Usina São João - Foz do Iguaçu
Clip com imagens da Usina São João, a 1º Hidrelétrica da cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, também a 1º hidrelétrica no interior do estado do Paraná. Um lugar lindo, localizado no interior do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu. Um agradecimento especial ao Apolônio Rodrigues, Daniela Bartnicki e ao Leonardo, super atenciosos e prestativos conosco.
Sequóia Institucional 2014
Vídeo institucional produzido totalmente com drone pela Aldeia Criativa para a Sequóia Empreendimentos Imobiliários de São João da Boa Vista.
Cratera de impacto de Vista Alegre, em Coronel Vivida - Paraná - Brasil.
Agradecemos, especialmente, ao professor Dr. Álvaro Penteado Crósta, que identificou inicialmente a cratera e possibilitou seu tombamento. Agradecemos seu empenho, seus estudos da cratera, publicados em diversos artigos e, principalmente, sua boa vontade em nos ajudar com a fundamentação teórica necessária para este vídeo.
Para acesso ao conteúdo escrito:
Animação utilizada em 4:09 a 4:15, cedida por:
Credit Line: Scotese, C.R., 2004. Plate Tectonics and Paleogeography (animation), PALEOMAP Project, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas (12:24).
Hoje é dia de mais um resumão, e dessa vez vamos falar sobre Minas Gerais, sua história e principalmente tudo o que você pode fazer e conhecer nesta terra. Spoiler: Não dá pra acreditar que tudo isso faz parte do Brasil.
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Brazil was inhabited solely by indigenous people, mainly of the Tupi and Guarani ethnic groups. Settling by the Portuguese began late in the 16th century, with the extraction of valuable wood from the pau brasil tree, from which the country draws its name. Brazil was settled by the Portuguese and not the Spanish, as were the rest of Central, South and parts of North America in the New World. Despite Portuguese rule, some parts of Brazil formed a Dutch colony between 1630 and 1654. They founded several cities, such as Mauritsville, and many sugar cane plantations. The Dutch fought a grim jungle war with the Portuguese, and without the support of the Republic of their homeland due to a war with England, the Dutch surrendered to the Portuguese, though they did not officially recognize Portuguese rule, which led to an all-out war with Portugal off the coast of Portugal in 1656. In 1665 the Peace Treaty of The Hague was signed, Portugal lost its Asian colonies and had to pay 63 tons of gold to compensate the Dutch Republic for the loss of its colony.
Brazil became the centre of the Portuguese Empire by 1808, when the King Dom Joao VI (John VI) fled from Napoleon's invasion of Portugal and established himself and his government in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
The following four centuries saw further exploitation of the country's natural riches such as gold and rubber, alongside the rise of an economy based largely on sugar, coffee and African slave labor. Meanwhile, extermination and Christianizing of natives kept its pace, and the 19th and 20th Century saw a second wave of immigration, mainly Italian, German (in southern Brazil), Spanish, Japanese (In Sao Paulo State) and Portuguese, adding to the set of factors that generated today's complex and unique Brazilian culture and society.
Following three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent nation on September 7th, 1822. Until 1889 Brazil was an Empire under the rule of Dom Pedro I and his son Dom Pedro II. By this time, it became an emerging international power. Slavery, which had initially been widespread, was restricted by successive legislation until its final abolition in 1888. Perhaps this was the reason why the Empire was abolished in the following year: unhappy with the the end of slavery, the ultraconservatives shifted their support to Republicanism and the Emperor was overthrown in a sudden coup d'etat.
The biggest party in the world takes places across the country every year, lasting almost a week in February or early March. It is celebrated in a wide variety of ways, from the giants boneco masks of Olinda and the trios elétricos of Salvador to the massive samba parades of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. For a relatively more subdued atmosphere, check out the university-style street party of Ouro Preto or the sporty beach party at Ilha do Mel. Don't forget to make your reservations well in advance!
Almost the entire coast is lined with fabulous beaches, and the beach lifestyle is a big part of Brazilian culture. Nowhere is that more true than in Rio de Janeiro, with its laidback, flip-flop-footed lifestyle and famous beaches like Ipanema and Copacabana. Beaches in other areas of the country may not have the instant name recognition but are no less amazing. The Northeast has jewels like Jericoacoara, Praia do Futuro, Boa Vista, Porto de Galinhas, and Morro de São Paulo which bring in throngs of travellers, particularly Europeans. Landlocked mineiros go mingle with the rich and famous at Guarapari or dance forró in the sand at Itaunas, while paulistas head for Caraguá or Ubatuba. In the South, weekend revelers flock to Ilha do Mel or Balneário Camboriú, while the 42 beaches of Santa Catarina Island draw in thousands of Argentianian tourists every year. Hundreds more beaches lie ready to be explored as well.
Perspectiva do Motorista na Ponte Rio-Niterói
Filmado Dia 15/Fev/2016(Segunda Feira).Vídeo feito à partir da Perspectiva do motorista,com câmera colocada no lado esquerdo do painel do carro.Gravação iniciando na Av.Francisco Bicalho(Altura do Antigo Gasômetro),pegando a Ponte Rio-Niteói,retornando e terminando a gravação(Acabou a bateria) na altura do vão central da ponte,voltando para o rio de Janeiro.OBS.:Mesmo passeio filmado no video feito em Time Lapse com Celular :”Ponte Rio –Niterói Ida e Volta em Time Lapse”,publicado neste canal.Filmado com camera Sony HDR AS 15.Editado no Movie Maker em Vel.4X.Musica de Fundo :Take Five,versão do musico e Pianista Inglês Merv de Peyer da musica de Dave Brubeck.
Cachoeira do Urubu :: Esperantina-PI-Brasil Video1
Visão panorâmica da cachoeira.
Urubu Falls, Esperantina-PI-Brazil, panoramic view.
Conheça o Morro Getúlio - Pico Paraná - Com curiosidades e informações narrada - PP
Morro Getúlio do Pico Paraná com informações e curiosidades narradas e belas imagens aéreas feita por drone do PP, no parque estadual Pico Parana.
Montanhismo & Trekking com segurança e informação. Imagens feita por drone com legendas em português e em inglês.
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----------------------Um pouco mais de informação---------------------------
A ventura foi realizada no dia 08/02/2018 filmada com o drone Phantom 3 Advanced em 2.7k.
Endereço da fazenda Pico do Paraná:
Itens obrigatórios para subir a montanha: Apito e lanterna.
[Eng,Indo,PtBr,EspSub]MONSTA X RAY 3 Epi 4
The 4 episode of Monsta X ray Season 3
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