Al-Azhar Mosque & University Tour
Al-Azhar Mosque was founded by Jawhar al-Siqilly, the Fatimid conqueror of Egypt, in 970 as the congregational mosque for the new city of Cairo.
In the past, al azhar was not only a place of prayer, it was also the center of religious learning throughout the world. As the time goes by al azhar build it own campus separately, but it was successively. And this is what makes al azhar famous.
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Cairo- Al-Azhar Mosque (Pt-1).
Al-Azhar Squire is called Islamic Cairo because of magnificent mosques of Al-Azhar, Al-Hussain, Al-Ghauri, Al-Hakim, Al-Azhar University and renowned bazaar Sauq Khan Al-Khalili, adjacent to Al-Hussain Mosque.
Al-Azhar is one of the oldest Universities in the world. Fatimid Caliph Muizudin got Al-Azhar Mosque built in 972AD. It was called Jamia al Mansoria in the beginning. Later Fatmid Caliph al-Aziz Billah named this mosque as Masjid Al-Azhar in 988 after the name of Bibi Fatima Zahra, the daughter of holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH) when it was formally established as Islamic University.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Kair - Cairo - Meczet Al Azhar - Al Azhar Mosque - Egipt - Egypt
Kair - Cairo - Meczet Al Azhar - Al Azhar Mosque - Egipt - Egypt
Masjid Al-Azhar Cairo Mesir | Al-Azhar Mosque
Masjid Al-Azhar adalah sebuah masjid kuno yang terletak di jantung kota kairo, yang didirikan atas perintah Jawhar Ash-Shiqilli, panglima besar daulah Fathimiyah pada masa Khalifah Al-Mu’izz li-Dinillah. Pada masa itu Masjid Al-Azhar digunakan sebagai pusat penyebaran paham Syiah. Khalifah Al-Mu’izz li-Dinillah selaku jenderal tertinggi saat itu mengutus sejumlah ulama syiah untuk menyebarkan ilmunya di Masjid Al-Azhar. Banyak dibentuk halaqah (majelis) ilmu di Masjid Al-Azhar yang digunakan untuk menyebarkan faham Syiah.
Awal kali dibangun, masjid ini hanya berbentuk satu bangunan yang terbuka dibagian tengahnya, dan hanya ada tiga Ruwaq yang digunakan sebagai tempat untuk belajar mengajar pada saat itu. Yaitu Ruwaqu ‘l-Jabarut, Ruwaqu ‘l-Atrak, dan Ruwaqu ‘l-Magharibah. Ruwaq adalah sebuah ruangan khusus yang digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar dan tempat bermukim para santri Al-Azhar. Kehadiran Ruwaq memang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan adanya Masjid Al-Azhar sebagai pusat institusi keilmuan islam yang telah berdiri sejak 1000 tahun silam.
Pada era pemerintahan Dinasti Fathimiyah, Masjid Al-Azhar digunakan untuk menyebarkan faham Syiah. Namun seiring runtuhnya dinasti fathimiyah di muka bumi ini, hilanglah penyebaran paham syiah dari Masjid Al-Azhar, dan berganti orientasi kepada paham Ahlussunnah wal jamaah, sejak mesir dipimpin oleh panglima tertinggi Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi pada tahun 567 H. Paham sunni tersebut tetap terlestarikan di bawah bendera Al-Azhar hingga saat ini.
Masjid Al-Azhar sering digunakan sebagai tempat beristirahat dan berteduh oleh sebagian masyarakat mesir maupun asing, dan tak jarang juga yang menggunakannya sebagai tempat menimba ilmu siang dan malam. Pada abad IX H., jumlah orang yang bermukim di dalam Masjid Al-Azhar mencapai angka 750 orang (laki-laki). Mereka terdiri dari para pelajar, orang-orang miskin, dan orang-oarang yang kehabisan bekal dalam perjalanannya. Selain bermukim, mereka juga mendapat berbagi bantuan makanan selama tinggal dalam masjid, baik berupa makanan, minuman, maupun kebutuhan pokok lainnya.
Di dalam masjid mereka mendapat tempat khusus untuk tiap kelompok dari mereka yang datang dan menetap dengan latar belakang dan adat yang berbeda, dan inilah yang kemudian menjadi cikal bakal munculnya sejumlah ruwaq dalam Masjid Al-Azhar, semisal Ruwaq al-Atrak dari turki, Ruwaq Jawa dari jawa, Ruwaq Magharibah dari Maghrib (maroko) dan selainnya.
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Mosque of Al-Azhar.Cairo,Egypt
ഈജിപ്തിലെ ചരിത്ര ഭൂമിയിലൂടെ.
അൽ അസ്ഹർ മസ്ജിദ്.കെയ്റോ.ഈജിപ്ത്
Al - Azhar Mosque Classes Overview ┇Sh.Hossam Ed-Deen Al-Azhary
In this video, Shiekh Hossam Ed-Deen, the Fiqh instructor at Al Azhar Mosque, is talking about the new courses offered at Al Azhar Mosque for the non-Arabic speaking international students.
Travel in Cairo, Egypt: Al-Azhar Mosque, Islamic Cairo | DeetsOnEats Tour
Take our tip: Al-Azhar Mosque, in Islamic Cairo, Egypt is a MUST for any trip or vacation to the area. You will need the peace of this stunning mosque’s white-sea-tiled courtyard amongst the hustle and bustle of the city. You will be enveloped in kindness (I was dressed by kind attendants before going in, using my own pashmina) by those there. Everyone was patient within the mosque- even with the rambunctious children visiting with parents and the hungry cats that rule the city.
It’s the oldest university in the world and thousands of Islamic Egyptians have prayed, convene court hearings, studied religious studies, modern schools of medicine, science and foreign languages and even held protests here. Marvel at how the mosque is literally built of the stuff of history: Ancient Egyptians, Greek, Roman rule and Coptic Christian material.
The mosque is named after Islamic Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, the shining/resplendent one... and this space glows.
*We took these videos on our DSLR- a SONY A6000... not the best for vlogs but someday we'll get one better for HD!
*We purchased our theme music from Audio Jungle. It's Universal Truth by Sound-Ideas
Al-Azhar Mosque Classes
About Al-Azhar Mosque Classes (Ancient and Modern)
Cairo. Egypt. Masjid Al Azhar History
Who founded Al Azhar Mosque? And how old is it?
While there are hundreds of old mosques to visit in Cairo, there is none that can compete with Al-Azhar Mosque in standing and importance to the history of Islam. Founded by the Fatimids in 970 AD as a mosque dedicated to both worship and learning, it developed over the centuries into the most important center of Islamic theology and learning in the world.
Over a thousand years since its founding, Al-Azhar Mosque and the university that bears its name draw students from all over the world to learn about the history of Islam and the different schools of thought that govern the interpretation of the Koran.
From its founding, Al-Azhar University was an institution that revealed in pluralism. Founded by the Ismaili Shi’i Fatimid Dynasty, it became a Sunni university under subsequent dynasties in Egypt, but, in spite tension between these different theologies, Sunni and Shi’i scholars have worked, taught, and debated alongside one another at Al-Azhar for most of its history.
Today it is regarded with respect throughout the world as an influential moderating and regulating authority for Islamic theology.
Isha Azan - AL-Azhar Mosque in Cairo 2013 - Dr.Eslam Abdelraouf
Dr.Eslam Abdelraouf is doing Azan - AL-Azhar Mosque in Cairo - Egypt
Taraweeh 2008 from Al Azhar Masjid Cairo
Ramadan 29th Part 1
Al Azhar Mosque Cairo Egypt
Photos from my favourite place in Cairo (11.04.2009)
Al-Azhar University
A historical background about Al-Azhar University
Al-Azhar Mosque جامع الأزهر الشريف Pemandangan dari atas Masjid Al-Azhar Kairo
Al-Azhar Mosque was founded by Jawhar al-Siqilly, the Fatimid conqueror of Egypt, in 970 as the congregational mosque for the new city of Cairo. The first khutba was delivered from its minbar in 972.
Masjid ini menjadi cikal bakal berdirinya Universitas Al-Azhar yang terkenal itu. Sudah puluhan ribu putra-putri Indonesia mengenyam pendidikan di Al-Azhar sejak tahun 1850. Tak heran bila keberagamaan masyarakat Indonesia memiliki kemiripan dengan Mesir.
Al Azhar: The Mosque And The University ┇Sh.Hossam Ed-Deen Al-Azhary
Masjid Al-Azhar Cairo, Egypt
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Cairo: Azhar Mosque in Ramadaan
I don't know why i ramble on in my videos but anyways, I really liked the Azhar area. I also really like this scene at Azhar Mosque. I recorded this after Friday prayers in Ramadaan. Everyone was fasting and it was over 40 degrees celsius. Everyone was really tired this day.
The Emir Saud makes his devotions at Al Azhar Mosque, Cairo (Egypt), March, 1927.
Filmed in March, 1927.
Scenes include the arrival of his cortege and large crowds in the streets after his prayers.
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