Setúbal's Monastery of Jesus (June 16, 2017)
Shot on a Google Pixel XL.
Top 15 Things To Do In Setubal, Portugal
Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Setubal -
Best Tours To Enjoy Setubal -
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Here are top 15 things to do in Setubal, Portugal
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Quinta da Bacalhoa -
2. Castelo de Palmela -
3. Arrábida Natural Park -
4. Casa da Baía -
5. Mercado do Livramento -
6. Avenida Luísa Todi -
7. Monastery of Jesus -
8. Praia de Albarquel -
9. Praia de Tróia -
10. Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia -
11. Igreja de São Julião -
12. Forte de São Filipe -
13. Estrada de Escarpa -
14. Dolphin Watching -
15. Local Gastronomy -
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Alcaçer do Sal | Setúbal | Portugal
Alcácer do Sal foi sucessivamente ocupada desde o séc. VI a.C. tendo sido um dos mais importantes centros urbanos e militares do território islâmico peninsular. Durante a ocupação romana chegou a cunhar moeda com a inscrição Imperatoria Salacia, datando dessa época, segundo alguns autores, a alteração do nome da localidade para Salácia.
O castelo medieval data do século XII, construído sobre anteriores fortificações, sendo que no século VIII, sob o domínio islâmico, Alcácer era um importante centro urbano e militar, com um poderoso e eficaz sistema defensivo. Os Muçulmanos aqui desenvolveram a construção naval.
Conquistado em 1158 por D. Afonso Henriques, com o auxílio dos Espatários, volta a passar para mãos almóadas em 1191 (do qual subsiste o torreão oitavado) para ser definitivamente conquistado por D. Afonso II que o doa à Ordem de Santiago.
No século XIII há uma campanha de reconstrução do castelo sendo que teria, na altura, uma estrutura bem maior e mais imponente do que hoje se apresenta.
Ao longo do século XV o castelo perdeu gradualmente as funções militares. Em 1573 foi aqui fundado, no interior do castelo o Convento de Nossa Senhora de Aracaeli no lugar do palácio da Ordem de Santiago. Este aqui permaneceu até à extinção das ordens religiosas.
Em 1998 o antigo espaço conventual foi transformado numa pousada, e dez anos depois aberta a Cripta Arqueológica do Castelo de Alcácer do Sal.
(1) Lenda de Santa Úrsula e das Onze Mil Virgens :
Onze mil virgens martirizadas em conjunto com Santa Úrsula por um exército pagão, em Colónia, numa lenda de fundamento católico.
egundo a Legenda Áurea, uma jovem de beleza excecional chamada Úrsula, filha de um soberano bretão, converteu-se secretamente ao cristianismo prometendo guardar a sua virgindade. Quando foi pedida em casamento por um príncipe pagão de nome Ereo, filho do rei de Inglaterra, o seu pai acedeu receoso, impondo entre outras condições que a filha fosse acompanhada por dez virgens, e outras mil para ela e para cada uma das dez que a acompanhavam, e que o casamento tivesse lugar no prazo de três anos. Numa viagem, um anjo anuncia a Úrsula que ela morrerá martirizada. Úrsula decide realizar una peregrinação a Roma para obter a consagração dos seus votos secretos. Em Roma, foi recebida com muitas honras pelo papa Ciríaco, que consagrou os seus votos de virgindade. Recebendo uma revelação de que morrerá mártir com as virgens, o papa renuncia ao papado e, juntamente com muitos bispos, parte com elas. Dirigem-se à Alemanha, onde encontram Colónia sitiada pelos hunos, que matam todas as virgens. O príncipe dos hunos apaixona-se por Úrsula e quer tomá-la por mulher, mas a jovem resiste e ele mata-a com uma seta.
(2)Arqº António Rodrigues : António Rodrigues, arquitecto, foi mestre de obras régias, e, mais tarde, também das fortificações, entre 1564 e 1590. Tendo leccionado geometria e perspectiva na aula régia, foi neste contexto que presumivelmente escreveu este tratado anónimo de arquitectura, cuja primeira versão é o códice 3675 da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal. Reconhecem-se como obra sua documentada a Igreja de Santa Maria da Graça ou a sacristia e casa do capítulo do Mosteiro de Jesus, ambos em Setúbal, e é-lhe atribuída a reforma da Capela das Onze Mil Virgens, em Alcácer do Sal
Convento de Jesus de Setúbal
Convento de Jesus de Setúbal
Preço: €2 (inclui audioguia) | €1 (grupos organizados) | Gratuito: -16 / +65 / grupos escolares
Convent of Jesus in Setúbal
'Still Still Still' by Gerry Baird.
Convento de Jesus - Setúbal
A Igreja do antigo Mosteiro de Jesus ou Convento de Jesus de Setúbal é uma igreja de estilo gótico situada em Setúbal, considerada como um dos primeiros exemplos do estilo manuelino.
Foi desenhada pelo arquitecto Diogo Boitaca em 1494, por voto de Justa Rodrigues Pereira, ama de D. Manuel I.
Função inicial - Mosteiro feminino da Ordem de São Francisco.
O interior tem arcos, janelas e colunas torsas feitas em brecha da Arrábida, que suportam as abóbadas. O tecto apresenta nervuras espiraladas.
Fonte: Wikipédia
Setúbal (June 16, 2017)
Shot on a Google Pixel XL.
Reabertura do Convento de Jesus
Após 24 anos encerrado, o Convento de Jesus reabriu portas em junho de 2015. O Convento de Jesus, situado no interstício das muralhas quatrocentistas e seiscentistas, é a principal referência patrimonial de Setúbal, beneficiando de classificação como Monumento Nacional desde 1910. Fundado em 1490, acolhe, desde o início da década de 60 do século XX, as instalações do Museu de Setúbal, acervo com diversas coleções artísticas, arqueológicas, históricas e documentais de elevado valor, nalguns casos com dimensão internacional.
Responsável: Sérgio Mateus
Setubal - Âncora Azul 4k
Tarde com o Dji P4P
Mosteiro dos Jerónimos - Jerónimos Monastery (Belém)
Monumento à riqueza dos Descobrimentos, o Mosteiro dos Jerónimos situa-se em Belém, Lisboa, à entrada do Rio Tejo. Constitui o ponto mais alto da arquitectura manuelina e o mais notável conjunto monástico do século XVI em Portugal e uma das principais igrejas-salão da Europa.
Destacam-se o seu claustro, completo em 1544, e a porta sul, de complexo desenho geométrico, virada para o rio Tejo. Os elementos decorativos são repletos de símbolos da arte da navegação e de esculturas de plantas e animais exóticos.
O monumento é considerado património mundial pela UNESCO, e em 7 de Julho de 2007 foi eleito como uma das sete maravilhas de Portugal.
Le Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, est situé à l'ouest de Lisbonne, dans le quartier de Belém. Cet ensemble, composé de l'église Santa Maria, est un célèbre chef d'œuvre de l'architecture manuéline.
Il fut construit entre 1496 et 1572, grâce à la vente des épices et aux richesses rapportées, à la suite des expéditions de Vasco de Gama, dans le Nouveau Monde. Dans l'église se trouvent les tombeaux du Manuel Ier de Portugal, de Vasco de Gama et du poète Luís de Camões. Dans le monastère sont installés les musées de la marine et d'archéologie
The Hieronymites Monastery (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, pron. IPA: [muʃ'tɐiɾu duʃ ʒɨ'ɾɔnimuʃ]) is located in the Belém district of Lisbon, Portugal. This magnificent monastery can be considered one of the most prominent monuments in Lisbon and is certainly one of the most successful achievements of the Manueline style. In 1983 it was classified by the UNESCO, with nearby Torre de Belém, as a World Heritage Site.
CThe house for the Hieronymite monks was built on the same site of the Ermida do Restelo, a hermitage that was founded by Henry the Navigator at about 1450. It was at this hermitage, that was already in disrepair, that Vasco da Gama and his men spent the night in prayer before departing for India in 1497.
The existing structure was started on the orders of Manuel I (1515-1520) to commemorate Vasco da Gama's successful return from India. It was originally meant as a church for the burial of the House of Aviz, but it also became a house of prayer for seamen leaving or entering port.
Construction of the monastery began in 1502 and took 50 years to complete. He used pedra lioz, a local gold-coloured limestone, for its construction. The building of the monastery was funded by a 5% tax on eastern spices, with the exceptions of pepper, cinnamon and cloves, revenue from which went straight to the Crown. By this influx of riches, the architects had enough financial margin to think big. The enormous amount of funds needed for this monastery, meant abandoning the construction of the Aviz pantheon in the Monastery of Batalha.
The monastery was designed in the Manueline style by Diogo de Boitaca (who was probably one of the originators of this style with the Igreja de Jesus in Setúbal). He built the church, the monastery, the sacristy and the refectory. He was succeeded by the Spaniard João de Castilho, who took charge of construction in around 1517. João de Castilho gradually moved from the Manueline style to the Plateresco style, a style with lavish decorations that remind of silver ware (plata = silver). There were several sculptors who made their mark on this building. Nicolau Chanterene added depth with his Renaissance themes. The construction came to a halt when the king Manuel I died in 1520.
The architect Diogo de Torralva resumed the construction of the monastery in 1550, adding the main chapel, the choir and completing the two storeys of the monastery, using only Renaissance motifs. His work was continued in 1571 by Jérôme de Rouen (also called Jerónimo de Ruão) who added some Classical elements. The construction stopped in 1580 with the union of Spain and Portugal, because the building of the Escorial in Spain was now draining away all the funds.
The monastery withstood the Great Earthquake of 1755 without too much damage. But when the building became vacant in 1833 by the abolition of the religious orders in Portugal, it began to deteriorate to the point of almost collapsing. A cupola was later added to the southwestern tower.
On December 13, 2007 the Treaty of Lisbon has been signed at the monastery, laying down the basis for the reform of the European Union.
Portugal in 150 Seconds: Cities & Villages - Setúbal
Portugal in 150 Seconds: Cities & Villages - Setúbal
Official Partners: TAP Portugal, Rede Expressos.
Media Partners: Benfica TV, RTP, Sporting TV.
This episode´s official sponsor: Câmara Municipal de Setúbal.
“Portugal in 150 Seconds - Cities & Villages” is a series by LUA Filmes dedicated to the promotion of tourism in Portuguese cities, villages, and places.
With the concept “seeing through the eyes of those who know best”, “Portugal in 150 Seconds - Cities & Villages” has the particularity of offering residents' and visitors' unique perspectives of the selected locations.
The selection of the ten sites shot is made by the public. Therefore the locations featured in each episode are the top ten chosen by the users who know the cities, villages and places and who follow the web-series' digital channels. This selection is made through a survey posted on “Portugal in 150 Seconds” facebook page weeks before the shooting.
We are Portugal...
Chosen by the users:
1. Livramento Market
2. Fortress of S. Filipe
3. Portinho da Arrábida
4. Tide Mill of Moorish (Estuary)
5. Galapinhos Beach
6. Bocage Square
7. Bonfim Park
8. Casa da Baía
9. Albarquel Urban Park
10. Arrábida Monastery
Music: Special by Zac Nelson
Created and Produced by: LUA Filmes /
Visita acompanha obras no Convento de Jesus
Setúbal (June 13, 2017)
Shot on a Google Pixel XL.
Поездка в монастырь Жеронимуш в Лиссабоне, Jerónimos Monastery, Lisboa, Portugal
Jeronimos Monastery
The Jeronimos Monastery dates back to the early 16th century. It was commissioned when King Manuel I asked the Pope for permission to build it in thanks to the Virgin Mary for the successful voyage to India of the great explorer, Vasco de Gama.
Construction began in 1501 on the site of a hermitage which was founded by Henry the Navigator, and where Vasco da Gama and his crew spent their last night in Lisbon, giving prayer before leaving on their historic voyage.
Lisbon - Jeronimos Monastery by Alvesgaspar
The Jeronimos Monastery was inhabited by monks of the order of Saint Jerome, who were tasked with celebrating a daily mass for the sailors and for the king’s soul.
The monks were also tasked with hearing confessions and providing spiritual counsel to the intrepid seafarers who set sail on their voyages of discovery from Belem, here in the heart of Lisbon.
The site has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical significance and for its architectural importance, as one of the greatest examples of art and architecture in Portugal during the time of the discoveries. It is also the mausoleum of King Manuel I and his successors, making it one of the most important buildings in Portugal.
The Jeronimos Monastery was designed by architect Diogo de Boitaca, who was responsible for the ground-breaking Igreja de Jesus in Setubal. As the project continued, Diogo de Boitaca was succeeded first by Joao de Castilho of Spain, Diogo de Torralva of Portugal and finally Jeronimo de Ruao.
Lisbon - Jeronimos Monastery by Lacobrigo
Much of the monastery was decimated by the great earthquake of 1755 which damaged huge swathes of Lisbon. However it was thankfully not destroyed completely and has undergone a number of restoration projects in the 250 years since.
Following the dissolution of the monasteries in 1833 the building reverted to being the property of the state, after which it was used by a Lisbon children’s charity until mid-way through the Second World War. It is now open to the public and is well worth a visit both for its historical significance and for its delightful Manueline architecture.
The main entrance to the Jeronimos Monastery is via the south portal, which was designed by de Castilho. Here the central pillar is adorned by a statue of Henry the Navigator and further pillars inside the building are decorated with figurative sculptures, forming vaults over three aisles.
Head through the west door to admire the cloisters, whose stonework is even more impressive than that of the main church. Also designed by de Castilho, the cloisters are on two levels and are adorned on practically every surface with highly elaborate Manueline sculptural pieces.
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Jeronimos Monastery
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Many important figures from Portugal’s rich past are entombed in the monastery.
These include King Manuel I as well as other members of Portuguese royalty, plus explorer Vasco de Gama and several literary figures including the poets Herculano and Fernando Pessoa.
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit the nearby Tower of Belem, which also forms part of the World Heritage Site.
Jeronimos Monastery
Praça do Imperio
1400-206 Lisbon
Tel: +351 213 620 034
Fax: +351 213 639 145
Томар Португалия май 2013
Маленькое селение Томар превратилось в город, благодаря строительству в 1169г. резиденции Великого Магистра ордена португальских тамплиеров Гуалдина Пайша. Орден состоял из рыцарей, главной целью, которых была помощь в освобождении Португалии от мавров. В обмен на эту услугу ордену позволили сохранить за собой треть всех земель, завоеванных к югу от Тежу.
В 1510-1513гг. на территории крепости построили монастырь, выдающийся образец стиля мануэлино. Монастырь украшают знаменитые окна (всего их три, но для обозрения доступны два) с мотивами океана и эпохи Великих географических открытий: запутанные морские канаты, водоросли, кораллы, королевские символы и крест – символ ордена Христа.
Castles in Portugal - Drone DJI Phantom
Some of my favorite places in Portugal.
Alentejo - Castelo de Estremoz e Evoramonte
Setúbal - Castelo de Palmela
Leiria - Castelo de Óbidos
This video was shot using a DJI Phantom 3 and a GoPro. Editing was done using Final Cut Pro X.
You can find me:
The song used is Inspire by Ghostbox and was licensed for this video (it's available on Audiojungle).
European Tour 2019 - The Wonders of Portugal
We continue our European Tour 2019 in our self built Mercedes Sprinter Camper Van. We discover many of The Wonders of Portugal that make it such a beautiful country to visit.
We stayed in the Algarve for about a week soaking up the winter sun with all the retired Brits. Now it's time to head back up north and what we find are some amazing places and people.
If you would like to visit the places we have shown you in this video here are the google map links:-
The hotel within the castle on the hill is at Alcácer do Sal -
You can even book yourself a room there, Hotel Pousada Castelo Alcácer do Sal -
The beautiful camp site in the national park was Ecoparque Do Outão, Setubal -
The crystal clear waters can be found at Figueirinha beach, Setubal -
The free car park for surfers was at Cresmina Beach Free Car Park -
This World Heritage site is worth a visit, Convent of Christ, Tomar -
Huge free camping ground right in the middle of Tomar, Free Municipal Aire, Tomar -
We really enjoy getting about on our fold-up bikes, they take up no room at all in the back of the van and we get a bit of exercise too.
If you would like to purchase one your for yourself here is the link
Vanlife has given us the freedom to travel very economically and get to see so much more of each country than a typical package holiday would allow. Having our tiny home with us at all times gives us freedom, comfort and security all in the one really cool van.
Check out our build series for full detail of how to create your own home on wheels
If you want a complete list of the parts we fitted in our van there is a free PDF to download right here with QR codes for each item.
If you have been inspired by our journey please do give the videos a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel.
If you would like to make a small donation to help fund further videos you can do so here
Thank you for watching
#gregvirgoe #vanlife #portugal
Semana do Mar Setúbal 2017
Setúbal's Jardim do Bonfim swan and ducks (June 16, 2017)
Shot on a Google Pixel XL.