Descubriendo Murcia - Museo Salzillo
Museo dedicado en exclusiva a las obras del escultor barroco murciano Francisco Salzillo. El espacio forma parte de la Iglesia de Jesús adyacente y en la que se pueden apreciar los distintos pasos de Semana Santa creados por Salzillo para la Cofradía de Jesús y que forman la procesión del Viernes Santo.
Entre las obras expuestas destacan los pasos procesionales de La Cena (1763), La Oración en el Huerto (1754), el Prendimiento, conocida como ‘El beso de Judas’ (1763) y la Verónica (1755). En sus instalaciones se puede apreciar la evolución de los trabajos del escultor en la Sala de los Bocetos y el Belén de Salzillo creado entre 1776 y 1783 y compuesto por 556 figuras.
Museo Salzillo de Ruta Murcia
Museo Salzillo de Ruta Murcia
Canal 8 Murcia
Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) Museo Salzillo
Places to see in ( Murcia - Spain ) Museo Salzillo
The Salzillo Museum is a museum space that is located in the city of Murcia ( Region of Murcia , Spain ), and is monographically dedicated to the works done by the baroque sculptor Francisco Salzillo .
The museum is located in the central square of San Agustín, next to the Church of Jesus , which is part of it. It shows the steps of the Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus , which are set out in procession on the morning of Good Friday , his famous Bethlehem of five hundred and fifty-six pieces and about fifty preparatory sketches of the imager.
The idea of the creation of this museum began to take shape already in century XIX, but it was not until 1941 when its creation was approved by the Ministry of National Education. In 1962 , declared Historical Artistic Monument . Since then it is one of the most visited museums in the Region of Murcia and, undoubtedly, one of the most famous.
In 1914 , the process of creating the Salzillo Museum began, which was definitively instituted in 1941 , a project of major importance that will determine the subsequent interventions of consolidation, modification and enlargement of the building.
From the architectural point of view, it has the peculiarity of combining a 21st century building with spaces with white walls where natural light prevails, with a centrally located church from the end of the 17th century, whereby the visitor travels through contemporary spaces and baroque The church alludes at all times to the Passion of Christ, from its floor to its murals of the eighteenth century, with chapels that house the famous steps of the confraternity of Jesus.
( Murcia - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Murcia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Murcia - Spain
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Museo especialmente dedicado al genial imaginero murciano Francisco Salzillo.
En el Museo de Bellas Artes o Salzillo se pueden contemplar los pasos creados por el genial imaginero murciano.
Resaltar su magnífico Belén.
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Descubriendo el taller de Salzillo. Noche de los Museos Murcia 2019
Un paseo por el taller en el que los hermanos Francisco e Ines Salzillo nos muestran como crean sus tallas #MuseoSalzillo #photoMW #MuseumWeek #DIM2019 #IMD2019
03/12/2018 El Museo Salzillo contará con la presencia de otra Dolorosa de Salzillo
El Museo Salzillo de Murcia (MURCIAenGPS).
Vídeo sobre el Museo Salzillo de Murcia incluido en la guía de viaje digital de Bluguía MURCIAenGPS, disponible en App Store (iTunes) y Android Market.
Salzillo y Renfe Próxima estación Museo Salzillo Murcia
Vídeo promocional del Museo Salzillo de Murcia en Renfe.
Museo Arqueológico de Murcia
Adentrarse en el museo arqueológico de Murcia y recorrer sus salas, supone el comienzo de una apasionante aventura.
El MAM es de todos y para todos……, sus salas temporales, sus actividades didácticas, conocer la pieza viajera, la del año, la del mes…pretenden crear un vínculo con el visitante.
Arqua, Museo Nacional Arqueologia Subacuatica, Cartagena, España #museonacional#cartagena#arqua
Los Hermanos Salzillo. Noche de los Museos Murcia 2019
#MuseoSalzillo #IMD2019 #DIM2019 #MuseumWeek #FriendsMW #PhotoMW #DíaInternacionalDeLosMuseos #GaiaCultural #HistoriaViva
La Mañana de Salzillo (Tráiler 4K)
Avance de la serie La Mañana de Salzillo dedicada a la procesión del Viernes Santo en la ciudad de Murcia.
Estreno 23 de abril de 2015.
Una producción de la Fundación Integra para el Portal Región de Murcia Digital
Entrada de: `` La Santa Cena´´ al Museo Salzillo.
Best Tourist Attractions you MUST SEE in Murcia, Spain | 2019
Murcia ( or , Spanish: [ˈmuɾθja]) is a city in south-eastern Spain, the capital and most populous city of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and the seventh largest city in the country, with a population of 442,573 inhabitants in 2009 (about one third of the total population of the Region).
Discover what's best in your city.
The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 13th May, 2019:
1: Roman Theatre
2: Catedral de Murcia
3: Terra Natura Murcia
4: Plaza De Las Flores
5: Gredas de Bolnuevo
6: Battery Castillitos
7: Real Casino de Murcia
8: Jardín De Floridablanca
9: Castillo de Lorca - Fortaleza Del Sol
10: Museo Salzillo
Click on a link below to see an up-to-date list and more:
Belén Napolitano S.XVIII (Museo Salzillo)
Murcia, Museo de Santa Clara - Spain 4K Travel Channel
On our departure day in Murcia, we had time in the morning for a last visit to the city. We wanted to visit the Monastery Museum Santa Clara la Real. In the streets of Murcia, normality has returned, and nothing reminds of the phenomenal festival Entierro de la Sardina last week.
The Monastery Museum Santa Clara la Real is the most important building from the Moorish era. Besides, it also shows the changes and additions in the Gothic and Baroque periods. Thus, it is an outstanding testimony of different epochs and their architectural history.
King Taifa Murciano Ibn Mardanis (the Wolf King) built the palace in a residential area with adequate water outside the medina, in the 12th century. The simple palace was partially destroyed in 1172 when the Almohads took the city.
In the 13th century, King Ibn Hud al Mutawákkil of Murcia built in the same place the Alcácar Sequir (small palace) as a leisure palace. The official residence of the Muslim royal family was the Alcázar Nasir (Grand Palace), further south on the banks of the River Segura.
Ibn Hud was assassinated in 1238. In 1243, Murcia became a protectorate of the Crown of Castile. Ibn Hud al-Dawla (the predecessor's uncle) became the new king of Murcia. The Alcázar Seguir became the permanent residence of the royal family of Murcia.
After the take-over of the city by the Christians the Alcázar Sequir became a royal house of the Castilian monarchy. At that time the castle included not only the palace, but also other buildings, baths, and gardens.
In 1365, Peter of Castile called the Cruel, donated the palace to the Order of the Poor of Santa Clara. One built a Gothic cloister which is still preserved today. The courtyard of the palace, reminiscent of the Alhambra in Granada, became the center of monastic life.
Today's museum houses primarily sacred works of art of the Christian culture. But you also see important Shiite writing by the Muslim scribe of the Egyptian al-Azhar University, Hasan al-´Idwil al-Hamzawi, dating from 1886.
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An unserem Abreisetag in Murcia hatten wir am Vormittag noch Zeit für einen letzten Besuch in der Stadt. Wir wollten das Museum des Klosters Santa Clara la Real besuchen. In den Straßen von Murcia ist wieder Normalität eingekehrt und nichts erinnert an das phänomenale Fest Entierro de la Sardina in der letzten Woche.
Das Museum des Klosters Santa Clara la Real ist das bedeutendste Bauwerk aus der maurischen Epoche. Daneben zeigt es aber auch die Veränderungen und Ergänzungen in der Gotik und im Barock. Somit ist es ein hervorragendes Zeugnis verschiedener Epochen und deren Baugeschichte.
Ursprünglich wurde der Palast in einem Wohngebiet mit ausreichend verfügbarem Wasser außerhalb der Medina von König Taifa Murciano Ibn Mardanis (dem Wolfskönig) im 12. Jahrhundert errichtet. Der einfache Palast wurde 1172 teilweise zerstört, als die Stadt von den Almohaden eingenommen wurde.
Im 13. Jahrhundert baute König Ibn Hud al Mutawákkil von Murcia an der gleichen Stelle den Alcácar Sequir (kleiner Palast) als Freizeitpalast. Die offizielle Residenz der muslimischen Königsfamilie war der Alcázar Nasir (großer Palast) weiter südlich am Ufer des Flusses Segura.
1238 wurde Ibn Hud ermordet. 1243 wurde Murcia ein autonomes Protektorat der Krone von Kastilien. Ibn Hud al-Dawla (der Onkel des Vorgängers) wurde neuer König von Murcia. Der Alcázar Seguir wurde zur ständigen Residenz der Königsfamilie von Murcia.
Nach der Übernahme der Stadt durch die Christen wurde der Alcázar Sequir zum Königshaus der kastilischen Monarchie. Damals umfasste das Schloss nicht nur den Palast, sondern auch andere Gebäude, Bäder und Gärten.
1365 schenkte Peter I. der Grausame den Palast dem Orden der Armen von Santa Clara (Klarissen Orden). Ein gotischer Kreuzgang wurde errichtet und ist heute noch erhalten. Der Innenhof des Palastes, der an die Alhambra in Granada erinnert wurde zum Zentrum des klösterlichen Lebens.
Das heutige Museum beherbergt in erster Linie sakrale Kunstwerke der christlichen Kultur. Aber es beherbergt auch eine für die Schiiten bedeutende Schrift des Muslimischen Schreibers der ägyptischen al-Azhar Universität Hasan al ´Idwil al-Hamzawi aus dem Jahr 1886.
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