Molli / Bad Doberan (1) Germany
Steam locomotive Molli runs in the town of Bad Doberan.
Bad Doberan, Germany - The Molli Train Passing Through Bad Doberan (2018)
The Molli is a narrow-gauge steam-powered railway in Mecklenburg, running on 900 mm (2 ft 11 7⁄16 in) gauge track. It operates between Bad Doberan, Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn West over a total distance of 15.4 km with a running time of 40 minutes. Within Bad Doberan the line runs through the street, and later along a linden tree-lined avenue. Between Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn the tracks run parallel to the Baltic Sea beach across fields.
Bad Doberan is a town in the district of Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. It was the capital of the former district of Bad Doberan. In 2012, its population was 11,427.
Germany - Scartamenti ridotti: isola di Rügen e Bad Doberan
1) Il Rasender Roland percorre, in ca. 1 ora, i 24,2 km tra Putbus e Göhren, nella parte meridionale dell'isola di Rügen, toccando le eleganti località balneari di Binz e Sellin. La ferrovia a scartamento 750 mm. è in servizio da oltre 100 anni.
2) Il trenino a vapore Molli ( scart. 900 mm.) collega la cittadina di Bad Doberan (vicino a Rostock) con Heiligendamm sul Mar Baltico, la prima località balneare tedesca, fondata nel 1793 dal granduca Federico Francesco I, caratterizzata da spiagge di sabbia finissima e da eleganti edifici neoclassici. Nel 1910 fu inaugurato il prolungamento della linea fino a Kühlungsborn, altra nota località balneare, portando la lunghezza complessiva del tragitto a poco più di 15 km.
Molli-Bahn: The Train That Goes Straight Down The High Street
Germany is a country that traditionally likes rules, and what it really likes about rules is obeying them. So why is this cheeky steam train driving straight through a pedestrian zone? I went to the lovely little spa town of Bad Doberan to find out more...
German NG Molli.mpg
The Mecklinburgische Baderbahn, known more often by its nickname,the Molli runs along Germany's Baltic seacoast near Rostock. The prominent feature of this line is the street running down the center of the town of Bad Doberan. Video from June of 2011.
Bad Doberan, Germany - Riding the Molli Railway Through Bad Doberan (2018)
The Molli is a narrow-gauge steam-powered railway in Mecklenburg, running on 900 mm (2 ft 11 7⁄16 in) gauge track. It operates between Bad Doberan, Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn West over a total distance of 15.4 km with a running time of 40 minutes. Within Bad Doberan the line runs through the street, and later along a linden tree-lined avenue. Between Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn the tracks run parallel to the Baltic Sea beach across fields.
Bad Doberan is a town in the district of Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. It was the capital of the former district of Bad Doberan. In 2012, its population was 11,427.
Bad Doberan, Germany: Alexandrinenplatz, August-Bebel-Straße, Beethovenstraße - 4K (UHD/2160p/60p)
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Camera: Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S
Lens: Panasonic Leica DG Vario-Elmarit 8-18 mm F2.8-4
Upload quality front videos: UHD (3840x2160) 30/60p, 80-100Mbit/s
Inside car sound recorded with: Zoom H4n Pro
Car Type / Autotyp: Hyundai i10 (64kW)
Music by: Chris John Ross
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RDA 02 -1978 Molli (Bad Doberan - Kühlungsborn)
Bad Doberan, Germany
Bad Doberan, wo die Kirche Eintritt kostet
Molli / Bad Doberan (2) Germany
Steam locomotive Molii runs in the town of Bad Doberan.
Bad Doberan HD
článok/articles :
Minster v Bad Doberane je luteránsky kostol v Meklenbursku v Nemecku. V blízkosti Baltského mora a hanzového mesta Rostock, je najdôležitejším náboženským dedičstvom Európskej tehlovej gotiky. Je to zvyšok Cisterciánskeho opátstva Doberan, postaveného v r.1368.
The Doberan Minster is the main Lutheran Church of Bad Doberan in Mecklenburg, Germany. Close to the Baltic Sea and the Hanseatic city of Rostock, it is the most important religious heritage of the European Route of Brick Gothic. It is the remaining part of the Ex-Cistercian Doberan Abbey, dedicated in 1368. (WIKIPEDIA)
Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli auf dem nach Bad Doberan Germany
Bad Doberan, Germany - The Molli Train Arriving at the Bad Doberan Station (2018)
The Molli is a narrow-gauge steam-powered railway in Mecklenburg, running on 900 mm (2 ft 11 7⁄16 in) gauge track. It operates between Bad Doberan, Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn West over a total distance of 15.4 km with a running time of 40 minutes. Within Bad Doberan the line runs through the street, and later along a linden tree-lined avenue. Between Heiligendamm and Kühlungsborn the tracks run parallel to the Baltic Sea beach across fields.
Bad Doberan is a town in the district of Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. It was the capital of the former district of Bad Doberan. In 2012, its population was 11,427.
MOLLI - Steam engine 99 2321 running in street, Bad Doberan, Germany
Molli Railway, 2-8-2 steam loco (900mm gauge) running through street, approaching stop at Goethestrasse in Bad Doberan, near Rostock, northern Germany on 11 August 2010
[Mecklenburgische Bäderbahn Molli] Mecklenburg Railway Steam Train
From Bad Doberan in Germany, the 900mm narrow gauge steam train Molli runs to Kühlungsborn, seaside resort along Baltic sea. After departing Bad Doberan, train runs on the street.
Steam train Molli Bad Doberan, Germany
Dampfzug Molli in der Innenstadt von Bad Doberan
Molli in Bad Doberan MBB Mollibahn DR DB Dampflok Schmarlspur Kleinbahn
Hier kommt der Molli aus Heiligendamm und fährt unter mein Wohnzimmerfenster durch.
Mollibahn 2010
Mollibahn 2010
Die Schmalspurbahn Molli in Bad Doberan in 2018; vlog #9
Die Schmalspurbahn Molli fährt von Bad Doberan, der ehemaligen Kreisstadt, über Heiligendamm bis nach Kühlungsborn. Schaut sie Euch doch mal an bei der nächsten Tour nach MV.
Video/Audio: final cut pro