Muzeul Dunarea de Jos - Calarasi
Expozitie inedita la muzeul din Calarasi -
Bucharest-Aerial view
Bucharest, in southern Romania, is the country's capital and commercial center. Its iconic landmark is the massive, communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms. Nearby, the historic Lipscani district is home to an energetic nightlife scene as well as tiny Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church and 15th-century Curtea Veche Palace, where Prince Vlad III (“The Impaler”) once ruled.
Herastrau Park,
Palace of Parliament,
Grigore Antipa National,
Museum of Natural History,
Patriarchal Cathedral,
Victoriei Street,
Unirii Square,
The National Museum of Art of Romania,
Carol Park (Liberty Park),
The Art Collections Museum,
Coltea Hospital,
Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei,
Biserica Sf. Nicolae,
Statuia Ecvestra a Lui Carol I,
Baratia Church,
Palatul Patriarhiei,
Sala Palatului,
Statue Of Burebista, The Dacian State Founder - Calarasi
Statue Of Burebista, The Dacian State Founder - Calarasi.
Statuia lui Burebista, intemeietorul statului dac - Calarasi.
CAPIDAVA Fortress, Capidava, Constanta, Romania
Capidava (Kapidaua, Cappidava, Capidapa, Calidava, Calidaua) was an important Geto-Dacian center on the right bank of the Danube. After the Roman conquest, it became a civil and military center, as part of the province of Moesia Inferior (later Scythia Minor), modern Dobruja.It is located in the village with the same name, Capidava, in Constanţa County, Romania.
Capidava took its name from the old Getic dava settlement that was in a close area. This Getic toponym, means the curve fortified settlement. The Getic name had been preserved by the Romans under the form Capidava in the Antonine Itinerary (224, 3) Calidava in the Tabula Peutingeriana (VIII, 3) and Cappidava or Capidapa in the Geography of Ravenna (179, 3 and 186).
The Roman Empire had reached the Danube as early as 14 AD, when the commander Aelius Catus conducted an expedition beyond the river in order to keep away the restless Dacians and their new allies, the Sarmatians. But the legions deployed their troops only up to Durostorum, as modern northern Dobruja was left to the forces of the kings of the Sapaei, the allies of the Romans, helped by the forces commanded by a Praefectus orae maritimae (commander of the seashore). In 46 AD, when the Kingdom of the Sapaei ceased to exist, it is likely that small Roman garrisons stationed in the old Dacian settlements on the bank of the Danube, including in Capidava.
After the Roman conquest of Dacia, the strategic importance of Capidava determined the Romans to establish a military station as well as to settle and develop a civil center, as part of the province of Moesia Inferior.
It seems that the fort at Capidava was only a chain in a system comprising many others including the fortifications at Carsium, Cius, Troesmis, Noviodunum, Aegyssus. The fort was also provided with a port facility, including a wharf below the water, and storage and other annexes on the upper terrace, as well as with an edifice of thermae (public bath houses) outside the precinct walls, to the south-east.
The fortified settlement played an important role in the Roman defensive system belonging to the series of camps and fortifications raised during the reign of Emperor Trajan, in early 2nd century, as part of the measures to organize the Danubian limes. Capidava being part of the Limes Moesiae, was connected by roads to Carsium, Ulmetum, the castra from Basarabi-Murfatlar and castra from Cernavodă.
Destroyed by Goths in 3rd century, the fortifications were rebuilt in the next century, then it became an episcopal center.
The fort was abandoned in 559 after the invasion of the Cutriguri, but the city was rebuilt by the Byzantines in 10th century, also hosting the local population.Fire caused by the Pechenegs in 1036 led to its final abandonment.
Mă îndrept spre Capidava. Trebuie să vă spun că, pe şoseaua ce leagă Constanţa de Hârşova, nu veţi găsi indicatoare spre cetate. De ce? Pentrucă vechiul drum de acces e impracticabil, iar autorităţile au uitat să mai instaleze alte indicatoare. Când ajungeţi la cetate veţi vedea vechiul indicator care vă îndrumă spre acel drum pomenit mai sus. La prima vedere, mi s-a părut că aici există un custode care ar trebui să te întâmpine, cel puţin, cu un carnet de bilete de intrare. La cetate nu era nimeni. Trec de poarta sprijinită într-o piatră pe post de lacăt şi văd un panou cu o informaţie care mă uluieşte. Această cetate, plus ULMETUM şi alte trei, fuseseră alese să facă parte dintr-un program PHARE pentru restaurare? şi introducerea lor în circuitul turistic!!!!!!!!! Ulmetum?!?! Păi, de acolo tocmai am sosit şi nu am văzut niciun leu investit ca respectiva cetate să fie atrăgătoare turiştilor. Ia să privim cu mai mare atenţie ca să vedem ce găsim la Capidava. Începem inventarul: un gard de sârmă ghimpată cu una poartă sprijinită într-o piatră; o potecă de pământ spre Dunăre; nişte clădiri părăsite care nu sunt nici de pe vremea lui Gheorghiu Dej, nici de pe vremea lui Traian(împăratul); instalaţiile sanitare destinate turiştilor sunt distruse; nu există panouri explicative despre edificiile cetăţii cu excepţia unuia de pe vremea lui Papură Vodă; peste unele ziduri s-a pus un strat de mortar, drept protecţie împotriva intemperiilor atmosferice, peste altele, nu; bălăriile sunt în continuă dezvoltare, iar restaurarea cetatii se face in stilul deja cunoscut pe la noi: cu ciment si alte materiale neconforme ce distrug autenticitatea sit-urilor. Mai multe veţi vedea în imaginile alăturate. Tare îmi doresc să văd nişte fotografii cu ruinele cetăţii din anii 2008-2009. Să se fi oprit proiectul la cetatea din Bulgaria?! Nu cred. Aştept proba contrarie. Până atunci, plec cât mai repede de aici să nu vină D.N.A.-ul să mă pună să dau declaraţii privitor la distrugerea sit-ului arheologic. Nu mai trec pe la Carsium fiindcă şi această cetate e inclusă în acelaşi proiect şi nu vreau să fac infarct tocmai acolo.
Ambient Metal Sculpture - The Mincer Dreams - Ionel Cojocariu - Calarasi
Ambient Metal Sculpture - The Mincer Dreams - Ionel Cojocariu - Calarasi.
Sculptura ambientala din metal - Masina de tocat vise - Ionel Cojocariu - Calarasi.
Orase din Romania Partea 2
Partea 1: Bucureşti Iaşi Cluj-Napoca Timişoara Constanţa Craiova Galaţi Braşov Ploieşti Brăila Oradea Bacău
Partea 2: Arad Piteşti Sibiu Târgu Mureş Baia Mare Buzău Satu Mare Botoşani Râmnicu Vâlcea Suceava Piatra Neamţ Drobeta-Turnu Severin Focşani
Partea 3: Târgu Jiu Tulcea Târgovişte Reşiţa Bistriţa Slatina Hunedoara Călăraşi Vaslui Giurgiu Roman Deva Bârlad
Partea 4: Alba Iulia Zalău Turda Mediaş Slobozia Oneşti Alexandria Petroşani Lugoj Medgidia Paşcani Tecuci
Partea 4: Miercurea Ciuc Sighetu Marmaţiei Mangalia Râmnicu Sărat Câmpina Dej Câmpulung Odorheiu Secuiesc Reghin Mioveni Făgăraş Caracal Feteşti
Partea 5: Curtea de Argeş Năvodari Sighişoara Roşiori de Vede Dorohoi Turnu Măgurele Fălticeni Huşi Vulcan Rădăuţi Olteniţa Lupeni Caransebeş
Partea 6: Cugir Săcele Câmpia Turzii Târnăveni Sebeş Aiud Petrila Borşa Zărneşti Comăneşti Motru Carei Moineşti
Partea 7: Codlea Orăştie Gherla Balş Moreni Târgu Neamţ Drăgăşani Târgu Secuiesc Băileşti Buhuşi Corabia Câmpulung Moldovenesc Blaj
Partea 8: Gheorgheni Calafat Adjud Cernavodă Băicoi Filiaşi Salonta Buftea Urziceni Bocşa Breaza Marghita Luduş
Partea 9: Vişeu de Sus Brad Vatra Dornei Cisnădie Mizil Şimleu Silvaniei Topliţa Zimnicea Gura Humorului Găeşti Pucioasa Negreşti-Oaş Râşnov
Partea 10: Avrig Baia Sprie Ocna Mureş Orşova Oraviţa Moldova Nouă Călan Sinaia Ţăndărei Simeria Dărmăneşti Târgu Lăpuş
Partea 11: Vălenii de Munte Târgu Frumos Scorniceşti Comarnic Ovidiu Drăgăneşti-Olt Oţelu Roşu Mărăşeşti Sânnicolau Mare Ianca Nehoiu Strehaia Haţeg Videle
Partea 12: Covasna Jibou Hârlău Sovata Uricani Agnita Costeşti Beiuş Beclean Darabani Bumbeşti-Jiu Urlaţi Măcin Buşteni
Partea 13: Boldeşti-Scăieni Lipova Bolintin-Vale Năsăud Cristuru Secuiesc Hârşova Murfatlar Victoria Babadag Aleşd Titu Sângeorz-Băi Valea lui Mihai Anina
Partea 14: Otopeni Jimbolia Negreşti Baraolt Ineu Topoloveni Tăşnad Plopeni Siret Huedin Panciu Iernut Curtici Budeşti Ştei Seini
Partea 15: Târgu Cărbuneşti Bălan Eforie Zlatna Tălmaciu Întorsura Buzăului Călimăneşti-Căciulata Bicaz Dumbrăveni Chişineu-Criş Segarcea Câmpeni Cehu Silvaniei Nădlac Dealu
Buziaş Târgu Bujor Odobeşti Pogoanele Brezoi
Partea 16: Tismana Făget Însurăţei Horezu Pâncota Vlăhiţa Techirghiol Teiuş Slănic Mihăileşti Vânju Mare Deta Sebiş Abrud
Partea 17: Predeal Lehliu Gară Piatra Olt Geoagiu Rupea Fundulea Novaci Azuga Aninoasa Băile Herculane Baia de Aramă Isaccea Negru Vodă Cavnic Slănic Moldova Copşa Mică Sulina
Partea 18: Baia de Arieş Băile Olăneşti Solca Făurei Ocna Sibiului Bereşti Ocnele Mari Băile Govora Borsec Vaşcău Nucet Băile Tuşnad
Hârșova, Vadului Street downtown - December 2012 (Dobruja, Romania)
[RO] Hârșova, Strada Vadului, centrul orașului - Decembrie 2012 (Dobrogea, România)
[TR] Hırșova, Vadului sokak, şehir - Aralık 2012 (Dobruca, Romanya)
[IT] Hârşova, Vadului strada, centro - Dicembre 2012 (Dobrugia, Romania)
[FR] Hârşova, Vadului rue, centre-ville - Décembre 2012 (Dobroudja, Roumanie)
[PT] Hârşova, Vadului rua, centro - Dezembro de 2012 (Dobruja, Roménia)
The way to the city center on the Vadului street in Hârșova, Romania. This video was taken on the date of 22nd of December 2012.
All rights reserved for Lazăr Mircea Teodor, the author of this video.
copyright Theodore Mircea.
Hârșova Town - 2012 presentation
All rights reserved for the author of this video, Theodore Mircea
Copyrights are shown in the video.
BNR Banca Nationala a Romaniei - NBR National Bank of Romania
Filmul prezinta elemente de detaliu arhitectonic ale cladirii Băncii Naționale a României. BNR este banca centrală a României, o instituție publică independentă, singura autorizată și responsabilă de emiterea bancnotelor și monedelor valabile pe teritoriul României.
The National Bank of Romania is the central bank of Romania and was established in April 1880. Its headquarters are located in the capital city of Bucharest.
Historical video document - aug 2014
Music by Jason Shaw - Solo Acoustic Guitar which is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 License.
Old Jewish Cemetery in Moldova - Еврейское кладбище в Молдове
Travel & Hotel Reviews
Published on May 28, 2016
The largest anti-Jewish pogrom was set up in 1903, after many Jews, fearing for his life moved to quieter places, including in Ribnita - a city on the left bank of the Dniester. The Jewish community in Ribnitsa before the start of World II was quite extensive, the city lived and worked thousands of Jews. In total
across the Moldovan Jewish population according to 1939 was
about 300 000. Many Jews fled the occupied Bessarabia by Romania to settle permanently in the Republic of Moldova.
The situation changed after 1941 the Moldavian SSR territory was
invaded and occupied by the German-Romanian forces.
Rybnitsa begin a ruthless purge of Jews created a Jewish
ghetto, one of the largest in Moldova. Escape is possible to
only a few, who managed to leave the city before the arrival
of Nazi troops, the rest were sent to the camps, never to
return there. Several hundred Jews were killed in the arson
Rybnitsa prison after Romania became known that on the way
Ukrainian Liberation Army 42. It happened a tragic event in 1944,
in memory of him now is a museum. After the , many Jews, as
elsewhere in the Soviet Union suffered from the so-called doctors
do, were sent into exile, however,
the number of people identify
themselves as Jews, to the 1970s,
was already about 100 000 people,
which was the high rate throughout
the Union.
In the 60-80-years of its Jews living
in the country are beginning to
emigrate abroad, and after the
establishment of the State of Israel,
this process has increased.
Currently, the only reminder of
their stay in the city a large
number of Jews is the Old Jewish
Cemetery, where the remains of
those who took a direct part in the
hostilities in the territory of Moldova,
as well as those who suffered during
the destruction of the Jewish
population, photo, see below.
Today, the Jewish population of
Moldova is equal to 2-3 thousand
people, Ribnitsa is almost no Jews
Travel & Events
Pictures taken by me in September 2011 in Bucharest,capital city of Romania.
Music was changed,sorry!
Reteta perfectiunii in foarte multi pasi care nu duc nicaieri (teaser)
un teatru fizic de Andrea Gavriliu
scenografia Alexandru Petre
muzica Mihai Dobre
asistent coregrafie Roxana Fanata
light design Lucian Moga si Alexandru Dancu
cu: Crina Andriuca, Cristian But, Ioana Cheregi, Raluca Mara, Andrei Gijulete, Andrei Stan, Vlad Muresan, Roxana Fanata
teaser Karoly Suveg
producator Teatrul de Nord Satu Mare (2018)
Concert-avanpermiera Kamerata Stradivarius - Societatea Muzicala
First Concert of Het Kamerata Stradivarius (Dutch-Romanian chamber orchestra) with its leader, violinist Razvan Stoica (owner of the 1729 Stradivarius violin).
Societatea Muzicala and The Cotroceni National Museum – with the support of Mobexpert – offered you the „avant-première” concert of the German tour the orchestra is having right afterwards.
The concert was followed by a short cocktail, with wine offered by Avincis.
Thursday, November 9th, 2017
W.A. Mozart – Violin Concerto no. 4 (Razvan Stoica & his Stradivarius violin „The Queen” – 1729)
W.A. Mozart – Piano Concerto no. 23 (Andreea Stoica – Best Piano Player in Prague, 2013)
At public’s request, some beautiful encores are prepared.
The concert will be followed by a cocktail – offered by Prestig Catering. The wine will be offered by Avincis.
ULMETUM Fortress, Pantelimon, Constanta, Romania
Ulmetum is the name of the ancient Roman settlement outside the village of Panteleimonul de Sus, Constanta county, as shown by an inscription which reminded about its residents: civi romani et Bessi consistenses in vico Ulmetum (Bess and Roman citizens hearty from Ulmetum village). From another large inscription we learn that Ulmetum was a village part of the Capidava territory.
According to the historical sources, the Ulmetum ancient fortress was built around the 3rd century AC, in the late Roman period and lasted until the 6th century, the Roman-Byzantine era. It is a small to medium city, which gradually became a fortified settlement and which in the 5th century was attacked and almost destroyed by three Hun waves.
Ulmetum ancient settlement has the shape of a right triangle with a curved hypotenuse. On the corners the fortress is equipped with three round towers. It has two doors flanked by two towers with semicircular front side (U shaped). On the south-east side (hypotenuse), are four rectangular towers to which are added another two towers of the same shape o the other two sides of the city. Ulmetum defensive wall has a thickness of 2.60 meters, the foundation wall being 20-60 centimeters wider than the elevation. The outer wall was coated with reused stone blocks, their size reaching 2.70 meters. On them were preserved traces of stone stairs which allowed climbing the wall, the steps having a height of 28 cm and 40 cm and width up to 1meter.
In the enclosure, built in a first stage on the end of the 4th, in the time of Theodosius the Great (379-395), there were some tombs dated to the second half of the 4th century, some arrangements with several rooms that look like military barracks and a basilica situated in the south of the fortification.
After a break of housing is, at the time of Justinian Emperor, there has been a recovery of the city, mentioned by ancient sources.
Din Histria am plecat trist, urmărit de salutul prietenos al popândăilor, berzelor, fazanilor, pupezelor, şoimilor şi broaştelor. La Histria nu vor mai reveni urmaşii întemeietorilor oraşului aşa cum se întâmplă prin fostele sate ale saşilor din Transilvania, unde, de câţiva ani, foştii locuitori vin, împreună cu copiii şi nepoţii, să îngrijească bisericile şi mormintele înaintaşilor lor, iar dacă te nimereşti pe acolo, te invită, cu bucurie, să le treci pragul. Nu ştiu dacă la Histria va veni vreodată un prinţ pentru a-şi cumpăra o casă din cetate şi să meargă la pescuit pe lacurile şi canalele Deltei. Nu ştiu dacă în următorii 200 de ani Histria va mai exista. Cu aceste gânduri călătoresc spre Ulmetum. Cetatea Ulmetum se află în centrul Dobrogei. Ca să ajungi acolo trebuie să fii foarte atent la hartă, GPS şi la indicaţiile sătenilor, deoarece nu sunt indicatoare rutiere. Drumul devine un drum românesc normal. Cauza? Probabil că drumul a fost distrus în urma împăduririi zonei cu uriaşele mori de vânt ce produc „energie vie şi ecologică. Mergând cu mare grijă şi încet prin acea pădure, m-am simţit nu un Don Quijote plecat să lupte cu morile de vânt, ci un minuscul Sancho Panza mult prea uluit de mărimea adversarului şi a armelor sale. Cetatea Ulmetum e un sit arheologic părăsit. Terenul fostei cetăţi este imaş pentru păscutul animalelor. Privind cu atenţie terenul vălurit al fostei cetăţi, poţi să-ţi inchipui unde erau drumurile, fundaţiile diferitelor edificii, porţile de acces, turnurile de apărare, etc. Amplasarea cetăţii era favorizată de configuraţia terenului care, în prezent, o ajută să nu fie cucerită de uluitoarea armată a Eolianului. Cetatea Ulmetm a suferit cel mai mult, ca şi la Arubium, ca şi la Hărlău, ca şi la Cetatea Cătălina din Cotnari, de pe urma locuitorilor contemporani mie, care au strâns piatra din zidurile fortificaţiei în folosul propriu. După ce am făcut câteva fotografii unei case din apropiere, am plecat spre Capidava.
Braila: Mit der Straßenbahn zum Salzsee | Straßenbahnen in Rumänien | Folge 3 | 09/2018
Das Straßenbahnnetz von Braila ist knapp 23 Kilometer lang und besteht aus vier Linien, wobei die Linie 23 auf unbestimmte Zeit eingestellt ist. Besonders sehenswert ist die Linie 24, welche südlich der Innenstadt beginnt und an einem Salzwassersee vorbei in ein fast völlig verlassenes Industriegebiet verkehrt.
Der Fahrzeugeinsatz gestaltet sich sehr abwechslungsreich: Auf den Linien 21 und 22 verkehren meist Wagen der Typen E1 (ex Wien), GT6/GT8 (ex Graz) und GT8 (ex Rotterdam). Auf der Linie 24 sind häufig Berliner Tatra KT4D anzutreffen. Außerdem sollen 10 Neuwagen beschafft werden, deren erfolgreicher Einsatz jedoch aufgrund des meist schlechten Gleiszustands zu bezweifeln ist.
Şcoala de Cultură şi Afirmare Romanească - Călăraşi, 14-16 martie 2014 - II
La muzeul Domeniilor Ostrov-Tinerii de la Şcoala de la Şcoala de Cultură şi Afirmare Românească , prezenţi la Călăraşi,câteva clipe de spiritualitate,câteva gânduri,frăţie şi UNIRE firescul relaţiilor dintre românii de dincolo şi de dincoace de Prut. Mulţumim Oana Belu pentru ospitalitate!
Resita, Romania - Industrial Area Terovei Valley
Ghiocei & Viorele, POPULAR, Snowdrops & Bluebells, 1930s
Ghiocei & Viorele, POPULAR, Snowdrops & Bluebells, 1930s. Orchestra Alhambra, Music Ion Vasilescu, Lyrics E.I. Mirea.
Welcome! The Livianu Virtual Museum of Audio-Visual Recordings is proud to present to music lovers around the world some of the most beloved songs performed by one of Romania's greatest singers, Dorel Livianu.
Dorel Livianu was born in Bucharest, Romania, on October 10, 1907. He showed his high quality voice at a young age when he performed at age 7 in Verdi's opera AIDA, as the little trumpet boy.
As a teenager he studied voice with the great Massini at the Bucharest Music Conservatory. As a rising star he was signed on by Columbia Records and His Master's Voice.
He launched some of the greatest hits of the 1930s and 40s, such as How Beautiful Life Is, In The Little Town Forgotten By The World, Johnny, Johnny, and many others.
Columbia Records labeled Livianu as The Golden Voice of Romania. Dorel Livianu covered most genres of Romanian pop music, from urban folklore, the tango, foxtrot and the Romanian blues known as romanta.
He performed with the Jewish Theater Barasheum in Bucharest between 1939 and 1945, when Jewish entertainers were banned from regular theaters. He was deported and interned in a Romanian-Nazy labor-concentration camp in Transnistria for 8 months, which he survided due to his notoriety.
Livianu also recorded many Jewish and American popular songs while residing in Israel and the United States. He was a frequent guest singer on popular New York radio shows like The Joey Adams Show, The Forward Hour on WEVD, and many others.
He is considered to have had one of the most beautiful pop voices of Romania. Dorel Livianu was married in 1939 to Mella Silberstein and had one child in 1955, David Bogdan.
In 1967 he took residence in America, commuting for performances between Romania and the U.S. He passed away on April 2, 1997. He is survived by a son and 2 grandchildren.
One of Livianu's most memorable slogans was Love the Romanian blues and you will forever stay young. It was one of my father's last wishes to make his recordings available to the world, as an expression of his everlasting love for Romania, Israel and America.
If you would like quality copies of these recordings, you can write to
Bine ati venit! Muzeul Virtual Livianu pentru Inregistrari Audio-Vizuale are placerea sa prezinte pentru iubitorii de muzica de pretutindeni cateva dintre cele mai iubite cantece interpretate de unul dintre cei mai mari cantareti Romani Dorel Livianu.
Dorel Livianu s-a nascut la 10 Octombrie 1907 la Bucuresti. A manifestat calitati vocale de la o varsta frageda debutand la 7 ani in opera Aida de Verdi, in rolul baietelului cu trompeta.
A luat lectii de canto cu maestrul Massini la Conservatorul din Bucuresti. Odata cu lansarea pe scena Romaneasca, a incheiat contracte cu mari case de discuri din Angla si America, His Master's Voice si Columbia Records.
Livianu a lansat in anii 30 si 40 cele mai mari slagare ale zilei, precum Ce Frumoasa Este Viata, In Micul Orasel Uitat De Lume, Ionel, Ionelule si multe altele.
Columbia Records l-a numit pe Dorel Livianu Vocea de Aur a Romaniei. Dorel Livianu a abordat numeroase genuri de muzica usoara Romaneasca, incepand cu folclorul urban, tango, foxtrot, si in mod special romanta.
Intre anii 1939 si 1945 a fost membru al teatrului Baraseum din Bucuresti, cand evreii nu aveau dreptul de a face parte din teatrele la moda. A fost deprtat si inchis intr-un lagar roman-nazist in Transnistria pentru 8 luni de zile. A reusit sa supravietuiasca datorita renumeli sau.
Livianu a inregistrat multe melodii populare everiesti si americane intre anii 1939 si 1945. Deasemenea a fost invitat de multe ori sa cante la celebre showuri radiofonice in New York precum The Joey Adams Show , The Forward Hour WEVD, si multe altele .
Vocea sa e considerate una dintre cele mai frumoase voci de muzica usoare romanesti. Dorel Livianu s-a casatorit in 1939 cu Mella Silberstein si au avut un singur copil in 1955, David Bogdan.
In 1967 s-a mutat in SUA, calatorind pentru concerte intre Romania si America. A incetat din viata la 2 aprilie 1997.
Una dintre expresiile de neuitat ale lui Dorel Livianu a fost Iubiti Romanta si Veti Ramane Vesnic Tanar. A fost una dintre ultimele dorinte ale tatalui meu, de a oferi inregistrarile sale intregii lumi, ca o expresie a dragostei sale vesnice pentru Romania, Israel si America.
Daca doriti copii de calitate ale acestor inregistrari, scrieti-ne la
EBS Kid’s STrythm - The Largest Synchronized Dance In Romania - Cluj-Napoca
EBS Kid’s STrythm - The Largest Synchronized Dance In Romania - Cluj-Napoca.
EBS Kid’s STrythm - Cel mai mare sincron de dans din Romania - Cluj-Napoca.