EL MUSEO AMERICA-GOLD BEACH (Ver-Sur-Mer, Normandía) [Activar subtítulos en español]
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Este vídeo es en memoria de JEAN-PIERRE DUPONT, conservador del museo AMERICA - GOLD BEACH hasta su fallecimiento en verano de 2017 ✝️
Visitamos el museo AMERICA - GOLD BEACH en Ver-Sur-Mer para conocer los secretos que esconde esta pequeña pero interesante colección. Este pequeño pueblo costero normando vivió dos grandes acontecimientos durante el siglo XX: el amerizaje del avión America y el desembarco de la infantería británica en la playa Gold Beach en el Día-D.
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GOLD BEACH (Normandía)
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Hoy visitamos GOLD BEACH, la playa del desembarco de NORMANDÍA situada en el centro del plan aliado. Este sector abarca la costa de dos municipios, Asnelles y Ver-sur-Mer, y hoy os proponemos conocer los principales objetivos de las tropas británicas aquí: Bayeux, Arromanches y Port-en-Bessin.
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Overlordtour - Ver-sur-Mer - GOLD BEACH - Admiral Ramsay's Headquarters
Link Booking :
Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay was responsible for Operation Neptune, the naval contribution to the invasion of Normandy, and the greatest amphibious operation in history.
Normandy ,Omaha and Gold-Beach ,the battlefields of D-Day
Omaha en Gold Beach played a crucial role during the landings of D-Day. We can see the landingzones of Arromanches, still with parts of the artificial harbor in place that the allied forces managed to build in a few days. We have visited the Musee du Debarquement, where they have some excellent displays of how the harbor looked and operated during the landings, and Arromanches 360, where original images en movies are composed in a 360 degrees setting,. Also included are impressions of the Musee America Gold beach at Ver-Sur-Mer, an overview of the beaches and a visit at the Canadian War Cemetery at Cintheaux, where 2958 Canadian soldiers are buried. Finally an impression of the Musee Memorial de la Bataille de Normandie at Bayeux, here you will find a lot of heavy equipment, weapons, uniforms and historical pictures and object.
Gold Beach - Les plages du débarquement #4
Faire la jonction avec Omaha
Le secteur de Gold s’étend sur 7,5km, entre les deux communes de Ver-sur-Mer, à l’Est, et de Saint-Côme-de-Fresné, à l’Ouest ; précisément entre les hameaux de « La rivière » et du Hamel. Cette bande de littoral est défendue par de nombreux bunkers, canons et mitrailleuses, particulièrement devant « Le Hamel », où les Britanniques rencontrent une très forte résistance. Les combats durent toute la journée dans ce secteur, fermant la porte d’Arromanches et de Port-en-Bessin, objectifs de la 50e division, le Jour J.
Dans cet épisode, Ouest-France vous propose de revivre l'assaut sur Gold Beach. Retrouvez également l'histoire des autres plages : Sword, Juno, Utah et Omaha. Chacune a connu un débarquement radicalement, et les hommes qui les ont foulées, dans l’un ou l’autre des camps, ont vécu cinq journées bien différentes.
Une série de podcasts réalisée par Damien Le Délézir & Maëliss Hennetier
Avec la voix de Paul Grisot
Crédits musicaux :
Virgules sonores réalisées par Damien Le Délézir
Sources :
- Clément Horvath, Lettres de soldats alliés, Till Victory (éditions Ouest-France)
- Jack Auger (Application 70e anniversaire du débarquement pour Ouest-France - lien :
Animé par : Ouest-France
Sexton Walkaround in Ver-sur-Mer 70th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy 2014
Sexton in Ver-sur-Mer.
Restored in 1999 by Dr Matthew Kiln as a memorial to his father, Major Robert Kiln.
Music by Kevin MacLeod Monkeys Spinning Monkeys.
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Gold Beach
A short video showing images taken at Gold Beach, Normandy, France, as part of a battlefield study/field trip starting in England and finishing in Normandy, France during July 2013.
Memorial Museum at Omaha Beach. D-Day
For more travel, visit our websites:
Short video from the Musée Mémorial d'Omaha Beach close to Omaha Beach, in Normandy France. On display at the museum are several vehicles and guns, and in the video you will see a Sherman Tank, a 102 mm gun, and a 155 mm gun
Overlord Museum Colleville sur Mer
Ver sur Mer (14)
Ver-sur-Mer est une commune française, située dans le département du Calvados en région Normandie, C'est une station balnéaire sur la Manche. La commune est à 25 km de Caen et à 16 km de Bayeux, sur la Côte de Nacre. Avec Graye-sur-mer et Meuvaines, Ver-sur-mer abrite de vastes marais arrière-littoraux, protégés de la mer par un mince cordon dunaire et s'appuyant contre la falaise morte d'âge jurassique. Les eaux douces piégées à l'arrière des dunes ont favorisé la création d'une mosaïque de milieux à la productivité biologique élevée. Ces marais sont inscrits sur la liste des sites Natura 2000 de l'inventaire national du patrimoine naturel . La commune est traversée par un fleuve côtier la Provence. Ce cours d'eau alimentait de nombreux moulins aujourd'hui disparus.
Lors de la bataille de Normandie, Ver-sur-Mer se situait à la jonction entre Gold Beach où débarquèrent les troupes britanniques et Juno Beach où débarquèrent les troupes canadiennes. La bataille coûta à la commune neuf victimes civiles, 165 maisons rasées, et 167 partiellement détruites. L'Amiral Ramsay qui commandait le débarquement établit et maintint son état major dans une maison près de la pharmacie.
Ver sur Mer
Aujourd’hui est un grand jour pour Alexandre. Ce trentenaire se rend chez sa mère qu’il n’a pas vu depuis dix ans. C’est important pour lui car il veut lui dire toutes les choses qu’il n’a jamais osé lui avouer auparavant. Dans une petite maison du bord de mer, Alexandre dit tout, Alexandre se libère…
Mais elle, l’a-t-elle réellement entendu ?
Overlord Utah Beach 2016
Digues endommagées à Ver-sur-Mer
Reportage de Stéphanie Lemaire et Charles Bézard.
Intervenants :
-Yves, Habitant
-Philippe Ornillon, Maire de Ver-sur-Mer
-Jacqueline André, Adjointe au maire
Toute l'actualité en Normandie
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D-Day tour Gold beach, June 2013
D-Day tour Gold beach, June 2013
SWORD BEACH (Normandía)
¡Alerta, guripas!
Hoy visitamos SWORD BEACH, la playa del desembarco de NORMANDÍA situada en la parte más al este de todo el plan aliado. Este nombre en clave incluía 15 km de costa entre los municipios de Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer y Ouistreham. La toma de la playa fue responsabilidad de la 3ª división de infantería británica, seguida por varias unidades de Comando.
Tendremos tiempo de conocer los objetivos de los aliados en Sword (con sus éxitos pero también con sus fracasos), daremos algún dato anecdótico para los más cinéfilos ????y también hablaremos sobre el único contraataque con blindados que los alemanes lanzaron en todo el Día-D.
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Maria visits the Matisse Museum in Nice – On the go with EF #45
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'On the go with EF' is our weekly vlog, where a team of EF youtubers travel the world and vlog about the cities they visit, languages and culture. The team now consists of Maria, Kendra, Liam & Angelina. New video every Thursday!
hotel / hôtel
street / rue
olive grove / oliveraie
museum / musée
palm tree / palmier
avant-garde = experimental and radical
cut-outs / découpés
green / vert
pink / rose
grey / gris
white / blanc
black / noir
red / rouge
blue / bleu
yellow / jaune
sculpture / sculpture
photograph / photgraphie
passepartout / passe-partout
frame / cadre
hat / chapeau
self portrait / auto-portrait
staircase / escalier
handrail / main courante
coast / côte
sea / mer
cliff / falaise
panoramic view / vue panoramique
boat / bateau
lounger / lit de transat
parasol / parasol
sun hat / chapeau de soleil
beach towel / serviette de plage
calender / calendrier
To enter the competition, listen to the question asked in the video and post your reply in the comments section below the video.
* Question: Who's your favourite artist?
* Prize: Matisse calendar
* Deadline to comment: 23rd November 2017
* Winner (YouTube username): Elena R.E
The winner is announced here, and also in the form of a reply to the winning comment, within 1 week after the entry deadline.
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Views on Omaha Beach, Normandy
This is a small sample of the video clip files showing views of the Omaha Beach sector of Normandy in France taken from the Video History Today database.
Please take a look at Video History Today , the first web site to offer unique collections of re-usable original video clips designed for teachers and students.
The idea behind Video History Today is to give schools the raw material to make mini-documentaries and video essays on historical subjects.
Initial packages focus on World War I (Somme and Ieper areas), The Holocaust, the American Civil War and D-Day & Normandy 1944.
D-Day Tours Normandy. The landing beaches, the battlefields, the war cemeteries.
D DAY Normandy Landing beaches and battlefield tours. Malcolm Clough has an unrivaled expertise in every aspect of the D Day landings and Operation Overlord. His expertise and enthusiasm really brings the tour to life. Bespoke D-Day tours are Malcolm's specialty. We can research any regiment, battalion or unit and show you where they landed, where they engaged and operated in 1944. RELAXED, FRIENDLY, EXPERT APPROACH. The best D-Day tour guides, the best locations, the most detail. We cover the ground but you'll never feel rushed, hurried or short changed. Bringing history to life. The best D-Day tour guides, the best locations, the most detail. We cover the ground but you'll never feel rushed, hurried or short changed. Bringing history to life. D Day Landing Beaches One-Day Tour
Highlights of the Normandy landings, 6th June 1944
The D Day landings on the beaches of Operation Overlord on 6 June 1944 have left such a legacy of fascinating historical sites to visit all along the Normandy coastline that there is never enough time to see everything. However, if you have a day to spare and would like to visit the Normandy Beaches, our guided tour of the highlights of the D Day landings will be ideal. Although there is a lot to see, rest assured we will not rush you from site to site offering only brief, superficial explanations of the significance of each location. Guided tours for individuals or small groups
D Day Tours Normandy Three Day Signature Tour
A comprehensive and detailed three-day tour of Operation Overlord
Our three-day tour combines a quality guided tour of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy with a relaxing short holiday. Our friendly personal service, luxury accommodation and delicious home cooked cuisine make this an ideal tour for small parties of up to six people who want to really find out more about what happened in the early hours and days of Operation Overlord.
Pegasus Bridge
The famous bridge across the Orne Canal at Benouville captured by a daring glider assault in the early hours of D-Day. We follow a visit to the bridge by taking coffee at The Café Gondree before visiting the Memorial Pegasus Museum.
The Merville Battery
The silencing of the German battery at Merville in an improvised attack by an ad-hoc force of paratroopers from 9th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment is a story of outstanding courage and leadership.
Ranville Cemetery
The reality of war and conflict should never be forgotten. It is always very humbling to visit a war cemetery where we pay our respects to the young men who lost their lives in war.
Sword Beach
The landing of British 3rd Infantry Division at La Breche in the face of stubborn resistance from Strongpoint 'Cod.'
Hillman Fortress
The British advance on Caen was significantly delayed by this well-disguised and strongly defended underground complex.
Juno Beach
The Canadian landing at Bernieres-sur-Mer. The original sea wall, concrete bunkers, machine gun and mortar emplacements which inflicted heavy casualties on The Queens Own Rifles of Canada as they came ashore still remain.
Gold Beach
Sgt Major Stanley Hollis, D Company, The Green Howards, was the only British & Commonwealth Soldier to win the Victoria Cross on D-Day. Hollis landed with 50th Infantry Division on King Sector of Gold Beach at Ver-sur-Mer.
'The story of the Mulberry harbours must rank among the most remarkable to emerge from the Second World War. In terms of engineering achievement it is surely one of the greatest of all time.'
Omaha Beach
It was at Omaha Beach that the Allies found the strongest German defences on D-Day, where they took their heaviest casualties and where they came closest to defeat.
St Mere Eglise
The strategically important market town stands on the main highway to Cherbourg. It was a key objective for U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. The museum at St Mere Eglise is a corner stone in understanding the role of U.S. Airborne forces during the Battle of Normandy.
Brecourt Manor
Following the success of the T.V. Drama 'Band of Brothers', Brecourt Manor is a popular site to visit. We shall explain what really happened here.
Utah Beach
U.S. 4th Infantry Division landed on Utah Beach. Spearheading U.S. VII Corps drive to isolate the Cotentin peninsula and capture the important port of Cherbourg.
The Pointe du Hoc
Tasked with neutralising the German gun battery at the Point du Hoc, D, E and F companies of the U.S. 2nd Ranger Battalion under the command of Lt. Colonel James Rudder climbed the 100-foot high cliffs of the Pointe to accomplish their mission.
The U.S. National Cemetery and Memorial at Colleville-sur-Mer
'The sight of the brilliant white headstones, laid in immaculate lines and set against the dark greens of the surrounding trees is beautiful, moving and tragic'
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En las redes sociales os propusimos un nuevo acertijo. Muy cerca de Gold Beach dimos con esta curiosa edificación.
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RECREACIÓN HISTÓRICA EN EL MUSEO D-DAY OMAHA (Vierville-sur-Mer, Normandía) [Subtítulos en Español]
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Hoy visitamos el museo D-Day Omaha no solo para admirar su enorme colección de piezas originales, tanto alemanas como aliadas, sino también para visitar su campamento de recreación histórica.
Queremos conocer de primera mano cómo estos dos mundos pueden complementarse en un esfuerzo por transmitir la pasión por la historia.
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