MONKY TONKY PLAYLAND - LALANDIA / Billund Denmark - having fun in the playground
After we finished visiting the Legoland and saw all the Lego sets and rode and slid and fell and jumped in the Lego world we decided to take a break from the bricks and change the view and try something else, so we crossed the street and went to Lalandia, one of the biggest kids play center in Europe. We decided to stop and the Monky Tonky playground and let Nicolas have some fun and test all the slides, trampolines and the ball pits.
The day finished with us falling asleep before we could finish our last meal, that's how tired we were from all the fun we had there.
If you are going to Legoland be sure to take some time for Lalandia.
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The heroes of this channel are Nicolas (2 years old) and baby Andreas.
Fun is not an option. We must always have fun!
We like to have fun and make videos about toys, kids and family vlogs, travel vlogs, parks, indoor and outdoor play, playgrounds, toy stores, children clothes, kids food, educational games, books, road trips, museums, reviews.
*Nicolas is 2 years old in this video. (26month)
#thevalentinkids #lalandiaplayland
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Lalandia Billund - Aquadome, Monky Tonky Land, Winterworld and more
Take a tour at Lalandia Billund and discover Aquadome, Monkey Tonkey Land, Winter World, Lalandia Sand Gallery and the new attraction of 2019: Adventure Tower.
Lalandia Billund is Scandinavias biggest water park and you'll find activities for children in all ages. In addition to the water park Aquadome, the playground of Monkey Tonky Land, Winter World (where you can go skiing, skating, mining, climbing a wall and go for a ride in a bumper car on ice) there is also a Fitness Center.
You also have the opportunity to play bowling, mini-golf, Shuffleboard, jump in the High Jump-Trampoliner and get rid of some money at the Little Vegas area.
When hungry you'll find various food courts, cafés and restaurants where you can spend some money. You can also buy your groceries at Lalandia Supermarket.
In the evenings, entertainment is arranged at the Amphitheatre for both grown ups and children. Do not miss the children disco with Monkey Tonkey himself!
You can easily combine your stay at Lalandia Billund with a visit at Legoland Billund, situated in a 5 minutes walk from Lalandia. Watch our video from Legoland Billund here:
There are several places to stay at close to Lalandia Billlund, including the amazingly fresh and clean cottages at Lalandia. You can either walk or take the Shuttletrain Lalandia Exress to your cottage. If you decide to walk, don't forget to look in to the goats in the Animal pen.
Hope you'll have a nice stay at Lalandia Billund.
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Monky Tonky Spieleland - Lalandia Billund
Das Monky Tonky Spieleland im Lalandia Ferienpark in Billund. Für alle Feriengäste von Lalandia kostenfrei und für kleine Kinder ideal. Für die Eltern gibt es freies WLAN.
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Lalandia-Song mit Monky Tonky im Lalandia Billund
Der Lalandia-Song mit Monky Tonky im Lalandia Billund. Super schön für die Kinder.
#Videoleben #Lalandia #MonkyTonky
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Tanzshow mit Monky Tonky im Lalandia Billund
Tanzshow mit Monky Tonky im Lalandia Billund. Super schön für die Kinder.
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Ferienparkzentrum Lalandia Billund/Dänemark
Das Ferienparkzentrum des Lalandia Ferienparks in Billund/Dänemark. Ein riesiges Parkzentrum mit Indoor-Spielplatz, Bowlingbahn, Minigolfplatz, diversen Restaurants, dem mega großem Schwimmbad Aquadome, einem Fitness-Studio, einer Schlittschuhbahn, Skiabfahrtsstrecke, Kletterstelle, Trampolinen, Shops und vielem mehr. Und das alles schön überdacht und wetterunabhängig.
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#Videoleben #Lalandia #Billund
Hr. Plys i Lalandia Billund 29/6 2016
Created with Corel Pinnacle Studio
Parkvorstellung Lalandia Ferienpark Billund/Dänemark
Der Lalandia Ferienpark in Billund/Dänemark. Einer von zwei Lalandia Ferienparks in Dänemark. Ein super schöner Ferienpark mit riesigem Parkzentrum und mega großem Schwimmbad. Und das Beste: direkt gegenüber dem LEGOLAND und nur ca. 1 km vom LEGO HOUSE entfernt. Hier nun Aufnahmen des Ferienparks.
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#Videoleben #Lalandia #Billund
Monky Tonky Land?! - Lalandia #1
Dette er mit Første afsnit af min Lille serie fra Lalandia.
Monky tonky land Lalandia
Ferie i Lalandia Billund
Ferie i Lalandia - Monky Tonky land - Store trampoliner - Monky Tonky show - Hr. Plys show - Lalandia toget
Lalandia Ferienpark Billund/Dänemark
Der Lalandia Ferienpark in Billund/Dänemark. Einer von zwei Lalandia Ferienparks in Dänemark. Ein super schöner Ferienpark mit riesigem Parkzentrum und mega großem Schwimmbad. Und das Beste: direkt gegenüber dem LEGOLAND und nur ca. 1 km vom LEGO HOUSE entfernt. Hier nun Aufnahmen des Ferienparks.
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#Videoleben #Lalandia #Billund
Ollis Julekalender - 14. december
Olli elsker at besøge sine venner, og i dag har han været på besøg hos sin rigtig gode ven Monky Tonky i Lalandia. Ventetiden føles altid kortere, når man har det sjovt, men Olli synes stadig, at der er lang tid til juleaften.
Lalandia Billund
Velkommen til dette opplevelsessenteret - en unik og spennende verden med aktiviteter og opplevelser tilpasset hele familien.
Monky Tonky Show
Monky Tonky Show
????????4K | POV Lalandia. Aquadome. Billund, Denmark
The best and the most visited water park in ???????? .
One of the bigest aquapark in Denmark - LALANDIA. View all water attractions!
Один из лучших и популярных аквапарков в Дании - ЛАЛАНДИЯ. Обзор аквапарка и конечно же все аттракционы! Водные горки от первого лица на камеру GoPro 5.
????????LALANDIA, AQUADOM, DENMARK. Aquapark in Billund
One of the bigest aquapark in Denmark - LALANDIA. View all areas with swimming pools and of course water attractions!
Один из лучших и популярных аквапарков в Дании - ЛАЛАНДИЯ. Обзор всего аквапарка и конечно же все аттракционы! Водные горки от первого лица на камеру GoPro.
Adventure Tower at Lalandia Billund Denmark