Bandung Staycation: Kawah Putih (White Crater) at Mount Patuha, Ciwidey
Throwback from our quick visit to Kawah Putih in Ciwidey.
Kawah Putih lake is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, one of many volcanoes in Java. The high acidity of the water rendering its color to bluish green or torqouise. Its high concentration of sulfur releases a noticeable smell when you’re within proximity. The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also bleached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters.
We arrived at around 3 pm, but it was already pretty chilly. We couldn’t stay for long because there’s a time limit to avoid sulfur irritation.
Shot with iPhone 8 Plus.
#videography #filmmaking #learning #amateur #phonephotography #phonevideography #iphone #daylight #midday #afternoonlight #nature #naturalscene #naturalview #naturallight #resort #lake #lakeside #bythelake #crater #volcano #ShaksurHangsOut #ShaksurVlogs #Bandung #BandungJuara #JawaBarat #WestJava #Indonesia
Music: Waving Through a Window Instrumental (from Dear Evan Hansen)
Kawah Putih Ciwidey at Patuha Mount Bandung West Java
Kawah Putih, Ciwidey. Beautiful place to visit, tourism and photo hunting. Located in Patuha mount, Bandung Regency, West Java Indonesia.
Trek Kawah Putih SS8 Induro Patuha 2019
Pembayaran hutang dari sepedahan sebelumnya karena SS8 dan SS9 ga sempet nyobain. Akhirnya sekarang kesampean hahahaha
sekali lagi disclaimer, saya nyebut SS ini adalah SS8 karena saya pikir di patuha bikeparknya ada 5 SS.. kebingungan seperti ini dikarenakan pihak official INDURO tidak memberika ralat informasi atau informasi valid untuk trek lomba. jadi saja tebak2an nama treknya
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Merchandise resilient:
Let the adventure continues..
We are resilient on a mission
SULFUR LAKE IN INDONESIA - KAWAH PUTIH (Ciwidey bandung jawa barat - Indonesia )
Kawah Putih (English: White Crater) is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.[1]
Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a composite volcano).[2] Mount Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.[3]
The Kawah Putih site was opened to visitors in 1987. The lake is 2,430 meters above sea level so the local climate is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees Celsius). This makes a brisk change from the humidity of the north Java plain and the capital city of Jakarta. Kawah Putih is a sizeable highly acid lake (pH 0.5-1.3) which changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature or the oxidation state.[4] The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters (with possible mineral precipitation as well).
Halo-halo Patuha, Dokumentasi satubumikita Pendakian Gunung Patuha dan Kawah Saat ( Des 2015)
Komunitas satubumikita, Pendakian Gunung Patuha, Kawah Saat, 25 - 27 Desember 2015.
Video dan edit oleh : TH
Musik :
Low Roar - Give Up
Dialog Dini Hari - Ucapkan kata-katamu
Efek Rumah Kaca - Putih
Kodaline - All I Want (part 1)
Komunitas satubumikita, merupakan komunitas penggiat alam amatir dan wisata yang berada di kota Bandung, sejak tahun 2011.
Komunitas satubumikita
komunitas di bandung
pendakian gunung bandung
pendakian gunung patuha
gunung patuha
kawah saat
Patuha Bike Park - SS2
9Bikers goes to Patuha Bike Park
Wisata Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung Indonesia
Wisata Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung Indonesia
Wisata Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung Indonesia
Untuk sampai di kawah putih pengunjung bisa menggunakan route perjalanan sebagai berikut: Pengunjung dari luar Bandung yang menggunnakan kendaraan roda empat dapat melewati jalur pintu Keluar Tol Kopo, melewati sayati dan dilanjutkan ke Soreang, dari soreang dilanjukan ke Ciwidey dan sampailah di lokasi kawah putih. Route alternatif bisa menggunakan jalur tol Buah Batu.
• Track Info:
Title: Spring In My Step
Artist: Silent Partner
Genre: Pop
Mood: Happy
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Gunung Patuha Ciwidey - Detri Octaviani
gunung patuha | sakral | profan
Gunung Patuha merupakan gunung tua yang lokasinya berada di sebelah selatan Bandung Raya.
Kenyataan geologis yang menyebutkan gunung ini sebagai gunung purba sejalan dengan nama lokalnya yang juga dikenal sebagai Gunung Sepuh yang berarti tua.
Gunung Patuha memiliki sejarah budaya yang cukup kental, terutama terkait dengan perjalanan hidup Bujangga Manik sebelum 'ngahiang' (moksa), transenden ke alam non-fana.
Belakangan, cerita menarik juga dicatat oleh banyak orientalis seperti Junghuhn dan Wormser yang dengan semangat menyampaikan ekspresi impresif-nya terhadap Gunung Patuha.
Kembali pada cerita Bujangga Manik, dalam naskah yang ditulis sekitar akhir abad ke 15 tersebut diceritakan bahwa setelah perjalanan panjangnya berziarah ke Timur (Bali) dari Pakuan (Bogor) dan menyinggahi gunung-gunung, di akhir perjalanannya diceritakan bahwa Bujangga Manik menemukan ketentraman di Gunung Patuha, sebuah rasa yang selama ini dicarinya.
Setelah itu, Bujangga Manik melakukan pertapaan yang cukup lama hingga akhirnya diceritakan jiwanya meninggalkan raganya, raganya hilang takberbekas, di sebuah gunung yang menjadi akhir perjalanannya.
Hari ini, di mana mendaki gunung atau katakanlah bepergian ke gunung sudah semakin populer, Gunung Patuha lebih dikenal akan Kawah Putih-nya, dipastikan setiap akhir pekan kawah ini penuh sesak akan pengunjung yang berjubel, dari datang hanya untuk sekedar menikmati keindahan alam, kencan dengan pasangan, hingga mengambil sesi pemotretan untuk foto undangan pernikahan.
Kawah Putih yang berlokasi di sisi sebelah timur Puncak Patuha seolah menjadi sisi profan gunung, di sebelah barat puncak terdapat kawah saat (kering) yang hingga saat ini dijadikan tempat 'keramat' untuk orang-orang yang percaya doanya lebih mendekat ke langit.
Kawah Saat Gunung Patuha menjadi semacam sisi sakral, keberadaannya tersembunyi dari keramaian hiruk pikuk manusia, di samping tersembunyi, untuk menuju sisi sakral gunung ini diperlukan keseriusan niat dan fisik, Kawah Saat dilingungi dinding gunung yang menjulang, dipagari hutan cantigi, dan dihalangi jurang curam yang tinggi.
Tidak bisa untuk terus disembunyikan, kesakralan gunung, kekeramatan, kabuyutan, semua itu hanya simbol semata, kita manusia hari ini tidak bisa hanya menghormati gunung dan hutan-hutan secara simbolis, sementara setiap hari kita ikut menggerusnya tanpa henti.
Jika melalui quran dan 52 ayatnya kita sudah diingatkan bahwa gunung adalah yang menjadi alasan bumi tetap kokoh di mana kita hidup di sana, dan kita tetap lalai memperlakukannya, maka kehancuran itu sedang kita tunggu tidak sebagai simbol lagi, dan karena itu kita tidak punya kesempatan bahkan hanya untuk menyesal.
Indonesia travel : Kawah Putih. Between charms and myth. Indonesia, West Java, Bandung 007
Indonesia travel : Kawah Putih. Between charms and myth. Indonesia, West Java, Bandung 007
Kawah Putih (English: White Crater) is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a composite volcano). Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.The Kawah Putih site was opened to visitors in 1987. The lake is 2,430 meters above sea level so the local climate is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees Celsius). This makes a brisk change from the humidity of the north Java plain and the capital city of Jakarta. Kawah Putih is a sizeable highly acid lake (pH 0.5-1.3) which changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature or the oxidation state.[4] The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters (with possible mineral precipitation as well).
History : The lake is said to have been first documented in the western world in 1837 by Dr Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, a German botanist who carried out a considerable amount of research in Indonesia until his death in Lembang, just north of Bandung, in 1864. At the time, there were various local stories about the history of the area. Birds were said to be reluctant to fly near the region and villagers in the area tended to regard the forest around the lake as eerie and somewhat mysterious. These stories prompted Dr Junghuhn to investigate. He discovered Kawah Putih. There was formerly a sulfur mine at the crater although production has now ceased. A sulfur plant known as the Zwavel Ontgining Kawah Putih was first established near the lake during the period of Dutch rule in Java. The plant was later taken over during World War II by the Japanese military and operated under the name Kawah Putih Kenzanka Yokoya Ciwidey.[5] Entry points to various tunnels which represent the remnants of these mining activities can be seen at several points around the current site.
Over a century after Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn first discovered the lake, in 1991 the Indonesian state-owned forestry firm Perhutani Unit III Jawa Barat dan Banten (Forestry Unit No III for West Java and Banten) began to develop the site as a tourist spot. Access: The usual arrangement is for visitors to leave their vehicles in a main carpark at the entry to the site and catch one of the regular mini shuttlebuses (leaving every five minutes or so) for the 5 km to the crater. For Indonesian citizens, the cost of entry to the site (October 2011) is Rp 15,000 plus Rp 5,000 for the return minibus ride (total of Rp 20,000, around $US 2.20). Charges for foreign visitors are slightly higher. Visitors who prefer to drive in their own vehicles up to the crater must pay a significantly higher charge (Rp 150,000, or $US 17 per vehicle plus tickets for passengers).Tickets are issued by Perhutani staff and include insurance while at the location. The main road is the busy road south from Bandung through the town of Soreang, the capital of the Bandung District, continuing down through the crowded Pasir Jambu township. Minibuses ply the route southwards from Bandung and, depending on traffic, can take up to two hours to reach the entrance to the Kawah Putih area. There are many thousands of small market-crop farmers in the fertile valley to the south of Bandung which leads up towards the Kawah Putih area. Local food-crops grown include a wide range of fruits and vegetables. A strawberry industry is well-established in the area and many strawberry farms have fruit for sale along the side of the highway. Accommodation is available at various hotels in the Patuha area close to the nearby town of Ciwidey and also in Soreang.
Expedisi Patuha
Expedisi membawa bantuan untuk sodara sodara kita yang tinggal lereng Gunung Patuha tepatnya di Kampung Cileueur, Perkebunan Patuha, Kec. Pasirjambu. (+- 2200 mdpl). saat acara Jambore Trooper Nusantara #7
Backsound: bandaneira
Drone Pilot: Trian Wida Charisma
Follow Instagaram @sipenjelajah
Gunung Patuha, Ciwidey Jawabarat
Gunung Patuha merupakan sebuah gunung yang terdapat di Rancabali, Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat yang memiliki ketinggian 2.434 meter. Gunung Patuha memiliki kawah yang sangat eksotik, yaitu kawah putih. Kawah yang terbentuk dari letusan gunung patuha itu memiliki dinding kawah dan air yang berwarna putih. Gunung Patuha juga termasuk kedalam 7 Summit JawaBarat.
Music: Sampai Jadi Debu - Banda Neira
Instagram: kreqi_id
Patuha Bike Park Ciwidey Bandung // Bikin Lepas Rantai! GOVLOG#7
Patuha Bike Park
Trek yg cukup terkenal ini merupakan trek yg berada di sekitar Ciwidey, Bandung.
Di trek ini penuh dengan pohon pinus dan beberapa jumlah trek yg memiliki level berbeda-beda.
Nah... banyak sekali kejadian-kejadian lucu selama kami main disini, seperti apa kejadiannya??
Silahkan tonton sampai selesai ya gaess :)
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Track Preview SS 6 7 8 Trek Baru Kawah Putih Induro Patuha 2019
ini trek preview dari SS6, SS7, SS8 Induro Patuha 2019. SS6-8 ini adalah race hari kedua di event tersebut.
Berdeda dengan hari pertama pada hari kedua nanti startnya dari KAWAH PUTIH. ya tepat dari kawah putih ciwidey bandung dan harusnya finish SS8 di Punceling Pass.
Kebetulan SS8nya belom beres jadi belom sempat dicoba. Nanti akan saya update khusus SS8 di video yang lain.
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Merchandise resilient:
Let the adventure continues..
We are resilient on a mission
Kawah Patuha
mount patuha crater, ciwidey, kabupaten bandung indonesia
Patuha Bike Park
Gbb ngabuburit di patuha bike park
Bandung Trip : White Crater Ciwidey Bandung - Jawa Barat Indonesia
Bandung Trip : White Crater Ciwidey Bandung - Jawa Barat Indonesia
[001] Kawah Putih Ciwideyc Bandung
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Kawah Putih (English: White Crater) is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.
Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a composite volcano).Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.
The Kawah Putih site was opened to visitors in 1987. The lake is 2,430 meters above sea level so the local climate is often quite chilly (temperatures are frequently around 10 degrees celsius). This makes a brisk change from the humidity of the north Java plain and the capital city of Jakarta. Kawah Putih is a sizeable highly acid lake (pH 0.5-1.3) which changes colour from bluish to whitish green, or brown, depending on the concentration of sulfur and the temperature or the oxidation state. The sand and rocks surrounding the lake have been also leached into whitish colours through interaction with the acidic lake waters (with possible mineral precipitation as well).
Patuha Bike Park Ciwidey
#patuhabikepark #mazis #gowesanaksemut #downhill
Kawah Putih (White Crater) - Indonesia
Kawah Putih (English: White Crater) is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.
Kawah Putih lake (7.10° S 107.24° E) is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano (a composite volcano). Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.
- Wikipedia
Song by : Dave Koz-Love Is On The Way (Feat. Chris Botti), EMI records
Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia. Kawah Putih lake is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesitic stratovolcano.
Address: Jalan Situ Patengan, Rancabali, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40973, Indonesia
Province: West Java
Hours: Open today · 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM