Exploring Murtle Lake - Paddling to the Wavy Crest Trail, Well Gray Park, BC
Towards the end of summer, we made a much anticipated 4 person expedition to Murtle Lake, BC, for a three day adventure. Murtle Lake is world-famous as the largest motor-free lake in North America. Set in a pristine mountain valley within Wells Gray Provincial Park, the north and west arms are approximately 20 km long, and the lake averages three kilometres wide.
Our goal involved not only exploring the lake by paddle, but using our complete second day to hike up into the alpine on the incredible Wavy Crest Trail. Thought by many to be one of the best alpine hikes in BC, the views blew us away and we ended up going all the way to the summit of Wavy Crest Peak. The approach to the alpine climbs vertically for over 1000 knee busting metres, but if you are up for the challenge, it’s completely worth it. It’s easily one of the best crowd-free wilderness experiences we’ve ever had.
More details on the route can be found at the excellent trail resource website “Kamloops Trails”
Music: “Iron Doors“ by The Lighthouse and the Whaler, “Light (instrumental)” by Odesza
Shot with: Nikon D3100, GoPro Hero 3+ Black
Day 11: Boya Lake Provincial Park, extreme northern BC
Boya Lake, on the Cassiar Highway (BC 37), is one of the few lakes in northern British Columbia that is warm enough for swimming. We chose to canoe, fish, and paddle with a pair of loons, and, as I had never seen my Merrimack Traveler on the water (I've always been IN it), I asked my brother to record me paddling by a few times. As you can see, the lake is indescribably beautiful, with the color morphing as your perspective and the lighting change.
Murtle Lake 8 day Canoe Trip (June/2017)
Murtle Lake, Wells Grey Provincial Park 2017 canoe trip. 3 Canadian guys out in the BC back country enjoying all beautiful Mother Nature had to offer use in June 2017. Weather was an issue and our hike up the mountain had to be cancelled, but we made the best of it.
2012 - Wells Grey Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada
My brother-in-law Murray & I spent three days at Wells Grey Provincial Park located in central British Columbia. We started our journey along the south end of Clearwater Lake and canoed north until we found the campsite that we stayed at for the next two nights. In all, we spent three days canoeing/fishing. To my surprise, we did not catch any fish! Maybe next time!
Murtle Lake, BC | Magical, Mystical, Murtle Moments
A little movie that captures the footage of our week long canoe trip on Murtle Lake, BC!
For more on this trip, check out: hiatushunnie.com
Murtle Lake BC Wells Grey Park August 2018 Part 3
Our trip to Murtle Lake BC north arm of the lake. Lots of smoke in the area from wild fires. Could not get pictures of all sites as people were camping there. Hope you enjoy and find the video informative. From launch to site 1 or 2 is 1.5 km. Site 1 to 19is 7 km. Site 19 to site 18 is 8.2 km. Site 18 to site 17 is 5.4km. Site 17 to site 16 is 3.6 km. That makes from launch to site 16 or far north end 25.7 km. Going up the west side of the north arm site 2 to site 13 is 10 km. Site 13 to site 14 just a short 2.5 km. Site 14 to 15 another 3.5 km. Site 15 to 16 along the west side, 9 km. The topographical map I use is an app on my phone Canada Topo. It uses location on the phone to track where you are and is spot on. Thanks for watching, like or dislike, comment or subscribe. Our next adventure awaits.
Wells Gray Park, BC August 25, 2019
Recorded during 8 day kayaking/ mountaineering adventure in Wells Gray Park, British Columbia, Canada.
Expedition included exploring 102 km of Murtle Lake coastline and climbing spectacular Wavy Crest Peak and Central Mountain with its extensive alpine meadows and lakes.
Murtle Lake Wells Grey Park BC Aug 2017 Part 1
Part one of two on our recent trip to Murtle Lake BC. Showing some of the 19 sites on the west arm of the lake. Word of advise for camping would be to take a tent rather than hammock. Just arent enough trees in the sites without being back in the trees and underbrush. It is a great place to paddle as the lake is clear and cold. The drive up and the 2.5 km hike are ... be prepared for slow drive and a portage.
Canoeing Murtle Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park
Wilderness Canoeing in the largest non-motorized lake in North America
Murtle Lake Back Country Canoe Trip
In July 2015 we spent 4 days canoeing and fishing on Murtle Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park in BC. Murtle Lake is a Canoe and Kayak only lake that starts with a 2.5 km portage of your canoe and gear onto the lake.
We had an awesome time, caught lots of fish and got some much needed relaxation. Come along for the adventure.
Music: Intro, chanho Bang, Creative Commons usage.
I have the worldwide commercial distribution rights to this video.
All logos created by my company The Outdoor Adventure . Net and I have commercial rights or permission to all still images, logos, and video.
Murtle Lake 4 Journey back
Up the Murtle river
a view from up the Murtle River at the north end of Murtle Lake
Joffre Lakes Provincial Park - Round Trip - British Columbia - Canada
Parc provincial Joffre Lakes - Aller-retour - Colombie-Britannique - Canada
Coordonnées GPS: 50°22'10.4N 122°29'55.2W
Le parc provincial Joffre Lakes est une destination très populaire auprès des randonneurs. Sans aucune hésitation, nous pouvons affirmer que ce site est NOTRE COUP DE COEUR en ce qui concerne les attraits que nous avons pu voir durant tout notre séjour.
La randonnée, d'une longueur totale de 10 km aller-retour nous amène à trois lacs aux eaux turquoises: Lower, Middle et Upper Joffre Lales. Ceux-ci sont alimentés par des glaciers.
Lower Joffre Lake
Son accès est très facile puisque le sentier de 200 m est plat et qu'il est situé à environ 5 minutes du stationnement. Il se trouve à une altitude de 1240 m.
Nous sommes totalement éblouis par la beauté du paysage. Le lac est de couleur bleu azur et l'eau est d'une clarté étonnante. Même la végétation est d'un vert éclatant.
En arrière-plan, on aperçoit les sommets enneigés du glacier Matier qui surplombe le Upper Joffre Lake.
Plusieurs personnes font demi-tour et ne visitent que ce lac. Elles ratent une excellente occasion de voir les deux autres lacs qui sont encore bien plus impressionnants.
Cependant, pour poursuivre la randonnée, il est recommandé d'avoir une bonne condition physique.
Middle Joffre Lake
Le sentier, d'une longueur de 3 km, débute également à partir du stationnement. Cependant, il est possible de bifurquer vers ce sentier lorsque l'on revient du Lower Joffre Lake.
Le sentier monte progressivement à travers la forêt jusqu'à ce second lac situé à une altitude de 1535 m. Quelques éclaircies en chemin nous permettent d'apercevoir au loin le premier lac situé au pied de majestueuses montagnes aux pics enneigés.
Il faut dire cependant que quelques sections du sentier demandent plus d'efforts car la pente ascendante est parfois plutôt raide.
Le sentier traverse également une clairière et entre à nouveau dans la forêt. Dans cette section du sentier, des escaliers avec quelques marches ont été érigés afin de faciliter la montée.
Et puis on entend des gens s'exclamer au loin devant nous. Ils ont aperçu le second lac. Il faut dire que l'émerveillement était à son comble lorsque nous sommes arrivés près d'eux.
Nous n'avions qu'une vue partielle du lac, mais la couleur de l'eau était vraiment sensationnelle. Nous avons dévalé une toute petite pente et étions déjà rendus au second lac.
Et bien là, c'était wow et re-wow!!!
Ce splendide lac est entouré d'une magnifique forêt et le glacier est maintenant bien visible en arrière-plan, un vrai décor de carte postale.
Cependant, l'endroit est beaucoup plus achalandé que le premier lac. Chacun prend la pose maintes et maintes fois pour obtenir le meilleur selfie possible.
Un long tronc d'arbre gît dans l'eau. A prime abord, cela peut sembler banal. Mais non, il est un élément qui ajoute du charme au paysage. C'est l'icône de ce parc national. On l'aperçoit sur la majorité des photos et vidéos.
Les gens font la file pour marcher sur ce tronc d'arbre et tenter de s'aventurer le plus loin possible. Nous avons vu un jeune homme tomber dans l'eau et revenir à la nage dans cette eau super glaciale. Cette courte escapade peut s'avérer fatale.
On peut également apercevoir une cascade se déverser dans ce lac.
Upper Joffre Lake
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Happiness - Cute
Song: LFZ - Echoes [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Video Link:
In Flow with Nature - Canoeing Murtle Lake in Wells Gray
Discovering total peacefulness while canoeing the north arm of Murtle Lake in Wells Gray Provincial Park Canada.
Murtle Lake Canoe & Hike August 2014
This was a great trip with a great group! Murtle Lake is located in Wells-Gray Provincial Park near Blue River, British Columbia. Thank you to Brendan for organizing the excursion! To read his trip report, follow this link:
Murtle Lake - Wells Gray Park
Annual Old Farts outing - this time in pristine and beautiful Wells Gray Park
PaulLakeKamloops BC
Paul Lake Provincial Park, Kamloops, BC, someone catching a fighter!