Places to see in ( Mantova - Italy ) Museo di Palazzo Ducale
Places to see in ( Mantova - Italy ) Museo di Palazzo Ducale
The Palazzo Ducale di Mantova is a group of buildings in Mantua, Lombardy, northern Italy, built between the 14th and the 17th century mainly by the noble family of Gonzaga as their royal residence in the capital of their Duchy. The buildings are connected by corridors and galleries and are enriched by inner courts and wide gardens. The complex includes some 500 rooms and occupies an area of c. 34,000 m². Although most famous for Mantegna's frescos in the Camera degli Sposi (Wedding Room), they have many other very significant architectural and painted elements.
The Gonzaga family lived in the palace from 1328 to 1707, when the dynasty died out. Subsequently, the buildings saw a sharp decline, which was halted in the 20th century with a continuing process of restoration and the designation of the area as museum. In 1998, a hidden room was discovered by Palace scholars, led by musicologist Paula Bezzutti. The room is thought to have been used for performances of Monteverdi's music in the late 16th century.
The entrance of the palace is from Piazza Sordello, onto which the most ancient buildings, the Palazzo del Capitano and the Magna Domus, open. They formed the original nucleus of the so-called Corte Vecchia. The Palazzo del Capitano (Captain's Palace) was built in the late 13th century by the Captain of the People Guido Buonacolsi (whose family ruled Mantua from 1271 to 1328). Initially built on two floors and separated from the Magna Domus (Latin: Big House) by an alley, in the early 14th century it received a further floor and was united to the Magna Domus by a large façade with a portico. The additional floor consists of a huge hall (67x15 m), known as Hall of the Weapon Room of Hall of Diet, as it housed the Diet of Mantua in 1459.
The monumental Scalone delle Duchesse (Duchesses' Staircase), built in the 17th century and renovated in 1779 by Paolo Pozzo, leads to the Room of the Morone, named after the 1494 canvas of the Veronese painter Domenico Morone, portraying the Expulsion of the Bonacolsi in 1328. In the noble floor of the Captain's Palace is the First Room of Guastalla, with a fresco frieze with portraits of the Gonzaga family, which once extended to the successive room, the Room of Pisanello, from the artist who, from 1433, painted a series of frescoes depicting a Tournament and other scenes, which were left unfinished. His commissioner, Gianfrancesco Gonzaga, is portrayed in the paintings. The frescoes were rediscovered and restored in the 1960s and 1970s.
In 1519 Isabella d'Este moved her residence from the Castle of St. George to this older sector of the Gonzaga palace, in the so-called Widow Apartment. Isabella's apartment included two wings now divided by the entrance to the Cortile d'Onore (Honour Court). The Grotto Wing housed the wooden furnitures and the paintings from her famous studiolo, commissioned from 1496 to 1505 to Mantegna (Parnassus and Triumph of the Virtues), Lorenzo Costa the Elder (Isabella d'Este in the Realm of Harmony and the Realm of Komos) and Perugino (Combat of Love and Chastity), as well as new ones by Correggio (Allegory of Vice and Allegory of Virtue).
The church of Santa Barbara, which had the role of Palace chapel (Basilica Palatina) for the Gonzagas, was built in 1562-1572 by Giovanni Battista Bertani, commissioned by Duke Guglielmo. It allowed for religious ceremonies, with some degree of independence from the papal hierarchy. It was outfitted with an Antegnati organ (1565) by one of the premier builders of Northern Italy. The organ was restored in 1995. The church has a central plan, with a square tiburium in the middle, followed by a raised semicircular presbytery covered by another tiburium, similar to the other one, and ending into a scenographic apse decorated with coffers. Under the presbytery is the crypt with an oval memorial. The bell tower has a square plan, and is topped by a small temple. Recently the remains of four dukes and other members of the Gonzaga family, including those of Guglielmo, were discovered in the church.
( Mantova - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Mantova . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Mantova - Italy
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Mantua Italy • Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia
Mantua Italy Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia. Our cruise has a dramatic approach to Mantua, home of the poet Virgil, artists Mantegna and Donatello and a captivating lakeside setting. Mantua displays extraordinary neo-classical and baroque architecture, portrayed in the 14thC Ducal Palace housing some 15 gardens and courtyards, a museum, basilica and theatre. The intricate frescoes, Gallery of Mirrors and exquisite Rivers Room and 12,000 paintings and sculptures all create a Grand Finale to our Italian Renaissance adventure.
The imposing capital of Lombardy, Mantua (or Mantova) is a beautiful, historic city surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes created during the 12th century. Mantua's historic power and influence under the wealthy Gonzaga family made it one of the main artistic, cultural and musical hubs of Northern Italy. Mantua's most famous ancient citizen is the poet Publius Vergilius Maro, Virgil, who was born near the city in 70 BC. revolt backed by the House of Gonzaga led to the election of Luigi Gonzaga as the Captain General of Mantua. The Gonzagas built new walls with five gates and renovated the architecture of the city in the 14th century. During the Renaissance, the Gonzaga family raised the level of culture and refinement. In 1627, the Gonzaga line came to an end, and the town slowly declined under the new rulers.
Palazzo Ducale, the home of the Gonzaga family from the late 13th to early 17th centuries, is a huge complex of buildings, courtyards, a museum, basilica, theatre and 15 gardens. There are over 500 rooms and some 12,000 paintings and sculptures. The most famous room is the Camera degli Sposi with frescoes from 1474 painted by Mantegna.
The Duomo, the Cathedral of San Pietro, was first erected on the site of a Palaeo-Christian structure that was destroyed by a fire in 894. The church was rebuilt in 1395-1401 with the addition of side chapels and a magnificent Gothic façade. After another fire in the 16th century, the interior was remade. In 1756-1761 the façade was replaced by the Baroque one in Carrara's marble.
The Basilica di Sant'Andrea was begun in 1462 on a site occupied by a Benedictine monastery and finished 328 years later. The Benedictine bell tower from 1414 still remains. The church holds the tomb of the painter Andrea Mantegna and a much-disputed relic said to hold the blood of Christ.
The 11th century Rotonda of San Lorenzo, the most ancient church in the city, is believed to be on the site of a Roman temple to Venus. Deconsecrated, it was used for dwellings, shops and stores. Later it was restored and the external additions removed.
In 2008 Mantua became a UNESCO World Heritage Site based on its Renaissance planning and architecture.
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*Music by Daze Audio -
I musei statali si presentano: Peter Assmann, Direttore Palazzo Ducale di Mantova
Il Palazzo Ducale di Mantova è un complesso architettonico che occupa una superficie di 35.000 mq e 950 ambienti, residenza principale della famiglia Gonzaga dal 1328 al 1707. Eccezionale testimonianza della storia di Mantova, del Rinascimento italiano e della storia dell’arte europea tra Medioevo e Barocco, grazie alla sua specificità il Museo rappresenta uno dei beni culturali caratterizzanti il sito “Mantova e Sabbioneta”, inserito nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità dell’UNESCO.
Peter Assmann è Direttore del Complesso Museale di Palazzo Ducale di Mantova dal 1° novembre 2015. Austriaco, storico dell’arte e professore universitario nelle Università di Linz e Vienna e al Politecnico di Milano, già Presidente dell’Associazione Musei Austriaci e ora Presidente Onorario, dal 2011 membro del Comitato Scientifico del Castello di Buonconsiglio di Trento, è curatore di mostre d’arte con molteplici partecipazioni in giurie per progetti di arte contemporanea e attività museali. È egli stesso artista con partecipazioni ad esposizioni internazionali dal 1995.
Il Palazzo Ducale di Mantova è uno dei più vasti e articolati complessi architettonici italiani, in cui dagli inizi del XX secolo ha sede un museo statale. E' stato residenza della famiglia Gonzaga, che ha dimorato continuativamente al suo interno tra il 1328 e il 1707. Il pittore Andrea Mantegna, nella torre di nord-est del Castello dipinge la celeberrima Camera degli Sposi (1465-1474), una delle massime espressioni del Rinascimento padano.
Palazzo Ducale, (Ducal Palace) - Mantova, (Mantua) - Northern Italy Tour by Tour With Us
Day 2 - Tour With Us - Northern Italy Tour
When the group decided to add two extra days, Stefano and Gianfranco immediately thought that they should take this opportunity to visit the fabulous town of Mantua. It has so much to offer. This year has been chosen as the Italian Capital of Culture.
Here is a video of the Palazzo Ducale di Mantova (Ducal Palace) built between the 14th and the 17th century by the noble Gonzaga family.
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MANTOVA - PALAZZO DUCALE Reggia dei Gonzaga - Full HD
Il Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, noto anche come reggia dei Gonzaga, è uno dei principali edifici storici cittadini.
Dal 1308 è stata la residenza ufficiale dei signori di Mantova, i Bonacolsi, e quindi la residenza principale dei Gonzaga, signori, marchesi ed infine duchi della città virgiliana.
Ospitava il Gonzaga dominante del tempo, sua moglie, il figlio legittimo primogenito e gli altri figli legittimi sino alla maggiore età nonché gli ospiti importanti
Assunse la denominazione di Palazzo Reale durante la dominazione austriaca a partire dall'epoca di Maria Teresa d'Austria regnante.
Ambienti distinti e separati tra loro furono costruiti in epoche diverse a partire dal XIII secolo, inizialmente per opera della famiglia Bonacolsi successivamente su impulso dei Gonzaga. Fu il duca Guglielmo ad incaricare il prefetto delle Fabbriche Giovan Battista Bertani perché collegasse i vari edifici in forma organica così da creare, a partire dal 1556, un unico grandioso complesso monumentale e architettonico, uno dei più vasti d'Europa (34.000 m² circa ), che si estendeva tra la riva del lago Inferiore e Piazza Sordello, l'antica Piazza di San Pietro. Morto Bertani nel 1576, l'opera fu proseguita da Bernardino Facciotto che completò l'integrazione di giardini, piazze, loggiati, gallerie, esedre e cortili, fissando definitivamente l'aspetto della residenza ducale.
Nei quattro secoli di dominazione gonzaghesca la reggia si espanse gradualmente, sia con aggiunta di nuove costruzioni, sia modificando quelle esistenti . Si formarono diversi nuclei che presero il nome di:
Corte Vecchia, comprendente gli edifici più antichi verso piazza Sordello
Domus Nova, edificata da Luca Fancelli
Corte Nuova, di fronte al lago, costruita da Giulio Romano e successivamente ampliata dal Bertani e dal Viani
Basilica palatina di Santa Barbara, costruita dal Bertani.
Del complesso facevano parte anche alcuni edifici e cortili demoliti, tra i quali la Palazzina della Paleologa e il Teatro di corte.
L'interno del palazzo è quasi spoglio poiché, in seguito a ristrettezze finanziarie i Gonzaga, iniziando dal duca Ferdinando, alienarono opere d'arte (soprattutto a Carlo I d'Inghilterra) e arredi, mentre di quanto rimase, una parte fu successivamente sottratta in epoca napoleonica.
I terremoti dell'Emilia del 2012 hanno provocato inizialmente danni ad alcune sale del palazzo gonzaghesco (Sala di Manto, Galleria dei Mesi, Corridoio del Bertani). Il palazzo, chiuso dal 20 maggio 2012 , è stato successivamente riaperto alla visite turistiche solo parzialmente, dovendosi procedere a importanti opere di ripristino in Corte Nuova, l'ala del palazzo maggiormente danneggiata dalle scosse telluriche. Ben più gravi sono risultati i danni causati dalle scosse del 29 maggio che oltre a peggiorare le lesioni risalenti alla scossa del 20, hanno colpito il campanile della Basilica palatina di Santa Barbara e il Castello di San Giorgio
Intervista a Peter Assmann, direttore del Museo di Palazzo Ducale a Mantova
Intervista a Peter Assmann, direttore del Museo di Palazzo Ducale a Mantova
Mantova - Museo Civico di Palazzo Te
Mantova Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2016 - Palazzo Te è stato costruito tra il 1524 e il 1534 su commissione di Federico II Gonzaga è l'opera più celebre dell'architetto italiano Giulio Romano. Il complesso è oggi sede del museo civico e, dal 1990, del Centro internazionale d'arte e di cultura di palazzo Te che organizza mostre d'arte antica e moderna e d'architettura.
MANTOVA - Palazzo Ducale 4K
MANTOVA - Il Palazzo Ducale filmato con Sony RX10m3 in 4K.
Palazzo Ducale di Mantova - 1 parte
Il Palazzo Ducale di Mantova è uno dei più vasti e articolati complessi architettonici italiani, in cui dagli inizi del secolo scorso ha sede un museo statale. Residenza della famiglia Gonzaga, che dimora continuativamente al suo interno tra il 1328 e il 1707, il Palazzo si sviluppa, nel corso dei quattro secoli di dominio gonzaghesco su Mantova e il territorio, attraverso continue stratificazioni e aggregazioni a partire dal duecento.
Museo Palazzo Ducale: guida alla visita
Mantova: tante ma solo alcune immagini Palazzo Ducale 5/5/2016
Palazzo Ducale - Doge's Palace
Watch the new video on this unique Palace in Venice and get a preview of what you're about to experience...
REGINA SCHRECKER Palazzo Ducale Mantova
Mantua: sightseeing tour at Palazzo Te | Italia Slow Tour |
Italia Slow Tour in Mantua, one of the best Italian art cities where spending a cultural weekend. Our sightseeing tour of Mantua starts with Palazzo del Te, conceived by Giulio Romano for Gonzaga Family. Palazzo del Te is a very peculiar building, guess why...
Cover pic courtesy of Flickr User Vale (@littlecrazybutterfly)
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Il Complesso Museale del Palazzo Ducale di Mantova
E’ descritto come il più grande complesso architettonico espositivo italiano: vi si trovano stanze e giardini, cortili e logge, ma anche apparati decorativi e opere d’arte, collezioni varie e affreschi straordinari.
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Places to see in ( Mantova - Italy )
Places to see in ( Mantova - Italy )
Mantua is a city surrounded by 3 artificial lakes in the northern Italian region of Lombardy. It's known for the architectural legacy of the Renaissance Gonzaga rulers, who built the Ducal Palace. This imposing building houses the Bridal Chamber, decorated with Andrea Mantegna frescoes. The Gonzagas also built the Te Palace, known for the Chamber of the Giants, where every surface is painted with mythological scenes.
Mantova - or Mantua in Emilian dialect - in Lombardy is famous for its artistic and cultural heritage and, under the rule of the Gonzaga family, had one of the most important courts of the Renaissance. In 2008 the city of Mantova became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2005 the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente named it Italy's most liveable city for quality of life. Surrounded by three artificial lakes created in the twelfth century, Mantova is a city still full of Renaissance splendour where visitors can also enjoy the tranquility of the lakes or a walk or cycle ride along the banks of the River Mincio.
The Gonzaga Renaissance Tapestries is at three locations: the Palazzo Te, the Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga and the Museo di Palazzo Ducale and brings together 34 tapestries collected by the three sons of Francesco 11 Gonzaga [1466-1519] and Isabella D’Este [1474-1539]. During the time of Federico II Gonzaga, the first Duke, his brothers Ercole, a cardinal and Ferrante, an army commander and later Governor of Milan, the ownership of tapestries was becoming a symbol of wealth and power. The brothers collected hundreds of tapestries from Flanders or that were worked by Flemish weavers in Italy. Often the tapestries were copied from paintings of the time.
After the brothers’ deaths many of the tapestries were destroyed, dispersed or acquired by other noble Italian families and only 52 have come down to us today. Art historian Guy Demarcel has studied all these works and is the curator of the Mantua exhibition. Some of the tapestries are on loan from other European museums. 18 of the tapestries are on permanent exhibition at the Palazzo Te.
Visit the Cathedral, most of which was built between 1395 -1401 but the Baroque façade dates from the eighteenth century. Admire the Piazza Sordello while you’re there. Visit the Rotonda di San Lorenzo, the city’s oldest church, built in the late eleventh century. After all that culture, you’ll some sustenance, so why not head for one of the cafés in the Piazza delle Erbe and order luccio in salsa [pike in green sauce] or tortellini with zucca
Want to get away from it all? Take a boat tour on the Lago di Mezzo or the Lago Inferiore. In this photo: view of Mantova from the Lago di Mezzo - by Pietro Liberati. Or hire a bike and ride along the Mantova Lake Trail or, if you’re feeling adventurous, take the Mantova to Peschiera Bike Path.
( Mantova - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Mantova . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Mantova - Italy
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IO PARLO ITALIANO - Peter Assmann - Palazzo Ducale Mantova
Peter Assmann, direttore del Palazzo ducale di Mantova, è nato a Zams, nel Tirolo e ha compiuto i propri studi universitari a Innsbruck. Lo storico dell’arte austriaco è tra i protagonisti di “Io parlo italiano”, la web serie realizzata dall’agenzia giornalistica 9Colonne con il sostegno del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale-Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese. Con 363.173 visitatori nel 2016, Palazzo Ducale ospita il capolavoro assoluto del Rinascimento padano: la “Camera degli sposi” dipinta da Andrea Mantegna. In questo breve colloquio, Assman ci spiega cosa lo lega all’Italia e perché è l’italiano la lingua dell’arte, del piacere e della bellezza.
Mantua: Ducal Palace | Italy | World Cultural Heritage
#Mantua #Italy #UNESCO
The Ducal Palace, Mantua (Italian: Palazzo Ducale di Mantova, or reggia dei Gonzaga) is a group of buildings in Mantua, Lombardy, northern Italy, built between the 14th and the 17th century mainly by the noble family of Gonzaga as their royal residence in the capital of their Duchy.
The buildings are connected by corridors and galleries and are enriched by inner courts and wide gardens. The complex includes some 500 rooms and occupies an area of c. 34,000 m². Although most famous for Mantegna's frescos in the Camera degli Sposi (Wedding Room), they have many other very significant architectural and painted elements.
La Camera Picta (Latin: Painted Chamber) or Camera degli Sposi (Italian: Bridal Chamber) is the most famous room of the palace, known for its frescoes executed by Andrea Mantegna, from 1465 to 1475. The painted scenes portrays members of the Gonzaga family.
The Gonzaga family lived in the palace from 1328 to 1707, when the dynasty died out. Subsequently, the buildings saw a sharp decline, which was halted in the 20th century with a continuing process of restoration and the designation of the area as museum.
Mantua and Sabbioneta were inserted onto the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008.
The two cities are associated for the significant bequest left to them by the noble Gonzaga Family, that envisioned and realized their magnificent Renaissance downtowns.
Video footage used:
RAI Documentary Wonders - The peninsula of treasures
Music used:
Aria Questa o quella per me pari sono
Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi
Tenor: Luciano Pavarotti
Conductor: Riccardo Chailly
(from Rigoletto, Italian opera film of 1982)
Aria Parmi veder le lagrima
Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi
Tenor: Rolando Villazón
Conductor: Marcello Viotti
Orchestra: Münchner Rundfunkorchester
Sound recording copyright owner: WMG
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Mantova palazzo ducale visita alla camera degli sposi