Rissani Tour Excursion - Mly Ali Cherif - Medfouna
Rissani Tour Excursion - Mly Ali Cherif Mausoleum - Medfouna - Donkey Parking - Read Article: | facebook page:
جولة بمدينة الريصاني، السوق، المدفونة، مولاي علي الشريف
Rissani is a town that belong to Errachidia Province in eastern Morocco, located near Erfoud. It is the closest town of significant size to the Erg Chebbi, which is the largest sand desert in the Sahara Desert of Morocco.
The mausoleum of Moulay Ali Cherif, third great-grandfather of Moulay Cherif, founder of the Alaouite Dynasty of Morocco, is located on the southern edge of town.
Rissani is mostly know for its big Souk, it has almost everything you need from dates to clothes to even domectic animals, merchants from all the nearby villages (called KSARs) come 3 times a week to sell and buy goods, the town is the market place for all those villages.
what's also noticeable is the Donkey Parking, most people come to the Rissani market from the nearby villages (there are about 300 of them) they come on a donkey ride, and they leave their donkeys in a place that's similar to a parking, there is a man who will be watching the donkeys and gets paid for it.
The Medfouna in Rissani is similar to a pizza, they call it berber pizza (berber means Amazigh) it's mostly traditional bread filled with meat and vegetables, but it is very tasty and tourists love it, some of them eat it on the way for Camel Trekking in Merzouga, because Rissani is on the road of some Sahara Desert tours and camel riding.
Ali Cherif Mausoleum
Abul Amlak Sidi Muhammad as-Sharif ibn 'Ali was the prince of Tafilalt from 1631 to 1636. He was born before 9 November 1589 as the sixth son of 'Ali ibn Muhammad as-Sharif al-Marrakchi.[1] Other names or spellings of his name are, among others: Moulay Ali Cherif, Muhammad I, Mohammed I, Sharif Sultan Abul , Muhammad al-Sharif, etc. He is considered to have been the founder of the Alaouite Dynasty of Morocco. He began to increase his power in the Tafilalt during the anarchy following the death of the Saadi ruler Ahmad al-Mansur (ruled 1578–1603) and ruled that region from 1631 to 1636. He abdicated the throne of Tafilalt in 1636 in favour of his eldest of fifteen sons, Muhammad ibn Sharif.
He died at Sijilmasa (Rissani), Tafilalt, on 5 June 1659.
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Moulay Ali Cherif
The zawiya (mausoleum) of Moulay Ali Cherif in Rissani, Morocco.
Rissani, the historically important city connecting the North and South of Morocco. Be it the strategic location or the fertile soil in which sit the largest oasis, Zig Valley or the energetic, dynamic souk, one will be transfix to it beauty.The founder of the Alaouite Dynasty, Moulay Ali Cherif mausoleum is located here.
Exploring Rissani, Morocco
Segment includes 2 areas to visit in Rissani including the Souk Market and the Moulay Ali Cherif Mausoleum.
Tour in Rissani city in night
Rissani is a small city in Errachidia Province in eastern Morocco, located near Erfoud. It is the closest town of significant size to the Erg Chebbi, the largest sand desert in Morocco. Its population in 2004 was 20,469.
The mausoleum of Moulay Ali Cherif, third great-grandfather of Moulay Cherif, founder of the Alaouite Dynasty of Morocco, is located on the southern edge of town.
Monument.la kasba moulay Ali chrif rissani. Chrif sif jini omari
Monument.la kasba moulay Ali chrif rissani. Chrif sif jini omari
Yard mausoleum of Moulay Ali Sharif on Friday in Rissani
The mausoleum is a nice place to visit. We found a guide at the entrance that was willing to show us around. However nothing was allowed to visit for non-muslims, besides the garden. Fortunately the guide not only explained to us what we were seeing, but he also showed us the neighboring ksars
Mausolée de mohammed v rabat # ضريح محمد الخامس الرباط #
Maroc Meknès sur les traces du sultan Moulay Ismaïl. ,des racines et des ailes
Moulay Ismaïl. monte sur le trône en 1672, ce sultan abandonne Fès -qui est alors la capitale- pour Meknès qu’il affectionne particulièrement et dont il fut gouverneur. Immédiatement, il décide de transformer cette ancienne citadelle en cité impériale qu’il agrandira et embellira sans cesse pendant ses 55 ans de règne !
Mohamed El Ghazali enseigne l’histoire au lycée français de Meknès. Nous le suivrons dans les lieux emblématiques que fréquentait ce personnage hors-normes qu’était Moulay Ismaïl. Avec lui, nous découvrirons les 40 km de murailles qui entourent et protègent la ville, mais aussi le pavillon des ambassadeurs où des émissaires de Louis XVI négocièrent la libération de prisonniers français. Le professeur d’histoire nous emmènera également dans les palais, les jardins, les greniers, immenses réserves pour la ville en cas de siège, ou
encore les écuries qui accueillaient, selon la légende, les 12.000 chevaux royaux…
Réalisation : Jean-Christophe Chatton
Production : France 3
Année : 2006
Dynastie alaouite (1666-présent)
Dynastie chérifienne, se proclament princes du Tafilalet à partir de 1631, alors que le Maroc est morcelé à la suite de la guerre civile qui suit la mort du sultan saadien Ahmed al-Mansur. Moulay Rachid, proclamé sultan à Fès en 1666, lance une campagne pour la réunification du Maroc, qu'il achève en 1669
1666-1672 : Moulay Rachid
1672-1727 : Moulay Ismail
1727-1728 : Moulay Ahmed (1er règne)
1728 de mars à juillet :Moulay Abdelmalek
1728-1729 : Moulay Ahmed (2d règne)
1729-1734 : Moulay Abdallah II (1er règne)
1734-1736 : Moulay Ali
1736 de mai à août : Moulay Abdallah (2d règne)
1736-1738 : Mohammed II
1738-1740 : Moulay Mostadi (1er règne)
1740-1741 : Moulay Abdallah (3e règne)
1741 juin à novembre : Moulay Zine El Abidine
1741-1742 : Moulay Abdallah (4e règne)
1742-1743 : Moulay Mostadil (2d règne)
1743-1747 : Moulay Abdallah (5e règne)
1747-1748 : Moulay Mostadi (3e règne)
1748-1757 : Moulay Abdallah (6e règne)
1757-1790 : Mohammed III du Maroc
1790-1792 : Moulay Yazid
1792-1822 : Moulay Slimane
1822-1859 : Moulay Abderrahmane
1859-1873 : Mohammed IV
1873-1894 : Hassan Ier
1894-1908 : Moulay Abdelaziz (Ahmed ben Moussa régent de 1894 à 1900)
1908-1912 : Moulay Abdelhafid
1912-1927 : Moulay Youssef
1927-1961 : Mohammed V
1961-1999 : Hassan II
depuis 1999 : Mohammed VI
Prince héritier : Moulay Hassan
Dynastie Marocaine
1 Dynastie idrisside (789-974)
2 Dynastie almoravide (v.1060-1147)
3 Dynastie almohade (1145-1248)
4 Dynastie mérinide (1244-1465)
5 Dynastie idrisside, branche des Joutey (1465-1472)
6 Dynastie wattasside (1472-1554)
7 Dynastie saadienne (1554-1659)
8 Mouvement dilaïte (1659-1663)
9 Dynastie alaouite (1666-présent)
The culture and music of morocco
Music and culture
The multi-ethnic character of the culture of Morocco is nowhere more evident than in her music and dance forms. The predominantly Arabic population in Morocco has given its music a mellifluous Arabic tone but you can also detect significant Andalusian strains in Moroccan music.
Besides you have in Morocco the village and ritual music brought on by the Berber people, the rock- influenced Chaabi music, the Algerian Gharnati form of music and the languorously mystical Gnawa music of the Sub-Saharan people.
There are also many dance forms prevalent in Morocco, the most prominent amongst them being the Guerda Dance, the Casbah Dance and the very exotic and the very enchanting Belly Dance.
Know Moroccan Culture
Showing respect to local customs is to demonstrate a basic courtesy to a welcoming country.
To avoid any embarrassing situations and misunderstandings, we should act according to some basic rules:
In Morocco, access to mosques and holy places is forbidden to non-Muslims. Some exceptions: Mosque Hassan II in Casablanca, Mohamed V Mausoleum in RabatMausoleum, Moulay Ismail in Meknes,Moulay Ali Cherif Mausoleum at Rissani.
Moroccan cultural heritage
To know the Moroccan cultural heritage crosses by a wink in history, geography, fauna, flora, colours, sounds, images and their expression among Moroccans. This knowledge also passes by a thorough work and a difficult glance on the other borders which will make complete the route of initiation or cultural prospecting. In a wide meaning, culture can approach sectors and take into account naturally various cultural aspects in their process of elaboration and production: broadcasting, regional development, employment and training, research and development, information and communication, tourism and the company.
Best gaid in rissani City
le fondateur de l état alaouite
Exploring Morocco's Capital - Rabat
Join me as a tour Rabat's Chellah Ruins, Hassan Tower, Mohammed V Mausoleum, and a few other highlights.
ضريح مولاي علي الشريف ????????❤️
يعتبر ضريح مولاي علي الشريف من أعرق وأجمل المآثر التاريخية التي تشكل مفخرة سكان منطقة تافيلالت، وتستقطب أعدادا متزايدة من السياح.
ويعد هذا الضريح، بالنظر لأهميته الرمزية والتاريخية وروعة معماره، محجا للزوار والسياح من داخل وخارج الوطن الذين يتوجهون إلى تافيلالت، حيث يقدم معلومات حول تاريخ المنطقة، وكذا الأحداث التاريخية البارزة التي شهدتها.
ويضم ضريح مولاي علي الشريف، بالإضافة إلى قبور مولاي علي الشريف وأبنائه مولاي امحمد ومولاي يوسف، قبري سيدي لحبيب بن زين العابدين بن مولاي إسماعيل، ومولاي رشيد بن سيدي محمد بن عبد الرحمان.
وتتيح بوابة الضريح المزخرفة بالزليج الولوج إلى القاعة الكبرى التي تحتضن قبر مولاي علي الشريف. كما يضم الضريح فناء واسعا وشرفة ومسجدا بقبة يصل طولها إلى 11 مترا وعرضها 7 أمتار وارتفاعها 15 مترا، مزينة بزخارف تعكس روعة وإبداع المعمار المغربي.
وكان مولاي علي الشريف، أحد أجداد جلالة الملك محمد السادس، مجاهدا وعالما جليلا وبارزا، نقل علمه إلى عدد من الطلبة والمريدين في العالم العربي المسلم إلى الأندلس حيث أمضى أزيد من 20 عاما.
وقد ازداد مولاي علي الشريف الذي ينحدر من ينبع بالعربية السعودية سنة 762 هجرية الموافق لسنة 1360 ميلادية، وتوفي سنة 847 هجرية عن سن تناهز 85 سنة
ودفن في أول الأمر بزاوية تيغمرت على بعد 200 كلم من الريصاني، قبل نقل جثمانه إلى الضريح الحالي الذي شيد في عهد سيدي محمد بن عبد الله سنة 1206 هجرية.
اغاني ورقصات من الثرات المغربي اقليم الرشيدية
رابط القناة
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