New life for An-2, girls on gliders and Russian aerobatics. Flight TV English Episode 15
In the news: Annual air festival near Novosbirsk was held to a great success, as usual. General public saw airborne DC-3 and Mil Mi-1, as well as aerobatic performances by numerous teams on Yak-52, L-39 and Su-30SM
A monument to ground crew will appear near Yaroslavl at Levtsovo airfield. Based on a technician character from the iconic Soviet movie about WW2, this statue will be the first one honoring aircraft technicians in Russia. Do you have such thing in your country? Please tell us about that, if you do.
Feature 1: An-2 becomes a strut high-wing and gets turboprop engine, and at a fraction of a cost of DHC-3. Evgeny Maximov and Anton Chekrygin reporting from Technoregion, Ltd., at Yeisk, Krasnodar region.
Feature 2. Who's willing, will fly. A gliding airfield in Central Russia welcomes teenagers for complete free training course, yet really few really want to, and its girls who do... Why? Evgeny Maximov and Ignat Solovey investigated at Usman', Lipetsk/Voronezh region, Central Russia.
No comments: Russian aerobatic team training. By the way, Russian team took almost all European aerobatic championship gold... again. This time at Chotěboř, Czech Republic
Russia: Peshkov’s widow ready to meet Turkish authorities for apology
The widow of the pilot of Su-24, which was downed by Turkish air forces last November, said that she is ready to meet the head of Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow, following a ceremony in Lipetsk, Thursday.
Video ID: 20161103 055
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BREAKING! Putin: Russia Is A Huge Country, We Have To Stay A Strong Presidential Republic!
Russian President Vladimir Putin talks about the Russian political system and whether the parliamentary or presidential form of a government is suitable for Russia. During his trip to Usman, Lipetsk Region, Vladimir Putin met with representatives of the public to discuss social support measures for Russian citizens outlined in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly.
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The Russian Revolution. Episode 5. Docudrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
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The Russian Revolution. Episode 5. Docudrama. English Subtitles. StarMediaEN
Russia’s two revolutions – in February and October 1917, collectively known as ‘The Russian Revolution’, changed Russia beyond recognition. The February Revolution dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and forced the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, ending the imperial Romanov dynasty that had ruled the country for over three hundred years. A few months later in October, Russia was to face a further shock - another revolution.
This epic series, using a stunning mixture of CGI, dramatic reconstruction scenes and unique historic library footage, commemorates the centenary of these two most crucial events in Russian history - the February and the October Revolutions.
Type: TV series
Genre: docudrama
Year of production: 2017
Number of episodes: 8
Directed by: Pavel Tupik
Written by: Aleksandr Danilov
Production designer: Maria Zolina
Director of photography: Dmitriy Triphonov
Music by: Boris Kukoba
Producers: Valeriy Babich, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Denis Moiseev, Ivan Brovin, Semion Mendelson, Andrey Levin, Arthur Litvinov, Aleksandr Ronis, Andrey Zarubin
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Putin To A Russian Student: What You Suggest Will Undermine The Institution of Presidency!
On the eve of Russian Students Day, the Russian President Vladimir Putin met at the Sirius Educational Centre with students from leading Russian universities who earned high professional and social achievements, as well as their teachers and mentors.
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Archaeologists of the Urals have discovered a unique grave construction
City tour in Volgograd. The story of Pavlov's House.
Sightseeing city tour in Volgograd. Order tour at The story of the house of sergeant Yakov Pavlov. Tourist services in Volgograd: hotel reservations, transportation, excursions, guide-interpreters, Russian visa support, visiting of museums and original Stalingrad battlefields.
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Скульптор Кербель Л.Е., памятник медикам (см. описание ниже)
Лев Ефимович Кербель - автор памятника погибшим выпускникам 1ММИ им. И.М. Сеченова (установлен в 1972 г.) и бюста И.М. Сеченову перед бывшим ректоратом 1ММИ (1958 г.)
Л. Е. Кербель родился 25 октября (7 ноября) 1917 года в небольшом селе Семёновка Черниговской губернии Российской республики. В 1945 году командование советских войск в Германии вызывало Кербеля в Берлин, где в соавторстве с В. Е. Цигалем он выполнил работу над монументом в память героев штурма Берлина, который решено было установить в берлинском парке Тиргартен. Это был второй по времени создания мемориал воинам-победителям после монумента в Кёнигсберге. Тогда же Кербелем были созданы и установлены памятники советскому солдату-освободителю в городе Кюстрин и на Зееловских высотах близ Берлина. Член КПСС с 1963 года.
Л. Е. Кербель — автор более 50 памятников и мемориалов, установленных во многих отечественных городах и за рубежом. Им создано большое количество скульптур выдающихся деятелей коммунистической партии, советского государства, военачальникам, героям Советского Союза и Социалистического Труда. Совместно с вице-президентом Академии художеств М. Г. Манизером Кербель выполнял посмертную маску И. В. Сталина.
Лениниана Кербеля необычайно многообразна. Она состоит из всевозможных портретов вождя и монументов, включающих композиции на революционные темы. По его проектам были поставлены памятники В. И. Ленину в Москве на Октябрьской площади, Смоленске, Горках Ленинских, Кемерове, Краснознаменске Московской области[3], Полтаве, Сыктывкаре, Липецке, Софии, Гаване (в соавторстве с Антонио Кинтаной) и других местах. Сейчас часть из них демонтирована.
Другим важным социальным заказом стал для Кербеля образ Карла Маркса. Памятники на площади Свердлова в Москве (Ленинская премия, 1962) и в центре немецкого города Карл-Маркс-Штадта, за который он был награждён правительством ГДР орденом Карла Маркса.
Особое место среди работ Л. Е. Кербеля занимают надгробные камни и монументы. Это памятники С. Ф. Бондарчуку (в конце 2012 года перенесено на территорию киноконцерна Мосфильм в качестве самостоятельного памятника), Э. К. Тиссэ, Е. А. Фурцевой, М. И. Бабановой, Б. А. Лавреневу, адмиралу А. Г. Головко, дважды Герою Советского Союза Д. А. Драгунскому, Д. Ф. Ойстраху и многим других известным деятелям.
Как бы ни были значительны достижения мастера, его творческие планы всегда шли дальше. Весной 1986 года Кербель завершил свою новую большую работу — монумент в честь 100-летия со дня рождения Эрнста Тельмана, ставший центром архитектурного ансамбля одного из рабочих районов Берлина. В 1998 году в Измайлове был открыт памятник Петру I.
С 1962 года профессор Л. Е. Кербель вёл мастерскую скульптуры в МГХИ имени В. И. Сурикова. Он воспитал плеяду талантливых мастеров, успешно работающих в России и за рубежом. В 1964 году на киностудии «Центрнаучфильм» снят фильм «Первому коммунисту» о творчестве Л. Кербеля (режиссёр В. Томберг).
Скончался Лев Ефимович 14 августа 2003 года в Москве, похоронен на Новодевичьем кладбище.
Герой Социалистического Труда (1985)
орден «За заслуги перед Отечеством» III степени (5 ноября 1997) — за заслуги перед государством и большой личный вклад в развитие отечественного изобразительного искусства
орден Дружбы народов Российской Федерации (6 мая 1993) — за большие заслуги в изобразительном искусстве, укреплении международных культурных связей и плодотворную педагогическую деятельность
орден Ленина
орден Трудового Красного Знамени
орден Отечественной войны II степени
орден Красной Звезды
орден Карла Маркса
Орден Народной Республики Болгария I степени
Ленинская премия (1962) — за памятник К. Марксу на пл. Свердлова в Москве (1961)
Сталинская премия первой степени (1950) — за скульптурные барельефы «В. И. Ленин и И. В. Сталин — основатели и руководители Советского государства»
народный художник СССР (1977)
народный художник РСФСР (1967)
Лауреат премии имени Гете (Германия)
медаль «За оборону Москвы»
медаль «За оборону Советского Заполярья»
медаль «За взятие Берлина»
На видео День Победы в 1 ММИ им. И.М.Сеченова ,1996 г.
Shukhov Tower | Seminar Event: Lutz Becker, Independent Art Historian
Our closing event for the Shabolovka Tower Model exhibition brought together several experts who discussed the significance of Vladimir Shukhov's achievement.
Our guest speakers were:
Tilly Blyth, Keeper of Technologies and Engineering at the Science Museum
Prof. John Milner, Courtauld Institute
Lutz Becker, Independent Art Historian
Xenia Vytuleva, Columbia University
Vladimir Shukhov, great-great-grandson of the tower's original creator and an architect himself
Henry Milner, maker of the Shabolovka Tower model.
Подлинная История Русской Революции. 5 серия. Сериал 2017. Документальная Драма
Все серии сериала Подлинная История Русской Революции
Сто лет назад произошло событие, изменившее Россию до неузнаваемости. Этим событием стала русская революция. В феврале 1917-го года от престола отрекся Николай II. В небытие ушла династия, правившая страной триста лет. Однако спустя несколько месяцев Россию ждало новое потрясение -- еще одна революция.
Фильм посвящен двум переломным событиям в русской истории -- Февральской революции и Октябрьской и расскажет, что именно произошло со страной в тот судьбоносный год.
Формат: сериал
Жанр: докудрама
Год производства: 2017
Количество серий: 8
Режиссер: Павел Тупик
Сценарий: Александр Данилов
Художник-постановщик: Мария Золина
Оператор-постановщик: Дмитрий Трифонов
Композитор: Борис Кукоба
Продюсеры: Валерий Бабич, Влад Ряшин
В ролях:Денис Моисеев, Иван Бровин, Семен Мендельсон, Андрей Левин, Артур Литвинов, Александр Ронис, Андрей Зарубин
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно:
Подлинная История Русской Революции. 5 серия. Сериал 2017. Документальная Драма
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Star Media в социальных сетях:
Leaving the Past Behind: Why is Ukraine banning Soviet symbols?
Ukraine Today correspondent Tamara Rozouvan investigates.
Like many cities across the country, Ukraine's capital Kyiv is littered with Soviet-era symbols and monuments to famous communists. But that may all be set to change because in April the Ukrainian parliament passed a law which, in its own words, bans communist and Nazi propaganda as well as symbols. Supporters of the legislation on decommunisation say it has long been needed to help Ukraine build a new, truly post-Soviet national identity. Critics believe it will only further divide a country which is already struggling to remain united.
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Смерть Шпионам. Крым. 2 Серия. Spies Must Die. The Crimea. StarMedia. Военный Детектив
Все серии:
В основу сериала «Смерть шпионам-2» положены события Великой Отечественной войны - противостояние фашистской разведки и советской контрразведки во время подготовки к ялтинской конференции встреч глав государств-союзников.
На крымском полуострове действует диверсионный центр, задача которого сорвать переговоры союзников. Советская контрразведка решает навязать противнику свою игру. В военный санаторий отправляется майор СМЕРШа. Он предполагает, что опознавательным знаком для немецкого разведчика послужит коралловая бусина, нашитая на кисет диверсанта. Прибывший на место майор начинает своё расследование.
Autumn 1944. Even though the Red Army is at the Reich's door, Germany is refusing to accept defeat, and their only hope of victory is to physically eliminate the Allied leaders. In October, Senior Lieutenant Koshkin is killed in a skirmish with border officials during an identity check at the Kagul border. But before he dies, he manages to tell the SMERSH Colonel that he is an enemy saboteur heading for a meeting with a German agent at a military safe-house. His confession prompts immediate action by Russian Counter-Intelligence as General Polunochenko reports the emergency to General Headquarters in Moscow. A Commissioner arrives from Moscow and informs General Polunochenko that Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill are scheduled to meet in Yalta in early 1945. It becomes clear that a subversive military group is trying to wreck the Allies' negotiations.
Формат/Type: сериал/TV series
Жанр/Genre: военный шпионский детектив / military detective story
Год производства / Year of production: 2008
Количество серий / Number of episodes: 8
Режиссер / Directed by: Анна Гресь, Марк Гресь / Anna Gres', Mark Gres'
Сценарий / Written by: Марк Гресь / Mark Gres'
Оператор-постановщик / Director of photography: Максим Степанов / Maksim Stepanov
Продюсеры/Producers: Юрий Минзянов, Влад Ряшин Yuriy Minzyanov, Vlad Ryashin
В ролях / Cast: Денис Никифоров, Владимир Гостюхин, Анна Вартанян, Альберт Филозов, Алексей Шевченков, Леонид Громов, Валерий Афанасьев, Николай Иванов , Александр Олешко, Артур Ваха, Виктор Перевалов / Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Al'bert Filozov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Leonid Gromov, Maksim Drozd, Aleksey Shevchenko, Anna Astrakhantseva, Viktor Perevalov, Dmitriy Persin
Смотреть онлайн бесплатно Смерть Шпионам. Крым / Spies Must Die. The Crimea.
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Star Media в социальных сетях:
SHOCK! Why ISIS kills the Europeans? (PTV international, Artem Voitenkov)
Artem Voitenkov: Why ISIS kills the Europeans? Why radical Muslims commit terrorist attacks in Europe?
This video in russian:
0:00:00 - a series of terrorist attacks in the UK
0:00:57 - what politicians say after the attacks
0:01:43 - label of number 22
0:04:49 - how the government works
0:06:33 - global management
0:08:11 - how did ISIS come about?
0:10:01 - why USA staged terrorist acts in Paris November 13, 2015
0:12:12 - why Muslims were brought to Europe
0:17:02 - how to prepare the Second World War
0:18:23 - when they conceived the Third World War?
0:19:18 - power world pyramid
0:21:42 - why the USSR crashed
0:22:03 - why Vladimir Putin became the president of Russia
0:23:52 - why Donald Trump became president of the US
0:25:36 - why they came up with the Internet
0:29:38 - reduction of managerial layer
0:30:56 - why does Europe need a war?
0:32:41 - why people are driven to megapolis
0:34:16 - why migrants in Europe are needed
0:36:00 - what is the use of ISIS
0:38:42 - constant fear for humanity
0:39:35 - the global scenario of the future
0:46:28 - humanity does not have freedom of choice
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Luftwaffe | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:04:35 1 History
00:04:44 1.1 Origins
00:10:45 1.2 Preparing for war: 1933–39
00:10:58 1.2.1 The Wever years, 1933–36
00:19:17 1.2.2 A change of direction, 1936–37
00:27:44 1.2.3 Dive-bombing
00:30:41 1.2.4 Mobilization, 1938–41
00:34:56 1.3 iLuftwaffe/i organization
00:35:06 1.3.1 iLuftwaffe/i commanders
00:36:29 1.4 Organization and chain of command
00:40:22 1.5 Personnel
00:41:55 1.6 Spanish Civil War
00:43:28 1.7 World War II
00:52:48 2 Omissions and failures
00:52:59 2.1 The lack of aerial defence
00:58:06 2.2 Development and equipment
01:08:35 2.3 Production failures
01:13:10 2.4 Engine development
01:24:19 2.5 Personnel and leadership
01:26:41 3 iLuftwaffe/i ground forces
01:29:42 4 War crimes and bombing of non-military targets
01:29:55 4.1 Forced labor
01:34:07 4.2 Massacres
01:36:03 4.3 Human experimentation
01:37:57 4.4 Aerial bombing of non-military targets
01:41:46 4.5 Trials
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Luftwaffe (German pronunciation: [ˈlʊftvafə] (listen)) was the aerial warfare branch of the combined German Wehrmacht military forces during World War II. Germany's military air arms during World War I, the Luftstreitkräfte of the Army and the Marine-Fliegerabteilung of the Navy, had been disbanded in May 1920 as a result of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles which stated that Germany was forbidden to have any air force.
During the interwar period, German pilots were trained secretly in violation of the treaty at Lipetsk Air Base. With the rise of the Nazi Party and the repudiation of the Versailles Treaty, the Luftwaffe was officially established on 26 February 1935, just over a fortnight before open defiance of the Versailles Treaty through German re-armament and conscription would be announced on 16 March. The Condor Legion, a Luftwaffe detachment sent to aid Nationalist forces in the Spanish Civil War, provided the force with a valuable testing ground for new tactics and aircraft. Partially as a result of this combat experience, the Luftwaffe had become one of the most sophisticated, technologically advanced, and battle-experienced air forces in the world when World War II broke out in 1939. By the summer of 1939, the Luftwaffe had twenty-eight Geschwader (wings). The Luftwaffe also operated Fallschirmjäger paratrooper units.
The Luftwaffe proved instrumental in the German victories across Poland and Western Europe in 1939 and 1940. During the Battle of Britain, however, despite inflicting severe damage to the RAF's infrastructure and, during the subsequent Blitz, devastating many British cities, the German air force failed to batter the beleaguered British into submission. From 1942, Allied bombing campaigns gradually destroyed the Luftwaffe's fighter arm. From late 1942, the Luftwaffe used its surplus ground, support and other personnel to raise Luftwaffe Field Divisions. In addition to its service in the West, the Luftwaffe operated over the Soviet Union, North Africa and Southern Europe. Despite its belated use of advanced turbojet and rocket propelled aircraft for the destruction of Allied bombers, the Luftwaffe was overwhelmed by the Allies' superior numbers and improved tactics, and a lack of trained pilots and aviation fuel. In January 1945, during the closing stages of the Battle of the Bulge, the Luftwaffe made a last-ditch effort to win air superiority, and met with failure. With rapidly dwindling supplies of petroleum, oil, and lubricants after this campaign, and as part of the entire combined Wehrmacht military forces as a whole, the Luftwaffe ceased to be an effective fighting force.
After the defeat of Germany, the Luftwaffe was disbanded in 1946. During World War II, German pilots claimed roughly 70,000 aerial victories, while over 75,000 Luftwaffe air ...
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Leipzig | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:49 1 History
00:02:57 1.1 Name
00:04:22 1.2 Origins
00:06:10 1.3 19th century
00:08:05 1.4 20th century
00:15:25 1.5 21st century
00:16:15 2 Geography
00:16:24 2.1 Location
00:17:38 2.2 Subdivision
00:18:01 2.3 Neighbouring communities
00:18:10 2.4 Climate
00:19:09 3 Demographics
00:21:45 4 Culture, sights and cityscape
00:21:55 4.1 Architecture
00:23:39 4.2 Tallest buildings and structures
00:24:14 4.3 Museums and arts
00:26:32 4.4 Main sights
00:28:54 4.5 Churches
00:30:07 4.6 Parks and lakes
00:31:07 4.7 Music
00:35:18 4.8 Annual events
00:36:12 4.9 Sports
00:36:32 4.9.1 Football
00:38:13 4.9.2 Ice hockey
00:38:30 4.9.3 Handball
00:39:39 4.9.4 Other sports
00:40:55 4.10 Food and drink
00:41:35 5 Education
00:41:44 5.1 University
00:43:31 5.2 Visual arts and theatre
00:44:16 5.3 University of Applied Science
00:45:10 5.4 Leipzig Graduate School
00:45:35 5.5 Others
00:46:43 6 Economy
00:49:09 7 Media
00:50:54 8 Quality of life
00:51:58 9 Transport
00:52:27 9.1 Rail
00:55:28 9.2 Suburban train
00:57:12 9.3 Tramway and Buses
00:58:20 9.4 Bicycle
00:59:23 9.5 Road
01:00:51 9.6 Long-distance buses
01:01:41 9.7 Air
01:02:55 9.8 Water
01:04:13 10 Quotations
01:05:14 11 International relations
01:05:25 12 Notable residents
01:05:35 12.1 17th century
01:06:12 12.2 18th century
01:06:50 12.3 19th century
01:06:59 12.3.1 1801–1850
01:08:09 12.3.2 1851–1900
01:09:48 12.4 20th century
01:09:57 12.4.1 1901–1950
01:11:19 12.4.2 1951–present
01:12:11 13 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9172498659366575
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Leipzig (, also US: , German: [ˈlaɪptsɪç]) is the most populous city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. With a population of 581,980 inhabitants as of 2017 (1.1 million residents in the larger urban zone), it is Germany's tenth most populous city. Leipzig is located about 160 kilometres (99 mi) southwest of Berlin at the confluence of the White Elster, Pleiße and Parthe rivers at the southern end of the North German Plain.
Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the Holy Roman Empire. The city sits at the intersection of the Via Regia and the Via Imperii, two important medieval trade routes. Leipzig was once one of the major European centers of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing. Leipzig became a major urban center within the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after the Second World War, but its cultural and economic importance declined.Events in Leipzig in 1989 played a significant role in precipitating the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly through demonstrations starting from St. Nicholas Church. Since the reunification of Germany, Leipzig has undergone significant change with the restoration of some historical buildings, the demolition of others, and the development of a modern transport infrastructure. Leipzig today is an economic centre, the most livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing research institution and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany, according to HWWI and Berenberg Bank. Leipzig Zoo is one of the most modern zoos in Europe and ranks first in Germany and second in Europe according to Anthony Sheridan. Since the opening of the Leipzig City Tunnel in 2013, Leipzig forms the centrepiece of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland public transit system. Leipzig is currently listed as a Gamma World City, Germany's Boomtown and as the European City of the Year 2019.Leipzig has long been a major center for music, both classical as well as modern dark alternative music or darkwave genres. The Oper Leipzig is one of the most prominent opera houses in Germany. It was founded in 1693, making it the third oldest opera venue in Europe after La Fenice (Venice, Italy) and the Hamburg State Opera (Hamburg, ...
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Autumn 1944. Even though the Red Army is at the Reich’s door, Germany is refusing to accept defeat, and their only hope of victory is to physically eliminate the Allied leaders. In October, Senior Lieutenant Koshkin is killed in a skirmish with border officials during an identity check at the Kagul border. But before he dies, he manages to tell the SMERSH Colonel that he is an enemy saboteur heading for a meeting with a German agent at a military safe-house.
His confession prompts immediate action by Russian Counter-Intelligence as General Polunochenko reports the emergency to General Headquarters in Moscow. A Commissioner arrives from Moscow and informs General Polunochenko that Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill are scheduled to meet in Yalta in early 1945. It becomes clear that a subversive military group is trying to wreck the Allies’ negotiations.
Soviet Counter-Intelligence deploys a SMERSH Major to make the meeting at the safe-house in Koshkin’s place, and so begins a thorough investigation with severe and far-reaching consequences.
Type: TV series
Genre: military detective story
Year of production: 2008
Number of episodes: 8
Directed by: Anna Gres'
Written by: Mark Gres'
Production designer: Larisa Zhilko
Director of photography: Maksim Stepanov
Producers: Yuriy Minzyanov, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Al'bert Filozov, Aleksandr Oleshko, Leonid Gromov, Maksim Drozd, Aleksey Shevchenko, Anna Astrakhantseva, Viktor Perevalov, Dmitriy Persin
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Leipzig | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Leipzig (; German: [ˈlaɪptsɪç]) is the most populous city in the federal state of Saxony, Germany. With a population of 591,686 inhabitants as of 30 June 2018, (1.1 million residents in the larger urban zone) it is Germany's tenth most populous city. Leipzig is located about 160 kilometres (99 mi) southwest of Berlin at the confluence of the White Elster, Pleiße and Parthe rivers at the southern end of the North German Plain.
Leipzig has been a trade city since at least the time of the Holy Roman Empire. The city sits at the intersection of the Via Regia and the Via Imperii, two important medieval trade routes. Leipzig was once one of the major European centres of learning and culture in fields such as music and publishing. Leipzig became a major urban centre within the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) after the Second World War, but its cultural and economic importance declined.Events in Leipzig in 1989 played a significant role in precipitating the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, mainly through demonstrations starting from St. Nicholas Church. Since the reunification of Germany, Leipzig has undergone significant change with the restoration of some historical buildings, the demolition of others, and the development of a modern transport infrastructure. Leipzig today is an economic centre, the most livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing research institution and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany, according to HWWI and Berenberg Bank. Leipzig Zoo is one of the most modern zoos in Europe and ranks first in Germany and second in Europe according to Anthony Sheridan. Since the opening of the Leipzig City Tunnel in 2013, Leipzig forms the centrepiece of the S-Bahn Mitteldeutschland public transit system. Leipzig is currently listed as a Gamma World City, Germany's Boomtown and as the European City of the Year 2019.Oper Leipzig has become one of the most prominent opera houses in Germany. It was founded in 1693, making it the third oldest opera venue in Europe after La Fenice (Venice, Italy) and the Hamburg State Opera (Hamburg, Germany). Leipzig is also home to the University of Music and Theatre Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. It was during a stay in this city that Friedrich Schiller wrote his poem Ode to Joy. The Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, established in 1743, is one of the oldest symphony orchestras in the world.