Monte Kaolino: Hirschau Germany!
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When living in Germany, I highly recommend visiting your small local cities, each one has their own hidden gems. One of my favorite small town German cities is Hirschau, where you can find this amazing summer vacation spot for the whole family. When driving into Hirschau, you can’t miss Monte Kaolino, a huge 35M ton sand dune. They’ve built all types of summer activities around Monte Kaolino including the infamous Monte Coaster, Monte Lift (sand ski, sand board, or free climb), Monte Segway Tours, Monte Camping Platz, Monte Skater, Monte Dünebad (50m swimming pool), Monte Hochseilgarten (ropes course), Monte Golf, and much more! Find the details with all their activities here:
Our favorite activity is obviously the Monte coaster which takes you to the very top of Monte Kaolino at 150m high (492ft) and races down at a top speed of 40km/hr (24miles/hr). I also recommend checking out the annual Blaster Run ( which utilizes Monte Kaolino and all it's surrounding activities for a bad ass obstacle course!
Monte Kaolino is open daily from 9am - 8pm and it's a place for the whole family. Take advantage of this place while the sun's out and then go enjoy the Bavarian city of Hirschau afterwards!
Freizeitpark Monte Kaolino in Hirschau Luftansicht mit Umblick
Sandskifahren am Monte Kaolino in Hirschau (Bayern)
Ein irrer Spaß! beim Sandskifahren am Monte Kaolino im bayerischen Hirschau, dem einzigen Sandskigebiet in Europa! Weitere Informationen findest du hier:
Video: TouriSpo GmbH & Co. KG, Brunngasse 4, 94032 Passau (
Musik: Alan Walker - Fade (NoCopyrightSounds:
Fun at Monte Kaolino in Germany Sand Boarding and more
Come check out our review on
about Monte Kaolino in Germany, a Sand Ski resort, super cool
Monte Coaster auf dem Monte Kaolino (Hirschau, D)
Onride-Video des Monte Coaster auf dem Monte Kaolino in Hirschau.
Aufgenommen am 23.07.2011
Alpine Coaster Monte Kaolino Germany
Alpine Coaster build for the local skiing club SC Monte Kaolino on a large sand hill in Hirschau Germany.
Monte Kaolino Berg, der weiße Riese aus 32 Mio. Tonnen Sand !
Vergleich zur neuen Sony HX9V und HX7V, noch mehr Beispielfilme gefilmt mit der Sony HX5V, Besuch des Monte Karolino Berg bei Hirschau in der Oberpfalz am 10.10.10 (gefilmt in HD)
Alpine Coaster Monte Kaolino Hirschau
Riding the Alpine Coaster with 2 people in a sled.
Monte Kaolino Hirschau
Monte Kaolino Hirschau Bungee
Hirschau - Monte Kaolino
Schmuckl´s erster Bungee Jump.
Höhe: 65 Meter
Hintergrundmusik: AC/DC - Highway to Hell; Brain Adams - Summer of 69, Live gespielt von der Pirker Blechmusi.
Monte Kaolino Coaster Hirshau, Germany
A coaster bonding experience with my Sister.
Monte Coaster am Monte Kaolino in Hirschau
TouriSpo unterwegs mit dem Monte Coaster ( der rasanten Sommerrodelbahn am Monte Kaolino in Hirschau (Bayern)
Video: TouriSpo GmbH & Co. KG, Brunngasse 4, 94032 Passau (
Musik: Kontinuum - First Rain (NoCopyrightSounds:
AFN Bavaria-Destinations Monte Kaolino
In Hirschau, Germany, there's a unique place where you can have the ultimate adventure, a mini family vacation, and a rejuvenating experience all at the same time. This week, we take you to Monte Kaolino park, just a few minutes from Vilseck, Hohenfels, and Grafenwoehr. Visit for more information.
Monte Kaolino
the kids at the monte Kaolino in Hirschau, Germany
Monte Kaolino.mp4
The Making of the Alpine Coaster in Hirschau, Germany.
Alpine Coaster Monte Kaolino Hirschau
Erster eigener Test der nagelneuen Sommerrodelbahn am Monte Kaolino in Hirschau. Fahrt kostete 3 Eur, die sich in meinen Augen wirklich lohnen. Laut Betreiber soll die Bahn noch bis Ende Oktober offen sein, jedoch in Abhängigkeit vom Wetter.
Ride - Monte Kaolino, Germany
Monte Kaolino, Germany
e-Park Monte Kaolino Hirschau
Eröffnung des neuen e-Parks am Monte Kaolino in Hirschau/Bayern.
Thema war die Vorstellung der neuen KTM Freeride e, einem Elektro-Cross-Bike.
Freeheeler Sand Masters Monte Kaolino 2014
Freeheeler Sand Masters 2014 am Monte Kaolino