Vologda city, Mira street
Music: Roger Subirana Mata - Point of no return (
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The women of Volgograd - From Moscow to Murmansk
Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad, has the status of a heroic city in Russia. Here million of people have been killed, and after the war, women had to go on, on their own.
Original titel: Mother Russia
In the first series: From Moscow to Magadan, Jelle Brandt Corstius traveled from West to East, focusing on the endless Russian countryside and the villages. In this second series: From Moscow to Murmansk, he travels from North to South along the largest river of Russia: the Volga River. A trip along the relatively unknown cities like Murmansk, Volgograd, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, but also to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Through topics like women in Russia, new censorship, the environmental problem from Russian perspective and the ideological vacuum, a relatively unknown side of Russia is once again exposed.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
Final editor: Gert-Jan Hox
Directed by: Hans Pool
© VPRO August 2012
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
Russian series. Vologda Running city
26-27 may 2018. City quest
Fly from Konchinka to Tula City
Flying without a particular purpose, reached the city of Tula
Vologda, Russia (June 2013)
Music: Bent - As You Fall
Dr.Scissors Live in Russia 2003
Pix and clips from various Livesets in Russia from German elctro artist Dr.Scissors
Клан Баруха - старейшая семья которой служат Ротшильды и Рокфеллеры. Настоящие хозяева всегда в тени
Крамольный телеграм-канал
Недавно на нашем канале вышло видео про Рокфеллера. И несмотря на то, что оно уже набрало несколько миллионов просмотров, многие справедливо задавались вопросом - неужели стоящий на самом виду Рокфеллер и есть главный злодей планеты? Давайте разбираться. Несколько лет назад стало известно о создании единого международного траста между Ротшильдами и Рокфеллерами. Многих аналитиков озадачил этот факт. Ведь весь ХХ век прошёл под знаком борьбы этих двух семей. Официальная версия такова: два клана объединяются, чтобы выжить в волнах мирового экономического кризиса. Но что же произошло на самом деле?
Первая странность нового альянса в том, что суперсемьи объединили суммы всего в 40 миллиардов долларов. Такие суммы могут показаться приличными Биллу Гейтсу или Уорену Баффету, но не ведущим финансовым кланам мира. Сегодня совокупное состояние Ротшильдов, по приблизительным оценкам, зашкаливает за 4 триллиона долларов. У Рокфеллеров совокупный капитал исчисляется в тех же порядках, только на триллион меньше. Получается, что объединение капиталов не заявка на выживание, а явная претензия на господство в посткризисном мире, верхушка айсберга в борьбе одних закрытых элит с другими. Но если альянс Ротшильдов и Рокфеллеров собрался с кем-то бороться, значит они не первые величины в мире глобальной финансовой закулисы. Майер Ротшильд, основатель династии, родился в Германии в 1744 году, а американец Джон Рокфеллер старший почти на 100 лет позже. О клане Ротшилоидов мы, кстати, сделаем видео в ближайшее время, так что настройте уведомления, чтобы его не пропустить. И подпишитесь на крамольный телеграм-канал, тоже будет полезно. Так вот, если это относительно молодые семьи в исторической перспективе, тогда кто же рулил планетой, когда Ротшильды-рокфеллеры ходили под стол пешком? Может быть семья, члены которой основали свой Ста́ндард Ча́ртерд Банк ещё в 1613 году? Реальная власть - тайная власть и, как известно, большие деньги любят тишину, а потому барухи всегда стараются держаться в тени. Разве что, когда того потребовала жизнь, Бернард Барух нарушил правило, став экономическим советником аж семи президентов США. Вот его краткая история:
В 1881 году семья Барухов переезжает в Нью-Йорк и юноша Бернард поступает в Сити-колледж, окончив который, работает брокером на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже, а в 1903 году учреждает собственную брокерскую компанию.
Вопреки тогдашней моде на объединения в трастовые компании, Бернард Барух ведёт свой довольно успешный брокерский бизнес якобы в одиночку, хотя, конечно, взлёт обеспечивает поддержка старейшего клана, но для публики Бернард получает прозвище «Одинокий волк Уолл-стрит» и к тридцати трём годам становится миллионером, при этом умудряясь наращивать свои капиталы в условиях непрекращающихся кризисов в США.
С 1912 года Барух разыгрывает политическую карту, финансируя предвыборную кампанию Вудро Вильсона. В благодарность за поддержку Вильсон вводит его в Ведомство национальной обороны.
В годы Первой мировой войны Барух становится главой Военно-промышленного комитета США и раскручивает маховик наращивания вооружений, который позволяет на некоторое время преодолеть череду кризисов в экономике страны.
Именно Барух, как советник президента, склонил Вильсона поддержать идею создание ФРС, и с 1913 года правительство США делегирует полномочия по изготовлению долларовых купюр коммерческой структуре – Федеральной резервной системе.
После революции в России Барух неожиданно становится сторонником сотрудничества с Советским Союзом. Вместе с Хаммером и Гарриманом Ленин приглашает его на восстановление народного хозяйства Страны Советов.
Одними из первых заводов, построенных американцами в России в 1920-1930 годах, были тракторные заводы в Волгограде, Харькове и Челябинске. Конечно же, эти заводы имели двойное назначение: кроме тракторов здесь стали производить танки, бронемашины и прочее вооружение.
Необходимые для армии автомобили производили на двух главных заводах – Горьковском и им. Лихачёва, который был построен на субсидии Генри Форда в 1930-х годах. Американскими компаниями были также построены два огромных сталеплавильных завода – в Магнитогорске и Кузнецке.
Предчувствуя развитие ситуации в мире, Барух с солидарными с ним американскими и британскими банкирами в конце 20-х годов проводит креативный манёвр. Он добивается переориентации американской экономии на обслуживание военно-промышленного комплекса через её искусственный обвал и погружение в кризисное состояние.
Материалы по теме
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#Барух #заговор #ZOG
Poverty in wealthy Russia - From Moscow to Magadan
Russia is a nation going through a big change. Oil prices have provided for an unprecedented wealth and the rapid economic growth associated with it. But there are still large parts of Russia that do not look like it at all. Wealth for everyone?
Original title: Bergen van geweld
What's left of communism? How big are the differences between the poor and the rich? What is the influence of corruption? Is Russia a young democracy (as former Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende previously said)?Is it a sovereign democracy (according to Putin) or a fascist regime (as read in The Economist)? Jelle Brandt Corstius is looking for the topics that rule the life of ordinary Russians in Russia.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
© VPRO March 2009
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
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VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
Festival La Onda Latina (Volgograd)
Party-closing. Merengue
NIght Kazan 2019 Moskovskiy Drive.
Ночные покатушки по Казани.
Torna Surriento Competition Finalists - Anna Germa,Celebrity Symphony Orchestra. Andrzej Rozbicki
January 25th, 2014
Christian Performing Arts Centre
Toronto, Canada
The Celebrity Symphony Orchestra invite you to a magnificent evening filled with carnival hits and the best of Anna German songs by phenomenal voices direct from Poland, Ukraine and Canada conducted by charismatic maestro Andrzej Rozbicki. Vladyslava Vdovychenko (Владислава Вдовиченкo) - Ukrainian versatile vocalist, poet, soloist with Odessa Opera. She lent her voice to the hit Russian TV film series Anna German, broadcast to millions of people on Polish and Russian television. Justyna Reczeniedi - soprano, violinist, one of the lead soloists of the Warsaw Chamber Opera. She is also a published author, has released numerous recordings of her works, and recently earned her doctorate degree. Michael Nasato - Is a Canadian rising star whose prolific tenor vocals have been heard all across Canada and will be making an exciting debut on Toronto's biggest stage with the world famous Celebrity Symphony Orchestra. Stanislav Vitort - graduated with a Master of Music in Operatic Arts from the Moscow State Conservatory. In 2008 Vitort became a winner at the International Luciano Pavarotti Tenors Competition in St. Petersburg.
The CSO and this year's soloists are very fortunate to be accompanied by an epic 150-voice choir, comprising of the following groups: Italian Coro St. Marco, dir. Danielle Colla - Ukrainian Levada and Orion Choir Toronto, dir.Ihor Maheha - Mississauga Choral Society, dir.Mervin Fick and BM-TM Students.
Pedro Gallese for Peru National Teamnational team at the FIFA World Cup in Russia
Peru, Peru squad, Peru football team, Peruvian team, Peru National Team
Peru goal, goal,
Pedro Gallese
No1 goalkeeper
Club Caps Goals
Veracruz 40 0
Age Rating
“El Pulpo” – “the Octopus” – started his World Cup journey in 2007 at the under-17s tournament in South Korea – now he’s senior first-choice No 1. He missed games last summer because of a broken finger, but returned a month later, hand still inflamed, to keep a clean sheet against Argentina in La Bombonera, sparking octopus/Superman/saint-based memes online. In the buildup to this summer he set out his side’s task: “It’s been 36 years waiting. It won’t be simple, but the plan is to keep on making history, to get to the next round. After that, who knows what can happen?”
2018 FIFA World Cup,FIFA World Cup,players at FIFA World Cup,Russia,player at FIFA World Cup,football,Russian,Luzhniki Stadium,chamionship,football team
Ricardo Gareca
Fifa rank
C 11
The buildup was dominated by whether Paolo Guerrero would be able to play in Russia and now he is going hopes have been raised back home. Read a tactical analysis here.
Star player
Jefferson Farfán
Ricardo Gareca has made Peru go back to their roots and they now play with a blend of determination, discipline and creativity. Edison Flores is a wonderful attacking midfielder.
Guerrerro has not played since November and, no matter how important he is to the rest of the team, he will lack match practice when he steps on the pitch in Russia.
2018 FIFA World Cup,FIFA World Cup,players at FIFA World Cup,Russia,player at FIFA World Cup,football,Russian,Luzhniki Stadium,chamionship,football team
Russia Saudi Arabia Egypt Uruguay Portugal Spain Morocco Iran France Australia Peru Denmark Argentina Iceland Croatia Nigeria Brazil Switzerland Costa Rica Serbia Germany Mexico Sweden South Korea Belgium Panama Tunisia England Poland Senegal Colombia Japan
2018 FIFA World Cup
Чемпионат мира по футболу 2018
Chempionat mira po futbolu 2018[a]
2018 FIFA World Cup.svg
2018 FIFA World Cup official logo
Tournament details
Host country Russia
Dates 14 June – 15 July
Teams 32 (from 5 confederations)
Venue(s) 12 (in 11 host cities)
← 20142022 →
The 2018 FIFA World Cup will be the 21st FIFA World Cup, a quadrennial international football tournament contested by the men's national teams of the member associations of FIFA. It is scheduled to take place in Russia from 14 June to 15 July 2018,[1] after the country was awarded the hosting rights on 2 December 2010.
Luzhniki Stadium Otkritie Arena
(Spartak Stadium) Krestovsky Stadium
(Saint Petersburg Stadium) Fisht Olympic Stadium
(Fisht Stadium)
Capacity: 81,000 Capacity: 45,360 Capacity: 68,134 Capacity: 47,659
Вид на стадион Лужники.jpg Stadium Spartak in Moscow.jpg Spb 06-2017 img40 Krestovsky Stadium.jpg Fisht Stadium in January 2018.jpg
2018 FIFA World Cup is located in European Russia MoscowMoscowSaint PetersburgSaint PetersburgKaliningradKaliningradNizhny NovgorodNizhny NovgorodKazanKazanSamaraSamaraVolgogradVolgogradSaranskSaranskSochiSochiRostov-on-DonRostov-on-DonYekaterinburgYekaterinburg Kazan
Cosmos Arena
(Samara Arena) Kazan Arena
Capacity: 44,918 Capacity: 45,379
Krylya Fakel test 1.jpg Kazan Arena 08-2016.jpg
Rostov-on-Don Volgograd
Rostov Arena Volgograd Arena
Capacity: 45,000 Capacity: 45,568
Rostov-Arens (april 2018) 01.jpg Construction of Volgograd Arena inside 04.jpg
Nizhny Novgorod Saransk Yekaterinburg Kaliningrad
Nizhny Novgorod Stadium Mordovia Arena Central Stadium
(Ekaterinburg Arena) Kaliningrad Stadium
Capacity: 44,899 Capacity: 44,442 Capacity: 35,696 Capacity: 35,212
Nizhny Novgorod Stadium 2018-05-02 (2).jpg Стадион Mordovia arena.jpg Estadio Central (Ekaterinburg-arena).jpg Kaliningrad stadium - 2018-04-07.jpg
LATITUD RUSIA - Episodio 3: Moscú, la sede principal del Mundial de Rusia
Mira el tercer capítulo de Latitud Rusia. Alberto Lati nos lleva a conocer Moscú y relación con el futbol de cara al Mundial; Molotov, la banda mexicana que conquistó a los rusos. La historia de Modric y el cine de Vértov.
russian girls in St Tropez
nikki beach
Russian censorship - From Moscow to Murmansk
Censorship in Russia is not limited to journalism: in all possible areas people are threatened and opposed. In this episode of 'From Moscow to Murmansk' Jelle Brandt Corstius brings attention to censorship in Russia and (death) threats to critical journalists, human rights activists and dissidents.
Original title: New censorship
In the first series: From Moscow to Magadan, Jelle Brandt Corstius traveled from West to East, focusing on the endless Russian countryside and the villages. In this second series: From Moscow to Murmansk, he travels from North to South along the largest river of Russia: the Volga River. A trip along the relatively unknown cities like Murmansk, Volgograd, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, but also to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Through topics like women in Russia, new censorship, the environmental problem from Russian perspective and the ideological vacuum, a relatively unknown side of Russia is once again exposed.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
Final editor: Gert-Jan Hox
Directed by: Hans Pool
© VPRO August 2012
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
ПРОГУЛКА ПО ВОРОНЕЖУ - Красивые виды Воронежа - Путешествия по России
ПРОГУЛКА ПО ВОРОНЕЖУ - Красивые виды Воронежа - Путешествия по России
Необычная пешая экскурсия по центру города Воронежа - улице Карла Маркса. Достопримечательности Воронежа. Со смотровой площадки в самом центре города открывается невероятный вид на Воронежское водохранилище. Все наши видео о Воронеже и Воронежской области смотрите здесь, на канале Прогулки с Аленой, плейлист Воронеж видео.
#ПРОГУЛКАПОВОРОНЕЖУ #ВоронежскоеВодохранилище #ВоронежВидео #Воронеж2018 #УлицаКарлаМарксаВоронеж #ВоронежЭкскурсия #ПутешествияПоРоссии
Live from Russia for the Russia vs Egypt, we are at the World Cup 2018 live to share with you the ultimate football experience. Final score for Russia 3-1 the host country and the fans are celebrating! Watch through our eyes live Russia vs Egypt for the World Cup 2018!
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All our World Cup 2018 vlogs here
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Dzerzhinsk, the dirtiest Russian city - From Moscow to Murmansk
Dzerzhinsk is one of the 10 most dirty cities in the world. Jelle speaks with the inhabitants that claim they can guess at which tram stop they are just by smelling it.
Original title: The heritage
In the first series: From Moscow to Magadan, Jelle Brandt Corstius traveled from West to East, focusing on the endless Russian countryside and the villages. In this second series: From Moscow to Murmansk, he travels from North to South along the largest river of Russia: the Volga River. A trip along the relatively unknown cities like Murmansk, Volgograd, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, but also to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Through topics like women in Russia, new censorship, the environmental problem from Russian perspective and the ideological vacuum, a relatively unknown side of Russia is once again exposed.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
Final editor: Gert-Jan Hox
Directed by: Hans Pool
© VPRO August 2012
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow - Moscow Hotels, Russia
AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow 4 Stars Hotel in Moscow, Russia Within US Travel Directory One of our top picks in Moscow. A 5-minute walk from the Olimpiysky Stadium, this full-service business hotel offers modern rooms, Executive Floor and Executive Lounge. A free shuttle bus takes guests to Moscow’s city centre. The rooms of AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow enjoy a modern interior, decorated with warm naturaltones.
They are equipped with a minibar, satellite TV, and luxury bedding, including cotton-rich linens.
The hotel offers a fitness centre, indoor pool, saunas, spa bath and Thai massage.
AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow offers to visit 495 Restaurant, the Bakery and Olimpik Restaurant.
AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow is only a 10-minute walk from the Prospekt Mira Metro Station.
Red Square is within a 10-minute drive.
Meshchansky is a great choice for travellers interested in culture, history and museums.
Hotels Located in :
AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow - Moscow Hotels, Russia
Location in : Olympiski Prospekt 18/1, Meshchansky, 129110 Moscow, Russia
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Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Russians and vodka - From Moscow to Murmansk
That the Russians like to drink is a known fact. Vodka is the national drink and wherever you come, whether you want it or not, for a vodka or two, there is always a good reason to have a drink. Apart from being a source of fraternization, vodka is also the source of a lot of sorrow.
Original title: The spirit in the bottle
In the first series: From Moscow to Magadan, Jelle Brandt Corstius traveled from West to East, focusing on the endless Russian countryside and the villages. In this second series: From Moscow to Murmansk, he travels from North to South along the largest river of Russia: the Volga River. A trip along the relatively unknown cities like Murmansk, Volgograd, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, but also to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Through topics like women in Russia, new censorship, the environmental problem from Russian perspective and the ideological vacuum, a relatively unknown side of Russia is once again exposed.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
Final editor: Gert-Jan Hox
Directed by: Hans Pool
© VPRO August 2012
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.