновалов, Ярослав Булавин
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Ангола: нищие трущобы на нефтяной земле
Кажется, что Ангола – страна богатая: небоскрёбы, дорогие машины, благоустройство и модные магазины... Стоп, что это тут у нас? Нищета, трущобы, и горы мусора?!
В городе есть нефть, а где нефть, там и деньги! Но не спешите радоваться за население Анголы – большинство живёт за чертой бедности. Город очень дорогой для жизни, а всё богатство достаётся только избранным. Народ продолжает жить в трущобах с видом на небоскрёбы, дома из холодильников соседствуют с виллами местных богачей.
Очень контрастный город! Где вы ещё такое увидите?
Африка – это, конечно, нечто особенное. Посмотрите на прошлые ролики:
Тимбукту, Мали: разрушенный аэропорт, война и нищета
Сегу, Мали: опасно, дорого и грязно
Бамако, Мали: мертвые обезьяны, шаманы и прочий ад
Касабланка: самый европейский город Африки
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The Knowledge Exchange - Two Weeks in Russia
The Knowledge Exchange
“Two Weeks in Russia”
Presented by:
Dr. Steven Oluic, PhD, U.S. Army (ret.)
Dean, Arts & Sciences Division at Lakeland Community College
Earlier this year, Dr. Oluic spent two weeks in Russia as part of a Fulbright grant and toured several educational institutions. Join us and learn about his experience, impressions, and what Russia is like today. It may be contrary to the current narrative out there and includes numerous photos of his travels.
Семнадцать мгновений весны седьмая серия
Макс Отто фон Штирлиц нем. Max Otto von Stierlitz по аналогии с реально существующей немецкой фамилией Stiegliz возможно также написание Stiglitz, соответственно Stirlitz собственно фамилия Штирлиц в немецкоязычных странах не встречается он же Максим Максимович Исаев, настоящее имя Всеволод Владимирович Владимиров литературный персонаж, герой многих произведений советского писателя Юлиана Семёнова, штандартенфюрер СС, советский разведчик-нелегал, работавший в интересах СССР в нацистской Германии и некоторых других странах. Персонаж придуман автором в 1965 году. Всесоюзную славу образу Штирлица принёс многосерийный телефильм Татьяны Лиозновой Семнадцать мгновений весны по одноимённому роману, где его роль сыграл Вячеслав Тихонов. Этот персонаж стал самым знаменитым образом разведчика в советской и постсоветской культуре.
в 2011 году скульптор Александр объявил о начале сбора средств на установку памятника Штирлицу во Владивостоке возле гостиницы Версаль в которой жил и возможно придумал образ разведчика Юлиан Семёнов 12 января 2018 года памятник был установлен
Штирлиц : Из партийной характеристики члена НСДАП с 1933 года фон Штирлица, штандартенфюрера СС
VI отдел РСХА Истинный ариец Характер нордический выдержанный с товарищами по работе поддерживает хорошие отношения безукоризненно выполняет служебный долг беспощаден к врагам Рейха отличный спортсмен чемпион Берлина по теннису холост в связях, порочащих его, замечен не был отмечен наградами фюрера и благодарностями рейхсфюрера СС
Штирлиц является персонажем многочисленных советских и российских анекдотов. Писатель Дмитрий Быков полагает, что Штирлиц главный герой советского эпоса например: Штирлиц выпал с третьего этажа и чудом зацепился за второй. Чудо распухло и мешало ходить, или: „Трогай!“ сказал Штирлиц шоферу. Шофер потрогал и обалдел, или: В углу двора двое эсэсовцев ставили машину на попа. „Бедняга пастор!“ подумал Штирлиц.
Юлиан Семёнович Семёнов Москва, Россия русский советский писатель, сценарист, публицист, журналист, поэт. Основатель журнала Детектив и политика и газеты Совершенно секретно для которой придумал название. Один из пионеров жанра журналистские расследования в советской периодике. Заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР
#Штирлиц #Семнадцать #мгновений #весны #Москва #Россия #писатель #сценарист #публицист #журналист #поэт #основатель #журнала #детектив #совершенно #секретно #жанра #искусств
Russian FM comments on Kosovo, relations with UK
1. Wide of Russian Foreign Ministry Guest House
2. Wide zoom in as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit enter for talks
3. Cutaway media
4. Wide of Lavrov and Gheit at talks around conference table
5. Close up Lavrov talking
6. Gheit listening
7. Cutaway media
8. Close up Gheit talking
9. Wide of talks around conference table
10. Wide of media
11. Lavrov and Gheit sit down for press conference
12. Cutaway media
13. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister: ++interrupted by arabic translation++
Since the British government demanded that we change our constitution, I am not surprised by London's attitude to our laws. (interpreter speaking) He (British Prime Minister Gordon Brown) also stated that the activity of the British Council in Russia fully corresponds with the international law, however I am also aware of London's attitude towards the international law, particularly, of the stand taken by the British government on the Kosovo issue.
14. Cutaway media
15. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:
In other words, we should ignore international law, in particular, the resolution by the UN Security Council and the OSCE statements, and on the other hand, ignore the fact that Kosovo is home to not only Albanians, but Serbs too.
16. Cutaway media
17. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister:
In the case of the British Council, our British colleagues are trying to manipulate words about international law, the law they violate themselves, just as they violate Russian laws.
18. Lavrov and Abul-Gheit stand up and leave press conference
Russia issued the order to close regional offices of a major British non governmental organisation (NGO) in response to diplomatic tensions stemming from the killing of dissident security agent Alexander Litvinenko, the Russian foreign minister said on Friday.
The British Council, an NGO which acts as the cultural arm of the British Embassy - was ordered this week to close its branches in the cities of Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg by Jan. 1.
Russia had alleged that the British Council was a for-profit operation, and said its regional offices violated an international convention on consular affairs and so were operating illegally.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated those complaints on Friday, but also noted that Britain expelled four Russian diplomats in July because of Russia's refusal to extradite the main suspect in the murder of Litvinenko, who died in London of poisoning by a radioactive isotope.
By claiming that the closure of the British Council offices in Russian regions is illegal, London is trying to conceal its own violations of international and Russian laws, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.
In the case of the British Council, our British colleagues are trying to manipulate words about international law, the law they violate themselves, just as they violate Russian laws, he said at a press conference on Friday after talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit.
Since the British government demanded that we change our constitution, I am not surprised by London's attitude to our laws, the Russian Foreign Minister added.
Litvinenko, a former security service agent, was given citizenship after he fled to Britain in 2000.
He co-authored a book alleging that officers of the FSB, as the agency is known in Russian, were responsible for apartment bombings in 1999 that officials blamed on Chechen rebels and that were cited among the justification for resuming the Chechen war that year.
Lavrov also criticised the stance taken by the British government on the Kosovo issue.
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RUSSIAN REVOLUTION - WikiVidi Documentary
The Russian Revolution was a pair of revolutions in Russia in 1917 which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the rise of the Soviet Union. The Russian Empire collapsed with the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II and the old regime was replaced by a provisional government during the first revolution of February 1917 . Alongside it arose grassroots community assemblies which contended for authority. In the second revolution that October, the Provisional Government was toppled and all power was given to the soviets. The February Revolution was a revolution focused around Petrograd , the capital of Russia at that time. In the chaos, members of the Imperial parliament assumed control of the country, forming the Russian Provisional Government which was heavily dominated by the interests of large capitalists and the noble aristocracy. The army leadership felt they did not have the means to suppress the revolution, resulting in Nicholas's abdication. The soviets, which were dominate...
Shortcuts to chapters:
00:04:56: Background
00:12:40: Economic and social changes
00:17:27: Political issues
00:21:39: World War I
00:29:47: February Revolution
00:33:51: Between February and throughout October: Dual Power dvoevlastie)
00:45:03: October Revolution
00:48:06: Russian Civil War
00:51:34: Execution of the imperial family
00:53:28: The revolution and the world
00:54:46: Historiography
00:55:42: Chronology of events leading to the revolution
Copyright WikiVidi.
Licensed under Creative Commons.
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Russian politician Zhirinovsky funny interview (English subs)
RECOMMENDED to read the introduction of the description.
This video is an interview of Zhirinovsky at newspaper and radio station ''Komsomolskaya pravda''.
This is one of the funniest Zhirinovsky's interview. Mainly because of the fragment of this interview where he spoke about various topical subjects. He actually speaks his mind here, and even uses some inappropriate language. I think, he don't actually care, but it's funny.
2 main subjects of this interview are situation in Syria, and elections for Moscow mayor. He gives his evaluation about them, of course. He also speaks about immigrants problem, and some other subjects.
So have fun, and have a few laughs.
This interview was made on: 31/08/2013.
FO - Foreign Office
FSS - Federal Security Service
SECC - State of Emergency Central Committee
CPSU - Communist Party of Soviet Union
UIS -- Union of Independent States
1. In Russia we have an expression, ''these was only flowers, berries will come later''. That means it's like you didn't see anything yet, this was not a big deal, the main events, the real thing will come later.
2. He mentions some unknown politicians, so I addjusted their names so you can easily find it in Google and see their faces or read about them (not that anyone would want to, but just in case).
3. In Russian word ''apple'' is ''yа́bloko''. The party's name is suppose to be YaBL, and if you switch some letters places, it would be ''blyа́'', which doesn't exactly mean ''fuck'', but it's the closest.
4. Alе́shka is diminutive for Alexei. Usually kids are called like this.
5. If you are curious this is the song (1996):
Олег Газманов / Oleg Gazmanov - Москва / Moskau
This is its Youtube name.
6. Poetry:
Eng: Alexander Sergeievich Pushkin - Moscow... what surge that sound can start In every Russian's inmost heart!
Rus: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин - Москва! Как много в этом звуке...
(1823 - 1831)
7. Desemberers are called the people who organized, initiated and participated in revolution in, at that time, Russian Empire on Desember 1905.
8. In Russian, the words ''strange'' and ''shitty'' are very similar. They sound like this: strange - strа́nniy, shitty - srа́niy.
9. Also, the word ''old'' souds kinda similar to ''shitty'' as well - stа́riy.
10. ''Dad'' or ''daddy'' is how people calling Lukashenko in Russian speaking countries. I guess because he is strict like a father can be sometimes.
Thanks for watching!
FOR TROLLS: Go to hell.
US-Russia Relations and the End of the Reset
- Peter B. Zwack, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret), former Senior Defense Official and Defense Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow will dicuss how renewed violence in Ukraine and the steady deterioration of Russia’s relations with the West effectively have ended the Obama Administration’s “reset” policy with Russia.