Travelers from different countries experience wonderful sights, things, foods, and people in Ibaraki prefecture. With a cinema camera, tourist attractions and undiscovered sights in Ibaraki make you feel as if you were watching movies, and it spreads to the world. Enjoy the beautiful sights of all the 44 cities in Ibaraki with travelers of VISIT IBARAKI, JAPAN, and visit there with your own feet. The way your eyes see the world will be completely changed... if you see these marvelous images.
[協力] Special Thanks
東海村観光協会 Tokai Village Tourism Bureau
豊受皇大神宮 Toyoukedaijingu
大神宮 Daijingu
村松山虚空蔵堂 Muramatsu-san Kokuzo-doh
東海村弓道連盟 Tokai Village Kyudo Federation
茨城県立東海高等学校 Tokai High School
とうかい村いきいきガイドの会 Tokaimura Iki Iki Gaido no Kai
東海村ボランティア市民活動センター「えがお」 Egao Tokai Village Volunteer Civic Activity Center