Sui sentieri del Passo dello Stelvio. Fino agli oltre 3000 metri del Monte Scorluzzo, e poi in cresta lungo il panoramico Filon del Mot dove si trova il villaggio militaredella prima guerra mondiale che a vederlo sembra un piccolissimo Matchu Picchu, a 2768 metri di altezza. Il ritorno fino alla terza Casa Cantoniera della storica strada dello Stelvio.
Monte Scorluzzo Italian Alps Stelvio Adventures 092016
Ciao ... per chi ancora non lo sapesse il Passo dello Stelvio RIMARRA' APERTO fino all'otto DICEMBRE !!!
Guardate che meraviglia vi spetta !!! Siamo saliti al passo per raggiungere il Monte SCORLUZZO ... e voi cosa state aspettando ? :D
Laghetti dello Scorluzzo - Bormio passo Stelvio -
Passeggiata ai laghetti dello Scorluzzo 28 giugno 2012
Places to see in ( Bormio - Italy ) Stelvio Pass
Places to see in ( Bormio - Italy ) Stelvio Pass
The Stelvio Pass is a mountain pass in northern Italy, at an elevation of 2,757 m above sea level. It is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, just 13 m below France's Col de l'Iseran.
The pass is located in the Ortler Alps in Italy between Stilfs (Stelvio in Italian) in South Tyrol and Bormio in the province of Sondrio. It is about 75 km (47 mi) from Bolzano and a mere 200 m from the Swiss border. The Umbrail Pass runs northwards from the Stelvio's western ramp, and the Three Languages Peak (Dreisprachenspitze) above the pass is so named because this is where the Italian, German, and Romansh languages meet.
The road connects the Valtellina with the mid Venosta valley (the Vinschgau) and Meran. Adjacent to the pass road there is a large summer skiing area. Important mountains nearby include Ortler, Thurwieserspitze, Trafoier Eiswand, de:Monte Scorluzzo, Piz Umbrail, and Piz Cotschen/Rötlspitz/Punta Rosa.
Each year on the last Saturday of August or first Saturday of September the Stelvio National Park administration organizes the Stelvio Bike Day. On that day the roads from Bormio and Prad to the pass, as well as the road from Santa Maria Val Müstair to the Umbrail Pass are closed to all traffic except for bicycles. On average around 12,000 cyclists participate in the Bike Day, with the majority taking the road from Prad to the pass and the descent over the Umbrail pass to Val Müstair.
The original road was built in 1820–25 by the Austrian Empire to connect the former Austrian province of Lombardy with the rest of Austria, covering a climb of 1,871 m (6,138 ft) The engineer and project manager was Carlo Donegani (1775–1845). Since then, the route has changed very little. Its seventy-five hairpin turns, 48 of them on the northern side numbered with stones, are a challenge to motorists. Stirling Moss went off the road here during a vintage car event in the 1990s, with an onboard video of his incident being shown on satellite TV.
( Bormio - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bormio . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bormio - Italy
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Car Webcam 200% fast motion – Da BORMIO al PASSO DELLO STELVIO (Stilfser Joch)
Car driver and cameraman: Chrissy Resmyne
Video and audio edit: paoloslavazza YouTube.
Il passo dello Stelvio (Stilfser Joch), 2757 m s.l.m., è il secondo valico automobilistico più alto d'Europa.
Dal punto di vista geomorfologico il passo divide le Alpi Retiche occidentali dalle Alpi Retiche meridionali. Il passo si trova all'interno del Parco nazionale dello Stelvio vicino ad importanti massicci come il monte Livrio, l'Ortles ed il monte Scorluzzo.
Il passo si trova in prossimità del confine con i Grigioni svizzeri, a cui è collegato tramite il vicino Giogo di Santa Maria-Passo dell'Umbrail (2503 m s.l.m.).
La strada statale omonima che lo attraversa, collegando Bormio e la Valtellina con Trafoi e la val Venosta, conta ben 48 tornanti sul versante altoatesino e 40 su quello lombardo.
Su tutti e tre i versanti, i due italiani e quello svizzero, il passo rimane chiuso durante l'intero periodo invernale (chiusura invernale) e oltre tra ottobre e maggio. Per il 2016 è prevista l'apertura fino all'8 dicembre.
Lo Stelvio è da sempre un importante collegamento estivo specialmente per la sua vocazione turistica e sportiva, non solo per il turismo sciistico e montano, ma anche perché meta ambita di ciclisti e motociclisti.
All'inizio dell'Ottocento l'imperatore Francesco I d'Austria volle una nuova strada che potesse collegare la val Venosta direttamente con Milano, allora territorio austriaco, attraverso la Valtellina.
L'incarico fu affidato all'ingegnere capo della Provincia di Sondrio, Carlo Donegani (1775-1845), esperto d'ingegneria stradale d'alta montagna e già progettista del passo dello Spluga.
I lavori cominciarono nel 1822 ed occuparono una grande quantità di operai, ingegneri e geologi. Dopo soli tre anni nel 1825 l'opera fu compiuta e venne inaugurata alla presenza di un soddisfatto imperatore Francesco. L'opera costò circa 2.901.000 fiorini. Per Donegani fu una pioggia di onorificenze.
Nei pressi del passo, sulla parte altoatesina (allora austriaca), furono costruiti dall'Impero austro-ungarico tre fortificazioni: il forte Gomagoi, il forte Klein Boden e il forte Weisser Knott, facenti parte dello sbarramento Gomagoi. Proprio al passo invece ci sono i resti della fortificazione Goldsee.
Fino al 1915 il valico era percorso tutto l'anno da un servizio di diligenze grazie all'efficiente opera degli spalatori durante l'intero inverno. Con l'arrivo della prima guerra mondiale fu teatro di aspri scontri tra la fanteria austriaca e quella italiana, essendo il passo proprio sul confine italo-austriaco.
Dopo la vittoria del 4 novembre entrambi i versanti furono italiani, il passo perse il suo significato originale di collegamento Vienna-Milano e fu decisa la chiusura invernale.
Il passo dello Stelvio, classificabile come una salita alpina lunga, dal grande dislivello e dalla grande quota altimetrica raggiunta, con pendenze di media difficoltà, è una salita affascinante e impegnativa da tutti e tre i versanti (italiani e svizzero).
Il più difficile è però quello italiano-altoatesino che, a partire da Prato allo Stelvio (915 m s.l.m.), sale per quasi 26 km con pendenze via via crescenti (circa l'11% nell'ultimo chilometro). La prima parte della salita (primi 8 km) è la più pedalabile con pendenze intorno al 5%. Poi, superato il bivio per Solda dopo un falsopiano, iniziano i 48 tornanti con pendenze medie intorno all'8-9%. Si sale regolari, passando per Trafoi, fino al passo con gli ultimi km un po' più duri dei precedenti. La pendenza media è del 7,7%, la pendenza massima è dell'11% per un dislivello complessivo che supera i 1800 m.
Sul versante lombardo la salita inizia da Bormio (1225 m s.l.m.), ha meno dislivello, è lunga circa 21,5 km e conta 36 tornanti; dopo circa 15 km vi è il Pian di Grembo un tratto di circa un chilometro con pendenze modeste. Gli ultimi 2–3 km, i più duri, si attestano intorno all'8%. La pendenza media è del 7,1%, quella massima del 9,5% (tra il km 10 e il km 11), per un dislivello complessivo che supera i 1500 m.
Il terzo accesso al passo che parte da Santa Maria Val Monastero (1375 m s.l.m.) nel comune svizzero di Val Müstair corre in buona parte in territorio elvetico, per poi ricongiungersi in località Giogo di Santa Maria-Passo dell'Umbrail (2503 m s.l.m.) al versante di Bormio, a circa 3 km dalla vetta dello Stelvio. La strada che porta fino al valico italo-svizzero è lunga circa 13 km, si presenta stretta e pendente, con punte fino al 14% con un dislivello che supera i 1100 m cui si aggiungono poi i 250 m finali in territorio italiano per un totale di quasi 1400 m. Fino a poco tempo fa era per 2,5 chilometri sterrata ma oggi (2015) è interamente asfaltata.
Monte Scorluzzo
Alpi Retiche. Salita al Monte Scorluzzo, zona di confine della Prima Grande Guerra.
Trasa Bormio - Stelvio (SS38)
Prezentacja trasy Bormio - Stelvio (SS38)
Passo dello Stelvio 2758m n.p.m
Przejazd wykonany 04.07.2015r
Scorluzzo MTB Italian Alps DRONE Valtellina Outdoor 072017
#ValtellinaOutdoor #ParcoStelvio #Scorluzzo
Dal Passo Stelvio siamo saliti al monte Scorluzzo per poi scendere al Villaggio Militare lungo il Filon del Mot
monte Scorlluzo.MOV
Monte Scorluzzo 3099 m. n. p.
Bormio Stelvio Pass Motorrad Honda Deauville NT700, GoPro 3 Black, Stelvio Pass with motorcycle
he Stelvio Pass (Italian: Passo dello Stelvio; German: Stilfser Joch), located in Italy, at 2757 m (9045 feet) is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, slightly below the Col de l'Iseran (2770 m, 9088 feet).
Location[edit source | editbeta]
The pass is located in the Ortler Alps in Italy between Stilfs (Stelvio in Italian) in South Tyrol and Bormio in the province of Sondrio. It is some 75 km (47 mi) from Bolzano and just 200 m from the Swiss border. The Umbrail Pass runs northwards from the Stelvio's western ramp. The Three languages peak (Dreisprachenspitze) above the pass is so named because this is where the Italian, German and Romansh languages meet.
The road connects the Valtellina with the upper Adige valley (the Vinschgau) and Meran. Adjacent to the pass road there is a large summer skiing area. Important mountains nearby include Ortler, Thurwieserspitze, Trafoier Eiswand, de:Monte Scorluzzo, Piz Umbrail, and Piz Cotschen/Rötlspitz/Punta Rosa. [1]
History[edit source | editbeta]
The original road was built in 1820-25 by the Austrian Empire to connect the former Austrian province of Lombardia with the rest of Austria, covering a climb of 1871 m. The engineer and project manager was Carlo Donegani (1775--1845). Since then, the route has changed very little. Its sixty[citation needed] hairpin turns, 48 of them on the northern side numbered with stones, are a challenge to motorists. Stirling Moss went off the road here during a vintage car event in the 1990s, with an onboard video of his incident being shown on satellite TV.
Before the end of World War I, it formed the border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Italian Kingdom. The Swiss had an outpost and a hotel (which was destroyed) on the Dreisprachenspitze (literally, Three-Language-Peak). During World War I, fierce battles were fought in the ice and snow of the area, with gun fire even crossing the Swiss area at times. The three nations made an agreement not to fire over Swiss territory, which jutted out in between Austria (to the north) and Italy (to the south). Instead they could fire down the pass, as Swiss territory was up and around the peak.[2][3] After 1919, with the expansion of Italy, the pass lost its strategic importance.
The Stelvio Pass retains an importance for sport when it is open from June to September. Countless cyclists and motorcyclists struggle to get to the highest stretch of road in the Eastern Alps. It is the highest finish of any Grand Tour.[4] The Giro d'Italia often crosses the Stelvio Pass (it was crossed by the Giro for the first time in 1953, when Coppi beat Koblet). The last winner on the pass was Thomas De Gendt in 2012. Every year, the pass is closed to motor vehicles on one day in late August when about 8000 cyclists ride on the Stelvio.
Bormio regularly hosts World Cup ski racing; its Pista Stelvio is among the most challenging men's downhill courses on the circuit.
The Stelvio Pass was also picked by the British automotive show Top Gear as its choice for the greatest driving road in the world, although their search was concentrated only in Europe.[5][6] This conclusion was reached after the team went in search of a road that would satisfy every petrolhead's driving fantasies in the premiere of the show's 10th season. Top Gear later decided that the Transfăgărăşan Highway in Romania was possibly a superior driving road.
In 2008, Moto Guzzi started selling a Stelvio model, named after the famous mountain pass.
Whats up mga kamoto! panibagong video na naman. papunta tayong stelvio pass sa video na ito. nadaanan natin ditto ang vallentina mountain at passo dell aprica. Abangan ang sunod na video. Ridesafe, Ciao!
The Stelvio Pass is a mountain pass in northern Italy bordering Switzerland at an elevation of 2,757 m above sea level. It is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, 13 m below France's Col de l'Iseran.
The pass is located in the Ortler Alps in Italy between Stilfs (Stelvio in Italian) in South Tyrol and Bormio in the province of Sondrio. It is about 75 km (47 mi) from Bolzano and a mere 200 m from the Swiss border. The Umbrail Pass runs northwards from the Stelvio's western ramp, and the Three Languages Peak (Dreisprachenspitze) above the pass is so named because this is where the Italian, German, and Romansh languages meet.
The road connects the Valtellina with the mid Venosta valley (the Vinschgau) and Meran. Adjacent to the pass road there is a large summer skiing area. Important mountains nearby include Ortler, Thurwieserspitze, Trafoier Eiswand, de:Monte Scorluzzo, Piz Umbrail, and Piz Cotschen/Rötlspitz/Punta Rosa.[3]
Walking around Livigno and Bormio
Forcola Lakes. La Pare. Val Viola. Glacier Forni. Passo Gavia.
Da Bormio a Passo dello Stelvio
In moto a salire da Bormio verso Passo dello Stelvio.
Passo dello Stelvio | The Stelvio Pass by drone | 4K UHD Stilfser Joch
TOP Gear defines Italy's Stelvio Pass:: One of the World's greatest roads. The Stelvio Pass (Italian: Passo dello Stelvio) is a mountain pass in northern Italy, at an elevation of 2,757 m (9,045 ft) above sea level. It is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps.
The original road was built in 1820–25 by the Austrian Empire to connect the former Austrian province of Lombardy with the rest of Austria, covering a climb of 1,871 m (6,138 ft) The engineer and project manager was Carlo Donegani (1775–1845). Since then, the route has changed very little. Its seventy-five hairpin turns, 48 of them on the northern side numbered with stones, are a challenge to motorists. Stirling Moss went off the road here during a vintage car event in the 1990s, with an onboard video of his incident being shown on satellite TV.
Before the end of World War I, it formed the border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Italian Kingdom. The Swiss had an outpost and a hotel (which was destroyed) on the Dreisprachenspitze (literally, Three-Language-Peak). During World War I, fierce battles were fought in the ice and snow of the area, with gun fire even crossing the Swiss area at times. The three nations made an agreement not to fire over Swiss territory, which jutted out in between Austria (to the north) and Italy (to the south). Instead they could fire down the pass, as Swiss territory was up and around the peak. After 1919, with the expansion of Italy, the pass lost its strategic importance.
Stelvio Pass Series Ep. 005
#StelvioPass #Stelvio #drone
Drone Special Gear:
Safety Drone Gear: ULTIMADRONE by Atellani (Patent Pending).
NOW available exclusively at:
Please visit:
Contact us at: office[at] or write to:
dario[at] for more information
Footage is up to 6K Resolution!
Watch: The Amazing Square Wave By Ivan Black
STELVIO (Geister m.3467+ Scorluzzo m.3096) Alta Valtellina Scialpinismo
Parti con la Nebbia senza speranze, poi di colpo il Sole che ti illumina il cammino e ti mostra l'Oltres con la sua splendida calotta glaciale
Parteien mit Nebel hoffnungslos, dann plötzlich die Sonne, die Lichter den Weg und zeigt Ihnen die Oltres mit seiner wunderbaren Eiskapp
Passo dello Stelvio | The Stelvio Pass by drone | 4K UHD Stilfser Joch
TOP Gear defines Italy's Stelvio Pass:: One of the World's greatest roads. The Stelvio Pass (Italian: Passo dello Stelvio) is a mountain pass in northern Italy, at an elevation of 2,757 m (9,045 ft) above sea level. It is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps.
The original road was built in 1820–25 by the Austrian Empire to connect the former Austrian province of Lombardy with the rest of Austria, covering a climb of 1,871 m (6,138 ft) The engineer and project manager was Carlo Donegani (1775–1845). Since then, the route has changed very little. Its seventy-five hairpin turns, 48 of them on the northern side numbered with stones, are a challenge to motorists. Stirling Moss went off the road here during a vintage car event in the 1990s, with an onboard video of his incident being shown on satellite TV.
Before the end of World War I, it formed the border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Italian Kingdom. The Swiss had an outpost and a hotel (which was destroyed) on the Dreisprachenspitze (literally, Three-Language-Peak). During World War I, fierce battles were fought in the ice and snow of the area, with gun fire even crossing the Swiss area at times. The three nations made an agreement not to fire over Swiss territory, which jutted out in between Austria (to the north) and Italy (to the south). Instead they could fire down the pass, as Swiss territory was up and around the peak. After 1919, with the expansion of Italy, the pass lost its strategic importance.
Stelvio Pass Series Ep. 001
#StelvioPass #Stelvio #drone
Fun facts:
- Footage filmed with DJI Inspire 2
-Camera: Zenmuse X7 with 35mm / 50mm. ND8 filter:
- Filming time: approx. 45 minutes (3 battery set)
- Editing time: approx. 4 hours
- Editing software: FCPX (Final Cut Pro X by Apple)
Drone Special Gear:
Safety Drone Gear: ULTIMADRONE by Atellani (Patent Pending).
NOW available exclusively at:
Please visit:
Contact us at: office[at] or write to:
dario[at] for more information
Footage is up to 6K Resolution!
Watch: The Amazing Square Wave By Ivan Black
Wir Steigen auf über 3000 m | WW 1 Bunker | Monte Scorluzzo, Passo dello Stelvio, Stilfser Joch
Wir sind immer noch in den Alpen unterwegs und wollen über den Stilfser Joch in die Schweitz. Aber zuvor haben wir den Monte Scorluzzo bestiegen. Sehr Interessant mit Befestigungsanlagen aus dem ersten Weltkrieg. Ich hatte sogar etwas Glück und habe eine Patronenhülse von 1914 gefunden.
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Song: Rob Gasser - Ricochet [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video: Download:
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Ich bin Marius. Ich bin viel unterwegs und Jage den Abenteuer hinterher. Oft ist auch meine Freundin Melli mit dabei. Filmen tu ich auch gerne, so mit liegt es nahe diesen Kanal zu betreiben :-).
Ich bin Pfadfinder liebe es raus zu gehen und Abenteuer zu erleben. Ich mache oft Tour oder nehme an Events teil. Dabei ist es egal ob zu Fuß, mit den Kanu, mit den Fahrrad oder auch mit den Auto. Auch teste ich mich gerne aus und gehe an meine Grenzen. So nehme ich oft an Hindernisläufen teil oder mache Survivaltrainings.
2017 habe ich mir ein neues Auto gekauft. Ein Mitsubishi Pajero. Ich wollte ein Auto mit den ich Überall hin komme, auch jenseits der Straße, mit den ich viele Personen mit nehmen kann, ein Auto was auch mal was schweres ziehen kann, es sollte viel Platz sein damit man auch im Auto schlafen kann, nicht zu Alt und vor allem nicht zu Teuer. Diese Bedingungen erfüllt der Pajero voll kommen.
Das Auto wird jetzt Stück für Stück zu einen Abenteuer-Reisemobil umgebaut. Dies Dokumentiere ich für euch. Auf unsere Abenteuer nehme ich die Kamera auch mit.
Ich bin ein sehr Kommunikativer Mensch also nehmt gerne Kontakt mit mir auf, auch für Tipps und Hilfe bin ich immer offen. Und jetzt viel Spaß auf meinen Kanal.
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Vlog und Totorrials zu den Themen: Reisen, Abenteuer, Outdoor Aktivitäten, Aus und Umbau von Pajero V60/ Reisemobil
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Wir Steigen auf über 3000 m | WW 1 Bunker | Monte Scorluzzo, Passo dello Stelvio, Stilfser Joch
STELVIO (HD) Geister m.3467+ Scorluzzo m.3096 - Alta Valtellina Scialpinismo
Parti con la Nebbia senza speranze, poi di colpo il Sole che ti illumina il cammino e ti mostra l'Oltres con la sua splendida calotta glaciale
Parteien mit Nebel hoffnungslos, dann plötzlich die Sonne, die Lichter den Weg und zeigt Ihnen die Oltres mit seiner wunderbaren Eiskapp
Monte Scorluzzo, 6 agosto 2018
Panoramica a 360° dalla vetta del Monte Scorluzzo
Spot pubblicitario realizzato da Seven Live TV per Hotel Palace di Bormio e Hotel Thoni 3000
Spot realizzato per strutture ricettive di BORMIO - VALTELLINA. Riprese e post produzione Rete 7. Voce e supporti grafici Marzia Tugnolo. Organizzazione e regia Sergio Cerutti. Location Bormio e Passo dello Stelvio.