Museo de La Rioja.
Vídeo presentación del Museo de La Rioja. Reapertura al público el 22 de octubre, una vez finalizada su reforma.
Places to see in ( La Rioja - Spain ) Logrono
Places to see in ( La Rioja - Spain ) Logrono
Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. It is the capital of the province of La Rioja. The population of the city in 2008 was 153,736 while the metropolitan area included nearly 197,000 inhabitants. The city is a centre of the trade in Rioja wine, for which the area is noted, and produces wood, metal and textile products.
Logroño is located in the northern region of La Rioja, on the river Ebro, 384 metres (1,260 feet) above sea level. The Camino de Santiago passes through the city. The city lies 152 km (94 mi) from Bilbao, 172 km (107 mi) from Zaragoza, 336 km (209 mi) from Madrid and 468 km (291 mi) from Barcelona.
Logroño was an old settlement, first of the Romans, under the name of Vareia, a commercial port, and then of the Celts. From the 10th century, possession of Logroño was disputed between the kings of Navarre and those of Castile; the region was finally annexed to Castile. The name is a combination of le and Groin, mashed together as Logroño over time. Alfonso VI of Castile granted Logroño in 1095 a charter of rights that served as a model for other Spanish cities. In 1609 and 1610 Logroño was the main seat of the Basque witch trials, part of the Spanish Inquisition.
Logroño is the shopping and financial capital of La Rioja. Its economy is heavily reliant on wine. It is twinned with Dunfermline, Darmstadt, Libourne, Dax, Rancagua, Ciudad de La Rioja, Brescia, Hagunia. The new airport Logroño-Agoncillo connects the city with Madrid and Barcelona.
Alot to see in Logrono such as :
Con-Catedral de Santa María de la Redonda
Iglesia (Church) de San Bartolomé
Iglesia de Santiago
Iglesia de Palacio
Museo de La Rioja
Parlamento de La Rioja, an old factory of the tabacalera, the national tobacco company.
Muralla del Revellín
Fuente (Fountain) de la Gran Vía in which royal figures with a connection to either Logroño or La Rioja are represented in bronze. Because the figures are placed looking towards the public and so large torrents of water pour down behind them, the fountain is commonly known as the one with wet backs.
Peña Bajenza, a massive rock formation which can be seen from the town.
Bridge of Mantible, in the El Cortijo district. Constructed during the Roman era and declared Bien de Interés Cultural in the Monument category on January 25, 1983.
( La Rioja - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting La Rioja . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in La Rioja - Spain
Join us for more
스페인 여행-라리오하 [Spain Travel-La Rioja] 산 마테오 축제, 와인투어/Logrono/San Mateo Festival/Winery/Laguardia
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[Google Map Information]
- Logrono
- Bodegas Ysios . 보데가스 이시오스
- Marqués de Riscal 마르케스 데 리스칼
[한국어 정보]
피레네산맥을 사이에 두고 프랑스 남부와 마주한 스페인 북부. 그 길을 달려 이번엔 로그로뇨에 도착했다. 바르셀로나나 마드리드와는 다른 차분하고 여유로운 스페인 북부. 그런데 어디선가 길거리 공연이 한창이었다. 오늘이 아쉽게도 산 마테오 축제의 마지막 날이란다. 그런데 옆 동네에선 잔치가 한창이다. 행사나 축제에 빠질 수 없는 스페인의 전통 요리 파에야. 파에야는 가족 대대로 내려오는 요리이고 대부분 남자들이 만든다. 이번엔 포도주를 마시는 시범을 보여준다. 이 지방에 살던 선원들이 흔들리는 배 안에서 마시던 방법이란다. 관광객이 따라 해보지만 맙소사! 마시는 것보다 흘리는 게 더 많다. 한 방울도 흘리지 않는 게 정말 신기하다. 시간이 지날수록 너 나 할 것 없이 축제의 마지막을 즐긴다. 세계 어딜 가나 사람들을 불러들이는 건 음식이다. 특히 보기만 해도 한입 먹고 싶어지는 파에야. “여기서 모두가 다 즐기면서 (일을) 하고 있습니다. 요리하면서 술도 한 잔씩 하고요. (산 마테오) 축제에서는 다들 즐기는 것이 가장 중요하잖아요.” 동네 사람들이 한자리에 모여 식사를 한다. 우리 식으로 하면 시골 밥상인 셈이다. 오손도손 맛있게 아이들까지 한 접시 뚝딱 해치우는 파에야. “(맛이) 아주 좋아요. 정말 맛있습니다. 만드는 모습도 직접 봤는데, 한마디로 예술입니다. 아주 맛있어요.” 포도밭이 끝없이 펼쳐진 곳을 달리다 보면 스페인을 대표하는 와인 산지 리오하가 나타난다. 피레네산맥을 두고 프랑스 접경에 가까운 리오하 지방은 실제로 프랑스 보르도의 양조기술을 도입해 단숨에 세계적인 와이너리로 성장했다. 리오하 지방에서 가장 아름다운 마을로 손꼽히는 라과르디아. 중세로의 시간 여행을 하는 순간, 포도를 가득 실은 트랙터가 현실을 일깨운다. 그런데 비현실적인 건물이 하나 보였다. 와인에게 바치는 성전이라는 보데가스 이시오스. 와인 저장고 겸 와인 박물관이다. 물결 모양 지붕에 삼나무와 유리로 이뤄진 건물도 매력적이지만 포도밭 뒤로 병풍처럼 펼쳐진 바위산과의 조화가 더 멋있다. 그 옆에 감탄이 절로 나오는 건물이 또 하나 있다. 와인 빛깔을 띤 복합 와인 문화 공간 마르케스 드 리스칼. 빌바오의 구겐하임 미술관을 만든 프랭크 게리의 작품이다. 다양한 빛깔의 포도밭과 어우러진 최고의 명소이다 보니 많은 관광객들이 찾는다. 상큼한 포도 향기를 따라가면 와인 제조 과정을 볼 수 있다. 세계 3위의 와인 생산국인 스페인. 특히 리오하 지역 특유의 템프라니요와 가르나차 포도로 스페인 대표 와인을 만든다. 오랜 세월을 지켜온 지하 와인 저장고에는 무려 4백만 병 분량의 와인이 숨 쉬고 있다. 전통과 현대 와인을 모두 맛볼 수 있다. 스페인 와인에 있어 오크통의 숙성 기술 도입은 각별한 의미를 갖는다. 오크통 숙성이라는 장기 숙성 방식을 통해 고품질의 와인을 생산한다는 것이다. 나는 더 오래된 와인 저장고를 구경할 수 있는 있는 기회를 얻었다. 비밀 창고 같은 문이 열리자 눈앞에 놀라운 풍경이 펼쳐졌다. 마치 동굴 속에서 시간이 멈춘 채 와이너리의 역사를 고스란히 안고 있는 박물관 같았다. “지금 우리가 (이곳에) 보관하고 있는 와인은 1862년산부터 있는데, 이것은 (우리 와이너리에서) 최초로 병에 담은 ‘마르케스 데 리스칼 와인입니다.” 19세기 와인 저장고와 21세기 와인 판매장이 공존하는 이곳. 포도밭 속 와이너리가 세계적으로 입소문을 타면서 와인 제조 시즌인 9월 말에서 10월 초뿐 아니라 일 년 내내 내방객이 끊이지 않는다. 세계 각지의 관광객들이 와이너리 투어를 하러 오는데 투어의 재미 중 하나는 산지에서 생산된 와인을 직접 맛 볼 수 있다는 것이다. 시음장엔 다양한 종류의 와인이 구비되어 있고 저렴하게 살 수 있다. 호기심이 밀려왔다. 과연 리오하 와인의 맛은 어떨까? 명불허전, 이름이 난데는 다 이유가 있었다.
■클립명: 유럽099-스페인17-02 로그로뇨 산 마테오 축제와 라과르디아 마을 와인 투어
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 조성만 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 10월October
마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,와이너리/포도농장,winery,박물관/전시관,museum,동굴,cave,축제,축제,,festival,공연,축제,,performance,술,alcohol,기타음식,food,건물,architecture,유럽Europe스페인SpainEspaña에스파냐조성만201910월라리오하 지방La RiojaLa RiojaOctober걸어서 세계속으로
Bien de Interés Cultural en la Categoría de Monumento desde 1962. Palacio Barroco del siglo XVIII que ocupó el general en su retiro en Logroño, al que se le añadió posteriormente un escudo eclesiástico en su fachada cuando se dispuso para residencia episcopal, algo que nunca llegó a suceder.
En 1971 se convirtió en el Museo Provincial, actualmente Museo de La Rioja.
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Museo Würth en Agoncillo, La Rioja
El Museo Würth está concebido como escenario del arte contemporáneo internacional de vanguardia de los siglos XX y XXI.
En estas instalaciones se exponen las obras pertenecientes al fondo artístico propio de Würth España así como los de la Colección Würth procedente de Alemania, considerada una de las principales en Europa y formada gracias a la iniciativa del Profesor Dr. Reinhold Würth desde los años 60.
Un Museo es mucho más que las obras que contiene, es un espacio para mirar, para escuchar, para opinar y reflexionar, un lugar donde modelar la imaginación y dar forma a las ideas.
En el Museo Würth de La Rioja, estos espacios se aúnan con un compromiso didáctico y social que se concreta en un programa permanente de actividades dirigidas a público adulto, infantil y con necesidades especiales, con el claro objetivo de divulgar el Arte Contemporáneo.
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Places to see in ( Logrono - Spain )
Places to see in ( Logrono - Spain )
Logroño is a city in northern Spain, on the Ebro River. Logrono is the capital of the province of La Rioja. Logrono is a centre of the trade in Rioja wine, for which the area is noted, and produces wood, metal and textile products.
Logroño is located in the northern region of La Rioja, on the river Ebro, 384 metres (1,260 feet) above sea level. The Camino de Santiago passes through the city. The weather in Logroño —mostly due to its peculiar location, both in terms of distance to the Atlantic coast and in the situation along the course of the Ebro river, is characterized by values ranging from those typically found in temperate oceanic climates to the warmer and drier ones observed in southeastern mediterranean regions of the river's valley.
Logroño was an old settlement, first of the Romans, under the name of Vareia, a commercial port, and then of the Celts . From the 10th century, possession of Logroño was disputed between the kings of Navarre and those of Castile; the region was finally annexed to Castile. The name is a combination of le and Groin, mashed together as Logroño over time. Alfonso VI of Castile granted Logroño in 1095 a charter of rights that served as a model for other Spanish cities. In 1609 and 1610 Logroño was the main seat of the Basque witch trials, part of the Spanish Inquisition.
Logroño is the shopping and financial capital of La Rioja. Its economy is heavily reliant on wine. It is twinned with Dunfermline, Darmstadt, Libourne, Dax, Rancagua, Ciudad de La Rioja, Brescia, Hagunia. The new airport Logroño-Agoncillo connects the city with Madrid and Barcelona.
Alot to see in ( Logrono - Spain ) such as :
Con-Catedral de Santa María de la Redonda
Iglesia (Church) de San Bartolomé
Iglesia de Santiago
Iglesia de Palacio
Museo de La Rioja
Parlamento de La Rioja, an old factory of the tabacalera, the national tobacco company.
Muralla del Revellín
Fuente (Fountain) de la Gran Vía in which royal figures with a connection to either Logroño or La Rioja are represented in bronze. Because the figures are placed looking towards the public and so large torrents of water pour down behind them, the fountain is commonly known as the one with wet backs.
Peña Bajenza, a massive rock formation which can be seen from the town.
Bridge of Mantible, in the El Cortijo district. Constructed during the Roman era and declared Bien de Interés Cultural in the Monument category on January 25, 1983.
Plaza del Mercado: Located somewhere near Calle Portales, one of the most famous avenues of the city, at the foot of the Round Cathedral. This is where the nightly festivals of Logroño occur, near Calle Mayor (Marqués de San Nicolas Street).
Parque del Ebro: Located near the Ebro, an extensive park full of vegetation ideal for relaxing. Also has a bike path traversing through the park.
Parque de la Ribera: Next to Parque del Ebro, recently constructed. Here many gardens are found alongside the Plaza de Toros de la Ribera. Also: Riojaforum. Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de La Rioja
Parque de San Miguel
Paseo del Príncipe de Vergara (El Espolón): Located in the financial center of the capital and positioned in the center by the statue of General Espartero.
Town Square: Located on the Avenue of Peace, the modern Town Hall of Logroño, designed by architect Rafael Moneo, is in a large plaza where in years past it has seen numerous public acts, festivals, expositions, concerts, and in the last few years, during Christmas, a life size reconstruction of the nativity scene.
Carmen Park: Located near the bus station, this park is one of the most beautiful of the city with its variety of flora and fauna including several ducks and birds.
( Logrono - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Logrono . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Logrono - Spain
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Centro de Logroño. Turismo la Rioja
Logroño es la capital de La Rioja y su casco histórico esconde historias y leyendas.
Os presentamos un video por algunas de sus calles.
Disfruta de un tour por las bodegas de #larioja con catas y siente los sabores tradicionales riojanos con esta jornada de #enoturismo en la que visitarás una bodega centenaria unica y podrás degustar #vinos prefiloxéricos junto a los mejores sabores de la #gastromia riojana.
Reserva tu tour a través del siguiente enlace o encuentra más actividades en
#lariojaapetece #experienciasrioja
#larioja #mynodus #enoturismoenlarioja
Paseo por el museo de la Rioja
Bodega Marques de Riscal - Logroño, la Rioja, España. CristoRealty
El Marqués de Riscal, a Luxury Collection está situado en elsiego, en la provincia de Álava, en la Rioja. El edificio fue construido por el innovador proyecto del arquitecto Frank Gehry. Ofrece 2 restaurantes, Spa y conexión WiFi gratuita.
Las habitaciones están decoradas de forma individual. La mayoría de ellas tienen ventanas con alféizar de la ventana zigzag y vistas al valle. El baño está totalmente equipado con mármol negro y Secador de pelo.
El Spa Vinothérapie Caudalie Marqués de Riscal ofrece una gran variedad de tratamientos con uvas. Los huéspedes pueden disfrutar de una piscina cubierta, hamam, una sauna finlandesa y un centro de fitness.
El Restaurante the Marqués de Riscal se especializa en platos del Norte de España, mientras que el Restaurante 1860 Tradición prepara platos modernos de cocina tradicional española con productos locales. El Desayuno se sirve en un menú de degustación.
En la azotea hay un salón con biblioteca y un Bar de vinos. La azotea y las 8 terrazas ofrecen vistas panorámicas a los alrededores.
El hotel Marqués de Riscal organiza visitas guiadas a los viñedos y al Museo de vinos más grande de Europa, Vivanco. El hotel Marqués de Riscal se encuentra junto a la autopista AP-68 (Bilbao - Zaragoza).
Además, la Puntuación de este alojamiento es de las mejores en Elsiego. Los huéspedes están satisfechos con ellos más que la ubicación de otras opciones en la zona.
CristoRealty ofrece un alojamiento confortable durante las vacaciones, los viajes en la región de la Rioja, tanto para los turistas familiares como para los grandes grupos turísticos.
Museo Würth La Rioja - Agoncillo, España 2015
Museo Würth La Rioja - 2015 una visita en el mes de enero a las exposiciones Mundo acuatico y Somos, sois , eres ,soy
Best Attractions and Places to See in Logrono , Spain
Logrono Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Logrono. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Logrono as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Logrono.
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List of Best Things to do in Logrono
Marques de Murrieta
Bodegas Campo Viejo
Calle del Laurel
Bodegas Franco Espanolas
Calle San Juan
Bodegas Vina Ijalba S.A.
Iglesia de San Bartolome
Museo de la Rioja
Concatedral de Santa Maria de la Redonda
Parque del Ebro
XXVII Muestra de ARTE JOVEN en La Rioja - Exposicion en Logroño, La Rioja ( 2011)
XXVII Muestra de ARTE JOVEN en La Rioja noviembre 2011 Exposicion en Logroño
Museo Wurth-La Rioja
Imágenes del Museo Wurth, recientemente inaugurado en La Rioja
Sesión 'De Noche, el museo suena' 09/08/17 en Museo Würth La Rioja
Reapertura del Museo de La Rioja. Declaraciones del Presidente del Gobierno de La Rioja
Declaraciones de Pedro Sanz, Presidente del Gobierno de La Rioja, con motivo de la reapertura del Museo de La Rioja
Paseo de Santiago Logroño Nájera La Rioja
Camino de Santiago
Logroño - Nájera
Camino Francés
Tramo 8
18 de Junio de 2016
Yudelys García
Héctor Rubio
Omar Molina
The Chieftains
1. Lots Of Drops Of Brandy
2. The Dusty Miller
3. Planxty George Brabazon
4. An Gaoth Aneas
La Rioja
Museo dedicado a las Misiones (Logroño)
Breve reportaje emitido el 9 de enero de 2018 en RTVE La Rioja
Celebración del Día de La Rioja en Fitur 2011- Grupo de danza de Logroño
Bodega Contino - La Rioja, Spain
David's Been Here is in La Rioja, Spain's Logroño city. Touring the different vineyards of this world famous wine region, David visits Bodega Contino- a small winery famous for their production of Graciano, a unique Spanish red wine grape. Walk through the vineyards and storage facilities of this beautiful bodega as David tours and tastes his way through Contino. If you're interested in wine, La Rioja is the perfect place for you to visit. Find Bodega Contino and all the top wineries of Logroño in the David's Been Here Guide to La Rioja, now available for your Kindle as well.
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Bodega Contino - La Rioja, Spain
Museo Würth La Rioja. 2014
Visita al Museo Würth de La Rioja situat al Polígon Industrial El Sequero d'Agoncillo a uns 17 kms. de Logroño.
Exposició temporal titulada somos, sois, eres, soy amb obres de la col·lecció Würth España dels artistes següents:
Alexandre Arrechea
José Carlos Balanza
José Manuel Ballester
Miquel Barceló
Tony Bevan
Naia del Castillo
Esperanza d'Ors
Mercedes Gonzalez de Garay
Curro González
Paolo Grassino
Koldobika Jauregi
Xavier Mascaró
Miquel Navarro
Tony Oursler
Jorge Perianes
Jaume Plensa
Kit Rank
Félix J. Reyes
Ana Soler.