Best Attractions and Places to See in Opava, Czech Republic
Opava Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Opava. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Opava as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Opava.
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List of Best Things to do in Opava, Czech Republic
Silesian Museum - The Historical Exhibition Building
Tower Hlaska
Park na Ptacim Vrchu
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
Silver Lake
Municipal House Opava
Lookout Tower Sance v Jakubcovicich
Mestske sady
Arts House Opava
Opava Sun and Planetary System Trail
Opava Milostovice fortifications, Czech republic
Opava Milostovice fortifications WW II, Czech republic
Milostovice is a town district that lies mere 8 km from the town centre Opava on the road I/11 that leads to Bruntál. Three Czechoslovak fortifications forts and two blockhouses are being reconstructed here. The buildings represent a unique construction and technical monument from the 1930s.
Památník armády ČR a ČS. opevnění Opava-Milostovice
ČR a ČS. opevnění Opava-Milostovice. Zajímavý soubor tří pevností a dvou pevnůstek opevnění ze 30. let 20. století. Jedná se o mimořádně zachovalé objekty a celý areál se řadí mezi nejlepší pevnostní muzea v ČR. Opevnění připomíná skvělou úroveň našich techniků, projektantů a stavbařů i odhodlání vojáků bránit vlast před agresí hitlerovského Německa. Interiér pevnosti OP-S 25 se blíží stavu v roce 1938. V areálu se každoročně konají ukázky bojů.
OPAVA TRIP | Ciki w/ Edis
Dalo by se říct že sem si takhle oslavil halloween svým způsobem :D
Enjoy! :)
Obecní dům v Opavě
Multikulturní opavská instituce Obecní dům láká po rekonstrukci na bohatý program stále více návštěvníků. Pro ty co si pamatují původní využití budovy, má v expozici i trezor...Nejkačka to nejzajímavější o evropských penězích v Moravskoslezsku.
Welcome to Prague - Day 1| Czech Republic | Old town | പ്രാഗിയിലേക്കു സ്വാഗതം | Vlog 14
Prague city is capital of Czech Republic. Prague is divided into three zones called Prague 1, 2 & 3. Prague is a very partying and happening city. It is also famous for Beer and produces the best Beer. No restricted lifestyle and you can live as you wish in Prague. It is called Bohemian style of living.
We booked our stay at 'Four Elements' via trip advisor and it was decent good. It was a Studio apartment with required facilities and they have cleaning service everyday.
It is just Day 1of Prague, please stay tuned and keep watching!!!!
New Year's Eve Fireworks 2019 with Drone | Opava | Czech republic | 4K
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In this video you will see how does New Year's Eve [ Silvestr ] look in Opava from above.
This video was recorded on Phantom 3 and Panasonic G7. Edited with Premiere Pro CC 2018 and special effects were created in Adobe After Effects 2018.
If you have any questions please ask me in the comments or my email address.
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U-R-B-E-X- Chátrající vybavená vila 4K quality
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Tento dům jsem našel čirou náhodou a nečekal jsem, že bude až tak zachován a vybaven. Většinou jsou všechny opuštěné objekty od druhé světové války vybílené a rozkradené, ale tady to vážně stálo za to. :-) Ostatně podívejte se sami.
Rettet das historische Warenhaus Breda & Weinstein in Opava (ehemals Troppau)
Ein Aufruf zur Erhaltung des verwahrlosten, historisch wertvollen Gebäudes, seinerzeit größten Warenhauses auf dem heutigen tschechischen Gebiet.
#mojeopava #opava
BECA pilot site, Havirov, Czech Republic
The BECA pilot site in the Czech Republic is located in Havirov, a city with 82,296 inhabitants founded in 1955 in the north-eastern part of the country. The first pilot building for the BECA project is situated in J.Jabůrkové Street in the city district of Mesto. It was selected as a typical multi-residential building from the municipal housing stock. This building was constructed in 1962 according to a national standard known as T02B and it was refurbished in 2009. It has altogether 36 rental apartments with 73 inhabitants.
The second pilot building is located in Uzavřená Street at a distance of 180 m from the first building and is nearly identical. The second building has the same parameters as the first building (the same typology, number of apartments and has also undergone refurbishment).
Cagi beatbox DnB session _
Videjko je z 2.3.08 takový odpolední setík...:-D czech beatbox from Opava city in the me2d house...:)DrumNbass sesion a nakonci taky disco and Otrozone Crew
Kantiléna - Christmas concert rehearsal 2009 Pt. 11
You can see how funny are our rehearsals sometimes :-)
Traditional Christmas concert of Kantiléna takes place every year on 25th December in St. Peter and Paul cathedral, Brno, Czech Republic. This is part of the rehearsal for this concert took place on 22nd December 2009 in the Municipal House, Brno. Mixed choir Kantiléna (top row) is practicing with the concert department of Kantiléna - using the percussiion. This is just the rehearsal, so the conductor has some comments.
composition - Zpívání o Vánocích (Singing at Christmas) (Martin Franze - opus based on folk carols, for children and mixed choir, sopran solo, string chamber ensemble and fipple and traverse flute) - premiere
conductor - Jakub Klecker
Kantiléna, the choir of children and the youth at the Philharmonic Orchestra
Tady můžete vidět, jak jsou naše zkoušky občas zábavné :-)
Tradiční Vánoční koncert Kantilény se každoročně koná 25.12. v katedrále sv. Petra a Pavla v Brně. Toto je video ze zkoušky konané 22.12. v Besedním domě v Brně. Smíšený sbor Kantiléna (v horní řadě) cvičí skladby s koncertním oddělením sboru. Někteří zkouší hrát na různé druhy bicích nástrojů. Jde pouze o zkoušku, takže dirigent má během zpěvu připomínky.
skladba - Zpívání o Vánocích (Martin Franze - skladba na slova a náměty z lidových koled pro dětský a smíšený sbor, sopran solo, smyčcový komorní orchestr, příčnou a zobcovou flétnu) - první uvedení
diriguje - Jakub Klecker
Kantiléna, sbor dětí a mládeže při Filharmonii Brno
CZECH REPUBLIC, JEŠTĚD, 2019, Ještěd is the highest mountain peak of the Ještěd-Kozákov Ridge near Liberec in the north of the Czech Republic. From the summit there are views into Germany and Poland. The Horní Hanychov region of Liberec lies just below the mountain.
On the summit is the Ještěd Tower restaurant, hotel and television tower, designed by Karel Hubáček, accessible by road or cable car . The mountain also has a ski resort., The origin of the mountain's name is uncertain, it is probably from the term Ash mountain, a once dominant tree species in the area. The Czech name for the mountain was first recorded in 1545 as Jesstied . The German form of the name, Jeschke, was first mentioned in 1565.
As far back as 1838 the summit hosted a crude stone that serves as a landmark to this day. The first hut on the summit was erected as early as 1844.
In the 1860s, the mountain ridge was Station No. 4 of the first order of the Royal Saxon triangulation. For this reason a measuring station was built on the summit.
In 1906, the Mountain Club, a mountain hotel, was built. The Jeschke Horní Hanychov cable car to the summit was opened in 1933.
On 23 August 1940, at midnight, a Heinkel He 111 from the Second Squadron from Lüneburg crashed into the mountain near the summit and tore a long swathe in the woods. This accident killed the four crew.
The old mountain hotel burned down in 1963.
Between 1966 and 1973, a futuristic hotel, with a 100-metre-high television tower, was built that was designed by the architect, Karel Hubáček. For the construction of the TV tower, Hubáček was awarded the Auguste Perret Prize. The modern building acts as a lookout tower, transmission tower, hotel and restaurant.
In 2009, an element of the Nordic World Ski Championships took place on Ještěd., In Jested there are two ski jumping hills, The World Championships 2009 were hosted there. The K-134 and the K-90. Roman Koudelka has the hill record in the K-134, with 143 metres. Anssi Koivuranta jumped 106,5 metres in the K-90, which is the hill record on this hill.
Tenant Draw - Winter 2011
Our (CZECH POINT 101) tenants in Prague, Brno, Ostrava and Zlin, Czech Republic are entered in a draw based on whether they have paid their rent on time for the last three months in a row. The two winners in this draw get Brita water filters. One tenant is interviewed as the prize is presented.
Filipino-Czech family in England: Travelling to CZECH REPUBLIC. Day #01
Việt Anh In OPAVA.
Show ảnh Việt Anh đi du ngoạn ở OPAVA thuộc OSTRAVA - CZ.
Breda & Weinstein Opava - vánoční výzdoba Mk illumination
© MK ILLUMINATION s.r.o. , více na
Breda & Weinstein Opava
V roce 2013 bylo otevřeno obchodní centrum Breda & Weinstein v Opavě. Obchodní centrum bylo zbudováno v místě bývalého pivovaru při zachování přísných architektonických požadavků. Součástí dodávky byla ocelová konstrukce, prosklené stěny a světlíky.