Russia/Moscow Red & Manezhnaya Square Part 5
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Red Square & Manege Square:
Red Square is a city square (plaza) in Moscow, Russia. It separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow since Moscow's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate from the square.
The name Red Square neither originates from the pigment of the surrounding bricks (which, in fact, were whitewashed at certain periods) nor from the link between the colour red and communism. Rather, the name came about because the Russian word красная (krasnaya), which means both red and beautiful, was applied to a small area between St. Basil's Cathedral, the Spassky Tower of the Kremlin, and the herald's platform called Lobnoe Mesto (contrary to the common misconception, it actually never was a place of execution), and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich officially extended the name to the entire square, which had previously been called Pozhar, or burnt-out place, in reference to the fact that several buildings had to be burned down to make place for the square.[citation needed] Several ancient Russian towns, such as Suzdal, Yelets, and Pereslavl-Zalessky, have their main square named Krasnaya ploshchad.
The buildings surrounding the Square are all significant in some respect. Lenin's Mausoleum, for example, contains the embalmed body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union. Nearby to the South is the elaborate brightly domed Saint Basil's Cathedral and the palaces and cathedrals of the Kremlin.
Kremlin,Lenin Mausoleum State Museum,Kazan Cathedral,V. Gates,GUM store,Saint Basil
On the Eastern side of the square is the GUM department store, and next to it the restored Kazan Cathedral. The Northern side is occupied by the State Historical Museum, whose outlines echo those of Kremlin towers. The Iberian Gate and Chapel have been rebuilt to the Northwest.
The only sculptured monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, during the Times of Trouble. Nearby is the so‑called Lobnoye Mesto, a circular platform where public ceremonies used to take place. Both the Minin and Pozharskiy statue and the Lobnoye Mesto were once located more centrally in Red Square but were moved to their current locations to facilitate the large military parades of the Soviet era. The square itself is around 330 meters (1,080 feet) long and 70 meters (230 feet) wide.
The Kremlin and Red square were together recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990, due to their inextricable links to Russian history since the 13th century.
Manezhnaya or Manege Square (Russian: Манежная площадь, Manezhnaya ploshchad) is a large pedestrian open space in the Tverskoy District, at the heart of Moscow. It is bound by the Hotel Moskva to the east, the State Historical Museum and the Alexander Garden to the south, the Moscow Manege to the west, and the 18th-century headquarters of the Moscow State University to the north.
The square forms a vital part of downtown Moscow, connecting Red Square (which sprawls behind the Iberian Gate immediately to the south) with the major traffic artery Tverskaya Street, which starts here and runs northwestward in the direction of Saint Petersburg. It is served by three Moscow Metro stations: Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, and Teatralnaya.Wikipedia
Russia/Moscow (Red Square) by night Part 9
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Red Square & Manege Square:
Red Square is a city square (plaza) in Moscow, Russia. It separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow since Moscow's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate from the square.
The name Red Square neither originates from the pigment of the surrounding bricks (which, in fact, were whitewashed at certain periods) nor from the link between the colour red and communism. Rather, the name came about because the Russian word красная (krasnaya), which means both red and beautiful, was applied to a small area between St. Basil's Cathedral, the Spassky Tower of the Kremlin, and the herald's platform called Lobnoe Mesto (contrary to the common misconception, it actually never was a place of execution), and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich officially extended the name to the entire square, which had previously been called Pozhar, or burnt-out place, in reference to the fact that several buildings had to be burned down to make place for the square.[citation needed] Several ancient Russian towns, such as Suzdal, Yelets, and Pereslavl-Zalessky, have their main square named Krasnaya ploshchad.
The buildings surrounding the Square are all significant in some respect. Lenin's Mausoleum, for example, contains the embalmed body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union. Nearby to the South is the elaborate brightly domed Saint Basil's Cathedral and the palaces and cathedrals of the Kremlin.
Kremlin,Lenin Mausoleum State Museum,Kazan Cathedral,V. Gates,GUM store,Saint Basil
On the Eastern side of the square is the GUM department store, and next to it the restored Kazan Cathedral. The Northern side is occupied by the State Historical Museum, whose outlines echo those of Kremlin towers. The Iberian Gate and Chapel have been rebuilt to the Northwest.
The only sculptured monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, during the Times of Trouble. Nearby is the so‑called Lobnoye Mesto, a circular platform where public ceremonies used to take place. Both the Minin and Pozharskiy statue and the Lobnoye Mesto were once located more centrally in Red Square but were moved to their current locations to facilitate the large military parades of the Soviet era. The square itself is around 330 meters (1,080 feet) long and 70 meters (230 feet) wide.
The Kremlin and Red square were together recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990, due to their inextricable links to Russian history since the 13th century.
Manezhnaya or Manege Square (Russian: Манежная площадь, Manezhnaya ploshchad) is a large pedestrian open space in the Tverskoy District, at the heart of Moscow. It is bound by the Hotel Moskva to the east, the State Historical Museum and the Alexander Garden to the south, the Moscow Manege to the west, and the 18th-century headquarters of the Moscow State University to the north.
The square forms a vital part of downtown Moscow, connecting Red Square (which sprawls behind the Iberian Gate immediately to the south) with the major traffic artery Tverskaya Street, which starts here and runs northwestward in the direction of Saint Petersburg. It is served by three Moscow Metro stations: Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii, and Teatralnaya.Wikipedia
The Russian Revolution. Episode 6. Docudrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
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The Russian Revolution. Episode 6. Docudrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
Russia’s two revolutions – in February and October 1917, collectively known as ‘The Russian Revolution’, changed Russia beyond recognition. The February Revolution dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and forced the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, ending the imperial Romanov dynasty that had ruled the country for over three hundred years. A few months later in October, Russia was to face a further shock - another revolution.
This epic series, using a stunning mixture of CGI, dramatic reconstruction scenes and unique historic library footage, commemorates the centenary of these two most crucial events in Russian history - the February and the October Revolutions.
Type: TV series
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2017
Number of episodes: 8
Directed by: Pavel Tupik
Written by: Aleksandr Danilov
Production designer: Maria Zolina
Director of photography: Dmitriy Triphonov
Music by: Boris Kukoba
Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Denis Moiseev, Ivan Brovin, Semion Mendelson, Andrey Levin, Arthur Litvinov, Aleksandr Ronis, Andrey Zarubin
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Red Square
Red Square (Russian: Красная площадь, tr. Krásnaya Plóshchaď; IPA: [ˈkrasnəjə ˈploɕːətʲ]) is a city square in Moscow, Russia. The square separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow, because Moscow's major streets—which connect to Russia's major highways—originate from the square.
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Внимание! Открываю фонд
Пора сохранять историческое наследие для будущих поколений. Сегодня в России массово уничтожают историю – разрушают архитектуру, сносят целые исторические кварталы с молчаливого согласия народа.
Это настоящая катастрофа: если раньше русские города уничтожались немецкими бомбами, то сегодня их убивают люди в дорогих костюмах. Ради получения сиюминутной прибыли исчезает исторический вид наших городов.
У нас любят говорить, что Россия – не Европа, что у нас особый путь. Путь, которым сегодня идут многие города – это путь в никуда.
Поэтому я решил создать фонд, который поможет спасти и восстановить российские города.
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Trip to Moscow, ID Part 2
Well I had to respect my sisters wishes to not be filmed on the trip but I am tired lol anyway here is part 2 of the trip hope you enjoy it
Брак и свадьба в дореволюционной России/ Marriage and wedding in prerevolutionary Russia
Лекция Светланы Адоньевой Брак и свадьбы в дореволюционной России:
Купеческая и дворянская свадьбы отличалась от свадьбы крестьянской настолько, насколько жизненный мир крестьянского сообщества отличались от мира дворянства и купечества. Общими чертами этих миров были те, что определялись государственным законом и религиозным порядком конфессии, к которой относились подданные. Общим правилом во всех сословиях был родительский выбор: он основывался на возможности посредством принятия в свой род женщины из другого рода или передачи в другой род дочери расширить и укрепить социальное положение семей. Перед лицом Бога в акте венчания и перед лицом «мира» в актах свадебных церемоний семьи создавали новые союзы. Браки обеспечивали воспроизводство социальной ткани общества.
Merchant and noble weddings differed from the peasant's wedding as much as the world of the peasant community differed from the world of the nobility and merchants. The common features of these worlds were those that were determined by the state law and the religious order of the confession to which the subjects belonged. The general rule in all estates was a parental choice: it was based on the possibility of taking a woman from another genus into the family or transferring your own daughter to another genus to expand and strengthen the social status of both families.
In front of God in the act of marriage and in the face of world in the acts of wedding ceremonies, families created new alliances. Marriages ensured the reproduction of the social fabric of society.
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Andrey Kravtsov and Igor Novikov on TV (ENG Subtitles) / Андрей Кравцов и Игорь Новиков
Igor Novikov – Honored Trainer of Russia, the president of kettlebell sport federation of Lipetsk.
More than 20 years experience as a head coach of kettlebell sport department in “Spartak” sports school in Elets (Lipetsk region of Russia). More than 20 of his students have Master of Sport ranks, 4 – Master of Sport International Class and one Honored Master of Sport (Andrey Kravtsov).
Andrey Kravtsov – Honored Master of Sport of Russia. Multiple times world and national champion and record holder.
In kettlebell sport since 16 y.o. and after two years of training Andrey has become the absolute winner at the Russian championship among youth kettlebell lifters. When he was 20, Andrey took a first place at the World Championship. After that he wins almost every competition.
Andrey Kravtsov works as an assistant professor at the Physical Education department of Elets State University (Elets, Lipetsk region, Russia).
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Подлинная История Русской Революции. 6 серия. Сериал 2017. Документальная Драма
Все серии сериала Подлинная История Русской Революции
Сто лет назад произошло событие, изменившее Россию до неузнаваемости. Этим событием стала русская революция. В феврале 1917-го года от престола отрекся Николай II. В небытие ушла династия, правившая страной триста лет. Однако спустя несколько месяцев Россию ждало новое потрясение -- еще одна революция.
Фильм посвящен двум переломным событиям в русской истории -- Февральской революции и Октябрьской и расскажет, что именно произошло со страной в тот судьбоносный год.
Формат: сериал
Жанр: докудрама
Год производства: 2017
Количество серий: 8
Режиссер: Павел Тупик
Сценарий: Александр Данилов
Художник-постановщик: Мария Золина
Оператор-постановщик: Дмитрий Трифонов
Композитор: Борис Кукоба
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин
В ролях:Денис Моисеев, Иван Бровин, Семен Мендельсон, Андрей Левин, Артур Литвинов, Александр Ронис, Андрей Зарубин
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно:
Подлинная История Русской Революции. 6 серия. Сериал 2017. Документальная Драма
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Sloboda Ukraine | Wikipedia audio article
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Sloboda Ukraine
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sloboda Ukraine (Russian: Слободская Украина, tr. Slobodskaya Ukraina; Ukrainian: Слобідська Україна, translit. Slobids'ka Ukrayina) or Slobozhanshchyna (Ukrainian: Слобожанщина, IPA: [slɔbɔˈʒɑnʃtʃɪnɐ]; Russian: [sləbɐˈʐanʲɕːɪnə]) is a historical region, now located in Northeastern Ukraine and Southwestern Russia. It developed and flourished in the 17th and 18th centuries on the southwestern frontier of the Tsardom of Russia. In 1765 it was converted into the Sloboda Ukraine Governorate.
Sergei Bulgakov | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Sergei Bulgakov
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov (; Russian: Серге́й Никола́евич Булга́ков; 28 July [O.S. 16 July] 1871 – 13 July 1944) was a Russian Orthodox Christian theologian, philosopher, and economist.