GERMANY: Möhnesee, lake & dam (Sauerland) [HD]
The Möhne Reservoir is an artificial lake formed by the damming of two rivers, Möhne and Heve, and with its four basins stores as much as 135 million cubic metres of water.
The dam was built between 1908 and 1913 to help control floods, regulate water levels on the Ruhr river downstream, and generate hydropower. Today, the lake is also a tourist attraction.
Möhnesee is a municipality in the district of Soest, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is situated around the Möhne Reservoir (hence the name).
Möhnesee in located north in the Sauerland region. The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
May 21 & 22, 2013
GERMANY: Arnsberg city (Sauerland) [HD]
The city of Arnsberg is almost completely encircled by forest, and in the north there is the natural park Arnsberger Wald.
It is located in the Ruhr river valley, in the Hochsauerland district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
September 7, 2011
GERMANY VLOG ????️ Exploring a German lake & dam - der Möhnesee! | VlogDave
#GermanyVlog #ExploringGermany #Arnsberg #Sauerland #SauerlandVlog #ArnsbergVlog
In this vlog you see the German Möhnesee and the Sperrmauer next to it!
My best friend Nina and I went to the Möhnesee!
It's an old reservoire that was bombed during WWII, and it has a dam on which you can cross by foot.
Enjoy a bit of German nature in the fall! :)
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Jan Müller
Packstation 118
59755 Arnsberg
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60cm x 35cm x 35cm
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(C) VlogDave
Möhne Talsperre - Soest - Pantano en Alemania con mucha historia - Moehne Reservoir
Pantano de la Moehne
Moehne Reservoir and ake - Germany - NRW - Soest
Canal Da Gleice
GERMANY: Ramsbeck Mine - Sauerland [HD]
In a original mine train, visitors are driven 300 meters below ground, 1.5 km into the mountain. Here you learn about the history of ore mining. The temperature in the mine is 12 degrees Celsius throughout the year.
The first documentary proof of lead and zinc mining in Ramsbeck dates to 1518 (although the mine is significantly older). The century-old ore mine closed on 31 january 1974. Shortly afterwards, it was turned into the exhibition mine it still is today.
The Ramsbeck ore deposit is ancient, but the surrounding rock is even older. It is made up of 390 million-year-old sea sediments from the Lower-Middle Devonian age. The term deposit describes a particularly high concentration of metals such as lead, zinc and silver within a limited geographical area.
'Sauerländer Besucherbergwerk Ramsbeck'
For more information about the visitors mine & museum:
Ramsbeck is a subdivision of Bestwig municipality in the Hochsauerland district, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
September 8, 2011
Geheimnis Möhnetalsperre - WDR Doku
Sie war ein Segen: Denn sie lieferte Trink- und Brauchwasser sowie Strom für die Ruhrindustrie und sicherte damit Einkommen und Überleben. Sie war eine tödliche Bedrohung: Denn in einer einzigen Nacht nahm sie mehr als 1500 Menschen das Leben. Sie ist ein imposantes Baudenkmal, ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel und ein Naturparadies. Doch wer die elegant geschwungene, 650 Meter lange Bruchstückmauer sieht, ahnt nicht, welch geschichtsträchtiger Ort sie ist – die Möhnetalsperre.
© Copyright by WDR
Heinrichshöhle, Felsenmeer, Sauerlandpark - Hemer - Sauerland Nordrhein-Westfalen
This small but wonderful cave charmed us with its charm.
GERMANY VLOG - Exploring German nature ????️ The Möhnesee, a beautiful reservoire lake! | VlogDave
#Germanyvlog #exploringgermany #germannature #natureingermany #möhnesee #möhne #germannaturevlog #naturevlog #reservoirelake #germanlakes #germanlandscapes
Follow me around at the 'Möhne' lake, the dam and the reservoire on a sunny day in fall of 2016!
The song I've used in this video:
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Jan Müller
Packstation 118
59755 Arnsberg
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Postfach 20 07
59710 Arnsberg
My shirt size is XL (I'm 6'0).
VLOGS: Sony RX100 III (before June 2016: Samsung Galaxy S5)
STATIC SHOTS: Sony RX100 III (before June 2016: Logitech C920)
(C) VlogDave
Sauerland- Arnsberg-Möhnessee-Germany.
Music from Blue light orchestra:
Arnsberg is de historische toegangspoort tot het "Land der duizend bergen", het Sauerland. Hier kenmerken glooiende landschappen, heldere meren, groene bossen, sappige weilanden en keurige vakwerkhuizen het landschap. En ook Arnsberg stelt zich met zijn eigen stadsdelen en dorpen voor: romantisch, vol afwisseling en betrokken bij de natuur in een mooie, bosrijke omgeving.
Schlossruine Rond 1100 ontstond er op de huidige slotberg een burcht. Onder de bescherming daarvan vestigden zich gauw de eerste burgers. Na meermalige verbouwingen ontwikkelde het gebouw zich tot de residentie van de Keulse keurvorsten. Nog heden herinnert de ruïne aan zijn laatste prachtige uitbreiding, die ten tijde van de keurvorst Clemens-August von Wittelsbach volgens de plannen van de barokbouwmeester Johann Conrad Schlaun ontstond en tijdens de zevenjarige oorlog (1762) vernield werd.
Möhnesee is een stuwmeer in de Duitse deelstaat Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen en werd in de periode 1908 tot 1913 gebouwd. Het stuwmeer ligt in de gemeente Möhnesee in het district Soest.
In de nacht van 16 op 17 mei 1943 werden de stuwdammen aan de Möhne, Sorpe en Eder aangevallen. De Lancasters van de Royal Air Force gooiden speciale 4 ton zware bommen met een snelheid van 380 km/h 383 meter voor de muur af. Dat waren rolbommen die kort voor het afgooien op 500 toeren per minuut geroteerd werden, zo dat de bommen op het water in 60 meter lange sprongen huppelden, net zoals wij steentjes laten zeilen/stuiteren op het water. Zij sprongen over de vangnetten en troffen de muren. Aan de muur zorgde hun rotatie ervoor, dat de bommen langs de muur naar beneden rollen, tot op 10 meter onder water. Hier ontploften zij dan en scheurden enorme gaten in de muren. De bom aan de Möhnedam scheurde op 17 mei 1943 om 00:49 uur een gat van 22 meter diepte en 77 meter breedte. Binnen de 12 uur vloeiden 116 000 000 kubieke meter (88%) uit het stuwmeer in het achterliggende land. In het dal van de Möhne kwam een 10 meter hoge vloedgolf tot stand. Na 25 uren kwam het water in de Rijn aan, die zelfs ook nog een vloedgolf te verduren kreeg. De verwoestende kracht was tot kort na Hattingen te zien. Alle bruggen, huizen,... tot op een afstand van meer dan 50 km werden vernield.
Die Sauerland-Seen bieten Freizeit & Spaß beim Erholen!
Die Sauerland-Seen bieten ihren Gästen Erholung, Sport und Spaß inmitten der grünen Natur des Sauerlands. Denn rund um Bigge-Listersee, Diemelsee, Hennesee, Möhnesee und Sorpesee ist viel mehr drin als nur Baden und Sonnen. Tolle Freizeitmöglichkeiten für die ganze Familie machen den Aufenthalt so zum abwechslungsreichen Erlebnis.
Möhnesee Dam
The Moehnesee dam ( Staumauer, Talsperre) was breached on the night of 16-17th of May 1943 by the RAF Lancaster Bombers (The Dambusters, Dam buster raids) during Operation Chastise. Bouncing bombs had been constructed which were able to skip over the protective nets that hung in the water.
On the 4th of August 2015 the last surviving Dambusters pilot, Les Munro, has died at the age of 96.
Sqn Ldr Munro was the last living Dambusters pilot, he is survived by two crew members - Canadian former front gunner Fred Sutherland and British former bomb aimer George Johnson.
During the Second World War the Derwent Reservoir (Derbyshire) was used by pilots of the 617 Squadron for practising the low-level flights as it was similar to the German dams.
A huge hole of 77 m by 22 m was blown into the dam. The resulting huge flood wave killed at least 1579 people. The city of Neheim-Huesten was particularly hard-hit with over 800 victims. Out of 133 crew, only 77 returned!
Sorpesee/Eine Schönheit in Eis
#Sorpesee/#Sorpetalsperre Eine Schönheit in Eis.Der Sorpesee, auch Sorpetalsperre genannt, ist ein Stausee im Hochsauerlandkreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Wie der Biggesee, der Möhnesee, der Hennesee und die Versetalsperre zählt der Sorpesee zu den großen Stauseen des Ruhrverbands im Sauerland. Er dient neben der Wasserregulierung der Ruhr der Wasserversorgung und Stromerzeugung sowie als Freizeit- und Erholungsgebiet.
Film + Editing : LuBiBochum
Arnsberg Sauerland Germany 4K
Je hoeft niet altijd mega ver weg te gaan om iets moois te zien. Een weekend Arnsberg in het Duitse Sauerland is ook zeker de moeite waard.
JAHRESTAG 17. Mai 1943 Zerstörung der Staumauer des Möhnesees
JAHRESTAG 17. Mai 1943 Zerstörung der Staumauer des Möhnesees
Eine Archivarbeit von Michael Schulz
Produktion Winnie Rüth WR-FILMS 05/2014
Gare du Nord, Möhnesee, Soest, Germany (HD)
Music is from the band: Gare du Nord The song: Yo que pasa
Gare du Nord is a Dutch-Belgian jazz/lounge duo founded in 2001.
The Möhnesee is an lake formed by the damming of two rivers, Möhne and Heve, and with its four basins stores as much as 135 million cubic metres of water.
The dam was built between 1908 and 1913 to help control floods, regulate water levels on the Ruhr river downstream, and generate hydropower. Today, the lake is also a tourist attraction.
Möhnesee is a municipality in the district of Soest, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is situated around the Möhne Reservoir (hence the name).
Möhnesee in located north in the Sauerland region. The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
Soest is a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the capital of the Soest district. After Lippstadt, a neighbouring town.
Soest is the second biggest town in its district.
Because of the fertile soil the area around Soest was occupied long before 836 when the village is first mentioned in the Dagobertsche Schenkung, although the origin of this document is historically uncertain. But there is no doubt that Soest has been inhabited for a long time; excavations in the last two decades have uncovered signs of habitation stretching back more than 4000 years. In the 11th and 12th century Soest grew considerably, making it one of the biggest towns in Westphalia with some 10,000 citizens.
Soest has a multitude of historical buildings and attractions. The many medieval churches are build from a greenish sandstone unique to this area.
Among the old specialties of Soest are the Möppkenbread and the Pumpernickel. The Bakery Haverland at the town center, former royal Bavarian court supplier of the dark bread, has existed since 1570. Another specialty of Soest is the Soester Beer, also called Zwiebel-Bier(or Giebels-Bier) which literally translates as Onion beer, because it's brewed since 1993 in the Zwiebel (Onion) inn. This beer makes you cry. It's very nice.
GERMANY: Bruchhauser Stones - Sauerland [HD]
Virtual climb to the top of the 'Bruchhauser Steine', four massive porphyry rocks located on a mountain near the village of Bruchhausen.
The Bruchhauser Stones consist of lava rocks developed 290 million year ago.
The four largest of the stones carry the names Bornstein, Feldstein, Goldstein and Ravenstein and are located on the northwest slope of the Istenberg, whose 721m high summits is about 500m away.
Feldstein is the only stone that can be climbed. It is not the largest stone, but it is the highest point.
Bruchhausen village is part of Olsberg, a town in the Hochsauerland district (Sauerland), in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
September 12, 2011
Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Sauerland Destination Spot
Top Tourist Attractions Places To Visit In Germany | Sauerland Destination Spot - Tourism in Germany
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The Sauerland is a rural, hilly area spreading across most of the south-eastern part of North Rhine-Westphalia, in parts heavily forested and, apart from the major valleys, sparsely inhabited.
For these reasons, it has been chosen as the first place in Germany to reintroduce the Wisent (European bison).
The Sauerland is the largest tourist region in North Rhine-Westphalia, in particular for mountain biking & cycling, water sports and scenic recreation.
The town and Skiliftkarussell of Winterberg in the Hochsauerlandkreis is a major winter sport resort.
Before 1800 the western part of the Sauerland was part of the County of the Mark based in Altena.
The eastern part adhered to the County of Arnsberg, later became known as the Duchy of Westphalia and was owned by the Archbishops and Electorate of Cologne.
The Duchy of Limburg covered a very small area in the lower Lenne river valley.
After the Napoleonic Wars the area became part of Prussia and was integrated into the new province of Westphalia.
After World War II Westphalia was merged with the new federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Today, the Sauerland belongs to the districts Märkischer Kreis, Olpe and Hochsauerland.
The western part of the Hessian district Waldeck-Frankenberg is also attributed to the Sauerland because of its geomorphological as well as sociocultural similarity and the stark contrast to the rest of the adjoining Hessian landscape.
Today the Sauerland is a popular tourist area, attracting many visitors from the Ruhr Area and relatively close Netherlands.
The forests and picturesque small towns are attractive for hikers and outdoor sports.
There are more than 30,000 km of tagged hiking trails in Sauerland region maintained by Sauerland hiking association.
Some of the towns have the title Bad (Spa) because of their good air quality and stimulating climate.
Winter sports are popular in the Sauerland.
The bob sleigh track in Winterberg is widely known in Germany, as well as the ski jumping in Willingen.
Sauerland also has a successful theme park called Fort Fun.
Balve Cave is one of the biggest prehistorical caves of Europe and is situated in Balve.
The largest accessible limestone cave outside the Alps is in Attendorn.
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Bismarckturm Möhnesee
Impressionen vom und aus dem Bismarckturm Möhnesee auf dem Haarstrang bei gutem Herbstwetter.
SKS Sauerland Marathon 2015 im Sauerland Sony Alpha 57
Grafschaften SKS Sauerland Marathon 2015
Mohnesee Sauerland Germany 4K
Een wandeling langs de Mohnesee in het Duitse Sauerland.