Russian cities | SIBERIA OMSK | Travel to Russia
Russian cities are happy to welcome tourists. This time Omsk (Siberia) welcomes you ;)
Do you want to visit Russia? Travel to Russia? Enjoy my trip to Omsk, Siberia with me :) We spent several days in Siberia, and it was absolutely amazing! Russian cuisine, Russian dance, Russian nature – you'll see everything in this traveling vlog ;)
Inside the video:
00:10 – My favorite building in Omsk
03:12 – Russian kids boxing :D
04:44 – Shashlik
05:32 – Russian bathhouse (banya)
06:19 – I'm singing Russian chanson
07:15 – Revolutionary monuments in Omsk
08:06 – SNOOOOOOOW❤️❤️❤️
08:38 – Russian nature
10:20 – How to make Russian dumplings (masterclass from my Mom :D)
12:25 – My adventures in Russian train
14:48 – Museum of Dostoevsky in Omsk
17:20 – Russian dance
20:26 – Omsk downtown (SUBWAY sandwich there :D)
21:38 – Black dumplings????
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Памятники мира: памятник матери Тюмень, Россия
Памятники мира: памятник матери Тюмень, Россия. Подробнее смотрите на сайте Скульптор П.Старченко. Эта трогательная композиция была задумана автором, как символ материнства. Детей много не бывает! И какое счастье, когда у каждого ребенка есть рядом его мама...
Памятник матери. Тюмень, Росиия. 2010 г.
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Loyal Siberian dog still waits for owner's return at spot where he died over a year ago
Known as man's best friend, dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty to their owners. But one faithful dog has set a new standard even for canines, having waited by the roadside in Siberia for more than a year after its owner tragically died in a car accident. The dog has braved the freezing cold winters of Siberia, where temperatures regularly drop to minus 5 degrees Celsius, in the hope of his owner's return, and he refused to be caught by wildlife lovers hoping to help it.
It has become known locally as the 'Siberian Hachiko', after the Japanese Akita dog 'Hachiko' who returned to the Shibuya train station where his owner, Professor Ueno left him every day for nearly ten years after his death in May 1925. The famous Japanese pooch Hachiko had tugged at the heartstrings of the nation when he waited at Tokyo's Shibuya Station for his owner to return - appearing every day precisely when the train was due at the station. Hachiko continued to wait for many years until his own death in 1935, never seeming to accept that his owner was not coming back. The famous statue which was erected in August 1948 is a popular meeting spot in Japan. The station entrance near this statue is named Hachiko-guchi, meaning The Hachiko Entrance / Exit, and is one of Shibuya Station's five exits. On the 80th anniversary of the death of Hachiko, the famous dog was happily reunited with his owner, in a bronze statue installed on March 8 2015 at the University of Tokyo where the master once taught. The statue, which depicts Hachiko jumping up to greet Ueno, who is extending his hand to pat the dog, stands about 1.9 meters high and weighs about 280 kilograms. It is located near the main gate of the campus for the university’s Faculty of Agriculture in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward.
The loyal Siberian dog, thought to be a mongrel, was left behind after the car crash in autumn 2014 when people first started noticing it standing beside the road and tried to catch it. When it refused to be caught, animal lovers started feeding the dog, and they even put a kennel beside the road in Berkut, near Yalutorovsk in south-central Russia's Tyumen Oblast region.
The dog escaped tragedy when the kennel, which was too near to the road, was destroyed by a truck, but a new one was built a few weeks later. Even after that, the animal still came back to the roadside, and continued to wait for its owner. Animal activist Anastasia Selina said: 'We haven't been able to get anywhere near the animal, it only seems to want to get to its previous owner and as far as we know he didn't survive the car accident.
'It doesn't trust anyone else, and will not even let anybody even stroke it. We advise people not to disturb it, because we are worried it might run under a car if it gets scared.' A campaign has now been started to find a home for the dog and to capture him once and for all.
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Strange clouds in Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic, Russia
Strange clouds in Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic, Russia, September, 4, 2011, about 6:15 am
Siberian Town Dismayed By Maternity Ward's Closure
Residents of Bograd, a small town in southeastern Siberia, have lost their fight to save the local maternity ward, declared unprofitable by health authorities. Pregnant women from Bograd and surrounding villages will now have to travel up to 150 kilometers to give birth.
Originally published at -
Volgograd South Russia.mp4
Few shots from Volgograd City Festival
Melting Siberia
Marina was born 57 years ago in the former Soviet Union. She says she lacks nothing. She has a husband, nice children, friends but it soon becomes clear that something strikes is off in her seemingly harmonious life. Marina has never met her father.
Marina was still in her mothers womb when her father, an officer and a hero in the Red Army, left home. He disappeared somewhere in the Siberian steppes. Marinas mother's love for the man who deserted her never ceased. She tried many times to find him and introduce him to his daughter but never succeeded.
Filmmaker Ido Haar, Marina's son, decides to locate his lost relative and arrange to have him meet his daughter for the first time. As Ido draws closer to finding his grandfather, Marinas repressed emotions about him rise to the surface. She feels anger and pain and blames her missing father while at the same time yearns for him.
The distance between Siberia and Israel is instantly shortened by one telephone call a dramatic interchange that sets an inevitable course of events into motion.
The film, immersed in the overpowering drama of Russian culture, traces a painful journey that closes a circle and answers a crying need that never diminished over time. At the end of the journey, nothing will be as it was before.
Россия.Волгоград.Мамаев курган.Russia.Volgograd.Mamayev Kurgan
Город Тобольск
Тобольск – один из старейших городов на территории Урала и Сибири. Тобольск славится своими удивительными архитектурно-историческими памятниками, главный из которых – Тобольский кремль. Благодаря обилию уникальных достопримечательностей, Тобольск - один из крупных туристических центров Урала и Сибири.
Тобольск был основан летом 1587 года близ впадения Тобола в Иртыш. Первый тобольский острог был выстроен из разобранных казачьих стругов. Он стал вторым русским городом в Сибири (годом ранее была основана Тюмень).
Недалеко от основанного Тобольска находилась столица Сибирского ханства – Искер. Именно в этих местах состоялась решающая битва дружины Ермака с татарским войском.Спустя три года после основания – в 1590 году – Тобольск фактически превратился в центр русской колонизации Сибири. Его называли не иначе как столицей Сибири. При этом чуть ли с момента основания Тобольск превращается в «ссыльный» город. Какие только знаменитости не отбывали здесь ссылку. А началось все... с колокола. В 1591 году ударами колокола в Угличе оповестили о гибели царевича Дмитрия. Угличане приняли весть настолько близко к сердцу, что быстро расправились с предполагаемыми на их взгляд убийцами наследника престола. Царь Борис Годунов жестоко наказал как участников самосуда, так и колокол, звон которого предшествовал расправе. Колокол сбросили со Спасской колокольни, вырвали ему язык и принародно «наказали» 12-ю ударами плетей. Вместе с угличанами его отправили в сибирскую ссылку. Целый год угличские каторжане шли до Тобольска и тянули за собой «наказанный» колокол. Многострадальный колокол сначала заперли в приказной избе, а потом смилостивились и повесили на колокольню. Лишь в 1892 году колокол был возвращен в Углич. Его точную копию можно увидеть в одном из залов Тобольского историко-архитектурного музея-заповедника.
Тобольск – родина многих известных людей. Здесь родились Семен Ремезов, химик Д.И. Менделеев, художник В.Г. Перов, композитор А.А. Алябьев, математик Ю.С. Осипов, изобретатель телевидения Б.П. Грабовский, актер А.Г. Абдулов, архитектор Останкинской телебашни и монумента «Родина-Мать» Н.В. Никитин и другие.В Тобольске отбывали ссылку протопоп Аввакум, декабристы И.А. Анненков, Кюхельбекер, Муравьев, Фонвизин, а также писатель Радищев, государственный деятель М.М. Сперанский, первый русский портретист И.Н. Никитин. в Тобольске в ссылке жил Николай II со своей семьей. В Тобольске жил и П.П. Ершов – автор «Конька-Горбунька».
В Тобольске снимался фильм «Золотая баба», а не так давно - фильм Алексея Балабанова «Война». Градообразующее предприятие – Тобольский нефтехимический комбинат. Также в Тобольске серьезно развивают туризм. Рост туристов как из России, так и из-за рубежа с каждым годом растет.
Fanny Girls, Russian Championships 2013
Girls formation Fanny Girls,
5th place, Russian Championships 2013
Kambodge - On Your Knees
♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ☼ m/ (ô_ô) m/ ☼ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
Band: Kambodge
Album: Surviving A Bad Dream [EP]
Genre: Metalcore/ Hardcore
Year: 2011
Country: Russia
This is for promotional purposes only.
☼ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣ ☼
Chechnya refuses to transfer Oyub Titiev's case to Moscow
Relatives of Oyub Titiev, an arrested Chechen rights defender, use every opportunity to see him before the court's verdict. On July 5, they were allowed to attend the court hearing, although not from its start, and Oyub Titiev himself participated in the trial via video conference. The head of the Memorial office in Grozny and his advocate insisted on holding a trial outside Chechnya. However, the Supreme Court (SC) of Chechnya refused to transfer the trial in the Oyub Titiev's case to Moscow and also prolonged the arrest of the rights defender until July 25. For details, see:
HD (NEW) Meteor Hits Russia Hard 2013
A powerful blast rocked the Russian region of the Urals early on Friday with bright objects, identified as possible meteorites, falling from the sky, emergency officials said.
It was definitely not a plane, an emergency official told Reuters, without elaborating. We are gathering the bits of information and have no data on the casualties so far.
No one was hurt in a meteor shower, an emergency official told RIA-Novosti. Local residents said they witnessed burning objects in the sky of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.
A Reuters witness in Chelyabinsk reported hearing a huge blast early in the morning and feeling a shockwave in a 19-storey building in the town center.
The sounds of car alarms and breaking windows could be heard in the area, the witness said, and mobile phones were working intermittently.
Preliminary indications are that it was a meteorite rain, an emergency official told RIA-Novosti. We have information about a blast at 10,000-meter (32,800-foot) altitude. It is being verified.
The trace from a falling object could be seen in Yekaterinburg, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) southeast of Chelyabinsk, another Reuters witness said.
A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working.
Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen.
In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth.
Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion.
According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower, the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency.
падение метеорита Челябинск 6
Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013
Meteorite Shower Hits Russia Injuring 500 (BREAKING NEWS) - 15th Feb 2013
Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working.
What is thought to be a 10 ton Meteor hit in Russia. Almost 1000 injured, 20 foot crater left behind. The sonic Boom blew out doors and windows.
Russia was just hit by an undetected meteorite.
Black Cube of Saturn DNA Fingerprint of God unseen forces science physics mysteries solved anti gravity revealed mind over matter spirit world sound light universe history truth earth mysteries of life mathematics placebo effect healing signs and symbols occult ancient sightings the matrix is real holographic intelligence sacred geometry quantum physics illusion of reality new paradigm 2012 shamanism cleansing mother earth climatic disaster native american change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya change evolution shift fibonacci sequence fingerprint of god golden ratio pi phi in nature sightings nostradamus dimensional omega Mayan Calendar Apocalypse i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati pyramids giza peru mexico mystery schools monuments megaliths ley lines earth's energy grid electromagnetic magnetism solar radiation Harmonic great cosmic cycle The Photon belt the wave of love red elk wisdom Galactic
Russia Military Parade - Victory Day 70 - Volgograd May 9,2015
This is the 1st time I sen Women Drummers lead the Parade & I think it is pretty cool & having Women always makes the Parade that much better.....
Russia celebrates 70 years since the allied victory over Nazi Germany on May 9.
Give Credit where it is rightly deserved & that is with the 20 million who perished for Russia in the Great War.......
Videos Recorded From Live Cameras Around The World.
See more videos like these on Facebook at:
Live Video & Webcams Of The World (LVWOTWoF)
Sakurajima Volcano on Facebook.....
Stephen Ridley's 24hr Piano Marathon (raising money for Cancer Research)
On Friday 6 July at 4pm, I started playing piano and didn't stop until 4pm the next day. I did it to raise money for Cancer Research after one of my best mates and his mother both got diagnosed with cancer in quick succession. This is a time lapse video of the event. Please share the video wherever you can, give generously, and encourage others to do the same! Love, love, love! Stephen
FACEBOOK: Stephen Ridley
TWITTER: @ThisIsRidley
Huge thanks to Tom at Monument London for making and editing this video; a true gent, and an inspiring person to be around.
Time of DDT - Part 2 of 4
(for English subtitles, make sure that the closed captioning (CC) button at the bottom of the video menu is turned on)
A translation of the documentary Время ДДТ (Time of DDT), which traces the history of Russia's premier rock band, DDT, in the first two decades of its existence. This second part (of four) sees the leader Yuri Shevchuk move to the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and put together a new lineup of DDT in the late 80s. At first the band struggles to obtain credibility on the Petersburg rock scene, but within a couple of years - as the Perestroika and Glasnost reforms finally open up the country - they are selling out stadiums. However, this sudden party amidst the fall of the Soviet regime does not last long...
A highly recommended viewing to anyone not just interested in DDT, but Russian rock music, culture and recent history generally - it provides a very personal, candid perspective on the lives and struggles of some very difficult times in the lives of free-thinking people in the country.
(Part 1:
(Part 3:
Todays MH17 recovery #1:fragment removal
Todays MH17 recovery #1:fragment removal
HD (NEW) Meteorite Shower Hits Russia Injuring 500 (BREAKING NEWS) - 15th Feb 2013
A powerful blast rocked the Russian region of the Urals early on Friday with bright objects, identified as possible meteorites, falling from the sky, emergency officials said.
It was definitely not a plane, an emergency official told Reuters, without elaborating. We are gathering the bits of information and have no data on the casualties so far.
No one was hurt in a meteor shower, an emergency official told RIA-Novosti. Local residents said they witnessed burning objects in the sky of the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions.
A Reuters witness in Chelyabinsk reported hearing a huge blast early in the morning and feeling a shockwave in a 19-storey building in the town center.
The sounds of car alarms and breaking windows could be heard in the area, the witness said, and mobile phones were working intermittently.
Preliminary indications are that it was a meteorite rain, an emergency official told RIA-Novosti. We have information about a blast at 10,000-meter (32,800-foot) altitude. It is being verified.
The trace from a falling object could be seen in Yekaterinburg, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) southeast of Chelyabinsk, another Reuters witness said.
A series of explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region, reportedly caused by a meteor shower, has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working.
Atmospheric phenomena have been registered in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Tyumen.
In Chelyabinsk, witnesses said the explosion was so loud that it resembled an earthquake and thunder at the same time, and that there were huge trails of smoke across the sky. Others reported seeing burning objects fall to earth.
Office buildings in downtown Chelyabinsk are being evacuated. The regional Emergency Ministry said the phenomenon was a meteorite shower, but locals have speculated that it was a military fighter jet crash or a missile explosion.
According to preliminary data, the flashes seen over the Urals were caused by [a] meteorite shower, the Emergency Ministry told Itar-Tass news agency.
падение метеорита Челябинск 6
Meteorite Falls In Russian Urals Chelyabinsk region UFO? 2/15/2013
Meteorite Shower Hits Russia Injuring 500 (BREAKING NEWS) - 15th Feb 2013
Meteorite explosions in the skies of Russia's Urals region has sparked panic in three major cities. Witnesses said that houses shuddered, windows were blown out and cellphones stopped working.
What is thought to be a 10 ton Meteor hit in Russia. Almost 1000 injured, 20 foot crater left behind. The sonic Boom blew out doors and windows.
Russia was just hit by an undetected meteorite.
Black Cube of Saturn DNA Fingerprint of God unseen forces science physics mysteries solved anti gravity revealed mind over matter spirit world sound light universe history truth earth mysteries of life mathematics placebo effect healing signs and symbols occult ancient sightings the matrix is real holographic intelligence sacred geometry quantum physics illusion of reality new paradigm 2012 shamanism cleansing mother earth climatic disaster native american change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya change evolution shift fibonacci sequence fingerprint of god golden ratio pi phi in nature sightings nostradamus dimensional omega Mayan Calendar Apocalypse i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati pyramids giza peru mexico mystery schools monuments megaliths ley lines earth's energy grid electromagnetic magnetism solar radiation Harmonic great cosmic cycle The Photon belt the wave of love red elk wisdom Galactic
Missouri Quiet - Inglorious Act (HD)
Brutal Deathcore
Tyumen - Russia
Dmitry Bakhmatov - vocals
Nikita Skryinnik - vocals
Eduard Matul - guitar
Daniil Yakovlev - guitar
Fyodor Yarzev - bass
Sergey Gaydarli - drums
Song From The EP:
The Last Breath Of Hangman [2012]
Download In:
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