Tuatha Live at Kate Kearney's Pub September 2016, featuring Barry Lynch on the Uilleann Pipes, Donal Moroney on Guitar, and Mike Dowd on Accordion. Enjoy a Tuatha show live on an Ireland RnR Kerry Wild Atlantic Way Tour. Visit IrelandRnR.com for details.
Driving to West Ireland on a rental March 2012
Driving a car rental to west ireland from Dublin
Ancient pre-dinosaur footprints on Valentia Island, Co.Kerry
Among the most ancient preserved footprints in the world are to be found on Valentia Island - just outside Knightstown.
Although they don't boast the massive slab-like impressions of a giant (a creature about the size of a cat made them), they are ancient.
Those footprints are from your last fish-like ancestor - a tetrapod. It went on to develop into you and me, & pretty much every other land-based animal.