Amakusa (天草市 Amakusa-shi?) is a city located in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Amakusa City covers parts of two main islands, and six smaller islets. They are referred to as Kamishima 上島 (天草諸島) and Shimoshima 下島 (天草諸島) (Upper Island and Lower Island). It has the distinction of being the fastest depopulating city in Japan since the last census. (2005)[citation needed] The city was established on March 27, 2006, as a result of the merger between the old cities of Hondo and Ushibuka, and the towns of Amakusa (old), Ariake, Goshoura, Itsuwa, Kawaura, Kuratake, Shinwa and Sumoto, all from Amakusa District.
[V0245] 八代7:宇土半島の八代海沿いを進み戸馳大橋を渡り戸馳島へ
●動画開始地点: 地図拡大表示の中心点
(RECORDING START POINT): Center point of this map
[V0244]からの続きです。編集中。[V0246]へ続きます。 ぜひ、絶景眺望走行動画など、ドライブ気分に浸って頂き、満喫頂ければと思います。
[V0245] 080430 熊本県宇城市旧不知火町 救の浦
[V0245] 080430 Driving on country roads for Shiranui Sukuinoura beach at Uki, Kumamoto, in JAPAN.
●動画リスト: 海沿いドライブのすすめ!! ムービー
(MOVIE LIST) Seacoast Driving!! Movie