Italien: Monte Brione
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Monte Brione ist der Name des dreieckigen Berges, der wie eine schräge Steinplatte über das nördliche Gardaseeufer ragt und die Städte Riva und Torbole voneinander trennt.
Der Berg ist nicht nur schön anzuschauen, er ist auch ein wunderbarer Aussichtspunkt, der Wandereinsteigern und bewegungsfreudigem Wandernachwuchs ein lohnendes Ziel bietet.
Die tolle Aussicht, die man von Monte Brione über den See hat, bewog die österreichische Armee dazu, den Berg mit Festungsanlagen zu versehen – schließlich war hier einmal Grenzland. Der Wanderweg, den man heute von Riva del Garda aus einschlagen kann, heißt „Sentiero della Pace“ (Friedensweg) in Erinnernung an den Ersten Weltkrieg. Die Route ist durch Wegweiser und Markierungen mit einer gelben Taube gekennzeichnet, führt an Kriegs- und Gedenkstätten vorbei und lädt den Wanderer zum Nachdenken und Meditieren ein.
Der Einstieg für diese Wanderung befindet sich unmittelbar oberhalb der Uferstraße und des Parkplatzes am östlichen Ortseingang von Riva del Garda. Vom San-Nicolò-Werk führt der Weg am Grat des Monte Brione bergauf, zuerst vorbei am Garda-Werk, dann an der Mittelbatterie.
Wir durchqueren die Stadt Riva auf direktem Wege, kreuzen die Gardesana und folgen dem Wegweisern des Wanderwegs Nr. 404. Auf dem gepflasterten Sträßchen, gewinnen wir mit einer Reihe spitzer Kehren schnell an Höhe.
Nach zirka 20 Minuten gelangen wir zur Bastion von Riva, einer „venezianischen“ Festung vom Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts, die man allein schon wegen der herrlichen Aussicht auf Riva del Garda besuchen sollten.
Nach einer kurzen Besichtigung der Überreste der Bastion machen wir uns auf den Rückweg nach Torbele.
Wanderung auf den Monte Brione. Riva del Garda. Gardasee.
Aufstieg zum Monte Brione. Riva del Garda. Gardasee.
Places to see in ( Riva Del Garda - Italy ) Monte Brione
Places to see in ( Riva Del Garda - Italy ) Monte Brione
The upstream Brione is a hill that divides the municipality of Riva del Garda from the town of Linfano (municipality of Arco ), in Trentino. On the mountain there are the remains left by the Austro-Hungarian army since 1859 . The area is in fact characterized by the presence of numerous fortifications and war remains dating back to the Great War , in particular, from south to north, the fort San Nicolò , the fort Garda , the Battery di Mezzo and the Sant'Alessandro fort.
Mount Brione (from which the biotope takes its name), 374 meters above sea level , rises in the plain of the Basso Sarca between Riva del Garda and Arco . It is a sort of rocky rock that, while to the west it slopes gently, to the east it has an impervious cliff, in some points up to 250 meters high; the rock, almost always friable, has limited the development of climbing. The Monte Brione biotope is a protected natural area established in 1992 and occupies an area of 66.28 ha .
Panoramic hiking trail that starts from the harbour in Riva del Garda, follows the so called 'Sentiero della Pace' and bring you to the fortifications of the first world war on the Monte Brione. Wonderful view of Lake Garda and the surrounding mountains. The trail starts from the parking area of Porto San Nicolò in Riva del Garda. Close to the harbour you can find the Forte San Nicolò, a military construction built in the 1861 by the Austro-Ungaric empire and expanded in 1911. Just behind the construction, some stairs bring you to the Monte Brione, an information signboard describes the locations of the military fortifications in the area and the direction of the so called 'Sentiero della Pace'.
The trail is unpaved and there are steps along the way; there are some benches where you can stop and look down at the beautiful view of Lake Garda. The trail runs along the side of the Mount Brione and through olive trees that are typical of the area; almost the entire path is protect by a metal cord.
( Riva Del Garda - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Riva Del Garda . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Riva Del Garda - Italy
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Riva del Garda- Monte Brione- Trentino- Gardasee- Italien Weltreise Vlog 5
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Heute das 5. Video zu meiner Gardasee-Rundreise. Diesmal könnt ihr mich nach Riva del Garda begleiten. Wir wandern auf den Monte Brione und machen einen Stadtrundgang.
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Conheça Riva del Garda Lago di Garda Camping Brione
Conheça o Lindo lago de Garda - Riva del Garda no Trentino.
Nos hospedamos no Camping Brione - Vimos a Ciclovia do Garda.
Riva del Garda é umas das cidades no Lago di Garda.
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Luglio 2019/Monte Brione - Riva del Garda- Forte Garda/batteria di mezzo
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CAMPING BRIONE - Riva del Garda (TN)
Il Camping Brione Riva del Garda è tra i pochissimi campeggi 4 stelle del Trentino; è la meta ideale per vivere appieno la natura del Lago di Garda senza rinunciare alle comodità di una struttura dotata di ogni comfort.
I Forti del Monte Brione
Fino al 1918 il Garda Trentino apparteneva all'impero austro-ungarico che, consapevole della posizione strategica di questo territorio, provvide a costruire una poderosa line difensiva, al cui centro si trova proprio il monte Brione. Oltre alle testimonianze ben visibili di quell'epoca, il Brione è oggi un biotopo (ovvero un'area protetta) per la sua flora tipicamente mediterranea e caratterizzato da un'elevata biodiversità.
The forts of Monte Brione
Up until 1918 Garda Trentino belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire which, well aware of the strategic position of the area, went about constructing a serious system of defences which centred on Monte Brione. Apart from bearing visible traces of that period, Monte Brione is also a biotope (or protected area) because of the high level of biodiversity of its typical Mediterranean vegetation.
770. Giro del Monte Brione MTB at Lago di Garda / 4K drone footage / POV
Mountain bike tour No. 770
Exploring Mount Brione by bike between Riva del Garda and Torbole is a great way to get to know the whole mountain! This is the official route ...
The small round has about 7.1 km and 270 hm
Recorded with a Gopro Hero 6 and the GoPro Karma drone
Mountainbiketour Nr. 770
Den Monte Brione zwischen Riva del Garda und Torbole mit dem Mountainbike zu erkunden ist eine super Art den ganzen Berg kennen zu lernen! Dies hier ist die offizielle Strecke...
Die kleine Runde hat ca. 7,1 km und 270 hm
Aufgenommen mit einer Gopro Hero 6 sowie der GoPro Karma Drohne
Monte Brione Riva del Garda Downhill
Wandern auf Monte Brione | Gardasee
Ein Spaziergang auf Monte Brione zwischen Torbole sul Garda und Riva del Garda. Eine schöne einfache Wanderung mit tollen Aussichten auf die Umgebung und auf den Gardasee.
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Riva del Garda - Sarca Radweg - Arco - Pietramurata - Monte Brione (Mountainbike-Tour 2015)
Mountainbike-Tour nach Pietramurata (August 2015)
Ausgangspunkt: Hotel Prince in Riva.
CAMPING BRIONE - Riva del Garda (TN)
Il Camping Brione Riva del Garda è tra i pochissimi campeggi 4 stelle del Trentino; è la meta ideale per vivere appieno la natura del Lago di Garda senza rinunciare alle comodità di una struttura dotata di ogni comfort.
televignole - flora, fauna, storia, cultura, ambiente del monte più piccolo del Trentino
Anfänger-Trail Gardasee? Monte Brione MTB...
Ein kleiner Trail am Monte Brione. Perfekt um sich mal ohne viel Stress Gardasee-Trails anzuschauen!
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ContourHD Mountain Bike Monte Brione Riva del Garda
ITALY, EXPLORING spectacular LAKE GARDA and the historic VENETIAN TOWN of RIVA
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's visit the spectacular Lake Garda which is the largest lake in Italy. It is a popular holiday location and is located in northern Italy, about halfway between Brescia and Verona, and between Venezia and Milano. Glaciers formed this alpine region at the end of the last Ice Age. The lake and its shoreline are divided between the provinces of Verona (to the south-east), Brescia (south-west), and Trentino (north). The name Garda, which the lake has been seen referred to in documents dating to the eighth century, comes from the town of the same name. It is the evolution of the Germanic word warda, meaning place of guard or place of observation.
We will visit Riva del Garda which is located at the north-western corner of Lake Garda, approximately 70 metres (230 feet) above sea level. The town is located at the southern edge of the Italian Alps, near the Dolomites. It is bordered by Monte Rocchetta to the west and Monte Brione, 376 metres (1,234 ft) above sea level, to the east. East of Riva del Garda is the village Torbole, bordered by Monte Baldo.
Riva del Garda belonged to the Republic of Venice, the Bishopric of Trent, the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy and later (1815–1918) to the Austro-Hungarian empire. During the Third Italian War of Independence, Riva del Garda was an important supply base for the Austrian navy and was only town on the lake to be taken by Italian forces. Since the end of World War I (3 November 1918), Riva del Garda, with the rest of the Trentino, became part of the Kingdom of Italy.
Italy, a European country with a long Mediterranean coastline, has left a powerful mark on Western culture and cuisine. Its capital, Rome, is home to the Vatican as well as landmark art and ancient ruins. Other major cities include Florence, with Renaissance masterpieces such as Michelangelo’s David and Brunelleschi's Duomo; Venice, the city of canals; and Milan, Italy’s fashion capital.
Vic Stefanu,
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20080808 Monte Brione Riva del Garda Bike Bunker Ride
Brione Bunker Ride August 2008
ContourHD Mountain Bike Monte Brione Riva del Garda