Mine Cristal, mining quartz crystals
minecristal.ca Stay informed about our new videos: subscribe to our YouTube channel Mine Cristal. This mine is located in Bonsecours, Quebec, Canada. Photos and video clips shown here date from 1989 - 2012. The open-pit mine produces splendid quartz crystals with exceptional clarity. The largest single crystals measure 60 cm (24 inches) in length. Since mining began in 1989, 32 types, or morphologies of quartz crystals have been catalogued. Geological research into the origins of these crystals has revealed that they formed at this location some 300 million years ago under extreme conditions of heat and pressure. We harvest crystals in the mine only as needed, to supply our store with a sufficient quantity of quartz crystals.
Exceptionally (for a mine), we harvest all the crystals by hand and without the use of dynamite. It is a privilege for us to participate in the discovery and extraction of these true gems of nature. The extraction process is done in a manner which respects both the environment and the crystals: we endeavor to keep the crystals whole and in a pristine state. In the museum and the store, our crystals are presented in an untouched, natural state. Amazingly, each crystal is an intricate work of art made by Nature; no two are alike and this makes them even more fascinating! Mine Cristal is considered by experts to be a “geological gem,” one of Canada’s great natural sites, due to it’s unique and abundant mineralogical deposits.
Mine Cristal, Bonsecours, Quebec
If you are looking for a peaceful nature walk outside of the city with some education on quartz crystals, this is the place. A beautiful relaxing day with an informative guide and great scenery. The sounds the musical instruments make are something surreal.
(The guided tour is in French but they offer headphones for English translation).
Visit their website at
Music by:
Wind Marching For Rain - Puddle of Infinity
Achaidh Cheide - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Prelude No. 16 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Photo by Mine Cristal
Mine Cristal à La Vie en Estrie
Entrevue avec Gaudry Normand, propriétaire de Mine Cristal en 2007
430, 11e Rang,
Bonsecours (Québec) Canada J0E 1H0
tél.: 450.535.6550
©Mine Cristal
Mine Cristal à l'émission P'tits Bonheurs de Clémence
Entrevue de Gaudry Normand, propriétaire de Mine Cristal, par Clémence Desrochers en 1998
©Mine Cristal 2010
Mine Cristal
430, Rang 11
Bonsecours, QC J0E 1H0 Canada
tel. 450.535.6550
Mine Cristal - Survol / Overview
minecristal.ca An introduction to Mine Cristal that presents all its different aspects: crystal mine, guided mine tours, crystal instrument concerts, rock shop, museum, crystal instruments, the Crystal Workshop.
Une introduction à Mine Cristal qui présente tous les différents volets: minage des cristaux, visites guidées, concerts sur instruments de cristal, boutique de pierres et minéraux, musée, instruments de cristal, l'Atelier de Cristal.
Ascension sur Harpe de Cristal / Ascension on the Crystal Harp
Gaudry Normand plays an original composition on the Crystal Harp. This unique instrument was invented by Mr. Normand, and is the result of 12 years of research and development. The Crystal Harp has a cristaline sound which is unique and heavenly! Made by hand at the Crystal Workshop at Mine Cristal, the harp has pure quartz crystal tubes (99.9% silica or SiO2). Now available: visit our website at minecristal.com. ©Gaudry Normand 2012
Gaudry Normand joue une composition originale sur la Harpe de Cristal. Le design unique de la Harpe de Cristal est signé Gaudry Normand. Ce nouvel instrument est le fruit de plus de douze années de recherche et de développement. Elle a un son cristallin et un timbre tout à fait unique. Fabriqué à la main avec des tubes de cristal de quartz pur à 99.9 % de silice (SiO2). Disponible depuis peu à Mine Cristal, Bonsecours, Québec, Canada. Visitez notre site internet à minecristal.com ©Gaudry Normand 2012
Mine de Cristal a bonsecours
Quebec jade Store 2019Travel video ⛰
This video is about My Movie 28
Did I Found Diamonds in Quebec City??? - Min*quiry #1
In this new series called Min*quiry [Mix with mineral and inquiry (that's some genious........thinking there!)] we hunt for a specific mineral chosen before filming the video and then, if we find it, show it to you in all of It's splendor.
P.S.: The audio is already better, huh? Well, the bar was not set so high to begin with :D ! As I had 0 previous knowledge of any audio editing, I learned a lot from my own mistakes! However, this video is the result of a guy that was too stupid to realize that he was recording right next to his computer fan so, he had to raise the lower threshold of the audio in order to not give you all guys a headache and in the process, lost all of the dynamic range of the recording itself! So, if I sound bored to death this is the reason why!
Minerals 1 - spot documentaire sur le QUARTZ
Première vidéo de la série Minerals ( prochainement accompagnée de plusieurs autres séries du même genre, sur les plantes, les phénomènes naturels, les villes... ).
Elle porte sur le Quartz, minéral extrêmement répandu, et de ses diverses variantes : l'améthyste, la citrine, et un cas bien particulier sublime...
Page flickr :
Collecting vesuvianite crystals, blue calcite, etc., in a skarn zone in Québec, Canada
My partner and I in one of our collecting trips to a spot where we find well-formed and lustrous brown vesuvianite crystals, orange garnet (mostly massive, alas...), white wollastonite crystals, blue and green apatite crystals (quite rare there), albite crystals, graphite, green diopside grains, etc, in a skarn zone.
Finding quartz crystals at my SECRET spot north of Ottawa
Geology of Gems & Minerals: In The Field episode 2
Locality video on my formerly secret quartz-prehnite occurrence on Lac Poisson-Blanc, near Denholm, Quebec. You have to canoe to get there!
Have fun, and please remember to respect the environment.
Camp Air-Eau-Bois
1.9 Mirror Silver MOLYBDENITE Crystals onMilky Quartz Moly Hill Quebec for sale
Please visit us at to see this and over 2,000 more fine mineral specimens
Pleins feux sur vos régions : Agates
Une visite à la mine d'agates du mont Lyall, la glace synthétique permet aux athlètes de s'entraîner à l'année, et une rencontre avec les bénévoles de la région de Baie-Comeau.
3.8 Bright Shiny Brown 6-Sided PHLOGOPITE MICA Crystal Quebec Canada for sale
Please visit us at to see this and over 2,000 more fine mineral specimens
Amethyst of gaspésie
This amethyst is mixing with citrine as you can see in the video
The amethyst is from Gaspésie ,Canada
This item is sold !
Real Rockhounding ep. 1 Winter Collecting
Don't let the winter blues keep you from rockhounding! I'll show you how to find rocks no matter how much snow has fallen
3.1 Flashy Lime Green Terminated VESUVIANITE Crystals Asbestos Quebec for sale
Please visit us at to see this and over 2,000 more fine mineral specimens
Découverte d'une nouvelle mine abandonnée de pierres semi précieuses et cristaux de roche.
Une pré-exploration pour cette nouvelle mine abandonnée de pierres semi précieuses et de cristaux de roche. Pour les amateurs, voici un aperçu de la pré-exploration... Mais pour sur, on retournera visiter cette mine compte tenu de la grande quantité de cristaux de roche présent pratiquement de partout dans cet endroit. Apparemment, pas de pierres vertes ou violette de type fluorine, mais des cristaux de roche blanc, transparent et au teint rose.
La grotte des plus grands cristaux du monde
En avril prochain découvrez lors du voyage au Mexique la grotte des plus grands cristaux du monde !