Republik of Crimea/ Yalta City
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К моему большому сожалению, бюджетные деньги дошли до Симферополя, столицы Крыма. Люди, которые эти деньги выделяли, забыли поинтересоваться, есть ли в Симферополе хоть кто-то, кто понимает, что с деньгами делать.
Вот действительно, лучше бы они эти миллионы рублей просто украли! Но нет, им надо было изобразить бурную деятельность. И власти Симферополя решили уничтожить главный городской парк!
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Губонинский парк в Гурзуфе : Крым : Гурзуф 2013
Губонинский парк в поселке Гурзуф . Гурзуфский парк — ландшафтный парк на приморской скале на территории Гурзуфа (Большая Ялта). Памятник садово-паркового искусства. Основан в 1803 году по приказу герцога Ришельё. Площадь парка — 12 гектар. На его территории сосредоточено более 110 видов и декоративных форм деревьев и кустарников. В парке произрастают как местные (земляничник мелкоплодный, сосна крымская, фисташка туполистная, можжевельник высокий, иглица понтийская, ладанник крымский), так и иноземные виды (кипарис вечнозелёный пирамидальный, секвойядендрон гигантский, магнолия крупноцветковая, кедр ливанский, кедр гималайский, кедр атласский, маслина европейская, кипарисовик Лавсона).
В парке практикуется художественная стрижка растений - топиар.
В парке размещены скульптуры и фонтаны, среди которых известностью пользуются композиция фонтана «Ночь» и фонтан «Рахиль», созданный в конце XIX века. Также в парке установлены бюсты Леси Украинки, Адама Мицкевича, Пушкина, Чехова, Шаляпина, Горького, Маяковского.
Сегодня парк поделен на 2 части — на его территории находятся два санатория, «Гурзуфский» и «Пушкино». На территории последнего находится Республиканский музей А. С. Пушкина в Гурзуфе, дом, в котором 17 дней жил поэт.
Частный сектор
Guboninsky Park Gurzuf. Gurzufsky Park - a landscaped park on a seaside cliff in Gurzuf (Big Yalta). Monument of landscape architecture. Founded in 1803 on the orders of the Duke of Richelieu. The park area - 12 hectares. On its territory there are more than 110 species of trees and ornamentals and shrubs. The park grows as local (strawberry tree, Crimean pine, pistachio tupolistnaya, high juniper, butcher's broom, cistus Crimea) and Alien Species (pyramidal evergreen cypress, giant Sequoia, Magnolia Grandiflora, Lebanese cedar, Himalayan cedar, Atlas cedar, olive European, Lawson cypress).
The park is an art practiced by cutting plants - Topiary.
The park has fountains and sculptures, among them famous are the composition of the fountain Night and the fountain Rachel, created at the end of XIX century. Also in the park busts of Lesia Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Pushkin, Chekhov, Chaliapin, Gorky, Mayakovsky.
Today, the park is divided into two parts - on its territory there are two nursing home, Gurzufsky and Pushkin. On the territory of the latter is the Republican Pushkin Museum in Gurzuf house where the poet lived 17 days.
Made during the Cold War, this Castle Films travelogue portrays Russia and the Soviet Union as a nation in search of a better future. The film makes no bones about its pro-West viewpoint — explaining the Soviet system as one in which atheism is the national religion, where there are food shortages (unless one is privileged'), shoddy construction, and a totalitarian regime in place. While this narration may seem hackneyed today, in many ways it spoke the truth.
Ukraine is shown at the 3:45 mark, with Odessa seen at the 4:30 mark and Yalta seen at 5:15. (During a sequence at the Black Sea beach, the narrator notes something like, The starchy diet makes the middle aged look terrible while the young look great!) Vineyards are seen at the 6 minute mark, being worked by Soviets. Production graphs for various farms are shown. Some Georgians are seen at the 7 minute mark. Moscow is seen at the 7:20 mark, including Red Square and Moscow University as well as Lenin's Tomb.
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Sanatorium «AI-Danil» -
«AI-Danil» is a sanatorium-and-Spa complex located in the picturesque corner between Gurzuf and Nikitsky Botanical garden. «AI-Danil» presents an extensive infrastructure for a healthy and comfortable rest. The territory of the sanatorium-resort complex is a beautiful landscaped Park-monument, located next door to the Nikita Botanical garden. You can enjoy a relic juniper grove, natural reserve «Cape Martyan», famous vineyards Pinot Gris, AI-Danil», panorama of Gurzuf valley, majestic mountain Ayu-Dag». Sanatorium «AI-Danil» has comfortable beaches, equipped with all necessary bathing, sports and entertainment events. Rest in the sanatorium «AI-Danil» is an unforgettable experience, and you want to come here more than once.
Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace, former residence of the Crimean khans. Travel to Ukraine .
Бахчисарай, ханский дворец, бывшая резиденция Крымских ханов. Путешествие по Украине. Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace, the former residence of the Crimean khans. Travel to Ukraine. Historical and cultural monument of global importance , the world's sample and the Crimean Tatar palace architecture. The palace is part of Bakhchisaray Historical and Cultural Reserve. In the rooms of the palace are located museum of history and culture of the Crimean Tatars , an art museum , an exhibition of weapons and firearms . The grounds of the palace complex occupies 4.3 hectares. The palace is located on the left bank of the river Churuk - Su . In the palace complex consists of the North and South gates, Svitsky body , the palace area , the main building , a harem , Khan's kitchen and stables, library building , falconry Tower, Khan Mosque , Persian Garden , Khan's Cemetery , Dilara Bikech tomb , the tomb tomb of North and South , tombstone rotunda , sauna Sarah - Guzel , promenade with three bridges , gardens and park facilities , Catherine mile and other objects. The architectural style of the palace continues the tradition of Ottoman architecture of XVI-XVII centuries. The main architectural idea is the embodiment of the Muslim view of the garden of Eden on earth. Bakhchisaraj translated from Tatar 's palace - garden , (bağça - garden shed - Palace). Inside the palace courtyards decorated with lots of trees, flowers and fountains. Lightweight structures , decorated with paintings collected window tracery bars. Prior to the construction of the palace in Bakhchisarai Crimean Khans residence was in the valley Ashlama - Dere
Феодосия Айвазовский Фонтан доброму гению Крым 2018 Feodosia Aivazovsky Fountain to the good genius
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Фонта́н «До́брому ге́нию» — фонтан-памятник в городе Феодосия, открытый в 2004 году ко дню города в память о выдающемся русском художнике Иване Константиновиче Айвазовском, который много сделал для родного города.
30 мая 1887 г. на заседании городской думы И.К. Айвазовский объявил о даре Феодосии, навечно, 50 000 вёдер (600 м³) субашской воды в сутки. Субашский источник принадлежал его второй жене Саркисовой Анне Никитичне.
Дарственная А. Н. Айвазовской на 50 000 вёдер воды в сутки была передана городу 1 апреля 1888 года.
В 1890 году на улице Итальянской (в настоящее время — ул. Горького) был построен фонтан-памятник, ставший украшением Феодосии. Решение фонтана было оригинально. На постаменте была установлена бронзовая женская фигура, которая держала в руках раковину, из которой стекала вода в каменную чашу, и, переполняя её через края, спадала в бассейн, который возвышался над землёй. Со стороны фигуры находилась увенчанная лаврами палитра с надписью «Доброму гению». По рассказам старожилов, в бронзовой фигуре узнавалась Анна Никитична, жена художника И. К. Айвазовского.
В знак благодарности семье Айвазовского феодосийцы и установили этот фонтан-памятник. Однако, из-за неправильно организованной системы стока воды фонтан и прилегающая территория вскоре была подтоплена, а фонтан закрыт.
В 1930-е годы бронзовая фигура была перенесена и установлена в центре круглого бетонного бассейна в городском саду, а каменные конструкции прежнего фонтана разобраны. Фонтан-памятник в значительной степени потерял свою первичную ценность.
В период Великой Отечественной войны памятник пропал. Последующая судьба памятника неизвестна. В послевоенные годы на этом месте был установлен памятник пионеру-партизану Вите Коробкову.
Новый памятник построен на средства Феодосийского горсовета при поддержке мэра города Владимира Шайдерова. Автор — феодосийский скульптор Валерий Замеховский. Скульптуру фонтана отливали по частям в Никополе, на Никопольском краностроительном заводе, части затем соединялись с помощью электросварки. Формовщик - Павел Борисович Олейников. Моделью для нового памятника послужила жительница Феодосии Кошельная Татьяна Александровна - известный ныне ювелир-художник.
Увенчивает композицию аркада с надписью «Великому Айвазовскому и ученикам его благодарная Феодосия» и фамилиями по сторонам: Фесслер, Латри, Ганзен, Лагорио.
Fountain Good genius - a fountain-monument in the city of Feodosia, opened in 2004 to the day of the city in memory of the outstanding Russian artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, who did a lot for his native city.
May 30, 1887 at a meeting of the City Duma I.K. Aivazovsky announced the gift of Feodosia, forever, 50,000 buckets (600 m³) of subash water per day. The Subash spring belonged to his second wife Sarkisova Anna Nikitichna.
Daryna AN Aivazovsky for 50 000 buckets of water per day was transferred to the city on April 1, 1888.
In 1890, on the Italian street (now - Gorky Street), a fountain-monument was built, which became the decoration of Theodosia. The decision of the fountain was original. A bronze female figure was installed on the pedestal, which held a sink from which the water drained into the stone bowl, and, overflowing it across the edges, fell into the pool that towered above the ground. On the side of the figure was a palette crowned with laurels with the inscription Good genius. According to the stories of the old-timers, Anna Nikitichna, the wife of the artist IK Aivazovsky, was recognized in the bronze figure.
As a token of gratitude to the family of Aivazovsky, the Feodosiya established this fountain-monument. However, due to the improperly organized system of water flow, the fountain and the surrounding area were soon flooded and the fountain closed.
In the 1930s, the bronze figure was moved and installed in the center of the round concrete basin in the city garden, and the stone structures of the former fountain were dismantled. The monument fountain has largely lost its primary value.
During the Great Patriotic War, the monument disappeared. The subsequent fate of the monument is unknown. In the postwar years, a monument to the pioneer partisan Vite Korobkov was erected on this site.
The new monument is built on the means of Feodosia City Council with the support of the mayor of the city Vladimir Shayderov. Author - Feodosia sculptor Valery Zamehovsky. The fountain sculpture was cast in parts in Nikopol, at the Nikopol Shipbuilding Plant, the parts were then connected by electric welding. Moulder - Pavel Oleinikov. The model for the new monument was the resident of Feodosia Koshelnaya Tatyana Alexandrovna, a well-known jeweler-artist.
Crowned the composition of the arcade with the inscription Great Aivazovsky and his students grateful to Theodosius and surnames around: Fessler, Latri, Gansen, Lagorio.
Forgotten Leaders. Episode 4. Semyon Budyonny. Documentary. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
All Episodes of Forgotten Leaders
The project provisionally titled “Forgotten Leaders” is a series of seven films, each featuring an individual from the leaders of the Soviet state in power during the time period from 1920 to 1953. Each episode is a filmed portrait depicting the story of life, political and public activities of its hero. The heroes of “The Forgotten Leaders” are
individuals ambiguous from the perspective of the Russian and world’s history and odious and often sharply negative in the eyes of public consciousness. Unfortunately, when labeling, we often forget that “each individual
is a tangle of contradictions” and that “history is written by the victors”. Seven men. Seven lives. One era. What was behind their decisions and at what was the price they paid for their deeds?
Type: historical reenactment
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2016
Number of episodes: 8
Directed by: Pavel Sergatskov
Written by: Aleksandr Kolpakydy, Egor Vasilyev, Aleksandr Lukyanov, Vasiliy Shevtsov, Inna Nechaykyna
Production designer: Aleksandr Khilyarevskiy
Director of photography: Aleksandr Kiper
Music by: Boris Kukoba
Producers: Valeriy Babich , Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Farid Takhiev, Roman Vusotskiy, Sergey Tishin, Aleksandr Suvorov, Anton Morozov, Aleksey Ustinov, Adam Bulkhuchev
Forgotten Leaders. Episode 4. Vyacheslav Molotov. Documentary. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
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Kiev City - the capital of Ukraine. Aerial Drone Flight Footage: Mother Motherland
Kiev City - the capital of Ukraine. Kyiv. Mother Motherland, The monument is located on the banks of Dnieper River. Kiev, Ukraine Aerial view video footage
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Mariupol is a city of regional significance in southeastern Ukraine, situated on the north coast of the Sea of Azov at the mouth of the Kalmius river. It is the tenth-largest city in Ukraine and the second largest in the Donetsk Oblast. Population: 461,810 (2013 est.). Following the capture of Donetsk city by pro-Russian insurgents associated with the Donetsk People's Republic in 2014, Mariupol was made the provisional administrative centre of Donetsk Oblast. The city was retaken on June 13, 2014 by government troops and has been under heavy bombardment and the fighting has intensified as of August 2015.
Mariupol was founded on the site of a former Cossack encampment named Kalmius. It was granted city rights in 1778. Mariupol has been a centre for the grain trade, metallurgy, and heavy engineering. The Ilyich Steel & Iron Works and Azovstal propelled Mariupol onto the European stage in the 20th century as one of the largest and most productive plants. Mariupol played a key role in the industrialization of Ukraine. Between 1948-1989 the city was known as Zhdanov due to the Soviet authorities frequently renaming cities after communist leaders. Today, Mariupol remains a centre for industry, as well as higher education and business, a legal centre, and the economic engine of Pryazovia.
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Joseph Stalin
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Joseph Stalin (born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was a Soviet revolutionary and politician of Georgian ethnicity. He ruled the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953, holding the titles of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 and the nation's Premier from 1941 to 1953. Initially presiding over an oligarchic one-party system that governed by plurality, he became the de facto dictator of the Soviet Union by the 1930s. Ideologically committed to the Leninist interpretation of Marxism, Stalin helped to formalise these ideas as Marxism–Leninism, while his own policies became known as Stalinism.
Born to a poor family in Gori, Russian Empire (now Georgia), Stalin began his revolutionary career by joining the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party as a youth. He edited the party's newspaper, Pravda, and raised funds for Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik faction via robberies, kidnappings, and protection rackets. Repeatedly arrested, he underwent several internal exiles. After the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia during the 1917 October Revolution, Stalin joined the party's governing Politburo, where he was instrumental in overseeing the Soviet Union's establishment in 1922. As Lenin fell ill and then died in 1924, Stalin assumed leadership over the country. During Stalin's rule, Socialism in One Country became a central tenet of the party's dogma, and Lenin's New Economic Policy was replaced with a centralized command economy. Under the Five-Year Plan system, the country underwent collectivisation and rapid industrialization but experienced significant disruptions in food production that contributed to the famine of 1932–33. To eradicate those regarded as enemies of the working class, Stalin instituted the Great Purge, in which over a million were imprisoned and at least 700,000 executed between 1934 and 1939.
Stalin's government promoted Marxism–Leninism abroad through the Communist International and supported anti-fascist movements throughout Europe during the 1930s, particularly in the Spanish Civil War. In 1939, it signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, resulting in their joint invasion of Poland. Germany ended the pact by invading the Soviet Union in 1941. Despite initial setbacks, the Soviet Red Army repelled the German incursion and captured Berlin in 1945, ending World War II in Europe. The Soviets annexed the Baltic states and helped establish Soviet-aligned governments throughout Central and Eastern Europe, China and North Korea. The Soviet Union and the United States emerged from the war as the two world superpowers. Tensions arose between the Soviet-backed Eastern Bloc and U.S.-backed Western Bloc which became known as the Cold War. Stalin led his country through its post-war reconstruction, during which it developed a nuclear weapon in 1949. In these years, the country experienced another major famine and an anti-semitic campaign peaking in the Doctors' plot. Stalin died in 1953 and was eventually succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev, who denounced his predecessor and initiated a de-Stalinisation process throughout Soviet society.
Widely considered one of the 20th century's most significant figures, Stalin was the subject of a pervasive personality cult within the international Marxist–Leninist movement, for whom Stalin was a champion of socialism and the working class. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Stalin has retained popularity in Russia and Georgia as a victorious wartime leader who established the Soviet Union as a major world power. Conversely, his totalitarian government has been widely condemned for overseeing mass repressions, ethnic cleansing, hundreds of thousands of executions, and famines which caused the deaths of millions.