Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain - Dreams | Fontanna Multimedialna - Marzenia
The Wrocław Fountain — Wrocław Multimedia Fountain, is a multimedia musical fountain and ornamental pond in Wrocław, of western Poland. Fountain runs only during the summer season - from the last weekend of April or the first weekend of May to late October.
The Wrocław Fountain is located in the historic Wrocław exhibition ground. It is next to the early modernist Centennial Hall, and encircled within the Wrocław Pergola.
Built in 2009, it is currently one of the largest operating fountains in Europe.
The 1 hectare (110,000 sq ft) fountain incorporates over 300 jets to create moving-dancing screens of water. They are used, with music and light, by a computerized multimedia program for animated water shows.
During the day fountain unimpressed. However are spectacular nightly shows. The fountain is illuminated at night by 800 computer programmed coloured lights.
When frozen in winter, the Wrocław Fountain becomes a 4,700 square metres (51,000 sq ft) ice skating rink.
Fontanna działa w sezonie wiosenno-jesiennym. Wtedy pokazy organizowane są codziennie, o pełnych godzinach, prezentowany jest program muzyczny, po zmroku w towarzystwie kolorowych świateł.
Otwarcie nowego sezonu 30 kwietnia 2016r.
Sezon 2016 otworzą, znane już publiczności pokazy specjalne pt. Cztery żywioły oraz Marzenia. Seanse zaplanowano od godziny 21.30. W tym roku pokazy specjalne wyświetlane będą w soboty i niedziele, dokładny harmonogram znajduje się na
Rozpoczęcie sezonu 2016 łączy się również z dużym wydarzeniem plenerowym na Pergoli, jakim jest 3-Majówka. Dlatego w dniach 1, 2 i 3 maja, ze względu na organizowany na terenie Pergoli koncert, plac wokół Wrocławskiej Fontanny Multimedialnej zostanie ogrodzony, a wstęp możliwy będzie jedynie za okazaniem biletu. Wieczorny specjalny pokaz Fontanny o godzinie 22.30 będzie jednak publicznie udostępniony. Wszyscy, którzy zechcą go zobaczyć, będą mogli wejść na teren Pergoli na 15 minut przed pokazem (22.15). Na placu pod Iglicą zaaranżowana zostanie specjalna strefa gastronomiczno–wypoczynkowa.
Wroclaw - Multimedia Fountain at Pergola
Fontanna multimedialna - wroclaw - marzenia - multimedia fountain - biểu diễn nhạc nước
Fontanna Multimedialna
Multimedia Fountain
Biểu diễn nhạc nước
Wystawowa 1,
51-618 Wrocław
Fontanna Multimedialna
Hala stulecia
Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Biểu diễn nhạc nước
Wrocław Multimedia Fountain is the biggest fountain in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe. It has 1 ha of surface, 800 lights, 300 water jets and 3 fire jets in the basin.
Shows in the summer season
May-September - daily shows are presented daily at full hours from 10:00 to 17:00.
Evening shows start at full hours from 18:00 and last until 21:40.
Wrocław Multimedia Fountain (Wrocławska Fontanna Multimedialna) is the biggest fountain in Poland and one of the biggest in Europe. It was initiated on 4th June 2009 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the first free elections in the postwar Poland. Located in the beautiful Szczytnicki Park, near the Centennial Hall and Wrocław Congress Centre, attracts many Polish and foreign tourists.
The basin of Pergola has 300 water jets, which create geysers, water mists, spurts and many other shapes. The water installation is synchronised with 800 lights - light, water and music together create spectacular shows.
The shows take place every hour, everyday, and vary in length. The Multimedia Fountain plays classical and pop music, for example Madonna, Daft Punk, but one can also hear calm, relaxing music.
During the special night shows there are animations, photos and films projected on water. Many of them show the important events from the history of the city and Poland. On the occasion of EURO 2012 the pictures showed the greatest successes of the Polish national team.
Multimedia fountain @ Wroclaw - Poland
Spettacolo di luci alla fontana multimediale di Wroclaw, Hala Stulecia.
Pergola Wrocławska (fontanna) - pokaz 2011 (Wrocław Multimedia Fountain)
The Wrocław Fountain is located in the historic Wrocław exhibition ground. It is next to the early modernist Centennial Hall, and encircled within the Wrocław Pergola.
Built in 2009, it is currently one of the largest operating fountains in Europe.
The 1 hectare (110,000 sq ft) fountain incorporates over 300 jets to create moving-dancing screens of water. They are used, with music and light, by a computerized multimedia program for animated water shows.
The fountain is illuminated at night by 800 computer programmed coloured lights.
When frozen in winter, the Wrocław Fountain becomes a 4,700 square metres (51,000 sq ft) ice skating rink.
Wroclaw - The Largest Multimedia Fountain in Poland at Centennial Hall
The Largest multi-media Fountain in Poland. Pergola at Centennial Hall in Wroclaw
Visiting Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Visiting Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain in Poland
Multimedia fountain, Wroclaw, Poland
Мультимедиа-фонтан во Вроцлаве, Польша.
КИНО прямо на струях фонтана!
Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain @Wroclaw | Poland
Wroclaw Polanya'da ve hatta Avrupa'daki en büyük fışkiyelerden birine sahip. 2015 yılında Wroclaw'daki bir uluslararası araştırma laboratuvarında kısa süreliğine çalışmaya gittiğimde tesadüfen bu yeri bulmuştum. Hikayesi de biraz ilginç açıkçası. Deney sonrası akşam gezmesine çıktığımda, rastgele bir tramvaya bindim ve alışılmışın dışında bir kalabalığı takip ettim. Sonunda kalabalık beni buraya getirdi, müzik, su ve ışık eşliğinde güzel bir gösteriye tanıklık ettim böylece! Eğer siz de Wroclaw'ı ziyaret etmeyi planlıyor ve buradaki gösterilerden birine katılmak istiyorsanız sizin için en uygun tarih Mayıs-Ekim ayı arasında herhangi bir haftasonudur. Çünkü diğer zamanlarda burası kapalı.
Wroclaw has one of the biggest fountains in Poland even Europe. In 2015, When I went to Wroclaw to study in an international research laboratory, I came across this place by chance. The story was some interesting. After experiment work, I went out and I took a random tram and followed a crowd people. Finally, the people brought to me here. So, I witnessed to an exhibition with water, music and light. It was awesome. If you are planning to visit Wroclaw and would like to join one of these shows, the best time for you is any weekend between May and October. Because it's closed at other times.
Please follow me for more.
Breslau Multimedia Fountain
Breslau Multimedia Fountain 2014
Erlebnis der besonderen Art
Fontanna Multimedialna Wroclaw - 2019
Multimediální fontána ve Wroclavi 2019
Centennial Hall - Hala Stulecia and multimedia fountain, Wrocław
Hala Stulecia, Hala Ludowa, Centennial Hall- whatever you call it, this pioneering engineering modern masterpiece deserves a visit. Designed by Max Berg, it is Wrocław's first UNESCO World Heritage site. Along with being an impressive building itself, it regularly plays host to incredible events and fronts a world-class multimedia fountain. Get a glimpse with this Wroclogs video.
Thanks again to Grey Fruit for providing the music to this video, check them out here:
Centennial Hall. Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Centennial Hall. Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Fontanna Multimedialna Wrocław - pokaz specjalny Marzenia - HD!
Multimedialna fontanna we Wrocławiu (na pergoli, Hala Stulecia)
- specjalny pokaz multimedialny Marzeniaz 17.08.2012 g.21
Niezwykłe widowisko będące połączeniem muzyki, strumieni wodnych, ognia, światła, projekcji laserowych oraz projekcji wyświetlanych na ekranie wodnym.
Wroclaw[Poland] Pergola fountain. Multimedia performance - Beauty and the Beast 01.05.2012
Event organized occasion of the feast 1 May 2012. Wroclaw, Poland.
Pergola Multimedia Fountain, Wroclav
Multimedia fountain Wroclaw 29.04.2017
Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Multimedia Fountain in Wroclaw
Opening 2012 season
Wrocław Multimedia Fountain
Wrocław Multimedia Fountain